Kerry Washington directs the penultimate episode of Insecure season 4

TV Reviews Recap
Kerry Washington directs the penultimate episode of Insecure season 4
Yvonne Orji Photo: Merie W. Wallace

With 10 episodes, this is Insecure’s longest season ever. This additional time has given us gifts like “Lowkey Happy,” but episodes like “Lowkey Trying” remind us how rushed this season still feels. Kerry Washington steps in as director and it’s clear she’s familiar with the show’s vision. Nothing feels amiss or out of place, which is good, because “Lowkey Trying” has to do a lot of heavy lifting to move the season forward. Last week’s episode felt like a dream, but it had very real consequences: Issa is all in on Lawrence again. The Lawrence/Issa montage that starts the episode is as sickly sweet as it is annoying. The couch, we get it. They’re cute, we get it. Lawrence likes it standing up, we get it. By the time Issa and Molly meet for brunch, we’re almost on Molly’s side again because Lawrence and Issa are just…so annoying.

Lawrence and Issa are both plotting too quickly. Lawrence hasn’t even gotten an actual job offer and basically used one trip to San Francisco to manipulate Issa’s nostalgia. He doesn’t even know if he’s moving yet! He could still end up laid off and unemployed. Issa is already asking questions about the possibility of long distance relationships! They’re both ignoring the reality of their situations and it screams “Old Issa” and “Old Lawrence.” Even Issa’s jokes felt cornier with Lawrence. That “San Francisco treat” line would’ve made anyone roll their eyes.

Lawrence and Issa’s relationship still feels like a dead end for both of them. There isn’t enough charisma in that montage to convince us that they should be making long term plans together. Lawrence says he officially ended things with Condola, but it’s hard to believe him. The season spent so much time building up Condola and Lawrence that it feels odd to have their relationship end so abruptly off screen. A popular fan theory has been a secret Condola pregnancy, but Insecure has never worked with that kind of drama. Condola was also very clear about not wanting kids yet, so I’m sure she takes precautions for that.

Still, I think fans want to believe in theories like Condola’s secret pregnancy or Tiffany’s possible season two affair because the dramatic stakes on Insecure are still relatively low. Sure, Molly and Issa are officially over, but nothing has fundamentally changed for either of them after the events of “Lowkey Trying.” They both just agree they shouldn’t be friends. Molly and Andrew are still struggling and it’s clear Andrew is getting tired of Molly’s many grudges. Issa is still unsure about her feelings for Nathan and Lawrence. Sadly, it also seems like she’d invite Lawrence to move in with her before she’d even consider those feelings. Next week is the season finale, but it’s unclear what conflict or consequences are driving us to the end.

At this point, they’ve pretty much destroyed Molly’s character. Molly’s therapy sessions in earlier seasons allowed her to show some tenderness. This time, it just feels good to see someone finally call her out. Molly still demands an apology from Issa and can’t get over any of their issues. Even if you agree that Issa made a mistake, it’s also true that Molly made mistakes in their friendship, so maybe she could cut Issa some slack and move on. Dr. Rhonda makes it clear for Molly: if she wants to hold on to her anger, she can end the friendship. If she wants the friendship, she has to do the work.

But, just like Issa, Molly is also moving too fast. She doesn’t have time to wonder if her relationship with Issa is worth keeping because she’s too busy playing house with Andrew. You remember Andrew, right? You might not recognize Andrew anymore because he’s a totally different character now. Last season and even early this season, Andrew had no problem calling Molly out on her many issues. If Molly didn’t value their time together, he made that clear. If Molly was rude, he didn’t put up with it. Now Molly is standing up NBA games with his brother and he doesn’t push her on it? Molly and Andrew may seem great with their takeout meals and binge TV and hey-babe-yeah-babes, but they need to slow down and talk. Molly’s turquoise Cosby mom outfit is a great allusion. She’s playing dress-up.

Molly and Issa are both rushing to become new versions of themselves, but neither one has really figured out what that means. They’re both distracted by the men in their lives. Kelli and Tiffany are nowhere to be seen which makes Molly and Issa feel more disconnected. During previous conflicts, their friend group forced issues to be addressed. With Tiffany presumably busy with her baby and Kelli off…doing her thing…Molly and Issa can’t get real about the problems they face. Yeah, it feels good to see them back together, but they both realize it feels shallow. They both already have empty romantic relationships to focus on, why take on the labor of faking a friendship too?

