Let’s hold CeeLo Green to the same standard he suggests for Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion, and Nicki Minaj

Aux Features Cee Lo Green
Let’s hold CeeLo Green to the same standard he suggests for Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion, and Nicki Minaj
CeeLo Gold… er, Green Photo: Frazer Harrison

Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion did an exceptional job with their unabashed sex-positive jam, “WAP.” Wanna know how we can tell (aside from screaming “MACARONI IN THE POT” at every opportune moment)? Because every hand-wringing, insecure talking head with half a platform can’t help but comment on it. This tendency isn’t new; this is just the kind of thing that happens when female rappers decide to take ownership of their sexuality—you know, similarly to what male rappers have been doing freely for decades, unchallenged by their peers?

To wit, Far Out magazine posted an interview with “Closet Freak” and “Necromancer” singer CeeLo Green, who shared his insights regarding his new album and the state of music today. “There’s a disconnect,” Green said. “It almost sounds unnatural: it sounds digitized and robotic.” While we could certainly take a moment to dig into how this opinion is rarely coupled with a substantial search for all of the quality music available at our fingertips, that’s not the major point here. What sparked some serious curiosity were his opinions that seemingly centered squarely on female rappers—specifically, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, and Megan Thee Stallion. Green felt compelled to comment on the often adult nature of their songs, which he believes are symptomatic of a serious issue: “A lot of music today is very unfortunate and disappointing on a personal and moral level. There was once a time when we were savvy enough to code certain things. We could express to those it was meant for with the style of language we used. But now music is shameless, it is sheer savagery.”

“We are adults. There should be a time and a place for adult content,” the “Fuck You” performer continues. “You have the ‘Heads of State,’ like Nicki Minaj or someone who is up there in accolade: success, visibility, a platform to influence. Nicki could be effective in so many other constructive ways, but it feels desperate. Attention is also a drug and competition is around.” As for the “WAP” duo: “Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, they are all more or less doing similar salacious gesturing to kinda get into position. I get it, the independent woman and being in control, the divine femininity and sexual expression. I get it all… it comes at what cost?”

It should be noted that he most likely shared his opinions well before “WAP” premiered. He is also right about one thing: If you have a highly visible platform, it’s best to use it responsibly. Green himself certainly had a viable platform back in 2014 when he spoke of a court case involving a woman who initially accused Green of sexual assault. While Green pleaded “no contest” to supplying the woman with Ecstasy during a date in 2012, he vehemently denied all accusations of rape. Though he could have used his platform to highlight the importance of consent and respecting boundaries, he instead argued on Twitter that “If someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you consciously! so WITH Implies consent.” He later apologized for the comments before deleting his Twitter account altogether—and again in 2015 while promoting an album—but by that time, the damage had already been done.

So the moral of this sad story is: Shaking your ass to “WAP”—which has already accrued over 70 million views on YouTube in a matter of four days—is a way better use of your time than turning to CeeLo-damn-Green for advice on morality.


  • mr-smith1466-av says:

    This article was worth it purely for that headline image.

    • lattethunder-av says:

      For a minute there I thought Roger Corman was producing another Marvel movie.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Wonder how long it takes dude to do costume changes on-stage? Because I mean…oof. He looks like a gold-plated, eggplant-shaped dildo a soccer-mom might order from Goop on a wine-bender.

    • martianlaw-av says:

      It looks like C3PO ate R2D2… and not in the way he usually eats him.

      • newdaesim-av says:

        Ignorant Martian!  Threepio and R2 have clearly bonded as Conjunx Endura!  On cybertron, their love would be celebrated, not used as ammunition to be fired at gold plated ironforge dwarves!

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I assumed it had something to do with a ‘Stargate’ reboot.

    • felixyyz-av says:

      Part of me is dying to know WHAT THE HELL that picture is about.  I’m figuring that will pass, and no answer is gonna make him not sound like a jackass.

    • lankford-av says:
      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        I love/hate the fact that I have never, ever seen that movie yet I knew exactly what it was from immediately. I really hope that CeeLo wears that mask for the entire length of his performance. It looks…painful.I also didn’t realize that CeeLo was still around, and while I’m aware of Cardi B and Meg, I do have to admit I really don’t give a rats ass about this. I find it to be a case of making drama where there is none to be had.

