Lilly Wachowski offers nicely pointed response to Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump referencing The Matrix

Aux Features Film
Lilly Wachowski offers nicely pointed response to Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump referencing The Matrix
Screenshot: The Matrix

Earlier today, we reported that Bill Pullman had shared a somewhat disappointingly chill response to Donald Trump tweeting an edited clip from Independence Day that put his face on Pullman’s body during the big speech scene. It all basically just made Trump look stupid, which requires little to no effort, but Pullman missed a chance to really land a dunk and get some worthless cheers from internet people like us. Well, here comes Matrix co-creator (and Matrix 4 solo director) Lilly Wachowski, who’s ready to show Pullman how you’re supposed to handle a situation like this.

Earlier today, rich person Elon Musk tweeted the phrase “take the red pill” along with an emoji of a red rose—a vague and seemingly political statement that requires some familiarity with the internet. The rose emoji is used a symbol for people with far-left political beliefs, while “red pill” (a reference to The Matrix) has been co-opted by people with far-right political beliefs/misogynist assholes to refer to the moment when they discovered the supposed true nature of reality—which is to say that it’s their right to be an asshole and that anything and everything bad in their life is someone else’s fault. We’re not saying that’s what Musk meant, but that is more or less what people understand “red pill” to mean.

But wait, there’s more! Ivanka Trump, who is what you’d get if Veruca Salt’s dad just bought Willy Wonka’s factory for her at the end, retweeted Musk’s post with the comment “Taken!” (as in, “I’ve taken the red pill” and not “I got the name of the movie wrong,” we assume). This is where Lilly Wachowski comes in with one of those rare tweets that actually makes the mountain of bile that is Twitter seem briefly worthwhile:

Hell yeah. Wachowski than plugged her SoundCloud, so to speak, directing her followers to support the LGBTQ organization Brave Space Alliance.

[via Variety]


  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    It’s rudeness like this from you Democrats and other Leftists that made us Conservatives vote for President Trump, somehow!

    • stillmedrawt-av says:

      In the ruins of the blogosphere we used to say “after 9/11 now I’m outraged about Chappaquiddick.”

    • lattethunder-av says:

      You ain’t fooling nobody. No Trump voter would have a polysyllabic username.

    • rpdm-av says:

      I just re registered as an independent from democrat. The Democrats are full of it. – mikeween, Los Angeles, March 31, 2018

      • kwillow12-av says:

        Well, that’s cool. Try taking a red pill… I recommend “Ike & Mike” cinnamon flavored ones.

    • gohan7-av says:

      If that’s the reason why you decided to vote (and not vote) for someone, then you deserve the president you have.

    • glaagablaaga-av says:

      FUCK YER FEELINGS… but you need to show decorum and politeness towards me… YOU SNOWFLAKE

    • jodebgar-av says:

      If what you perceive as “rudeness” puts you in favor of the dismantling of democratic institutions; the belittling or even demonization of people whose ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion and economic status are different from yours; the punishment of people who tell inconvenient but necessary truths and exaltation of those who hedge, dodge and lie with or for you; the worship of dictators and vicious strongmen; the unpardonable cruelties and injustices visited upon innocent children and their desperate immigrant parents; the absence of a moral compass and inability to apologize, sympathize and relate; and the cronyism, nepotism and profiteering that mock and betray the public trust and treasury, then of course you voted for Trump. No mystery there.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Trump telling an Asian American reporter to ask her question of Chi-NA wasn’t at all racist. But Greta Thunberg had a typo in a tweet so I demand she be fired, jailed, and executed.

    • armuunnokuroneko-av says:

      Fuck you.

    • MisterSterling-av says:

      No. Trump voters are just fucking racists. Every last one of them.

    • walkerd-av says:

      Exactly! If the Liberals weren’t a bunch of special snowflake whiny cucks, they wouldn’t feel the need to be vulgar and insulting in response to us Conservatives stealing their culture and using it to signal our obvious superiority to each other! Why can’t those triggered retards just be civil and respectful?

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “You need to be civil and respectful, like our President who *checks notes* mocks the physically impaired.”

    • formedras-av says:

      Right. Rudeness from Democrats. Nothing like how Trump is calling Obama incompetent and insulting basically everybody who has even a single view that doesn’t jive with his. You’re full of shit.