It’s good that Issa doesn’t beg Molly to fight for their friendship and simply cuts the cord. However, it feels unfair that everything blows up over Molly’s mistake. Molly talking about Issa behind her back with Issa in the room is pretty low. Why would Issa fight for a friendship with someone like that? Is Andrew going to be okay with this new drama too? It’s not the worst mistake someone can make, but it’s still rude. Molly has been rude enough this season. At this point she could lose everything in the finale and that would probably be good for her.

Stray observations

  • So, they just want us to hate Molly now? It’s hard to defend her! I’ll give credit to Yvonne Orji, she’s doing a stellar job. Her outfits are amazing. She is doing an excellent job bringing Molly’s frustrations to life. Make sure to check out her new comedy special, Momma, I Made It. It’ll make you like her a lot more after what Molly did tonight.
  • The best parts of the episode were between Issa and Nathan. That’s when it felt like things were moving at a good pace. The show also definitively answered questions about Nathan’s disappearance. He found out he’s bipolar and had to get help. Personally, I’ve ghosted a life or two over mental health issues, so I get it. Issa seemed to get it too. He was also VERY direct about Lawrence and I like that energy. I am #TeamNathan.
  • Watching Molly wait for an apology was so painful.
  • I do not trust Lawrence. He is hiding something.
  • “That’s nice.” – Ahmal on Lawrence and Issa. I agree.
  • Kerry Washington did an amazing job. Throughout the episode, she frames Molly alone in conversation. She’s alone against Andrew, Issa, and her therapist. It’s hard to like Molly, but she was beautifully isolated in shots. If anyone can frame an unlikeable headstrong black woman, it’s Kerry Washington.
  • One episode left! I’m thankful for the longer season, but it’s not enough.


  • thaddyp-av says:

    Personally i was hoping for more separation between Molly and Issa to give them time to digest their fight and re-evaluate things. Granted outside of the block party we don’t have a timeline on things. I was banking on a reunion between the two of them in the next season. Just sort of feels abrupt that things are ending. I think we have to look at Issa and Lawrence in a more mature light now. sure they look to be back into their old habits but that’s after having those difficult conversations about their own faults. The look on Moll’y face when she got that text back from Issa was unintentionally funny and i almost threw my bowl at the tv. Idk what they have planned for Molly in season 5 but i hope it’s a redemption path. i think they’re going to have her hit rock bottom though in the finale. Andrew looks to be at his wit’s end with her. 

  • theladyni-av says:

    Looking at the previews for the finale, do you think that perhaps Tiffany is going to have some type of crisis? I think that with showing Molly in therapy again and Nathan coming clean about his diagnosis is paving the way for them to discuss the dangers un-diagnosed postpartum depression can have on black women. Just looking at Kelly’s expression during the previews for next week and the fact that she didn’t call Issa back is enough to make me put the issues between Issa and Molly on the back burner.

  • mallen20-av says:

    At first, I couldnt tell if you liked the season or not but I don appreciate your detailed description about the episode. I think I am here for it all. I love ISSA and LAWERENCE. I felt the first 3 minutes took me back to their past relationship and I was so excited. I thought dang Issa didn’t waste anytime asking him what was up. I hope they work out but it wouldn’t be insecure if things were all cookie cutter. I even took notes through the episode becuase it was so much in this little 30 minutes. I felt that the last two episodes had alot of talking points. I appreciated them. I can’t believe there is only one more episode left. I do not feel that they have given us enough Molly vs Issa(I want them to have that HARD DISCUSSION). Great job discussing Andrew’s changes. I said that he needs to be more direct with Molly and call her out on her BS. I can go on with more of my comments but I can’t wait to read what you wrtie next week. I can’t wait to see how INSECURE leaves us hanging for maybe another year, until Season 5. 

