Oh damn, Letterkenny is ending

Hulu announced today that Jared Keeso's long-running Canadian sitcom will air its 12th season on December 26—and then end

Aux News Letterkenny
Oh damn, Letterkenny is ending
Letterkenny Photo: Hulu/LIndsay Sarazin

For the last seven years, Jared Keeso and Jacob Tierney’s deeply vulgar, highly literate Canadian sitcom Letterkenny has been one of the hardest laughs—and the hardest sells—on TV. A love letter to rural Canada that is also, often, a love letter to all the ways its residents can just be the goddamned worst, Letterkenny’s appeal has always been tricky to put into words—ironic, given how fleet with language most of its various hicks, skids, and hockey players so frequently are, rattling off rapid-fire puns, innuendoes, and densely layered callbacks at roughly a mile a minute.

And now, it’s all coming to a close, as Hulu—which runs the show in the U.S.— announced this afternoon that its upcoming 12th season, set to air in a single big dollop of content on December 26, will be the series’ last. No more Puppers; no more Modean’s; no more tales of Boots, the Ginger, and The Ostrich: Wayne, Katy, Dary, and Squirrely Dan will all be departing the scene after this final run, ending the show’s endless conversations about the asinine minutiae of human existence, and also the fairly frequent slow-motion beatdowns it often trafficked in. How’re ya now? Pretty sad, honestly.

News of both the 12th season premiere date, and its finality, arrives just as the second season of Letterkenny’s hockey-focused spin-off series Shoresy (which also stars Keeso, as a foul-mouthed hockey player originally introduced as a joke character in the mothership series) arrived Stateside, having landed on Hulu all at once, after airing in Canada over the last month. That show, at least, will be moving forward after a very funny second run of episodes, having already picked up a third season renewal notice back in October.

Stream Letterkenny now on Hulu.


  • sumtinsumtinsumtin-av says:

    Allegedly… (wipes tear from eye)

  • coatituesday-av says:

    deeply vulgar, highly literateThat is just a fine description. I love the show, but there are people I know who just don’t….it’s the vulgarity that puts them off.  Their loss.

  • hawk777-av says:

    It’s funny that Shoresy has been so successful on its own, as the hockey stuff on Letterkenny was frequently comedy death (the only thing worse than the hockey episodes were, of course, the Crack N’ Ag season).

    The show definitely got too far too self-satisfied in the later seasons, but I’m still sad that it’s ending. 

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      Y’knowI did not like crack n ag the first go through. I was definitely let down.Coming back to it later tho fuck boys, it was a rocket 

    • captaintragedy-av says:

      Yeah, I wasn’t sure how the hell they could turn the character Shoresy into a successful Shoresy, but they sure as hell did– I’ve been very pleased with both seasons.

      • sammybaby-av says:

        They did it by totally changing the character of Shorsey. They gave him a personality that extended past farting and “I fucked your mom” jokes, and turned it into something that could support a whole series, and it worked out great! Don’t get me wrong, the bits in Letterkenny where he’s just relentlessly tearing down Riley and Jonesy are great, but a whole show’s worth of that would overstay its welcome real fast.

        • captaintragedy-av says:

          Yes, indeed. There’s no way they could’ve made a show around a one-note character who mostly takes shits and fucks players’ moms.

        • ghostiet-av says:

          It’s kind of shocking that Shoresy’s interactions with Laura Mohr come off as so sweet and genuine while also being 100% consistent with the Letterkenny dickhead who can’t help himself but make very verbose jokes about fucking someone’s mom.The opening of that show is brilliant because it kinda pulls on what was already visible in Letterkenny: Shoresy truly is right about a lot of things but when given the choice of proving he’s smarter than someone he almost always goes for proving he can get under someone’s skin.

      • wooleyspidermokey-av says:

        Agreed. I did not enjoy Shoresy as a character in Letterkenny so I was skeptical but somehow Shoresy is now the better show.

    • clamsteam-av says:

      Your mother was self satisfied after I was through with her.

    • domicile-av says:

      The hockey stuff, for me who grew up near Listowel (when they say “going to town” on Letterkenny, they mean my city), was an absolute blast because I grew up with people like that. The hockey characters and culture were the least exaggerated parts of the show.Sad to see it ending but Shorsey is god dam perfect.  I think Letterkenny has run it’s course but they struck gold again with the spin-off.

    • dinningwithporthos-av says:

      i found the most recent season to be the worst.  for one, it sort of popped up out of nowhere, then it had no story arc.  just a series of unrelated episodes.

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      I honestly haven’t finished season 10 of Letterkenny because I just couldn’t get into it, and then the first season of Shoresy came out and was fantastic. It makes me think the reason I felt like season 10 was such a step down was because Keeso was more focused on making Shoresy more than a one-note gag.

      • 2sylabl-av says:

        As a huge fan of Letterkenny, I think Shoresy is SO much better. Every single department, starting with story and script but on through camera, editing, music, locations and on shows so much more experience. Keeso and Tierney can REALLY bring it now.

      • captaintragedy-av says:

        I think Letterkenny fell off a bit around the time they moved to Hulu.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “I think Letterkenny fell off a bit around the time they moved to Hulu.”

