Jeopardy! decides to just let both Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik stay on as hosts

Why choose when you can just maintain the same course?

Aux News Mayim Bialik
Jeopardy! decides to just let both Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik stay on as hosts
Ken Jennings Photo: VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images

This may be hard to believe, coming from the game show institution that went through a very long run of trial hosts only to give the job to the show’s producer (at least temporarily), but Jeopardy! seems to have gone for the least surprising and least interesting choice when deciding who should be its permanent post-Alex Trebek host. Would it be Ken Jennings? Would it be Mayim Bialik? The two of them have been trading off for nearly a year, but now Jeopardy! has decided that… they’ll both just keep trading off.

That’s according to Variety’s sources, which say that both Jennings and Bialik have “entered into long-term deals” to keep splitting the Jeopardy! host job, with Bialik also doing special primetime versions of Jeopardy! and an upcoming version of Celebrity Jeopardy! (for real, not the SNL sketch, which wouldn’t be as much fun these days for, you know, sad reasons). This comes exactly one month after the show’s producers announced that they would have an announcement about who will permanently host Jeopardy! “very, very soon,” which seems like a real stretch of what “very, very soon” means. But what would the producers of Jeopardy! know about sticking to the exact letter of the law? Surely they’re not sticklers for specificity over at Jeopardy! HQ, right?

It doesn’t sound like this has officially been confirmed or announced by the Jeopardy! producers or Sony Pictures Entertainment, but Variety seems confident that it’s just a matter of letting the ink dry. Or whatever they use on those Jeopardy! answer boards, which are probably digital pens and not actual pens. Either way, don’t be surprised if you keep seeing Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik asking for answers in the form of a question on your TV every afternoon before or after Wheel Of Fortune.


  • docprof-av says:

    Neat. I’ll continue not watching Jeopardy! with anti-vaxxer, brain pill shiller, victim blamer, Mayim Bialik.

    • dummyaccountfu-av says:

      Not to turn this into a religiously-charged conversation but~…….Wait, my reaction won’t come back to bite me here will it? What contract would I have to sign to make sure it won’t?…Y’know what? Disregard this reply. It’s not worth the risk.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Don’t forget a religious nutjob, also.

      • wombat23-av says:

        Really? that seems excessive. she mentions it occasionally and i have yet to see her get really overbearing on the issue. Yes she had a bad take about dressing modestly but that seemed more a personal bad take than some sort of fanatacism. Do you object to any person who is religious at all?

        • i-miss-splinter-av says:

          Really? that seems excessive.

          No, it doesn’t.
          she mentions it occasionally and i have yet to see her get really overbearing on the issue.

          They’re both religious nutjobs. Jennings is a Mormon.
          Do you object to any person who is religious at all?

          Yes. Adults shouldn’t believe in fairy tales.

    • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

      Good lord. None of those makes her a bad host (she isn’t a good host, but not for those reasons). This is the same argument as Tom Cruise. Just because he’s a up-there Scientologist, he’s still a very bankable and entertaining actor. Who cares what he does off-screen, that’s not why I watch.

  • thepowell2099-av says:

    the SNL sketch, which wouldn’t be as much fun these days for, you know, sad reasonsI don’t understand what’s being alluded to here. Is Will Ferrell cancelled or something? Do you mean it’ll be less funny now that Trebek passed away?

    • skizzit-av says:

      Maybe because Norm Macdonald was a big part of those and recently passed away.

      • nilus-av says:

        And it would be in poor taste doing Sean Connery now that he is dead.  

      • randoguyontheinterweb-av says:

        But remembering dead comedians through their work should not be sad.  Its one of things that gave them joy when they were alive.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Yes, it would not be very good to have Ferrell do his Trebek, and the chances of someone successfully revamping it with a clever take on either of the two new hosts is virtually nil.We still have Black Jeopardy though. For that matter, I wonder if anyone asked Kenan to host real Jeopardy.

    • americanerrorist-av says:

      Sean Connery is also dead, so that may be an issue.

      • harpo87-av says:

        The erstwhile Turd Ferguson too.