      • Spderweb-av says:

        I love how you and a chunk of others didn’t properly read the end of his sentence (unless you were, and this was just pretending to be offended, in which case, you got me, feel free to read the rant below anyways). He’s using what’s known as Sarcasm. It’s basically a joke that’s meant to sound serious, but is clearly not. Not everybody uses /s at the end of them, and it causes people that don’t properly read between the lines to show their aggression towards the other side of the conversation. Listen man, both sides are full of shit. They both have bullshit in them, just different piles, from different cows. Republicans are all rich assholes that manipulate with racism, and religion, and false promises to get yer jerbs back from the mexicans. Democrats are all rich assholes that have shown that they’ll let companies control how things work (Clinton basically gave the banks free reign. It got the country out of debt, but ten years later you had a huge housing crisis and now entire towns are boarded up). They offer plenty of promises and barely get any of them made because most of them are so out of reach financially, that it can’t be done. You guys had a chance to MAYBE get a democrat in the running that had at least a partially possible plan, but Biden got in instead. Because the other dems made the other two look bad since they both wanted to tax the rich. Hilary was pretty solid on the platform to screw over Bernie and Warren. It was a guarantee that no matter how much crap Biden laid on the table, the Dems were making sure Bernie and Warren were not to be chosen.

        • manwich-av says:

          “Listen man, both sides are full of shit.”No, actually one side in particular is full of a lot more shit than the other side.   And you don’t need to be a genius, stable or otherwise, to figure it out. 

        • notochordate-av says:

          bOtH SiDEsOne side, regardless of corporate interests, passed a law that requires insurers to cover people with pre-existing conditions. The other is currently trying to dismantle that.So, in all sincerity, fuck off until you understand that democracies are inherently compromises.

      • nazismisacrime-av says:

        “You’re full of shit.”Maybe.But you definitely don’t get what OP is saying. You also don’t get what many of the other posters are saying.Personally, I’d feel embarressed and full of shit myself.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        Is everyone’s outrage short-circuiting their irony detectors?

    • elumerere-av says:

      Apparently you needed the /s at the bottom. The ‘somehow’ wasn’t strong enough of a give-away for most.

    • mine-jo-bizznuss-av says:

      You voted for Trump because you’re an idiot. Don’t ever try to blame anyone else for that.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Let’s engage in the manly act of whining about things people say on the internet!

    • mrbodiddles-av says:

      As much as so, so many people missed this joke, I vote we replace /s with comma somehow as the signifier that we’re being sarcastic. I haven’t tested it, but I think it’ll work.

    • kwillow12-av says:

      Sure, Trump is criminally insane fascist…. but her emails! And Obama wore a tan suit while eating “hot” mustard!

    • robbanybody-av says:


    • miked1954-av says:

      You’re either being ironic or you’re a traitor to everything decent this nation stands for. Your choice: Irony or treason. Which pill are you going to take?

    • bmglmc-av says:

      i realise that anybody can fail a Reading Comprehension roll, but jeez, you guys, that’s a lot of 1’s

    • escargo1-av says:

      Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

    • shapewright-av says:

      “Since you’re going to vote Trump again anyway, FUCK YOU, TOO.”

    • neverworkz-av says:

      Reading the replies. Americans really don’t get sarcasm!

    • uscasa2-av says:

      Go fuck yourself and your rudeness. Trump voters have lost any moral standing they may have been tenuously hanging on to. The tender sensitivities of the supporters of an anti-American sociopath are of zero consequence.

    • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

      Gee, a lot of people here don’t have sarcasm detectors do they. For them, I post this.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Lmfao, thanks for this.

    • nevoidhyp-av says:

      interesting: distaste for “rudeness” — vote for “rudeness”
      that’s the winning strategy that’s keeping Americans alive.

    • ray6166-av says:

      This is learned behavior after enduring over five years of the tweets and rants of the #OrangeIdiot you helped elect so enjoy!

    • newstry-av says:

      What the fuck does someone who wasn’t involved in the making of this movie have to do with musk or trump?This is circle jerk stupidity

    • vinylrake1-av says:

      Wow, troll much?

    • precognitions-av says:

      It’s these here misconstru-you-ations like this that done make dem dumbass ding dong inbred wife beaters all reactively give their support to the only party even pretending, however poorly, to offer them the benefit of the doubt before they speak.

  • willleisure-av says:

    Lana is directing Matrix 4, not Lilly.

  • raptureiscoming-av says:

    /Lilly Wachowski

  • harpo87-av says:

    It remains one of the great ironies that bigoted, intolerant douchebags take their iconography from a film made by two trans women. (Especially since the film can be read as a “coming out” parable fairly easily.)