  • wuthanytangclano-av says:

    This song is really getting the Streisand effect working for it. It’s not particularly good or clever, but there’s some bizarre 90’s puritan outrage promising to make it one of the most notable songs of the year.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      I dunno, I think it’s a cool video. Never listened to Cardi-B or Megan Thee Stallion (because I’m not a 13-year-old girl), but I figured they were talentless…they’re actually pretty decent rappers.I wouldn’t listen to it on Spotify, but it was good video…kinda reminescent of Missy Elliot’s videos.

    • boner-of-a-lonely-heart-1987-av says:

      That just about sums it up. The “hook” is just a generic trap beat we’ve heard countless times before, the video is more embarrassing than sexy, and all it’s really got going for it is the novelty value of how crass the lyrical content is. But I’m actually sort of relieved to see that the performative pearl-clutching is coming from conservatives rather than liberals this time around, which is really how it should be. Suddenly not so “politically incorrect” when the subject matter has to do with sex, huh guys?

    • annihilatrix--av says:

      i don’t like any of their music but they’re pissing off all the right people, not taking shit from any of ‘em, and stomping them all out with massive success. these chicks are fucking badasses.

    • adohatos-av says:

      For real. Listening to it my first thought was not to question its morality or to laud its depiction of female sexuality but was “Cardi can’t rap worth a damn and it’s noticeable as hell when she’s performing with someone who can.” I also thought Kylie Jenner would try to spit bars and she didn’t so that was disappointing. 

      • murrychang-av says:

        “Cardi can’t rap worth a damn and it’s noticeable as hell when she’s performing with someone who can.”

        This.  The worst thing about the song is Cardi, Megan is about 100x more talented than Cardi.

      • jmg619-av says:

        Yeah I never understood how Cardi is where she’s at. I honestly think she’s a crappy rapper with a terrible flow. She’s loud and obnoxious too. Her rap delivery sounds like a 12 yr old illiterate. I love me some Meg but disappointed she did a rap with her.

        • conan-in-ireland-av says:

          I don’t listen to Cardi B, and I don’t think she’s a great rapper, but you have to admit she has personality and charisma out the wazoo. (Not making a crass wink-wink dog whistle about her appearance.) She was great in Hustlers, and the movie probably would have been more interesting if she were cast in either lead role.

          • jmg619-av says:

            Yeah I’ll give you that about her personality and charisma. And at the time, music needed someone like her. But I kinda wonder if she’ll have a lasting impact in the music and pop culture realm. I mean Lil Kim and Foxy are not making music anymore but people sure do still talk about them as if they were. One thing about those two were sometimes their lyrics were very explicit and to the point. Other times they killed it with the wordplay and innuendos which made it fun to decipher what they was rapping about.

          • lisalionhearts-av says:

            Yeah, I totally think it’s a personality & charisma thing with Cardi B. I’m a woman and I loved her album, she reminds me of Luda, her lines are just fun to shout! She is nowhere near as technically skilled as Meghan and it shows on this track but her verses are still fun as hell. When she pops up and yells “Macaroni in the pot!” I almost fell off the treadmill laughing, it reminds me of like ODB or Lil’ Wayne but like in an adorable stripper’s body. She mentioned that she wants to make music that makes women feel like the baddest bitch in the room and she totally hits that target over and over. I have seen the dancefloor go crazy for “Bodak Yellow” and “I Like it”, her songs appeal, especially to a lot of women, even if a lot of dudes don’t get it. As to her insane popularity and media coverage, she did casually mention on twitter this weekend that Kris Jenner gives her advice. To me, that explains a lot. As they say, the devil works hard but Kris Jenner works harder. That woman knows how to weave media obsession out of nothing. Cardi started on reality tv and parlayed instagram fame to the top of the charts, there’s skill to that even if it’s not in the bars.

        • chiliverdedavis-av says:

          Given the inordinate amount of press she receives for doing the absolute bare minimum, it would make the most sense that a new age payola is underway. Jez alone publishes between 2 and 20 posts on anything she does.

          • murrychang-av says:

            And pretty much entirely ignores all of the problematic things she does and says.