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        Yeah, I think it’s that the real-life versions of the two characters that really made it what it was are no longer with us. I think it still might’ve worked (though not as well) without Hammond’s Connery, but Ferrell’s Trebek was note-perfect, with the perfect blend of class and exasperation and re-catching that lighting in a new bottle with someone parodying Jennings and/or Bialik feels like incredibly unlikely to pull off.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Christ, everybody funny is dead!

      • sosgemini-av says:

        Did you say, dead? 

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        Would be more of an issue if he slapped Bialik every time he got an answer wrong.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      There’s absolutely nothing funny about Ken Jennings or Mayim “Wear a burlap sack if you don’t want to be molested” Bialik, so I guess we’re gonna need another game show sketch. You know what a pain they are to write. Are there even any game shows on right now? Is Wheel of Fortune still on? I get Pluto TV so I feel like I’m peeking out of a black hole.

    • lmh325-av says:

      All the dead people – Norm MacDonald, Sean Connery, Alex Trebek, Burt Reynolds. It would be hard to recapture the magic. 

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Those sketches hinged on three things: the interplay between Alex Trebek and Sean Connery, and Norm McDonald playing various third characters. Well, the real Trebek and Connery have died (in fact they died exactly one week apart, which is kinda weird) and now we’ve lost Norm, as well. There’s not much left for these sketches to be built around.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Aside from Bialik’s other shortcomings, she just feels all wrong for Jeopardy. Her disposition is that of a too-happy morning show host and it really doesn’t seem like she knows the answers half the time? Alex always was about to tell you right away whether they got it right or not but there’s always this hesitation with her as she looks down on her card or whatever.

    • comicnerd2-av says:

      The hesitation over the answers are what bug me most about Myiam. I like her otherwise but Ken seems smoother with it all. 

      • gargsy-av says:

        “The hesitation over the answers are is what bugs me most about Myiam.”English is a wonderful language, you might consider learning it.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      “doesn’t know the answers half the time”??? I’ll have you know she’s a PhD in neuroscience (in case she or her PR team forgot to mention that or something). She knows ALL the answers, just like she knows more research still needs to be done on the efficacy of vaccines. I remember when my wife first told me about her PhD and I replied “did she get it at the same place Bill Cosby got his doctorate?” LOL

      • ghostofghostdad-av says:

        she’s making great use of that PhD hocking the same kind of magic brain pills the right wing nuts do

      • nilus-av says:

        She has what I like to call “Ben Carson syndrome”.  Clearly a genius at one thing but dumb as nails about a lot of other subjects, yet feels the need to share.  

      • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

        The problem with specialized degrees is that you tend to ignore all information that doesn’t help you get that specialized degree. 

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          LOL my physics prof in college was a brilliant guy but wore the same clothes over and over to the point that he went weeks having chalk dust on his sweater vest because he never washed or changed it. I am very familiar with the idea that a PhD means you *probably* are brilliant in one niche area but not necessarily in others. In my mind however, being a vaccine skeptic takes a little of the shine off your PhD.

      • lmh325-av says:

        I mean, her PhD is legit and from UCLA. We can be critical of her without pretending like every PhD is somehow a genius in all areas of their life or studies.I suspect the source of a lot of her sketchier ideas comes from her claims to be Modern Orthodox (despite the fact she doesn’t seem to follow any of the rules). She has alluded to an unhappy – or at least messy – childhood with parents who she felt was dysfunctional. She has said that’s why she does her weird parenting nonsense and that was what led her to embrace a more conservative religion (and repeat their talking points). It all strikes me as someone going to another extreme to try to combat how they felt as a child. Sadly, it’s probably going to mess her kids up a whole lot and let her use her platform to spout nonsense.

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          that all may be true but just because you had a fucked up childhood doesn’t mean you have to make fucked up choices as an adult. You have some freedom of choice (unless we’re talking about an actual biological addiction in which case it’s trickier). I have heard she’s orthodox and they can be suspicious of vaccines but being surrounded by smart biologists for ~3-6 years while she got her PhD, you’d think some of that resistance to vaccines would have been smoothed away. I’m just wary that now that she has some visibility she doesn’t start doing interviews “just asking questions” about vaccines.