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Wait both of the Wachowskis are transgender?? I thought it was just Lana. Is that even….. probable?

    • mcgoofy-av says:

      You’ve made the grave error of assuming that these brain-dead idiots actually know or understand the origins of the terminology they co-opted

      • recognitions-av says:


        • notochordate-av says:

          Clicked to see the ratio, and *chef kiss.*

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          “I would be absolutely fascinated to see any evidence to back this claim”Always amazing to see people who are too dumb to use google.

        • secondmouse-av says:

          Fucking priceless. And so telling — I’ve yet to meet a single modern conservative (including most of my own family) that understands that nearly everything we see, read, or hear can be fact-checked in seconds (ie, an IMDB search, etc.).

          • kimothy-av says:

            My mother will be on her computer and ask me what a word means or what a pop culture reference is about or something like that. You literally have all the information in the world at your fingertips! Google it!

          • secondmouse-av says:

            Sadly, Trump supporters (of which I hope she’s not one) are worse — None of them realize that almost all news is public information and that a declaration of “fake news!” does not qualify as evidence of anything.I really think a entire generation or two suffer from lead poisoning or something. It’s not even the standard “olds don’t get tech” excuse anymore.

          • kimothy-av says:

            She is most definitely not a Trump supporter. She hates him so much.I think it’s more that she’s lived most of her life (she is a Boomer) without the ability to look just anything up without going to the library that it just doesn’t always occur to her to do so, especially if I’m right there. She thinks I know everything (I wish!)

      • ghoastie-av says:

        Well look what happened when they all eagerly learned about where the Nazi stuff came from. Now they have to sweatily deny it constantly.Tellin’ ya man, ignorance is bliss.

      • wiguy3-av says:

        exactly…there’s like a 2% chance that I. Trump has any idea this concept came from a movie called The Matrix

      • sensesomethingevil-av says:

        Those threads are full of people who didn’t know she was one of the creators/directors of The Matrix.

      • pinkyand-av says:

        Correct – they just like the “pew pew”. It’s almost pathological that conservatives don’t understand art. See: when the GOP uses “Born in the USA” at rallies.

      • saratin-av says:

        Not much different than terfs who call cis women who disagree with them “handmaidens”, as in a reference to The Handmaid’s Tale. Nevermind that Margaret Atwood is fully supportive of trans folk.

    • darthnoll-av says:

      I’m sure they rationalize it by telling themselves that since they were dudes back then, it’s not the same.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I read something recently that pointed out that one of the first hormone replacement drugs for people transitioning came in the form of a little red pill. So the movie could be said to not only be a coming out narrative, but also a transitioning one.

      • noctelupus-av says:

        Also in their later project Sense8 people have pointed out the main antagonist Whispers has a passing resemblance to Dr Ray Blanchard (The guy who came up with a bullshit theory that’s essentially ‘trans women are trans because to them being a woman is a fetish’

      • saratin-av says:

        I hear people say this a lot, and when I first started transitioning I was on premarin, but it was always yellow for me, not red.

    • warshrike-av says:

      I was so thoroughly confused as I didn’t closely follow them. Some outlet mentioned the Wachowski Sisters as the creators of the Matrix and I was like, wait, so did the brothers take the credit, have a falling out or something?

      Looked them up and was like, ohhh.

    • captaincontrarian-av says:

      lol, the red pill is a red pill because it’s supposed to be estradiol, a testosterone blocker used in hormone replacement therapy aka gender transition

    • shillydevane2-av says:

      His mama name him Andrew, so imma call him Andrew. 

    • santabarbarianlsx-av says:

      More adjectives.  Your argument would be more compelling with even more adjectives.

    • roadshell-av says:

      They’re ideology is stupid, but they aren’t exactly getting the reference wrong. The red pill in The Matrix was always a symbol for the process of radicalization, on a literal level in the movie it’s the process of discovering that the machines control people and deciding to rebel against them, but the allegory can basically fit the process of becoming radicalized into basically any kind of movement that’s counter to the prevailing culture. In ‘99 I assumed it was intended as an allegory for becoming a sort of left wing activist against corporate interests given the anti-consumerist messages early in the movie and the Rage Against the Machine song in the credits, but it also could have to do with trans identity, but it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to see how someone radicalized in just about any other way (including reactionary online hate groups) could also relate to the basic theme in different and unintended ways.

