Kelsey Grammer says Frasier will be "rich beyond his dreams" in the reboot

And while the star was probably just talking about family or whatever, we're still hoping the Paramount Plus show will make him, like, mega, super-rich

TV News Kelsey Grammer
Kelsey Grammer says Frasier will be "rich beyond his dreams" in the reboot
Our guess? He sold the dog. Photo: Getty Images

Kelsey Grammer’s been having a busy year. Even if you leave off the pilot for that show where he and Alec Baldwin were going to be roommates—a concept so deafeningly loud that it’s still echoing around in our heads months after ABC backed away from the series like a startled animal—the veteran actor has numerous projects (The God Committee, The Space Between, the new Trollhunters movie) either on the way or currently out. But there’s only one that the true Gram-heads are dying to get the details on: Paramount+’s long-prayed-for Frasier reboot.

But while Paramount confirmed back in February that television’s reunion with everyone’s favorite Freudian was certainly on the way, the actual shape of the project demanded several important questions. Would the series feature appearances from former cast members David Hyde Pierce, Jane Leeves, or Peri Gilpin? Would it use any of our incredibly good ideas for a revival series (including the one where Frasier is a malevolent A.I. trying to take control of futuristic Seattle)? What ever happened to all those tossed salads and scrambled eggs? What is a boy to do?

Anyway: Grammer has now filled in a few light details, courtesy of the above interview with New York Life. Specifically, he revealed that the new show will see Frasier ditch Seattle for some new digs, describing him as the perpetually unsatisfied “George Bailey of television.” He also noted that he’s reached out to Hyde Pierce, Leeves, and Gilpin for a potential return, with the hope that the new series will serve as a “third act for everybody.” Grammer also stated that the show will also acknowledge the death of John Mahoney in its first episode. But then Grammer got kind of enigmatic, stating that Frasier’s new life circumstances will see the already-pretty-damn-rich character become “rich beyond his dreams.”

And while it might possibly mean that the reboot will finally see Dr. Crane achieve the ultimate status symbol of the mega-rich—i.e., having two pianos in your apartment, so that you can recreate the Donald Duck/Daffy Duck musical duel from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?—the very corny tone in Grammer’s voice when he said that line suggests to us that he’s probably talking about the “rich” “bounty” of alleged “wealth” that is family. (The obvious pitch would be for Frasier to end up living with his son Frederick, who’s the right age to have a couple of precocious kids running around, warming everybody’s hearts. There could even be a little Niles!) We’re still holding out hope, though, because seeing Grammer and Hyde Pierce pull off that double piano thing would actually be pretty sweet.

[via Vulture]


  • dikeithfowler2-av says:

    It would be great if they got Trevor Einhorn back as Frederick as well, he was superb in The Magicians (and apparently Mad Men as well, though I never got in to that) and definitely has the acting chops.

    • thenonymous-av says:

      I’ve been thinking the same thing.At the very least have him more recurring than once a season around thanksgiving or christmas anyway lol. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      He doesn’t have a huge role in ‘Mad Men’, but he makes every scene he’s in (especially his last one) count.

    • m0rtsleam-av says:

      If not, may I humbly suggest… John Mulaney?

  • dirtside-av says:

    Is he going to have a…MONEY PLANE?

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Pretty sure he’s just talking about himself here

  • dingleberry-1138-av says:

    What are the odds the premise ends up being that Frasier feels unwillingly obligated to take in his down-on-his-luck son Frederick and his cute but annoying grandchild?

    • kencerveny-av says:

      Cute, annoying, wisecracking grandchild.

    • thenonymous-av says:

      I’m kinda hoping it’s the other way around lol.Basically it’s Frasier but now he’s the Martin in the situation lol. Frederick went the Martin route and became a more…regular joe (highly unlikely…but not impossible lol), Frasier has to move in for whatever reason, only having his Eames lounger to comfort him in his new setting, clashing with Fredrick’s more pedestrian styling, etc.

    • arcanumv-av says:

      Only if Frazier has a favorite chair and is completely unaware that he’s turning into his dad.

  • duffmansays-av says:

    Because making the star wealthy, beyond belief, worked great on Roseanne.

    • charliedesertly-av says:

      It sucked ass, but I personally thought the “none of that was actually true, the reality is tremendously sad, good night everybody” ending was really ballsy.

    • thenonymous-av says:

      Except Fraiser was already rich from the get go.Adding more money to the mix doesn’t really alienate, or even alter, the core premise of his character or show.

    • lego69lego-av says:

      Frasier was always well-off and perpetually unsatisfied with his life. I suppose that’s good for ambition but it was always clear that he was working up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.I really want David Hyde Pierce to be in this and disappointed that he’s a question mark.  

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    He should do the show entirely in his Beast makeup from X-Men The Last Stand

  • grant8418-av says:

    Episode 1: Marris gets off that island she was stranded on.

  • plantsdaily-av says:

    He made big money betting on men fucking alligators? 

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    I think all he was doing with the “rich” thing was playing around with that George Bailey comparison. “A toast to George, the richest man in town.”