          • lmh325-av says:

            Oh, I’m very wary of it and see it as the likely cause for why she is the way that she is rather than a justification. She seems like someone who reached adulthood feeling some kind of lost and latched onto a bunch of nonsense to try to fill a hole – attachment parenting, Modern Orthodoxy, anti-vax. She wasn’t raised orthodox, it was something else she latched onto recently which again to me speaks to trying to generate order. It’s not right to adopt some of these beliefs, but I think it’s a pattern you see in a lot of the people from similar backgrounds. I’d also argue PhD candidates are often very siloed. She probably *wasn’t* as surrounded by biologists as you might think. She has also said her grades weren’t good enough to pursue an MD so it could also be a situation that the person who comes last in the PhD class is still called doctor…

          • migaa-av says:

            Lindsay, this comments segment is a full time job for you!

    • gruesome-twosome-av says:

      Yep, I’ve noticed the same about Bialik. Jennings is simply the better fit and makes the game flow more easily (a la Trebek) than it does when Bialik is hosting. Still get the rather frequent hesitations on confirming correct answers with her, it gets annoying when you’re a regular viewer.

      • bassplayerconvention-av says:

        Maybe that hesitation is why it sounds like she’s grading the contestant when she says “That’s correct” or “No” or whatever.

      • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

        While I agree with you and the rest of the commenters that Ken is smoother and easier to watch, I will point out that honestly, Alex wasn’t that smooth at first. Back right after he died they showed some flashback episodes, including from the first couple seasons, and it was a bit rough. He took awhile to really get his rhythm down. Mayim may improve with time, though I still prefer Ken to be sure.

    • lmh325-av says:

      There was some drama about her correcting contestants too fast that I only half followed on social media, but I wonder if that contributed to her either choosing to go slower or being told to go slower. I think with her in particular, you can kind of tell when she’s being spoken to via earpiece. With time that might change, but she’s definitely less comfortable to me as well.

      • recognitions-av says:

        Ugh I don’t want to have anything in common with you

        • lmh325-av says:

          Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Can’t we just both accept that about each other?

          • recognitions-av says:

            I’m not interested in accepting anything about a rape apologist

          • lmh325-av says:

            It must be great seeing everything and everyone in pure white and black. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            It must be great thinking that everyone who doesn’t like you does so because of some kind of intellectual failing as opposed to your heinous behavior

          • lmh325-av says:

            My heinous behavior being disagreeing with you on a comments section of a pop culture website about situations that are notably complicated and nuanced? Got it. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Nothing is complicated about believing abuse victims, and literally nobody needs you to show up writing essays about how they’re probably all lying in a world where powerful men get away with sexually and physically abusing women to an overwhelming degree

          • lmh325-av says:

            A lot of people a) assume the comments section is a place for actual discussion and b) recognize that there are actual situations where shades of grey exist.But you’ve made it very clear with the many instances of accusing people of saying things they never said, ignoring points that you find inconvenient and lacking most critical thinking skills to be at best aiming to gaslight everyone who doesn’t agree with you and at best, an abusive bully yourself. But cool.

          • recognitions-av says:

            If I’m such an abusive bully (lol) feel free to never reply to me again

          • lmh325-av says:

            Same, buddy. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            And yet you keep replying

          • lmh325-av says:

            As do you. So when you stop, I’ll stop. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            I didn’t invite you into this post to try and chime in and be buddy buddy with me so you can leave anytime

          • lmh325-av says:

            As can you. I wasn’t trying to be “buddy buddy” with you, but your narcissism like your abusive behavior towards everyone on these boards knows no bounds. I replied to a comment on a public forum. You chose to turn that into a little drama where you can martyr yourself.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Imagine being this up your own ass lol

          • lmh325-av says:

            Yep, sure. You can’t fathom someone not holding an eternal grudge for differing opinions in a comments section. I’m sure you’re a lot of fun at parties.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Sorry I don’t find rape apologism fun

          • lmh325-av says:

            And your inability to participate in civil discourse is probably why you do very little to convince people to your point. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Not interested in “civil discourse” with rape apologists

          • lmh325-av says:

            Which is why I’m sure you very rarely convince anyone of your point. Even when someone makes a completely unrelated comment about jeopardy and you decide to bully them for no reason.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Nobody’s bullying you. If anything you’re bullying me because I’ve already said I don’t want to talk to you and you won’t leave

          • lmh325-av says:

            Oh good, you’re back to gaslight me again. You attack someone repeatedly in comments over and over and over again on threads that have nothing to do with the topic that you didn’t agree on in the first place. Make derogatory comments about them and then tell them to be quiet. Classic abusive behavior.Why on Earth should I allow you to denigrate me and shut up about it? Or is that how you treat people?