  • andy-s-av says:

    Oh wowWell, unlike you, I found Issa and Lawrence perfectly tolerable LOL. Between this San Francisco job he’s sure to get and Condola popping up again on his phone I refuse to take them seriously but I like that we see Issa testing the waters and thinking about if she and Lawrence could be actually serious. I do think Nathan is in play still however – she’s still hanging out with him and being honest to both men about this – so I guess we’ll see.More importantly, let’s talk about Issa and Molly but moreso Molly and this need to never concede ANYTHING. I know you feel Andrew is different than before but I’d argue that he is still calling Molly out, just in a gentle way to try and be as considerate of her feelings as possible but I think he’s also been holding back and gauging how Molly handles Issa as his own test. Issa is her oldest friend, she loves her deeply but she won’t concede a single point? I agree with her that Issa was wrong for the months long near ghosting, even if Molly can be similar with other people, but the fact that she couldn’t even say – ‘you know, I shouldn’t have confronted her about this at her event in the way I did if at all’ shows how her love of being right/superior is grating. Between this and how Molly refuses to budge on Andrew’s brother clearly is on his mind and now even little things like changing the food on him is something he notices about her need to be right and groveled too with people she loves. Which brings us to the hangout – again, Molly has a small point that if Issa didn’t bring things up why should she but the answer to that is ‘you miss your best friend and you ruined her first major career milestone’. Her therapy did clock her with asking if she wants to be right or in relationship but again her inability to take any personal accountability is going to blow up in her face again and already has started to. Issa extended an olive branch with the lunch and again in trying to hang out but yeah – why should she fight for someone that can’t ever admit personal wrong? Issa just saying ‘ok’ was a face crack but if you tell me ‘I don’t think we fit anymore’ well… WHAT ELSE do you expect? Issa all but said ‘tell me what the issue is’ and instead of elaborating she put up a wall she expected Issa to tear down only this time she didn’t and good for Issa. Clearly it hurt but why beg to be in relationship with someone that doesn’t want to ever actually give emotionally? Which brings us back to Andrew – I do think a breakup is looming and after all this time trying to be on her side while nudging her towards trying to admit any wrong him reaching the breaking point makes sense. Molly ending up with nothing would be a bit harsh but maybe she needs that to FINALLY jolt into reality that she’s the common denominator in all these failed relationships. I guess we’ll see next week!

    • zeedeemax-av says:

      Unlike the author of this Season 4, Episode 9 recap, I find Issa and Lawrence tolerable too. I enjoy the show for its entertainment value, but I also enjoy it because I find the writing and situations relatable as well as ENJOY seeing black people on television that are contemporary, engaging in a practical manner, and NORMAL. It’s such a pleasure to watch a TV show with black characters that are navigating through life as we all are – making mistakes, learning from some and continuing to stumble with others, and the like. More importantly, while love is defined by the persons in it, I really enjoy that Issa and Lawrence, Issa and Nathan, love each other in their own way. Nathan and Issa may not love one another but they are loving to one another as people are in their friendships. Watching black people make love on screen is powerful, we are truly loving people and we do love each other in magnificent ways. The directing, lighting, writing, and scene development is impressive and isn’t limited to white shows featuring a female protagonist in love. The sofa is metaphoric of Issa and Lawrence’s earlier relationship as depicted in Season 1 but I do agree the show needs to chill with the reference, we GET it!! We do!! I’m #TeamNathan but for how ever long we see black love, its beauty, its power, its romance, its relevance, its passion, its uniqueness, as shown between Issa and Lawrence, to quote Kelly, “I am here for it!”I do agree with the author that Molly is TRASH. They must wish for viewers to absolutely hate her. Longstanding relationships are successful when the persons in them show compassion, forgiveness, and understanding and know how to show love even when the other person isn’t being so loving. Molly is self-centered and self sabotaging in all her relationships. It’s as if she cannot help herself and its hard to watch on screen. She doesn’t open up in therapy in the manner that is necessary in order to learn and grow. Dr. Rhonda is #Lowkeytrying but Molly is a very apprehensive client. Andrew has grown as he’s a more developed character as a result of this season’s dynamics but he’s TRASH too because he’s so subtle with calling Molly out, as he did last season. He treads water and is that any way to be in a relationship? Relationships are not 50/50 although we try to kid ourselves they are but this relationship seems to be 70/30 Molly and that is way too below the starting line to reach the finish line. We shall see during the final episode and next season. Yay Season 5!! I’m so looking forward to the awkwardness and love and friendships and missteps and recovery. PS: I miss Kelly and Tiffany…don’t miss Condolences, I knew she was out when we didn’t hear her voice last week when Lawrence called her…

    • ancientseawitch-av says:

      I think you completely nailed it. I think Andrew is nudging Molly gently towards making small concessions in life but Molly just isnt making any progress and he is seeing it. Especially like when she changed the food and blew off going to the game. Molly is going to end up alone and have a huge realization. 