          • chiliverdedavis-av says:

            Right? She has personality, that is great and all, but does not a good artist make.

        • Ruhemaru-av says:

          Cardi has the persona that does well in interviews.
          That’s about it.
          Meanwhile Megan seriously raps and has the best flow out of all the mainstream female rappers now that Nicki basically recycles her lyrics (I really miss early Nicki).

          • jmg619-av says:

            I think Nicki still has some game flow wise, but the recent song she does with Takashi, it’s like she’s phoning it in on that one.

    • trlrgrl2-av says:

      Honestly. It’s a fun song, sure. But is it something that has never been done before? Nope. I mean, artists aren’t restricted anymore by MTV video standards and can be more sexual and show more skin in videos (you KNOW Lil Kim would have been there done that 20 years ago if she had been allowed to).The biggest story to me is how talented a rapper MTS is vs Cardi B, who seems like she is trying to keep up with the adult in the room.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      Tipper Gore hates this song. 

    • sassyskeleton-av says:

      I admit I want to listen to it now.  It’s been showing up as new music on the streaming sites I use so I’ll give it a listen. 

    • specscriptforfun-av says:

      Being “sex positive “ is the only notable thing about it or positive attribute anyone calling it a summer anthem can say. When it’s the only thing a certain brand of young online writers look for when praising stuff they’re going to overrate the fuck out of it on that one merit

    • apollomojave-av says:

      This right here. The beat is bland, there’s no hook, and Cardi’s rapping is atrocious. Literally the only reason anybody is talking about this song is because of the raunchy lyrics and talking head outrage in response.

  • glydebane-av says:


  • newdaesim-av says:

    I hate when dudes rap about how much they like fucking. I see nothing wrong with applying that same standard to Cardi and Meg. That doesn’t mean mocking them, it just means ignoring some of their content and snickering when writers act like this routine is ground breaking and revelatory. Foxy Brown, Eve, Li’l Kim off the top of my head. I hate how these kids collate “New to me,” with “visionary.” I have a box in my garage filled with old cassette tapes and a Walkman if you people ever wanna take a trip to the “future.”

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      Eh, I’m not against dudes rapping about fucking; it’s a beautiful, natural thing. Cee-Lo’s problem is that he’s a misogynist and can’t compute the concept of strong women who use their power of sexuality. I guess he doesn’t like the idea of playing on a level playing-field?What’s even worse about his bullshit is that, if anything, he should be supportive of curvy women using their sexuality in a powerful light.

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      Shall we repair to my study? I have a Victorola in there and a record that might be of interest to you. No ladies will be present.

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      Except this is about a dude that’s cool with people rapping about fucking as long as those people aren’t women 

      • newdaesim-av says:

        Ehhhh, I may have missed the point of the article. But I’m unflappable in my ignorance and will just pretend I’m right anyway. That’s how I web. Which is a false verb that I’m pretending is a term people use in casual conversation. See how I web?

    • thants-av says:

      I guess the kids should just lay down and die then, since everything’s already been done.

    • johnbeckwith-av says:

      Minnie “Will You Come Inside Me” Riperton, anyone?

      • newdaesim-av says:

        Weirdly dystopian setting for the video notwithstanding, I think in terms of melody and overall “catchyness,” shebop might be the perfect example of 80’s American pop melody. It isn’t hampered by the self-serious angst that defined English music back then, and it’s so sincerely odd that it stands out on its own; its frank themes of female sexuality are just so cheerful next to Billy Idol’s comparatively skeevy “Dancing by myself.”

    • annihilatrix--av says:

      it’s such a god damn shame that ceelo’s a rapey dipshit. i am…..no, was, a huge fan of his music but this was just ruthlessly stupid. how hard is it to say “what about them? they suck” and move on but instead we get ‘karen cosby’ lecturing us about how dirty music has become since his last album.

