Colin Trevorrow says his new Jurassic World dinosaur is “like the Joker”

How mad must Jared Leto be at not getting this casting call?

Aux News Jurassic World
Colin Trevorrow says his new Jurassic World dinosaur is “like the Joker”
Original image: ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images

One issue screenwriters have periodcially faced, when dealing with the long-running Jurassic Park and Jurassic World franchises, is that it’s hard to ascribe a lot of intent to the “villains” of each film. (By which we mean the dinosaurs, and not the eight million evil scientists and corrupt executives in this world who always think “tourist buffet” is an acceptable outcome for a theme park trip.) These are, after all, essentially just animal attack movies being made on a very large scale, a reality which has led writers to pull a lot of silly shit to introduce some villainous weight to their stories—most notably the characterization of Jurassic World’s centerpiece dino, hybrid creation Indominus rex, as a sort of dinosaur sociopath, lacking regular, uh, dinosaur morals. (Somewhere, we sense a fictional Jeff Golblum just began stammering in indignation at that idea.)

Now, regular franchise director Colin Trevorrow (returning to Jurassic after skipping World sequel Fallen Kingdom to, well, not make a Star Wars movie) has suggested that we’ll be getting an even more twisted take on a bad dinosaur with his new movie, Jurassic World: Dominion. That’s per an interview Trevorrow gave to Empire this week, along with a new photo of the film’s Gigantosaurus, calling it—and, we swear, we are not making this quote up—“like the Joker.”

God, how pissed must Jared Leto be that he didn’t get this call?

Trevorrow “elaborates” that he means that the Giga “just wants to watch the world burn,” as opposed to regular dinosaurs, who think deep thoughts about ecology and the environment and ethics before they spit a bunch of poison goo in Wayne Knight’s face, we’re sure.

Really, it’s just a very funny response to the constant problem of how you escalate in a franchise that started with “All the coolest dinosaurs that ever existed are trying to eat our heroes.” After all, what’s scarier than a giant amoral lizard that eats flesh and has knives for teeth? One who wants to show you a magic trick, we guess.

Dominion hits theaters on June 10. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are both set to return to star, alongside long-time franchise friends Goldblum, Sam Neill, and Laura Dern.


  • deb03449a1-av says:

    I’m going to become the Joker

  • rogar131-av says:

    We live in a prehistoric society…

  • scobro828-av says:

    Hopefully we can get:

  • kingofmadcows-av says:

    So the dinosaur will refuse to shave off its feathers before applying the white makeup?

  • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

    Did they add house cat genes to it?

  • discojoe-av says:

    So I read this article on AV Club and the one on Io9/Gizmodo. Why are do both make some sort of equation to Leto when the comparison made is to Ledger’s Joker? Like, do you guys not know the difference between the actors, the movies, or the portrayals of the character?

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      It’s because Leto is on the minds of everyone thanks to Morbius.

    • sethsez-av says:

      Why are do both make some sort of equation to Leto when the comparison made is to Ledger’s Joker?

      Because both are completely absurd for a goddamn dinosaur, so it feels way more likely to tilt towards the terrible try-hard Joker rather than the Oscar-winning one.

      • discojoe-av says:

        That’s fair, but I’m now just more embarrassed at the wording of my comment, having read it in your quote of it.I always poke fun of the articles on Kinja and how bad they can sometimes be. And that’s with editors. But Jesus look at what I did.“Why are do both make…”Holy hell.

        • sethsez-av says:

          Unless you got paid to write it, it’s no biggie. We all are make revisions to the our replies sometimes and forget to proofread them before to post it.

