Leave room on your Festivus list this year for the Seinfeld Lego set

Lego's latest Ideas set includes Jerry's apartment, a stage for stand-up, and a bunch of props from the show

TV News Seinfeld
Leave room on your Festivus list this year for the Seinfeld Lego set
Lego Seinfeld Screenshot: Courtesy of Lego

Lego has produced a couple of Friends sets recently under its Ideas label, a sub-brand that has also given the world a semi-functional typewriter, a very expensive grand piano, and a hideous single shoe, but Lego is going back to the ‘90s sitcom well for its latest set: a surprisingly faithful recreation of Jerry’s apartment from Seinfeld—yes, the one that fun-haters decided “can’t exist,” as if nobody ever designed an apartment in a major city with seemingly nonsensical angles and windows. Now you can appreciate the sci-fi geometry in three dimensions, along with tiny versions of Jerry, Elaine, George, Kramer, and even the detestable postman Newman. A David Puddy figure would’ve been nice, but we’ll just have to wait for a second set that includes him, J. Peterman, Mr. Wilhelm/Tania, Kenny Bania, Poppie, Kramer’s buddy Bob Sacamano, both Lloyd Brauns, Tim Whatley, and Jackie Chiles… not to mention all of the family members, like Morty and Helen Seinfeld, Frank and Estelle Costanza, and Uncle Leo.

Anyway, this Seinfeld Lego set also includes a bunch of little gag props that you can use to recreate your favorite moments while playing with your toy (and/or appreciating it on a shelf as an “art piece,” which is even nerdier than playing with it as a toy). Elaine has a goldfish in a bag from when they lost the car, George has a fishing pole for recovering the marble rye, and Kramer has both a pretzel (from his big line in a Woody Allen movie) and a coffee table book that turns into a coffee table. Jerry also gets a little brick wall stand-up stage that you can use for little bookend sequences before and after you play—but please, for the love of god, don’t put your Kramer minifigure on that stage.

It’ll be available on August 1.


  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Holy fucking shit I’m buying this

    • lonelylow-keysimian-av says:

      “thank God for people like coolmanguy” said UselessPlasticMakerCompanies. “Can I come play?” asked Mr Dust.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Kramer’s buddy Bob Sacamano…Now that would be an interesting Lego figurine.

    • coolmanguy-av says:
    • daveassist-av says:

      No… we know what pair of Seinfeld Lego figures we’re waiting for… and if the soup gets cold while we wait, oh dear…(I suspect that if there’s a Moff Gideon Lego, however, he can be made to look like our favorite soup fascist!)

  • coolhandtim-av says:

    George is too tall and Kramer isn’t racist enough.

  • el-zilcho1981-av says:

    Where’s Lego Jerry’s Superman statue?

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    If I’m Jason Alexander, I’m pretty pissed about that depiction, personally. But I’m sure Marisa Tomei thinks it looks great.

    • brickstarter-av says:

      Gonna grab one of the Spider-man sets with her and make them smooch.

    • themanfrompluto-av says:

      I’d be especially pissed that they used the same face for me and Wayne Knight. Sure they’re both fat short white guys, but they have entirely different vibes!

  • toddisok-av says:

    I’ll get the metal pole out of the crawlspace!

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    Damn you, Seinfeld! You useless Lego!

  • robert-denby-av says:

    I already have the Cousin Jeffrey Lego set, and it’s much better than this.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Oh, so they went with how Wayne Knight looks now.

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    Really cool, but a little strange that they’re all the same height, and that Jerry isn’t wearing a pair of awful white trainers.

  • luigihann-av says:

    “Bald” Lego characters like George here never look right to me. It’s unsettling.The apartment set itself is pretty neat though

  • drips-av says:

    Kinda surprised they went with later season Elaine hair. I mean yes it *looks* better, but come on. We want the classic Elaine. You know, kinda short, big wall o’ hair, face like a frying pan.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    the likenesses are all pretty good, especially with Elaine and GeorgeSeriously? If you handed that Elaine to somebody and said “Who is this?”, nobody’d have any idea.

    • schaughnwulph-av says:

      They’re legos, what do you expect? You could say that about any lego character (aside from superheroes who have the advantage of a unique costume). Same could really be said about Jerry. He and Elaine don’t have distinctive features that make them recognizable as Lego characters, whereas George and Kramer, and even Newman to an extent, have features that make them easily identifiable. This is all about context, and that figure in that apartment, or next to Kramer or George makes it immediately recognizable as Elaine.

  • mywh-av says:

    YES I am totally IN

  • tokenaussie-av says:

    Thought up by a guy from Brisbane, no less. First punk rock, then Bluey – it truly Australia’s cultural hub. 

  • 9evermind-av says:

    So George and Newman are exactly the same except for hair and clothes. C- for effort Mr. Lego.

  • stilldeadpanandrebraugher-av says:

    With this Lego set, you can be the master of Jerry’s domain.It better have a whale with a golf ball stuck in its blowhole.

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