          • recognitions-av says:

            Lol you whine about being attacked and you keep coming back for more, ok rape apologist

          • lmh325-av says:

            I’m telling you that you have repeatedly gaslit, bullied and abused multiple people on these boards. Interesting when you’re on the receiving end, you don’t believe your victims. You just continue to abuse them.Classic abuser line – If you don’t want me to hit you, just leave. Glad you showed your true colors.

          • recognitions-av says:

            This is the internet, nobody is being hit here. But it is classic gaslighting to equate criticism with abuse, albeit utterly laughable.

          • lmh325-av says:

            You are very good at ignoring your many shortcomings. You call it criticism, but what you do is attack, name call, gaslight and abuse absolutely every commenter who doesn’t agree with you over and over and over again and then brush it off with an lol pointed at the other person. So if you mean absolutely anything you’ve said in support of abuse victims, it’s time to take a big hard look at yourself. Or do what you usually do – brush off anyone else who calls off your bad behavior and ignore your own abusive, bullying tendencies. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Look, I don’t know who you think you’re fooling here, but this is possibly the single most obvious grift in the history of the internet. You say heinous things, get criticized for them, and then act like you’re being personally persecuted by the consequences of your own actions. It’s the playbook of literally every rightwinger on Twitter. It doesn’t wash. And the fact that you equate that with abuse just demonstrates how easy it is for you to trivialize real abuse, but we already knew that.

          • lmh325-av says:

            I have no problem with you or anyone else criticizing my stance. I had plenty of conversations with other people here that are civil, thoughtful and nuanced.Shockingly, anyone that criticizes you gets bullied into the ground, but we’ll set that aside. You have an absolute inability to recognize the amount of bull you’ve pulled in these comments. Multiple times, you have claimed that I said things that I literally never said. I’ve seen other commenters make the same claims about you. When I then pointed that out to you, you went silent on those comment threads. You manipulate things that people have said to create alleged heinous things out of literally nothing then you gaslight those people into thinking they said or did things that they never did. When people point this out to you, you tell them they should shut up.You are a bully. You are a gaslighter. You are an abuser. I’m sure you think you’re on some noble quest, but all you are doing is hurting your causes and hurting yourself.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Lol talking about making claims about things that were never said. Let me know when you run out of boring unsubstantiated accusations. Oh wait, you’ll still be a rape apologist then, and I still won’t like you. You can’t brand everyone who is disgusted by your vile views as an abuser, sorry.

          • lmh325-av says:

            They are not unsubstantiated. You’ve said more than once in this thread that I dismiss all abusers. Never happened. In another thread you said that I said all mental illness sufferers needed to be cared for. I told you even then that if you re-read my comment I never said that. Again, you keep saying that I have vile views. Let’s be very clear – my only view that you’ve ever been a party to is that I think the Woody Allen accusations are complicated and convoluted in part because they started during a bitter custody case and because little recent coverage has  highlighted the places where the facts don’t line up with many of those discrepancies leading back to Mia Farrow who also has documented incidents of being duplicitous (a view shared by many critics who reviewed the recent documentary). Do you think we shouldn’t have due process? Do you think facts and analyzing facts doesn’t matter?The only reason I am branding you as an abuser is because you abuse people on these boards! You seek to humiliate them. You gaslight them. You bully and name call them. That doesn’t change just because you dislike my view on ONE situation. Not all situations. Not every situation. ONE situation. Anyone can look in your comments history and see how many times you’ve done this and to how many people.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Lol you have popped up in multiple posts whining in defense of abusers. And you were the one who thoughtlessly said something about “caring for a mentally ill person” as if all people with mental illness need home care. Don’t get mad at me because you used a sweeping, ableist generalization in a desperate attempt to deflect from your defense of a pedophile. And even if it was true, which it isn’t, “I only defended ONE pedophile” isn’t the winning defense you think it is, sorry