      • mwake1-av says:

        you’re confusing radicalization with awakening

      • turk182-av says:

        So what the fuck is Ivanka Trump radicalized from? Human Decency, Not having sweat shop workers, Weird semi incestual relationships with family members or Attraction to men that don’t look like wax figures?

        • yourenotsmart-av says:

          Why do you care about this, of all things? 

          • turk182-av says:

            It’s not that I do or do not care, I just find it laughable that a person that was born into a “ruling class”, has had every opportunity to succeed and presumably has been given more than they have earned would tap into “radicalized rebellion”.She is rich, white and holds a position of power based solely on her family name… she isn’t exactly the poster girl for oppressed majority. 

          • triohead-av says:

            Sticking with the Baudrillardian themes, the collapse of history (as an end of the ideological opposition of geopolitical superpowers) leaves the right without a justifiable motivation for their stridentism, but an identity still modeled on this resistance/obdurancy even though the conflict itself is a pretense or even complete simulacrum.

          • them616-av says:

            kill yourself

    • mwake1-av says:

      They only heard one line, ‘guns, lots of guns’

    • ptolemy64-av says:

      Bit of a stretch to call it an ironic film made by two trans women when they didn’t even transition until ~10 and ~15 years after it came out.

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      I assume they like the movie’s gratuitous gun fetishism, and the whole paranoid “the system is out to get us” message. It’s actually kind of a reactionary movie, really.

      • whatnewfaygotree-av says:

        Nah it’s not reactionary really. The amount of cops/law enforcement the heroes kill and the fact the police really are all working for an evil machine puts it in a more “progressive” or lw frame.

      • nilus-av says:

        But that’s sorta the beauty of the Matrix and why it was a such a success. You can delve deep into it and really analyze what it’s trying to say if you want but a lot of people just enjoyed it for its crazy action movie stuff. It is interesting to compare the series to John Wick. Both are over the top action films with a ton of weird world building but the Matrix sequels fail for many(not me personally) because they go hard into the philosophy of the films. John Wick never had that aspect so they fill the sequels with more weirdos to fight and are much more well received.  

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          sopranos is a good example, too. you can watch it as a straightforward gangster story with a therapy twist, but you can peel away so many layers if you choose.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        Yeah, even when I watched it as a teenager, the bit where Morpheus says something like (paraphrasing) “We’re fighting to free the people from The Matrix, but make no mistake, as long as they are part of the system they are your enemy,” made me a little queasy. That’s some terrorist talk, right there. 

    • JackRabbitSlim323-av says:

      The Right understands iconography, subtlety, metaphor, and thematic tone, just as well as they trust scientific double blind peer reviewed expert research and studies.

    • 3of19-av says:

      “Red pilling” as a Matrix reference completely goes off the rails anyway, when instead of breaking free of the Matrix (bubble) you are in, you instead dive deeper into that same echochamber.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      I can’t think of a greater counter-argument against Death of the Author than the Red Pill movement.

      • whatnewfaygotree-av says:

        The right have been embracing post modernism for a while really so it does make sense sort of.

    • kate-monday-av says:

      I suppose one of the joys of being stupid enough to fall into those bigoted right-wing ideological camps is being totally unfettered by logic, common sense, or the need to keep track of pesky things like facts.  

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      it was made 20 years ago when a lot of these dickheads were teenagers and just discovering how much fun it was to bully people on the internet AND it incepted (LOL) the idea that they, like Keanu, only seemed like lowly hackers but in reality were special world-changers deep down, which I imagine is an intoxicating thought for the average narcissistic proto-incel. It’s the same reason why so many of this generation like Adam Sandler movies too. The fact that two trans women made it is not nearly powerful enough in its irony to untangle that knot.

      • elumerere-av says:

        Yup, this. It plays into those teenage fantasies of ‘I’m the ONE’. It’s just that most people grow up and realize that they’re flawed beings, and certainly not the ONE.

    • precognitions-av says:

      yeah that never fails to amuse me.see, you can’t obsess about what random idiots are going to take from art. they’re going to take literally the stupidest and most bigoted takes from art with the best possible intentions because that’s what they want to believe in.

  • yankton-av says:

    It would just be so much better if Musk would funnel all of the energy spent on voicing his terrible, idiot beliefs into his true calling; replacing one of his fingers with a cybernetic vape pen.