  • rogersachingticker-av says:

    So much for the unfounded hopes that Trevorrow was the guy to right the ship after the crapfest that was Fallen Kingdom. If you’re gonna say a dinosaur is like the Joker, it damned well better wear a purple suit with a fake flower on the lapel…

    • egerz-av says:

      This movie sounds horrible but I think the real problem is alluded to in the article — the original is a classic, yet it’s also a poor premise to build a franchise around. It’s got the same problem as Jaws, in that there is no way to make multiple installments without telling the same basic story, while raising the stakes in ways that are fundamentally silly.Better directors wouldn’t have taken calls about this movie. Trevorrow just didn’t have anyone else calling him.

      • jomonta2-av says:

        I think that ‘The Lost World’ and ‘Jurassic Park 3′ actually mostly succeeded at building the franchise. They’re certainly not great movies (though I rather like TLW) but at least the dinosaurs still behaved like animals and they were creating new stories even if the stories were still something along the lines of “humans are trapped on an island with dinosaurs”. In TLW the T-Rex attacks after the humans stole it’s baby, the raptors don’t show up until the humans enter their territory, and the rest of the dinosaurs mostly just mull around like big cows. Same with JP3, even if the Spinosaurus did seem to have a bit of a vendetta.

    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      If this movie somehow ends with an enormous dinosaur dressed in purple leading a parade to Prince music, I’m in.

    • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

      But he wrote the crapfest that was Fallen Kingdom (as well as directing the crapfest that was Jurassic World) so those unfounded hopes were deluded rather than unfounded.

    • sethsez-av says:

      Fallen Kingdom’s direction was perfectly fine, it just had a completely unworkable script… which was written by Colin Trevorrow.Anyone who thought Trevorrow might be a beacon of hope clearly hasn’t been paying any attention.

      • mosquitocontrol-av says:

        And yet fallen kingdom had fewer issues than lost world. It was a decent haunted house flick, just not a good JP movie. Lost world was just a tonal mess that did nothing well.

        • sethsez-av says:

          I’ve said for a while that I actually love Fallen Kingdom for feeling like a cheap no-budget Italian ripoff of a Jurassic Park movie (“we’ve got some cheap jungle scenery and a producer’s house, let’s shoot it in those and make the back half a slasher to save on money”) that was accidentally given a gigantic budget and the official Jurassic Park branding due to some zany mix-up. It’s not… y’know, good, but it’s goofy as all hell and feels destined to be watched with silhouettes of Tom Servo, Crow and Preferred Host overlaid on it.

          Lost World just sucks.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      That fucking dino better go by the name “Mr. Pilkington”.

    • thehobbem-av says:

      Bsed on Jurassic World, the script of Fallen Kingdom, and his unfilmed script of Star Wars IX, it was a very unfounded hope indeed.

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        Compared to the actual Star Wars IX we got, his script wasn’t that bad. But that’s really faint praise.

        • thehobbem-av says:

          I don’t know if I’d say Trevorrow’s IX was better than what we got (and like you said, that bar is so low it’s just doing the limbo in hell), but I’ll definitely say it was weirder than JJ’s, and for a wildly different target audience, too.

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      Why would the guy who directed Jurassic World have been a beacon of hope for anything?  It’s like thinking JJ Abrams would save the third Star Wars sequel.

      • dinoironbody1-av says:

        Not a fan of Force Awakens?

        • jpfilmmaker-av says:

          TFA is… fine. Superficially exciting, but mostly empty. It’s basically a glorified fan film, which is essentially JJ’s entire filmography. TFA set up some interesting ideas (most of which Rian Johnson ignored or actively undermined), but mostly just kind of slapped cool looking moments together that didn’t really add up to much.

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      I mean… jurassic world wasn’t really that good either. Fun romp and all, but nothing spectacular. 

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    periodcially —> periodicallyJeff Golblum —> Jeff Goldblum

  • docprof-av says:

    Ok but again I have to ask, what about the plotline that was very obviously hinted at about the little girl who was crossbred with dinosaur dna?

    • egerz-av says:

      Wasn’t she just a normal human clone, who felt kinship with the dinosaurs because they were also clones? Or did I miss something there?

      • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

        It’s been a while, but I believe she actually does indeed have dinosaur DNA in her blood. Somehow.

