Just Taron Egerton learning what a "bussy" is

Aux Features Taron Egerton
Just Taron Egerton learning what a "bussy" is

Oh, innocence. We all had it at some point, and we all lost it at some point. Sometimes that loss is sought out, other times it just slaps you in the face, leaving your young, mushy brain with no clear path back to naivety. The latter appears to have been captured on camera for Taron Egerton, who inquired after a particularly naughty word while the Rocketman actor was reading thirst tweets for BuzzFeed. A fan tweeted, “Taron Egerton is a white boy that I trust to destroy my bussy.” The subsequent range of emotion sweeping over him is astounding.

You can almost breathe in the innocence as he laughs and asks what it is, his bright eyes waiting for the answer. His smile drops when an off-camera voice informs him, “It’s their butt.” His slow realization manifests in squinted eyes, a soft “really?”, and a slow shake of the head. The camera zoom, though, is truly is the pièce de résistance of the moment.

Bussy,” as Urban Dictionary so eloquently points out, is a combination of the words “boy” and “pussy,” if you hadn’t put that together yet. As Out clarifies, it’s a term regularly used in the gay community. Perhaps his “naughty” buddy Elton could have enlightened him.


  • mixhail-av says:

    Well its official: the Cum Town podcast has officially gone mainstream.

    • andyjameson-av says:

      The term predates Cum Town, although I wouldn’t be surprised if this is where the Big Mouth writers learned incorrectly that bussy stands for “butt pussy”, not “boi pussy”, as it’s actually been used by the gays.

  • tekkactus-av says:

    I mean… context clues, my dude?

  • geekmilo-av says:

    C’mon, Taron, you were in a movie that ended with you fuckin’ a butt.

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    This was also news to me. It seems, as I have suspected for some time, that I am hopelessly out of touch.

  • amcthrash-av says:

    I always thought it was a portmanteau for “butt pussy” not “boy pussy” – somehow it feels about 350% grosser with the latter.Additionally – straight guys can use this one – Thrussy.

  • toasterlad-av says:

    I have been a gay for several decades now, and I have never heard the word “bussy”. But you young kids mash up all sorts of words these days. In too much of a rush to get on your instagram or snapchat to say “boy” AND “pussy”, like we did in the good old days.Also, I don’t believe for one second that Taron Egerton didn’t know what a “bussy” is. Where do you think he wanted Hugh Jackman?

    • qj201-av says:

      bussy is so hetero, I’ve heard “mussy” for Man Pussy used among de gays in my neck of the woods, as well as a few, um, more colorful, expressions.

      • cloneofdijon-av says:


      • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:


      • andyjameson-av says:

        I’ve seen “bussy” fairly often on Grindr and Pornhub. The straights do seem to have appropriated the term though because now everyone thinks it means “butt pussy” and not “boi pussy”. Big Mouth was the first time I heard it used incorrectly. Granted, I’m not a fan of the term, but if you’re going to use it, at least know where it comes from.

      • nilus-av says:

        I prefer the much more formal Mangina

    • secretagentman-av says:

      I’m sure he’s not a stranger to the procedure, just the regional linguistics.

    • cran-baisins-av says:

      I am gay and have always, always found the term “man pussy” (or any of its variants) unbelievably repulsive.

  • adohatos-av says:

    I assumed it meant “butt pussy”. 

    • andyjameson-av says:

      Are you straight? That may be why.

      • adohatos-av says:

        Yes but I first heard that term (butt pussy, not bussy) from a gay dude. In fact he told me that he had three pussies and, although I declined the offer to try them out, I have always wondered what the third one was. Mouth, anus and…? Do hands count as one if you use both? Pressing your feet together so the insides of the arches form a makeshift hole? If I think about this too much the straight police might take my license.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Maybe he has a pocket pussy too.

        • nilus-av says:

          Yeah but by that logic ladies have 4. Since they got all those parts plus one more. And if you count hands wouldn’t that be 4 minimum. Also why are we assuming the only thing we can stick our dicks in are pussies. I mean when I wank off I’m not fucking my hand pussy.

          • adohatos-av says:

            He explained the first two but declined to answer about the last only smiling in a manner I assume was meant to be enticing. Dude even called himself Tony Three Pussy like a mobster or something. It was a pretty funny experience. Although now that I think about it this was many years ago and they could have been trans or intersex and reluctant to explain.

  • biscuit4-av says:

    Hot take:
    The term ‘bussy’ is the product of internalized homophobia.

  • skpjmspm-av says:

    The whole point of slang is to exclude other people from your circle. Taron Egerton not knowing what “bussy” meant means the slang is doing it’s job. Articles like this are cultural appropriation, which will impose the burden of coming up with new slang on an already persecuted community.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day. You’re an imbecile. Signed -a gay dude.

  • die21283-av says:

    “As Out, it’s a term regularly used in the gay community.”

    No, it really isn’t.

  • nilus-av says:

    Are we talking Gary or Jake?

  • pgoodso564-av says:

    I figured out bussy pretty quick, but only because Loveline taught me the word “be-hymen”.

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