    • blackmoondarksun-av says:

      Thank you for so eloquently expressing my thoughts! LOL! I agree that Andrew is likely observing how Molly responds to the Issa situation as a litmus test of how she handles issues in relationships. I’m betting there will be a breakup next episode. I’ve felt that his character has been a bit off this season, but I’m guessing that he’s trying to be softer since he’s now “in it” with Molly and is willing to offer her more chances. However, if she can’t be forgiving and able to find a compromise with his brother, or other people for that matter, it’s a major red flag that she’s just not mature enough emotionally. I think Andrew is too solid an adult to continue to let that slide in a relationship…

    • fabgab-av says:

      I think they’re so super clearly foreshadowing Issa’s comment to Molly that when things don’t work out with Andrew, it won’t be because of her that it could practically be in stereo. Her refusal to give an inch with his brother is probably going to be the final straw, but Issa will be a smaller part of it in that Andrew isn’t going to see her breaking up with her best friend over a favor she asked of him as for them, but for her need to always be right. Guessing we’re going to see Molly scrolling through her contacts next week looking for a shoulder, it’ll be interesting to see who (if anyone) picks up.

  • micatheamazing-av says:

    Lemme begin by saying that I was hyped to this episode because I remember seeing an IG Live a few months ago where Issa and Yvonne were talking about Kerry Washington directing this episode and that Kerry said she would stop them if she “didn’t believe them”, as in didn’t believe their acting, and that Kerry was stopping them midscene and it was annoying Yvonne (and Yvonne said she was annoyed because they were shooting at night and it was cold outside).

    Based on this I had been predicting for months that there would be a blowout argument and that hopefully there would be also a heartfelt reconciliation.

    Nothing I saw tonight screamed, to me, a scene where Kerry had to stop it midscene because the acting wasn’t believable. That is to say nothing really happened tonight, nothing was resolved, AND ONCE AGAIN AND WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE THEME OF THIS DAMN SEASON, everything was kicked down the road.

    Literally the only storyline resolved here was that Condola wasn’t pregnant and that they are done.

    Other than that? Lawrence and Issa are stupidly back on, we are left in limbo to see if he moves to SF (y’all I really don’t want to see a season 5 based on their long distance relationship), and Molly and Issa still aren’t resolved (no, I don’t believe how they ended the convo before Issa got in the car is really resolving anything, just kicking a true ending or reconciliation down the road to the next episode or maybe even next season).

    This episode annoyed me because it made Molly the bad guy once again, not saying she doesn’t deserve it sometimes but here she showed up to Issa’s brunch, didn’t snarkily bring up the Block Party, and patiently waited for Issa to bring it up (as she should, since Issa is the one who extended the invite and also because Issa has dodged speaking about the issue before, like canceling pie time), that’s a win in my book and yet Andrew got on her about it and said SHE coulda brought it up. Nah it don’t work like that bro.

    Similarly I don’t really have an issue with Molly bailing on the Clippers game, Andrew shouldn’t expect her to just gloss over what happened if she and his brother haven’t truly talked it over, nice seats or not. They made it come across like Molly and bro were cool since they didn’t mention anything after the trip was over but if she still is feeling a way I don’t think it’s right of Andrew to try to force her to accept the invite if she’s uncomfortable, he should he facilitating a talk between them to fix it since in theory they will be part of each other’s lives for a while, not making her feel bad for not accepting the invite.

    Finally, Issa is weird for even making helping Nathan a thing.

    I get it, she feels like she owes Nathan because he hooked her up with Andrew but there’s nothing wrong with getting out of helping him move since she knows part of it is he’s lowkey still interested in her and the circumstances have changed now that she’s sorta back with Lawrence.

    She should have just gotten out of helping him and she didn’t need to call Kelli or her brother or Molly to figure that out nor did she need to tell Lawrence about it.

    Other weird thing about telling Lawrence is if y’all are officially together what is that going to look like if he gets a gig in SF?

    Either they are just truly hooking up and she doesn’t really care if he moves to SF and therefore he didn’t to know about Nathan either way or she’s playing herself and totally isn’t going to be able to deal with having a boyfriend in a whole different city so she’s setting herself up for disappointment.

  • butidktho-av says:

    Wow, completely disagree with your take on Lawrence & Issa.. thought it was a pretty good opening montage.

