Just one straight hour of Helmut Zemo dancing his weird little heart out

TV Features Helmut Zemo
Just one straight hour of Helmut Zemo dancing his weird little heart out
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier And The Weird Baron They’re Friends With Photo: Chuck Zlotnick/Marvel Studios

You know how it is: You’re an international terrorist with a love of complicated and convoluted plans, and you’ve just finally gotten out of prison. (Via promising some of your most hated enemies that you’ll help them with their other most hated enemies, natch.) You’re having a great time, trading snide little quips, smirking knowingly, and just generally being a real classic Hannibal Lector type…and that’s when you feel the beat. If you’re Helmut Zemo, master criminal and weird little dude, you have no choice: Now is the time on Falcon And The Winter Soldier when we dance.

Baron Zemo’s dance moves have been one of the most-discussed aspects of the third episode of Disney+’s new superhero thriller, which sees the villain cutting loose on a Madripool dance floor, for a definition of “loose” that involves a lot of head nodding, restrained shimmying, and extremely awkward little claps. The brief moment has been clipped and shared extensively on the internet since “Power Broker” debuted, and now Marvel Studios has gotten in on the fun.

And while nothing normally kills a meme faster than having a copyright holder barge into the conversation to get in on “the fun,” we have to admit that Disney’s contribution is pretty amusing: A full hour of Daniel Brühl (who improvised all of Helmut’s moves) cutting a rug on repeat. Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes might not enjoy the Bad Baron’s moves, but fans of his style will now be able to replicate it at their leisure.


  • mattthecatania-av says:

    How Zemo Got His Barony Back

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    Dance off, Bro!

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Iz Zemo drinking a Zima? 

  • bc222-av says:

    After finding out the writer of this ep wrote the John Wick movies, this ep makes SO much more sense.

    • haodraws-av says:

      It’s a mess of an episode, but I thin a large part of the blame is on COVID. They had a storyline with a deadly virus pandemic that they scrapped because of COVID, that’s why there’s the subplot of the Flag Smashers stealing medicines and stuff leftover, which in turn means some episodes will have that patchwork feel to them.

      • tommelly-av says:

        Ah, that makes sense. I have to say, I didn’t hate the episode. Zemo was fun, and the whole thing was captivatingly bonkers. A lot of the jokes fell flat, and much of it made zero sense, but if you stopped expecting Citizen Kane, it was an enjoyable time-waster.

        • pgthirteen-av says:

          This is a pretty apt description. The show isn’t aces, but it’s Marvel! On TV! Once a week! I’ll take it.I want to love the Zemo stuff … but man, they really skirt over the fact that he killed the father of one of the MCU’s most beloved characters … I’m wondering if there’s a ret-con coming?

    • qwedswa-av says:

      They could have gotten any competent writer. What they need is the people who choreographed and filmed the fight scenes of John Wick movies. I’m so sick of two characters grabbing each other and the camera shaking all over the place. If they have a long fight scene, I have to close my eyes. I actually get a headache from it. 

      • bc222-av says:

        I thought Sharon’s fight in the shipping yard was pretty good, maybe the best fight scene of the series so far. It was VERY John Wick. Especially with the stabbing of a dude with a knife, then grabbing it out and throwing it while still holding it in the stabbing grip. i feel like that’s the kind of efficient motion John Wick would be proud of. A good mix of close-up hand to hand and distance shooting.

        • qwedswa-av says:

          John wick in theory. But in style, it was lazy Marvel. I couldn’t find the shipyard scene. But here’s a comparison. There are two things no notice – the movement of the camera and the number of cuts.

  • fatedninjabunny76-av says:

    You know I hate this clip…. Its cause I once saw myself dancing and that’s just how I roll. Is it so bad when I see zemo and I say hey that’s not bad dude.?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “Hey kids, who wants to do the hot new dance sweeping the nation? It’s called the Zemo and it goes like this!”*shuffles arrhythmically*

  • franknstein-av says:
  • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

    Madripoor, not Madripool. I swear, does nobody fact-check or copy edit?

  • thither-kinja-sucks-avclub-av says:

    So… so this is just 30 seconds of footage repeated 120 times? Way to copy and paste, House of Ideas!

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