    • darthnoll-av says:

      The only reason he gives a fuck is because it’s costing him money. If it zeroed out you’d never hear a peep.

    • recognitions-av says:

      He’s like the real life version of that guy in Orphan Black who paid to have a tail implant.

    • goodratt-av says:

      What’s the likelihood that Musk makes a house like this dude did and both he and Grimes get lost in it and presumably transplant their minds into the robot guards and haunt it forever.

      • yankton-av says:

        Not high enough, but you made my day with a Dishonored 2 reference.

        • goodratt-av says:

          That series is not underrated, because it has good ratings and is critically acclaimed, but it is damn underappreciated. I can think of very few games or even whole entire fictional settings with worldbuilding that is so equally thorough and yet effortless.

          I need more of it–Blades in the Dark only slightly scratches the itch.

          • yankton-av says:

            Dishonored 2 was a triumph of level design and I don’t think it gets nearly enough credit for how wonderfully inventive it was.

          • ferreone-av says:

            I wanted to play it before it came out, but I can’t play first person perspective games. Because of my stupid brain, I’ve missed out on so many awesome games. 

          • goodratt-av says:

            I feel that. First person games aren’t my favorite–they always feel less immersive to me. Though Dishonored was excellent as-is, and many of its mechanics were extremely well-tailored for first person, the really great art and cool-looking characters made me want an alternate universe where it was a third-person game.

    • precognitions-av says:

      or dance pants. it’s a year late and donald didn’t bring shit to the table read.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    I didn’t know there was a red-colored version of Sudafed.

    • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

      I didn’t know there was a not-green colored version of Sudafed, but I’m color-blind.

    • mumbleturtle-av says:

      The generic version’s usually pink.

    • spectral-wayyyvy-av says:

      Large parts of the movies were filmed in Australia.The “pills” are either day/night Dimetapp gel caps or Robitussin DM liqui-gel.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Lana’s the Matrix 4 solo director, Lilly is presently in her own words retired.

  • mrbleary-av says:

    The guy who owns Tesla is very much this century’s Thomas Edison. 

    • selburn8-av says:

      “Look it up….Edison was a dick!”Sometimes Family Guy does come up with some gems.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Oh please.  Edison did objectively good things and probably wasn’t even the worst inventor of his era.  Musk is clearly Tesla.  Overhyped guy who made one thing and has an obnoxious fanbase that won’t shut the fuck up about it.  We just need him to say he built a death ray and have a Trump involved and its one for one.

      • evanwaters-av says:

        Tesla probably invented and discovered more than Musk has, though. He did a lot more of the work, even though he went down some blind allies. 

      • cmallen-av says:

        You clearly only know the sanitized “self-designed” biography of Edison and not the full, REAL history of the man. The sum total of his ‘contributions’ to humanity can be listed thusly: intellectual-labor camps, patent trolling, and subverting better technologies for personal gain. Edison invented nothing. He paid slave-wages to smarter, desperate people to do that work FOR him.Edison was a ruthless, dishonest ASSHOLE, through and through. Tesla was just one guy who made the mistake of standing in his way to greater fame and fortune. Sort of like a more-competent version of Trump.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Oh don’t pull that with me.  I’m aware of all his faults, of which there was many.  But there has been a stream of thought lately that Tesla was the true genius and Edison was a fraud.  Its more nuanced then that.  And I say that as someone who’s great grandfather worked with Westinghouse and not Edison.  Yes Tesla did play a key role in the creation of AC.  Yes that’s important to note.  But that doesn’t make him literal Jesus.

          • cmallen-av says:

            Who said anything about a messiah? Tesla was legitimately brilliant, but quirky and socially inept. Edison was just an unscrupulous asshole who knew how to manipulate people and public opinion.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Need I remind you what Musks company is called.  You know what I mean with the whole hipster messiah.  Although its worth noting that computers and smartphones use DC not AC.  AC was the big winner of the war of the currents but DC still has practical usage.  I’ll mention this again.  Tesla didn’t create AC anyway.  He improved the technology.  Faraday did a lot to advance AC.  Edison also did a lot of improvements as well.  Both men were smart that’s not a question.  Yes one was the better businessman, one also kinda lost his mind which didn’t help his business.  

        • miked1954-av says:

          Didn’t Edison go around the country electrocuting dogs on stage to ‘prove’ how unsafe alternating current was?

          • cmallen-av says:

            I can not honestly claim to know if this is true or simply apocryphal. But I wouldn’t put it past the man.