    You are spot-on about Molly, though.  Would be happy to see these two walk away from this friendship like adults.  Feels like we don’t see that too often on television. 

  • jmg619-av says:

    As I’ve said it before in the episode before Molly and Andrew’s vaca, I’m not feeling Issa getting back with Lawrence. Yeah I get he seems like a nice guy to her and he’s like a comfortable security blanket cuz of their past history. But I just have a feeling it’s not going to work out between the both of them for some reason. Maybe it will be Lawrence who sabotages whatever these two have right now. Friends with benefits? F*ck buddies? Who knows. But Issa seems to be getting her hopes up for him. I wish she would at least give Nathan another chance cuz he seems really genuine towards her. Or Issa can just be without a man and focus on the next block party.As for Molly and Issa’s relationship, as much as I want those two to stay friends, I doubt it’s going to happen. I kinda understood Molly saying that they both are in different moments of their lives where their friendship has taken a backseat. Maybe they need to both move on from each other to grow from what they are doing now.

  • theresnocheekslikemocheeks-av says:

    Since it wasn’t covered in the recap (not mad at you!), huge shout out to Pann’s which is near and dear to my heart. I was mad Molly and Issa had their fake nice meet-up there because Pann’s should be reserved for positive vibes only lol. I hope they’ve been able to manage the Covid nonsense and are able to continuing serving the community. If you have been, good work. If you haven’t, gotta try it.

  • brobinso54-av says:

    *”Yeah, it feels good to see them back together, but they both realize it feels shallow.” I didn’t get that from Issa. When she told Lawrence (or was it Nathan?) that she met with Molly, Issa said she thought it went well. Molly is the one who said it was surface. Maybe Issa realizes it once Molly forces the issue with saying they don’t ‘fit’ anymore, but up until then she was happy to be ‘back’.*Something is up with Lawrence. I agree there’s another shoe to drop there.*And, I assume its for the drama, but why does Issa have to date just ONE guy? And, we know she’s through her ‘hotation’ days, but she should date BOTH Lawrence and Nathan! May the best man win!*Molly is really on thin ice. I don’t think she and Andrew will break UP next episode, but there might be a break. He inflexibility will finally bite her in the ass. Even when Issa didn’t fight back about he pronouncement on the walk way outside the apartment, her face communicated “Aren’t you going to fight for our friendship even though I just ended it?” I commend Issa for just walking away. Issa was TRYING while Molly was watching the clock. Molly needs to double up on her therapy sessions — twice a week minimum because she definitely needs to work on not blocking HERSELF so much!
    *I didn’t think of how Andrew has changed from last season, but you definitely have a point. Although, its not unlike people to soften once they are in a relationship on what were previously hard and fast rules — unless you are Molly. (OK, that was a low blow, I’ll take the penalty.) Its unfortunate that he’s so beholden to the older brother (which, from my friendships, I have seen is kind of common in Asian families where the oldest brother is like the Golden Child and shall not be disrespected, no matter how much of a douche he is!) and that he’s not being direct with him. He shouldn’t have told Victor that Molly had to work, he should have said, ‘hey, she won’t be bought off by a game, she’s legit mad at you right now.’*Issa and Lawrence playing house again is kind of a put-off and seems destined to be short-lived one way or another.

    • v-o-av says:

      “Aren’t you going to fight for our friendship even though I just ended it?”It’s so controlling and manipulative. Is this in line with narcissism?

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    I, uh, really liked the opening montage with Issa and Lawrence. More than them hooking up, I thought them working side-by-side was the most effective at showing their growth and how good they can be together. Like, yes, they’re charming and charismatic together, but they’ve stepped up enough that now they’re both striving to achieve their own goals separate of the other but still being with one another? I love seeing that.Comparing Lawrence and Nathan? Past-Lawrence loses out, easy. But now-Lawrence? I dunno. Nathan is good friend material for Issa, which I think she needs right now.As for Molly and Issa? I get that Molly needs something from Issa. I get that she feels aggrieved. But Issa was right on here: Molly doesn’t act like she wants a relationship. She’s acting like “meeting Issa half-way” is a concession rather than a sincere effort to reconcile with her erstwhile best friend. Bringing up that there are issues isn’t even meeting someone half way. It’s the first step, but Molly doesn’t even want to take that step. So I was on Issa’s side when she just dipped. What’s the point….at that point?