          They didn’t *move* to Hulu. It is and always has been produced by Crave in Canada.

    • cigarettecigarette-av says:

      Whaaaaaaaaaat one of the most satisfying arcs is the redemption of Jonesy and Reilly

    • ReasonablySober-av says:

      Counterpoint: Mary Anne and Betty Anne were amazing. 

    • carrercrytharis-av says:

      You prefer an Agri-Cult? Yeah, I have to agree — it’s a fantastic show, but it does have this undercurrent of smugness. (Sad to see it end though.)

  • recoegnitions-av says:

    The first 5 seasons of Trailer Park Boys are the only good tv that’s ever come out of Canada. I tried to watch this once and it was face meltingly bad.

  • bagman818-av says:

    Wait, so, Hulu’s paying for it, not just rebroadcasting? Because if it’s still airing in Canada (on Crave)…well, I might know a guy who can smuggle bootleg VCRs across the border.

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      “still” airing in Canada? 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Wait, so, Hulu’s paying for it, not just rebroadcasting?”


      “Because if it’s still airing in Canada (on Crave)…well”

      It’s not. The final season, as decided by Keeso and Crave, is dropping in Canada the day before it drops in the US.

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    Imagine if avc reviewed it…

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I’ll miss Daxy and Ronsy and their whole new levels of gay.

  • saratin-av says:

    To be fair, there were a couple seasons in the middle where I kinda thought things had fallen off a cliff (W’s Talk, Baby was a huge disappointment of an episode in particular), but the last couple seasons have been very good. Going to miss it.

    • barf-bandit-av says:

      To be faaaaaaaaiiiiiiir

    • lotionchowdr-av says:

      To be fairrrrrr…..

    • ghboyette-av says:

      To be faaaaiir

    • suddenlysandor-av says:

      Weird I think that is one of my favorite episodes, mostly just for the couple minutes of Shoresy and Kuteness.

      • saratin-av says:

        I hate it because it largely seems to exist as an excuse for Keeso to go “lol women playing hockey pfffft”. Like I’m sorry, I don’t care what people think about women vs men in sport in this context but you’re not going to convince me that a back to back championship team is going to get completely shut out by a team that couldn’t even put a W on the board previously. Plus the Coach, who has never been anything but kind of a pathetic douche up to that point, gets to be just a raging asshole and never gets any sort of callout or comeuppance as a result. Tonally the entire ep feels like a 360 from the vibe the show had established up to that point.

  • floyddangerbarber-av says:

    I describe Letterkenny to people as being an amazingly accurate representation of growing up in a tiny town in central Illinois in the 1970’s, except 45 years later in Canada.

    • captaintragedy-av says:

      Honestly, I think it shares some DNA with King of the Hill– both shows about a very traditionalist guy exasperated with the nonsense going on around him and his three best friends; also both shows that understand that small towns are often full of complete lunatics.

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      My description has always been “It’s like if you combined It’s Always Sunny with Napoleon Dynamite.”

  • turbotastic-av says:

    Oh, I see how it is! Disney buys Hulu and then suddenly they decide they’re too good for ostrich-fucking! Allegedly!
    *I purchase a garbage can from Amazon, patiently wait three days for it to arrive, then when it does arrive, I set it down on the ground and then angrily kick it so hard it goes flying*FUCKING EMBARRASSING!

  • dgstan2-av says:

    How come no one ever talks about Letterkenny’s “vigilante shit” long before Taylor Swift coined the term?

  • minimummaus-av says:

    To be fair, it’s probably time.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    It’s a bit sad because the show has been on for so long and every new season feels a bit like chicken noodle soup on a cold day. But the show got a really long run and the later seasons have been weaker and weaker. Just hope Shoresy stays on the air for a few more seasons and Keeso keeps getting new projects.

  • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

    I mean, it has had 12 seasons – albeit short ones.It’s a pretty entertaining show, but – maybe it’s just me – it was starting to wear a bit thin. Especially the endless lazy dick jokes from the “Mennonites” who look like no Mennonite or Amish person that’s ever existed in Canada or anywhere else. (That said, Dick and Dyck /are/ common Anabaptist last names, I’ll give them that.) 

  • coldsavage-av says:

    I was late to Letterkenny (I got into it right after Season 9 was available in the US) and I enjoyed it for the most part. That said, count me among those who believe it has run its course. I wouldn’t say that the later seasons were weaker necessarily, just that every season became more of the same.I watched S1 of Shoresy and it is solid. It is Letterkenney with a different coat of paint, but also different enough that it seems fresher. Not sure I would do 12 seasons of Shoresy too, but I enjoy it.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    I blame those degens from upcountry for this.  

  • sarahmas-av says:

    I have never heard of this and will def seek it out. Love that I can just watch it all at once!

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I’m okay with this. The show hasn’t been that great in a while. The dialogue is great but there’s no plot and very little character development. Shoresy is great, though. It deserves all the success.

  • butterflybaby-av says:

    “c’mon and give yer nuts a tug”

  • roisinist-av says:

    Fuck did they run.

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