        • kevinsnewusername-av says:

          Nah, Edison worked hard and had great, creative ideas. Not a saint, just an easy target for the retroactive, contrarian history crowd. Tesla was equally interesting and creative but was bad at implementation and follow up.

          • cmallen-av says:

            According to Edison, sure. Edison thought very highly of *himself*. But few others who actually knew him did. He was an arrogant, self-righteous, vindictive, petty, and spiteful man. His ‘greatest’ invention is what has become corporate brain factories — looking for and hiring smart people and putting them to work creating profitable technologies, products, services, etc. Not that those smart people get any credit (and little if any of the financial rewards either). Just like the people working for Edison didn’t. He took it all for himself. Not to say that Edison wasn’t intelligent. But his abilities were not as an inventor.

          • kevinsnewusername-av says:

            Are we talking about Edison…or Steve Jobs? Everyone talks about Siegel and Shuster creating Superman and getting a $400 check for kicking off a bazillion dollar business. But they aren’t the ones who spent millions of dollars and years building a distribution network and printing plants etc. People like stories with big evil corporate villains squashing creative underdogs. (Except for Ayn Rand types. They like stories about creative corporate overlords getting squashed by petty underlings.) 🙂

          • cmallen-av says:

            It’s not about the individual or the collective. It’s about the behavior — taking credit and rewards not duly earned by your/their own labor, at the expense of those whose labor MADE ANY OF IT POSSIBLE.It just so happens that the structure of the modern world has made that relationship the defacto status quo — businesses and corporations screwing over their employees and customers for personal gains not duly earned. And nobody ever seems to bat an eye. Because that’s just how things are — get on board or f*** of and die.

          • kevinsnewusername-av says:

            The guy who puts all those people in the room and paid them (and took the risk) is what made the thing happen.

          • cmallen-av says:

            They didn’t make anything *happen*. They just got OUT OF THE WAY. They don’t enable anything. They impede. They are the OBSTACLE, not the goal or the means.The modern world is FULL of examples of that reality. The world’s largest and most thorough repository of information is proof enough of that. Open-source, crowd-funded, and publicly maintained. Manned and operated by volunteers. No “businessmen” required.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Pretty much this. If we’re gonna be honest crediting anyone with inventing something requires a few asterixs.  Tesla wasn’t dumb obviously but he didn’t single handedly create AC.  Hell Faraday did quite a lot to advance that concept.  Also its easy to make a clear hero villain narrative but that’s not being honest. 

        • 3m3ti8kinj4-av says:

          Didn’t Edison fire both Tesla and Bell? He certainly did murder an elephant in a desperate attempt to prove his belief that AC was more dangerous than DC. And most people think he invented the electric light bulb. Nope. He simply found the right filament after more than 80 tries. Like Bill Gates, he didn’t invent any of the technologies for which he is credited.

      • hayterhater-av says:

        Nah.  Musk is more of this generation’s Howard Hughes – somebody who got rich from some really great ideas in his early years, but who lost all his marbles soon after.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          A bit.  Although one had a more interesting mental breakdown. I’ll take watching Ice Station Zebra ad nausea over tweeting nonsense. 

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        Wow, you don’t know shit about Tesla. Edison mostly bought and stole his achievements.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        ^ Thomas Edison’s ghost wrote this post.

      • walkerd-av says:

        Edison was incostestably a thief and a thug, who paid other smarter people to do groundbreaking work for him, then took the credit and used his money and influence to pressure them into silence or submission.He pretended to have noble philanthropic motivations, but was actually in it to purely line his own pockets and pad his own ego, and was willing to do almost anything to accomplish his goals – extortion, bribery, slander, propaganda, political corruption, and worse.Tesla was a humble, soft-spoken, honest, sensitive man who genuinely wanted to make the world a better place but didn’t have the ruthlessness to play the dirty game of crooked business and politics that Edison excelled at.Early on he actually worked for Edison and naively trusted him, and that trust was repaid by Edison stealing his work and getting away with it. After they parted ways, Edison was relentless in trying to ruin Tesla by any means necessary, in order to “beat the competition”, eventually leading Tesla to ruin because he wouldn’t stoop to the same level.The fact that you claim Musk better compares to Tesla than to Edison tells us that you are either largely ignorant of the actual history, or that you approve of Edison’s methods and think he did nothing wrong. (Or perhaps that you are very confused about Musk himself?)