          • lmh325-av says:

            Nope, there you go again with your big ol’ gaslight.
            I very clearly said “a” mentally ill person. Singular. I also gave a very clear example of what I was speaking of and what I experienced first hand. At no point in that conversation did I ever say all. I did not make a big sweeping generalization, but you are right here gaslighting me trying to pretend that I did. Unless you were witness to something that we don’t know about, you have no more facts than the rest of us have and you are looking to treat your opinion as fact on topics that are not as black and white as you want them to be where there are discrepancies in the allegations. Pointing out that someone has claimed they were not in the country and that their relative suffers from a diagnosed mental illness is not defending all pedophiles. Pointing out that Mia Farrow has said and done things that call the veracity of the allegations into question is not defending any pedophiles. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yeah, you plucked a hypothetical person with mental illness out of thin air and just assumed that person would need specialized care without bothering to think about the implications of your example. And that’s because you don’t actually have empathy for abuse victims or people with mental illness, you just want to obfuscate and be defensive on behalf of the people with power. And my god, I would be amazed to just once see a Woody Allen defender make some kind of argument on their behalf without mentioning Mia Farrow. You guys work so hard to erase Dylan from the narrative; you know, the actual victim who has insisted that her father raped her for over two decades consistently now?

          • lmh325-av says:

            Oh, so now I plucked a hypothetical person. Before I was making big sweeping gestures. Got it. Interesting how that changed. If you read the actual conversation, what I said was that it can be very difficult caring for a mentally ill person in response to someone citing a specific example of having cared for a mentally ill person. I then followed it up with a very specific example. But someone who plucks what facts they want from a situation wouldn’t notice that.Because yes, some mentally ill individuals require specialized care, some mentally ill people while in the midst of a psychotic break which was also part of the conversation you conveniently ignored don’t always act logically or safely.
            And again, dismissing the weak point in your argument doesn’t negate the weak point. If you were to say “God, I wish one person could prove this person was the killer without bringing up the gun!” you’d sound silly. You want to pretend something isn’t a relevant fact because you don’t think it should be. Whether you like it or not, Mia Farrow and her intentions and her role in the situation do matter when they are at the heart of the allegations.And that’s fine. You can think that. What you can’t do is gaslight and harass the people who don’t agree with you when literally what I was saying in this thread is that I agreed with you and that, in fact, there had been reporting related to Mayim Bialik’s speed of correcting people. You chose to bully me instead.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yes, you made a sweeping generalization about people with mental illness. Also the fact that you keep calling them “mentally ill people” is a small but telling touch on how you see them. You also brought up a hypothetical that you had no evidence to connect to the actual subject to dismiss claims of abuse allegations. Abuse allegations, it should be noted, from a completely different case other than Woody Allen’s. Because that’s kind of your thing; you pop up to defend abusers and then get in a quivering fury when someone calls you on it.The heart of the allegations are the allegations and the person who made them. Her name is Dylan Farrow. Dylan. Farrow. Why is that name so hard for you to say? Is it that difficult for you to see her as a human being? Don’t bother, we already know the answer. And I don’t need you to agree with me about literally anything, ever. Fuck off

          • lmh325-av says:

            I’m sure you realize this because you’re so well-rounded and not a horrible bully who likes to gaslight people, but there is a great deal of debate around preference in the community about label first versus label second nomenclature. There are many groups who prefer the use of “mentally ill” persons or “special needs” persons or similar naming conventions as opposed to persons with mental illness, persons with special needs etc. The reason for this is that some choose to see it as an intrinsic identifier as is there choice. But again, go ahead and make yourself the defender of the one true faith. It’s what you like to do.I did not bring up a hypothetical. I was referring to the actual situation that was being presented in the media via the person’s father. That wasn’t hypothetical. The other situation was one referencing my own life, again, not a hypothetical. Just because the gaslighter keeps saying it was hypothetical doesn’t make it true.The abuse victim who was believed, whose allegations were investigated and investigation that repeatedly brings up questions about her mother. But again, you don’t have to agree with that. I get it. You don’t. You are entitled to do that. But bullying me for my own stance is also not acceptable especially when all you can do is gaslight and namecall.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Lol you know nothing about the mental health community, try telling a person with mental illness that they’re a “special needs person” and there’s a good chance you’ll get a pie thrown at you. You literally made up a hypothetical person with mental illness for the express intention of deflecting from an actual abuse allegation.The only people who “repeatedly brings up questions about her mother” are Woody Allen defenders who want to deflect. If you don’t want to be called a pedophile defender, stop defending a pedophile. It’s that simple.