    • avclub-7445cdf838e562501729c6e31b06aa7b--disqus-av says:

      Eh, I dunno. There are a lot of songs about how much a dude/lady/whoever likes sex, and they vary a lot. Plenty of them masquerade as romantic love songs (What’s Boyz II Men’s “I’ll Make Love to You” but a brag about being able to last all night directed at one, uh, special lady?). Some definitely appeal more than others. I don’t blame anyone for disliking explicit music or songs that are about how the singer/rapper has sex with lots of ladies (Definitely not just a few ladies, lots! In lots of positions! Probably in the backseat of his very expensive car.). That being said, a whole lot of people who call Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion out for their lack of “class,” “subtlety,” or whatever else probably never said similar thing about Snoop Dogg or the Ying Yang Twins or any other male rapper who’s work tends toward the raunchy.

      • asynonymous3-av says:

        People are prudes in general…remember this gem? It was pretty popular amongst us 5th-graders at the skating rink:

      • billymadison2-av says:

        So strange how people don’t like it when “anyone” does X but only mention it when particular people do X. Also, all I can think about is long-time Onion columnist Smooth B.

    • fudge-ur-nuggets-av says:

      I could do without all of it. This shit is retarded

    • 1ofmany-av says:

      “I hate when dudes rap about how much they like fucking.”Do you hate when women do it, too?

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      What it also means is we all shut the fuck up when we hate music. Nobody really cares when you, me, Cee Lo Green, or dumb-as-a-brick Shapiro would rather listen to something else, so what is your opinion really worth if you hate a song?

      • dbwindhorst-av says:

        There are *so* many things to mention when trying to rank the worst stuff on the internet, but the billion Youtube threads about which artist or musician is “best” has to be there someplace.

      • newdaesim-av says:

        Uh, duh, it’s worth 56 upvotes! Don’t get get salty with me just because you don’t know how to convert them into starbuck points.

    • youngrutiger3-av says:

      By kids, you mean you kids who never heard Salt-N-Pepa?Also Beat Boy by Die Antwoord is the best take down of guys bragging about fucking to prove how masculine they are.  Because it gets weird, and makes those guys look like prudes.

    • sncreducer93117-av says:

      They should get off your lawn, too.

    • davidwizard-av says:

      So hold on… you hate this content, but you also have a box in your garage filled with old cassette tapes containing the content you hate? I have questions about this.

      • asynonymous3-av says:

        He was stock-piling them for a good-ole-fashion cassette burning, but by the time he was ready, those new-fangled compact-discs came with Parental Advisory labels!Don’t laugh! I’ve got a dozen Holy Bibles and a pile of American flags sitting in my basement! Maybe I’ll go burn those tomorrow…if I’ve got time; we’ll see.

    • ac130-av says:

      Lets just admit that WAP is basically a Bloodhound Gang track for all the femmes in 2020

  • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

    I can see how old people that don’t really follow modern music, and haven’t gotten a new album since the 70s, can get all “music today is so trashy/vulgar/scary please think of the children“. But for someone like CeeLo to say it is weird. I mean hell, this shit was coming out when CeeLo was still with the Goodie Mob in the 90s:*Definitely NSFW*I’d forgotten how catchy that song is.And we can’t forget this gem that came out about the time CeeLo released his first solo album.I’m freakin old and this type of “shameless” music has been around since forever. I think Ceelo is Crazy like he said.

    • bowie-walnuts-av says:

      Cee-lo has a couple really dope albums. His first two solo joints plus his output with Goodie Mob. But you are absolutely right that this type of music was coming out when he was hanging with Biggie and Kim. At this point, his commentary is worthless.Like hes picured here with Lil Cease and Biggie who wrote many of Lil Kim’s most sexually explicit raps. Fuck outta here bruh

    • torchbearer2-av says:

      Which makes it more funny when he literally came out with a song shaming a woman for straying called “Fuck You”. That and him being dressed like he is cosplaying the overseers from Dishonored. 

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        Doesn’t that song end with him pitifully begging her to come back?Doesn’t matter, though, his stupid take is still stupid.

        • torchbearer2-av says:

          Doesn’t look like it… it politely asks her to cease communications with him followed by the song title several times.

    • kityglitr-av says:

      Literally been around for decades … Look up Louise Bogan’s 1930’s banger, Shave em Dry. It’s scandalous and wonderful.