      • spectral-wayyyvy-av says:

        Tesla actually invented things, as opposed to the Edison model of running a sweatshop and using the clout of other peoples work to create a cult of personality.Pretty much the archetypal character of American “ingenuity”.Still, Musk isn’t even that. He isn’t a technical person, he is a creep and shitposter, with a Trump x Epstein energy, that inherited money from his dads apartheid era emerald mines.

      • kalassynikoff-av says:

        Telsa was a fucking genius. He makes Elon look like the hypejob fake he is. Musk wishes he was Tesla.

      • stellarnova25-av says:
      • artor-av says:

        What exactly has Musk made? He hires people to make things for him. Like Edison hired Tesla.

      • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

        And Musk wants to be Dr. Tyrell.

      • destron-combatman-av says:

        I take it you don’t actually know anything about old tommy boy.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Yeah , I can see him electrocuting an elephant alright.

    • santabarbarianlsx-av says:

      I think you mean “Henry Ford”… the racist, anti-Semitic, Nazi-loving Henry Ford.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Henry Ford was cartoonishly awful.  He once claimed Jazz was a plot by the Jews to destroy American culture.

      • walkerd-av says:

        Henry Ford actually revolutionized the automobile industry, though.

        • santabarbarianlsx-av says:

          Ford’s incompetence led to discussions in Washington about how to restore the company, whether by wartime government fiat, or by instigating some sort of coup among executives and directors.[59] Nothing happened until 1945 when, with bankruptcy a serious risk, Ford’s wife Clara and Edsel’s widow Eleanor confronted him and demanded he cede control of the company to his grandson Henry Ford II. They threatened to sell off their stock, which amounted to three quarters of the company’s total shares, if he refused.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Less said about how he treated his son the better. Its neck and neck between that and his antisemitism, racism, and anti unionism for worst aspect of Henry Ford, maybe…

          • santabarbarianlsx-av says:

            It’s interesting how they all picked up the worst traits of the Robber Baron era— and could be incredibly petty, ruthless and maniacal.Rockefeller. Prick
            Carnegie. Prick
            Frick? A dick and a prick.I do take some joy out of the way The Dodge Brothers finally taught Old Henry a lesson. I think my grandfather, who lived through that era as a boy, leaned toward Dodge products a lot mainly because many people recognized what a dick-head Henry Ford was.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Of those three I’d say Carnegie was the least dickish but that’s a grading skill.  Frick worked for him and well… Homestead kinda gives away how loathsome he was.

          • santabarbarianlsx-av says:

            Or, was Carnegie the worst…. using Frick as a hammer to smash those workers? I’ve never been a big union guy, but that Jalop piece the other day about Ford’s “private security team” to beat the hell out of Walter Reuther (in a suit, no less) was a reminder of how bad our “capitalists” have always been.Maybe Musk making his worker build cars in a pandemic is mild by comparison?  I dunno… but it seems like the same relentless urges that Ford and Carnegie had.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            True.  He didn’t want to dirty his hands so he used this aggressively awful person to do it.  Awful enough that Frick was almost assassinated.  And I’ve read about Ford and his union busting security.  It was pretty deplorable. 

          • bio-wd-av says:

            I was looking for that article.  Thanks. 

          • santabarbarianlsx-av says:

            Hoffa and Reuther both came with “a lot of baggage” but at the end of the day it’s tough to ignore how hard they worked for the Rank-and-File over the decades.  Both those guys were hard-asses that built their unions with work, sweat and a few knuckle-sandwiches.

          • bluedogcollar-av says:

            Reuther was much less compromised than Hoffa. Hoffa played ball with the mob in exchange for help organizing and controlling locals, although he’s not generally believed to have substantially profited from mob money or supported mob schemes that hurt his members. Reuther was widely considered to have kept the mob out of UAW affairs.Reuther saw the writing on the wall as far as the long term implications of retiree health benefits and the huge drag they were going to be on the finances of the auto companies,

          • walkerd-av says:

            I’m not defending Ford, I’m just saying that he actually had a massive and meaningful impact on American society, intentionally or not.
            In comparison, all Musk has done is create a market for selling luxury products to a relatively small number of wealthy hipsters.They’re both awful people, but Ford did invent the assembly line, and he did bring automobiles to the masses, both revolutionizing society. Musk merely gave us slightly cheaper than normal electric cars and rockets, with the tradeoff being that they both explode slightly more often instead.