          • lmh325-av says:

            So now you’re gaslighting the existence of person-first vs identity-first rhetoric. Of course, you are because you think all communities are monoliths without ever actually engaging with those communities I’m sure. Identity-first is preferred by many. Person-first is preferred by many. It may not be by you or by everyone, but that doesn’t change the reality of the situation.There are a lot of people back in the early 90’s in court documents and elsewhere who repeatedly bring up those questions.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Lol you’re just descending into word salad now

          • lmh325-av says:

            What part is word salad? Please enlighten me. Because again, you do know that person-first and identity-first language are things, right? Because you wouldn’t come at a stranger making a completely valid point without knowing the facts, would you?

          • recognitions-av says:

            “gaslighting the existence of person-first vs identity-first rhetoric” lol

          • lmh325-av says:

            I mean, that’s what you did? You outright claimed that there’s no such thing as identity-first vs. person-first language or the fact that not every person in every community is unified which is preferential. Then you did again. Then I asked you if you knew what that meant and you didn’t answer.So either you don’t or you’re pretending it doesn’t exist.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Brb, gotta go gaslight some abstract concepts

          • lmh325-av says:

            Occasionally people make these things called jokes. I don’t know if you’ve heard of them since you seem incapable of having any conversation.But the point still stands. Someone told you that a concept exists and then you acted as though it doesn’t. And you still didn’t answer – You realize that person-first vs identity-first rhetoric is an often hot button topic in all communities among self-advocates, correct?

          • recognitions-av says:

            Lol backpedaling

          • lmh325-av says:

            Still not an answer: You realize that person-first vs identity-first rhetoric is an often hot button topic in all communities among self-advocates, correct?

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Still not an answer.Confirming that when you can’t bully, attempt to shame, or gaslight people, you run out of things to say. 

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Still not an answer.A definite pattern with you anytime a fact butts up against your preferred world view. 

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Andddd still not an answer.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Once critical thinking gets brought in, you go quiet. It’s cool. I’m not surprised. 

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Still not an answer.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            So to recap:1) You spend hours bullying someone in the comments gaslighting them about things they’ve said or haven’t said.2) The other person asks you a direct question 3) You continue to gaslight them that the thing brought up in the question doesn’t exist. 4) They repeat the direct question that for some reason you are incapable of answering. So either total ignorance on your part that you can’t defend or proof that you are unwilling to not gaslight others and got backed into a corner. Cool.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Still not an answer – Are you aware of the difference between person-first and identity-first naming conventions and the debates within groups of self-advocates?Or are you an ignorant bully who deflects and manipulates others then hides when they get backed into the corner and revealed to be the ignorant bully that they are?

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Still refusing to answer a straightforward question because it doesn’t align with your world view. Got it.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Took a few days off to realize you still didn’t have an answer so back to deflecting? Cool.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            Still not an answer.Continued proof that you manage to say a lot while knowing very little.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • lmh325-av says:

            You can just say you don’t know, ya know?

    • paladin4478-av says:

      Disagree! I think she keeps the show lively and does a great job. Jennings does well also but is more cerebral.

  • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

    I can’t wait for those Celebrity Jeopardy categories!

  • capitalq-av says:

    Hoping Variety is wrong because we went from keeping up with every episode of J! in this house to finding it an absolute slog on Mayim weeks. So many pauses every episode before responding and a clear lack of contextual knowledge of the show’s clues. Sort of like a robot host running Windows 98. 