    • clueblue-av says:

      Plus the whole, ya know, he drugs-women-then-rapes-them thing:


    • jmg619-av says:

      Yeah man, I was thinking the same thing when I was reading the article. Did not ever listen to a Lil Kim or Foxy Brown song back in the day. They were very explicit about sex and did not use and innuendos either! Which in my opinion can be fun in trying to figure out what they are talking about lol. Also, if he wants to get hype about ‘WAP’ he should hear the ‘What’s Your Fantasy’ Remix. Maaaaan, Trina, Shawnna and Foxy Brown get really nasty on that track.

  • Chastain86-av says:


  • mrluridreek-av says:

    I honestly didn’t know CeeLo was still a thing…. you learn something every day!

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    I just couldn’t get past all the Wet Ass Pussy and bringing a bucket for mopping, and making something cream and then making someone scream and talking shit and riding dick for an automobile (seven speed dual clutch transmission curiously was not specified) and then buying him a new I Phone 11 Pro Max to photograph said hydrated genitalia and then demanding a dude, with a cock king cobra sized without specifying whether Indian or Northern Neaplese to pay for her college tuition but only because he was kissing previously stated, super-hydrated vagina, and then immediately required to press said king cobra sized penis against her glottis and possibly some light BSDM and ass eating and then for some reason back to damn well be a king cobra sized dick (would Malaysian work?) all evidence pointing that if it don’t hang it don’t bang.Frankly Shannon, these gals are awfully demanding and how on Earth could you bring them home to meet Ma Maw

    • whatevernameyoulikepal-av says:

      Yeah! and like wait, College? What major? I ain’t paying for some liberal arts degree or a Bachelors in Forestry. And Daddy don’t pay for anything lower than a B-.

      • martianlaw-av says:

        I just imagine going into the class after them, sitting down and exclaiming, “What the Hell is all over this seat!?!”

        • whatevernameyoulikepal-av says:

          I had a pretty difficult engineering class during the summer. One week it got very hot. i would go to the pool on campus right before. I’d walk in dripping wet and sit in my seat ready to take notes. everyone else sweating balls. Me, totally comfy and focused (in a puddle at my desk). true story.

  • actionactioncut-av says:

    Okay, rapist.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:


  • boner-of-a-lonely-heart-1987-av says:

    The standard we hold Nicki Minaj to is “don’t collaborate with convicted pedophiles”. Sadly, she does not live up to that standard!

  • la-roc14610-av says:

    Don’t you love it when a dude with multiple accusation s of spiking drinks gets all prim and proper about things?

  • gigawattconduit-av says:

    All of these dudes are doing a lot to say “I don’t please my wife and make sex all about me.”

  • omaxem1-av says:

    News Flash – People Are Still Listening To What CeeLo Green Has To Say, LOL.

  • pedrosilva03-av says:


  • reviewiere-av says:

    Why do black people look so disgusting?

  • light-emitting-diode-av says:

    “But now music is shameless, it is sheer savagery”
    Yes, CeeLo, that’s why we enjoy it.WAP is a novelty with an outrageous music video. Surely this has never happened in music before.

  • spangla-av says:

    Ahh yes, let’s all bend an ear to hear what Cee-Lo “ It isn’t rape if the victim is unconscious” Green has to say about adult content in music.

  • froot-loop-av says:

    “I get it all… it comes at what cost?”No. You don’t get it. And I know that because your paternalism makes you feel like it’s your job and your right to offer your approval or disapproval.

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    The irony: “Because every hand-wringing, insecure talking head with half a platform can’t help but comment on it.”

  • carri289-av says:

    How does he still have a career?https://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/sep/02/cee-lo-green-it-isnt-if-the-victim-is-unconscious“The singer Cee Lo Green has discussed a court case in which he pleaded no contest to supplying ecstasy to a woman in a series of tweets, including one that read: “People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!”The woman had claimed that she had no memory of the period between dining with Green at a sushi restaurant in 2012 and waking up naked in the singer’s bed.Green’s lawyer argued that Green, 40, and the woman had “consensual relations”. No rape charges were filed due to lack of evidence.In the tweets, which were subsequently deleted, though preserved by a user of the site in screengrabs, Green added: “If someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you consciously! so WITH Implies consent”.”