      • docprof-av says:

        It was never explicitly stated, but they very conspicuously focused on her eyes repeatedly and showed that they didn’t blink like human eyes, but like dinosaur eyes instead. And other hints throughout the movie that I can’t remember specifically because it’s been a long time since I watched it now.

        • egerz-av says:

          Yeah but I think the point of all that was to draw a parallel between the girl and the dinosaurs, because their very existence was equally unnatural. The technology required to extract and rebuild dinosaur DNA from 60 million year old mosquitos trapped in amber is so mind bogglingly advanced that the task of creating a simple unmodified human clone from a recently deceased person would be trivial in comparison. Only ethical concerns would have prevented Hammond’s company from going there, they wouldn’t have had any need or reason to add dinosaur DNA in order to create the little girl. And the James Cromwell character wanted his daughter back, not some weird dino-human hybrid who looked like his daughter.She refuses to exterminate the dinos at the end because they’re just like her, unnatural creatures who didn’t ask to exist. I don’t think she’s meant to be part dino.

          • docprof-av says:

            Well that’s all much less interesting and I imagine the third movie will be even more of a turd than the second movie was.

    • nerdherder2-av says:

      Like Velocipastor?

    • triohead-av says:

      Remember that story about how the 4th JP sequel was going to have half-man/half-dino supersoldiers? I’m not entirely sure they’ve given up on that idea. They’re just taking baby steps with Chris Pratt’s trained commando raptors, then human-dino hybrid, then full on chimeras.

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    You know, I dunk on these Newswires from time to time for their low-effort, low-content clickbait (which I…ya know…click on), but I’ll throw you a compliment here:  you could have just posted that image with “^^This^^” and the link to your source underneath and I would have crowned your heads with laurels for authoring the Best Newswire of 2022 (low bar, but still…).

  • ladytron2000-av says:

    I’m sorry, but whoever wrote “damaged” on the Dino gets all my stars.I literally LMAO’ed at it for a few minutes.(It’s been a rough week.)

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    Tomorrow’s featured listicle: “Let’s think outside the Joker — here are 15 other villains to consider comparing the Gigantosaurus to for the Dominion sequel”

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Christopher Nolan’s greatest sin is introducing the world to the phrase “wants to watch the world burn”

  • vulcanwithamullet-av says:

    Isn’t the whole theme of the series from the very first movie (and novel) basically “we’re going to introduce venal, horrible human characters, so that dinosaurs can eat them and correct the moral equilibrium?”
    In other words, the real villains have always been the humans. The dinosaurs are at best neutral, and T. Rex is almost always painted as a hero.
    Maybe I have thought too much about this.

    • sethsez-av says:

      [cigar chompin’ Hollywood executive]: What the fuck is “man’s hubris”? Can we make it in CG? Can it eat someone? Does it look good on a poster in China? Get this fuckin’ script outta my face and give me something the people want, like… I don’t know, “Gigantosaurus”. See, that’s a great idea and I’m not even a screenwriter, what the fuck am I paying you for? Get outta my office!

  • systemmastert-av says:

    Is it wrong that I’m less pissed about the stupid Joker thing than that they grabbed Gigantosaurus for a big T-Rex, when that’s an old sauropod genus?  Like, come up with a different name, this is like saying “My new elephant is like the Joker” while showing us a picture of a tiger.

  • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

    … so the dinosaur is terrible at stand-up comedy?

  • gregthestopsign-av says:

    Maybe he’s talking about the Joker from the Steve Miller Band song? 

  • nerdherder2-av says:

    Trevorrow can fuck right off with that bullshit.

  • sethsez-av says:

    We all know the real breakout star of this movie is going to be the pteranodon modeled after Harley Quinn.

  • mexican-prostate-av says:

    Can we just have a good dinosaur movie without the extra silly BS? 

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    who does colin trevorrow have pictures on? 

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