  • oganicsalt786-av says:

    I agree
    with your most of the points except a few ones. Salt lick

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Why choose when you can just maintain the same course?”A choice you don’t like is still a choice.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    their big announcement is that nothing is changing?  does t***p handle their PR?  LOL

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    AND the world’s problems are solved!

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    I get Mayim Bialik was in a hugely successful sitcom so people recognize her but she’s not a good fit at all. If they want to use her to host the special episodes like the kids edition or the prime time specials that’s cool but this splitting the hosting duty with Ken Jennings is awful. 

    • tracerbullet5-av says:

      Blossom was a pretty good show.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I can see where having two hosts is helpful in getting talent signed on. Ken Jennings has a pretty lucrative speaking career and had been doing other game shows and hosting some random things. Mayim Bialik still does have a sitcom and seems to have no plans to stop acting. Having two hosts ensures that they can have freedom to do other things and at the same time, makes it less likely the show will have to worry about both leaving at once. That said, I would be Team Ken and Buzzy, to be honest.

    • wombat23-av says:

      i thought it was because ken had time commitments and simply could not be always on. I dont mind mayim as the rest of the comment section seems to, i like cheerful, but likely they would have just gone with ken if he could but he is otherwise committed.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Oh bullocks! Jennings’ entire claim to fame is fucking Jeopardy! When Jeopardy! knocks the only thing out of Jennings’ mouth should be “Where, when, my lords?”

  • oyrish1000-av says:

    Literally could have picked any rando half-professor and called it a day.

  • hootie2-av says:

    Bialik might be trying her best, but she is just not very good.Adequate, but not smooth or natural at hosting. Nuff said.

  • moswald74-av says:

    Damn it. I really like Ken, Mayim not so much.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Well, that’s better then I expected.  I assumed it would be just Mayim hosting. 

  • SolutionsCost-av says:

    “Pick again”
    Levar Burton was the correct choice. 

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    still one of the funniest things that ever happened was that producer giving himself the job. gotta admire the stones, frankly.

  • niudrdrew-av says:

    I know I supposed to have an opinion about this as a long time viewer, but I really don’t, other than it’s fine. Alex Trebek isn’t coming back from the grave, and both Ken and Mayim have their strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, it’s the host of a daytime game show, nothing worth getting as worked up over as some people seem to be.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      I’m just kinda surprised at the Bialik dislike here. I wasn’t enthused with her initial two-week run, but I didn’t think Ken was that great on his first couple of weeks either. Both of them seem to have settled in fairly well, even though neither of them are as polished as someone who spent 35+ years doing the job.  I’m perfectly happy with both.

      • doclawyer-av says:

        The people decide to hate someone basically innocuous all the time. I don’t know what Jameela Jamil did to be so hated, but we have to hate the two of them for not being cool enough to be lefties. 

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Just end this stupid show. Trebek is what made it work.

  • ibell-av says:

    Not one of these people are Laura Coates or LeVar Burton. 

  • madmolecule-av says:

    Good grief, this is exhausting. I’ve watched the show pretty much daily since the mid-90s, and I think Mayim and Ken are both fine. I’m watching for the vicarious thrill of answering the questions, not because I need to nitpick someone’s performance. I mean I get it, Mayim hedged on vaccines (but has since said she and her family are fully vaccinated) and she failed to perfectly toe the progressive line on some issues. But y’all, I’m a progressive liberal and we go WAY too far with the purity test sometimes. Seriously, as long as they can pronounce the clues, we should all just stop caring so much about this.

  • mariobrosfan-av says:

    I definitely prefer Ken Jennings as host for Jeopardy. Ever since his first day in the show, he gets his knowledge from how many clues he reads on the Jeopardy board and answer them correctly. Ken also has been the longest running player in Jeopardy history with 74 wins. He also became the runner up in the Ultimate Tournament of Champions and Battle of The Decades. His own team was also the runner up in the All-Star Games and Ken was later crowned the winner of Jeopardy The Greatest of All Time. Ken Jennings later appeared on a game show called Master Minds on the Game Show Network and was a Chaser known as The Professor on The Chase. Now that Ken Jennings is part of the hosting duties for Jeopardy, my hopes for him to be the legendary host in history.

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