  • dillon33-av says:

    Is anybody allowed to not like the music your into?Or does that offend you.   Serious question 

  • thesanitationdept-av says:

    If someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you consciously! so WITH Implies consent.This tweet is so surreal. No matter how people try to twist it, it’ll always feel to me like coked-out CeeLo Green felt like he found some “genius” loophole that makes sex with an unconscious person consensual somehow.So he objects to WAP on a moral level? Thought shit, it’s not like his morality is  worth anything.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    “There was once a time when we were savvy enough to code certain things”He’s promoting women coding!C’mon things like this have always existed. It’s not new, did he become newly religious by chance?

  • jackmaksan-av says:

    Minaj is a vapid talentless hack, successful as fuck, but still empty and useless. CeeLo is a self important hypocritical bad of dicks, talented, but still a delusional fuck-wit.Cardi is down, dope and doing her thing. Go on Cardi!

  • dillone-av says:

    I thought this was going to be about him being a hypocrite since he has that song where the chorus is “You make me horny.” That doesn’t seem to be “coded language.”

  • gusgrimes73-av says:

    Yes, let’s all praise Cardi B, who can forget such “sex positive” acts like drugging men and stealing their money, WHAT A ROLE MODEL! 

  • franknstein-av says:

    That guy seems really offended by the concept of a wet pussy.I do not envy his wife…

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    I had no idea that Ceelo was the love child of C-3PO and Kryten.

  • pitstopblog-av says:

    At least Ce-lo Green had a quality song.

  • sylviaspeaks-av says:

    I, admittedly, don’t listen to these young women’s music but I don’t judge. I am 49; Florida girl, born and bred. I grew up listening to lyrics like “Me and my homeboys like to play this game, some call Amtrak, we call it the train. Heyyy, we want some Pu$$y!”Uncle Luke, 69 Boyz, 95 South

  • adohatos-av says:

    I’m not going to try to hold Cee-Lo to any standards at all. He’s clearly Ascended beyond human status and now controls Stargates and such. I’m not about to fuck around and end up building a damn pyramid on an alien planet. I’m Jewish on my mother’s side and we’ve been through that already. 

  • outtamywayjerkass-av says:

    CeeLo is responsible, in whole or in part, for some cold classic music:- “Git Up, Git Out”- The entirety of Gnarls Barkley’s St. Elsewhere album, but especially “Crazy,” and “Smiley Faces”- “Fuck You!”So it’s with the utmost respect that I say, “shut the fuck up CeeLo Green.”

  • BigAl1825-av says:

    To defend CeeLo… nah, nevermind, I can’t do that. But I don’t think his comments are that insane.He’s pretty much wrong, though, as shown by how this video has exploded. There certainly isn’t a cost to CB and MTS. And it’s not like our society just became explicitly sexualized while also being extremely oppressed. That’s been America in a nutshell for centuries.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    “We are adults. There should be a time and a place for adult content,” the “Fuck You” performer continues.
    Oh yeah, that’s the good shit.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I don’t like MTS or Cardi B’s music, however I have no problem with them putting this a song like this out. Honestly, Ceelo sounds like he has a bigger issue with them and he’s using this as an excuse.

  • alexpkavclub-av says:

    “We are adults. There should be a time and a place for adult content,” the “Fuck You” performer continues.Home run.

  • wmohare-av says:

    Or let’s ignore a has-been lamenting his vanishing relevance

  • tigersblood-av says:

    That song should be called FAP amirite??

  • taumpytearrs-av says:

    “Rapey asshole who doesn’t think women have agency over their own bodies gets mad at women rapping about having agency over their own bodies”I used to enjoy CeeLo’s music until I found out he was a piece of shit that thought it was okay to drug and rape women. Fuck him and his tiny tyrannosaurus arms, and fuck anyone giving him a platform without calling him out on his bullshit.

  • loutoad-av says:

    all this music sucks anyway. who cares.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    When CeeLo put out “Fuck You”, I misheard and thought Skee-Lo was making his much needed comeback. … That’s really all I’ve got on the subject of CeeLo Green. Also fuck that guy, but the rest of the comments have that covered already. 

  • violet-baudelaire-av says:

    Wow at least he’s gotten more subtle in the way’s hes saying Fuck You to women

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Amy chance we could hear about something other than ‘The horny adventures of Balloon Tits and Badly Named Horse’?

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