  • marshalgrover-av says:

    I love Frasier, but man do I have 0% interest in this.And what’s New York Life TV? One of those things they play in taxi cabs?

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      or while you pump gas

      • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

        The interview was on “New York Live,” a lifestyle program on NYC’s local NBC affiliate. “New York Life TV” would presumably run informercials for an insurance company.

  • peterbread-av says:

    Sure I read some sort of fan theory somewhere that suggested Frasier was an early investor in Amazon, which would support this.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:
  • bembrob-av says:

    Can we give him his own Trek spin-off series?

  • jeninabq-av says:

    ‘Rich beyond his dream’?  He surely has his finger on the pulse of what the American viewers want to watch now. 

    • Madski-av says:

      Wasn’t the show about making fun of upperclass, hoity-toity people? Have you not seen the show?

  • derrabbi-av says:

    Frasier sue the company that erected the stage he fell of or something?

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Fraser get ipad

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Fraser get ipad

  • duffmansays-av says:

    It’s nice that he reached out to Hyde Pierce, Leeves and Gilpin, but what about Long, Danson, Ratzenberger, Wendt, Perlman, Harrelson and Alley? And honestly, I wouldn’t mind a little Neuwirth. 

  • hitchhikerik42-av says:

    Can we just do a Niles show instead please

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Just do webisodes of Niles dealing with wacky patients, and have each one end with Frasier (off-screen) ringing Niles up to ask if he wants to get coffee.

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Here’s your title: Who The F**k Was Looking For This $h!t ?

    • stormylewis-av says:

      Screw Fraiser and Niles, lets check in and see how Carla and the kids are doing.  That’s the money reboot. 

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    Last time ya’ll talked about this, you finally called this what it was: a revival. And now you’re going back to reboot. You were making such progress!

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Any word about how much he loved working with the dog?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    As a ‘Frasier’ fan from way back, I really don’t want this to happen. Not just because I don’t think they can recapture the magic, but also because the original series had a really satisfying finale. Everyone was moving on to a new stage in their life, Frasier was taking a wild swing at happiness, and it all felt like a natural, earned conclusion. A new series undercuts all that.

    • thenonymous-av says:

      Eh, I thought the ending was pretty “whatever” myself. It wasn’t terrible, and it was a…somewhat logical ending point, but that was about it.I honestly never felt much chemistry between Frasier and Charlotte and felt it was a weird way to just rush the ending. They’ve also said time and time again that this show would be about “the next chapter”, so it’s not like showing how things ended up for everyone and where they’re going is going to undo or undercut anything. The only thing that would really undercut the original is if the new series sucks lol.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Old rich white guys are so hot right now!

  • thm1075-av says:

    Was there really a critical mass of consumer interest in a Frasier revival?I know I watched the show but cannot remember a single thing about it aside from the visuals…Seattle, the dog, the recliner…

  • detectivefork-av says:

    Where’s Sam Malone?

    • probablynotthemessiah-av says:

      He spent a few billion Jeremy Bearimies in the Bad Place, a few more million in the Good Place, and then he got to become a real live boy.

  • arcanumv-av says:

    He and Niles can live in Gotham with the brother they don’t talk about much.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Why I have I never heard this theory?!  He’s a psychiatrist, his resentment of his law enforcement dad has driven him to a life of crime, etc.Totally tracks!!

      • arcanumv-av says:

        And he’s the odd brother out professionally. Frasier is a Freudian and Niles is a Jungian, but they both focus on talk-based therapies. Jonathan seems more Skinnerian with a strong interest in pharmaceutical-based treatment.

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    Should have made him broke and homeless. Who wouldn’t wanna hear Kelsey mump and moan about how the urine soaked guy he’s looking at in the mirror has ruined his life. 

  • tigersblood-av says:

    Frasier, shmasier. This is Grammer’s best work.

  • stormylewis-av says:

    It’s kind of sad that the rich, snobby douche was the spin off character from the show about about working class schmos in a bar.

  • probablynotthemessiah-av says:

    Bad idea all around, even if they get the rest of the case to sign on. It wasn’t just the actors who made the show so special—they worked well with the material they had. Will the original creators, writers and show runners be back? Obviously David Angell cannot return, but what about Peter Casey and David Lee?

  • ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc-av says:

    Not interested. 

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Back when a Frasier reboot was first floated a few years ago, semi-retired sitcom writer (who got his start on Cheers) turned podcaster Rob Long threw out his version of a reboot, which he jokingly called “Cheers: Infinity War.”Frasier and Niles buy Cheers.
    You can have legacy characters from each show while also easily explaining why Sam isn’t around anymore. (because obviously Danson wouldn’t do it.)I can’t imagine any legit Frasier revival will be better than that. 

  • jallured1-av says:

    He will live with Frederick, who turns out to take after Martin in terms of taste, and therefore the only nice thing in the house is Fraiser’s high-end designer chair. (Also, Fraiser only worked if you never thought too hard about how much money an afternoon AM radio show host in a second-tier city could possibly earn.)

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    OK.  Just let Cheers be.  

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