  • howditgo-av says:

    Nathan would give Issa a new unexplored path. His candor about mental illness and easy sense of humor are always welcome. Let Lawrence find a new way of living up north. But whatever happens next, GIVE US MORE KELLI AND CHAD! Also, shout out to keeping purse waffles warm with hand warmers. 

  • Velops-av says:

    Lawrence hasn’t even gotten an actual job offer and basically used one trip to San Francisco to manipulate Issa’s nostalgia.It seems like a stretch to read this as having ulterior motives. Lawrence called Issa because they are temporarily apart and he missed her. The phone call highlights how they got back together because it felt good, but they haven’t addressed how it could all derail again because of work. Issa’s career as an event organizer is only beginning to take shape and relies on her relationships with the local community. Lawrence’s career is directing him towards San Francisco because that is where a lot of the jobs in his field are located. They are being pulled in different directions and a simple compromise won’t cut it.

  • scortius-av says:

    Pfft, the only team here is #teamTSA

  • lrobinl58-av says:

    You really need to evaluate your hatred of Lawrence. Did you date someone who looked like him and have your heart broken or something? It was funny at first but now, it is a bit unhinged. He is not a terrible person and wasn’t to blame for his and Issa’s breakup, so enough already! You can dislike the fact that they have reconnected because sure, it may not be the best option for either of them, but they are happy and they don’t seem to be rushing into anything. You’re reading into it if you think that they’re ready to move in together. They are both aware that this reconnection may end with Lawrence moving away or something like that. They are acting very intelligently in maturely; you’re misinterpreting things because of some personal issue you have with the character.As for Molly; she is terrible. She is walking all over Andrew and expects him and everyone else to see things her way. Andrew won’t put up with it much longer and Molly will find herself alone, as usual.

  • acedecepticon-av says:

    Not a Lawerence/Issa pairing shipper either, but loved the previous episode. Real talk, texting the wrong person is low-key a big fear of mine. I’ve totally done it before, but I can’t be the only one, right? #textslips

  • absurdist1968-av says:

    My read is that Molly is supposed to reach a breaking point wherein she will ultimately develop some self-awareness andd, more importantly, actually listen to her therapist, who essentially spelled it out for her. It’s sad to think that it’s going to take all of the important, people in her life walking away from her, and unfortunately that’s what appears to be coming down the road, sooner rather than later. I’m not sure that the specific route that the writers have gone down has been particularly fair to the character, though.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I miss Kelli, but at least we got her voicemail message tonight, helpfully recorded in both English and Spanish.

  • StudioTodd-av says:

    I sometimes wonder if we’re watching the same show.

  • afrosamuress-av says:

    It’s good that Issa doesn’t beg Molly to fight for their friendship and simply cuts the cord. However, it feels unfair that everything blows up over Molly’s mistake.Molly was just waiting for Issa to beg. Molly was the one who said she thought it wasn’t working, and then Issa said “Okay,” because she’s learning to value herself. Then Molly looked hurt that Issa didn’t beg, but Molly is the one who said it was over! Molly is extremely self-absorbed and condescending. She wants everyone else to do the work because she thinks she’s right about everything. If you really love someone, sometimes you just have to say, “I’m sorry. I fucked up,” and move on. Letting go is so important to happiness.You can see that Andrew will break up with her soon – he hasn’t looked as happy all season as when they were sitting around playing drinking games, and then Molly fucked that up, too! You can also see that he knows Molly is in the wrong with Issa, he’s just trying to gently guide her to that conclusion. And I think what we’re all seeing with Andrew feeling like a new character is a somewhat deliberate choice to underscore how Molly is so domineering that she smothers people around her. Maybe that wasn’t the actual intention, but that’s the interpretation I’m choosing to move forward with.

  • headlessbodyintoplessbar-av says:

    I guess this episode would have gotten an A if Lawrence and Nathan’s roles in it had been reversed.#TeamLawrencesVoiceThough

  • die21283-av says:

    *sigh*sis I guess

  • boymeetsinternet-av says:

    Kerry did a great job. Was this her directorial debut?

  • jezonmyface-av says:

    When Issa walked home at the end of episode 8 after a wonderful night with Lawrence, I had thought – and hoped – Issa was closing the Lawrence chapter for good and starting afresh.Was totally upset and annoyed to see Issa and Lawrence on the couch together again!Issa and Molly unable to work through their differences hit me worse though. I am hopeful they will get together again in season 5.

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