    • miked1954-av says:

      Tesla a 100% ‘Socialist’. They sell their toys-for-the-rich at below the cost of production and expect the big bad gubmint to make up the difference in subsidies.

  • navajojoe-av says:

    They aren’t referencing the The Matrix. Two of the President of the United States’ children are referencing far-right/misogynist symbols. Let that sink in.

    • fionaanne-av says:

      Until reading this story I had no idea what Hal Sparks meant by this:

      • walkerd-av says:

        You’d think being married to Jared Kushner would make someone a voluntary celibate… or at the very least, an involuntary noncelibate…

        • ghoastie-av says:

          There’s a fair chance being Donald Trump’s daughter made her an involuntary noncelibate. I suppose it would be too pat to suggest that the opposite of an InCel is an InCest.

  • follyofman2-av says:

    Um, Lana Wachowski is the solo director of Matrix 4, not Lilly. Just fyi.

  • stefanjammers-av says:

    Musk *totally* posts anonymously on r/theredpill. Grimes and he probably browse it together during sexy time. 

  • hudson1k-av says:

    “Mentally ill has-been writes a tweet, more at 11″

    • tap-dancin-av says:

      I wish people would stop calling these monsters “mentally ill.” They are straight-up Evil. It’s just that simple.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        It can be two things.

        • tap-dancin-av says:

          Evil is evil: its essential mechanisms, of course, strongly resemble psychopathy. Everyone has their own theories, but I do believe that some people are born evil and that it has nothing to do with a “chemical imbalance” or early childhood trauma. My claim cannot be “fact based” according to a prevailing devotion to ‘scientific’ criteria. However, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be true.

  • 4321652-av says:

    I don’t get the Musk tweet to begin with. The red rose is used as a symbol for democratic socialists on Twitter. Is he inviting socialists to take the red pill and join the alt-right? Is he thinking the red rose is a symbol of generic wokeness? Does he somehow want to invite people to be socialists*, and Ivanka misunderstood? I do not understand.*You would think Elon Musk wouldn’t have such incoherent beliefs as to endorse socialism while he forces his California employees back to work to make profit. You would think. But And Grimes used to be pretty leftist.In conclusion, I dunno.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I don’t know where his head is at. Technocracy is often presented as an inherently bad thing; it’s the idea behind a lot of cyberpunk, that technology, instead of aiding us, will be used as a form of oppression by the ruling elite.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Musk is just a political dilettante.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I thought it was saying that you should take the red pill and join the left, but shit I don’t keep up with Musk and while I think I’m pretty online, I didn’t know that somehow roses are now leftist.  I just found out that apparently the OK sign is alt-right?  God the world moves too fast for me.

      • thatsnotyankeestadium-av says:

        I didn’t know that somehow roses are now leftist.

        the rose has been a leftist symbol for longer than I thought. according to the wiki machine, the DSCO (1973), forerunner of the DSA (1982), used the rose and fist as a logo; looks like the rose and fist dated to 1971 where it was used by french socialists.But I had *no* idea that the rose as a socialist emblem dates to the 1886 Haymarket affair!

        • kwillow12-av says:

          Well, here I thought it was a symbol of the Dark Tower. Man, I’m getting so old.

        • spectral-wayyyvy-av says:

          Yes, it’s been used by socialists for over a hundred years, primarily beginning with the Paris Commune in the 1870s.

        • wakkawakkadingdongdang-av says:

          A fist and a rose is also the international symbol of butt fisting.

        • Blackie62-av says:

          It goes even further back to Paris in the early 1870s when socialist democrats were banned from wearing any symbol of their party. They eventually got around this by wearing red rosebuds and lucking out as—and Wikipedia for once has a great phrasing here:

        • waterpastry-av says:

          Bread and roses! Also symbol of the labour party since 1986.

      • miked1954-av says:

        The fringies  tried to make a cartoon frog a symbol of the right til they got their pants sued off. They also tried to make a Pornhub search term a political phrase too. Basically their brains stopped working at 14.

    • thejewosh-av says:

      Dude took the crazy pill.

    • roadshell-av says:

      You’re looking for logical consistency from the father of X Æ A-12? 

    • TheCensor-av says:

      The “Anarcho-syndicalism FTW” tweet is pretty fucking galling. 

    • miked1954-av says:

      Far right ideology is primarily founded on the participants’  hidden fear they might be gay so they go overboard with their  ‘toxic masculinity’ nonsense to prove to themselves just how ‘not gay’ they are. Which often backfires because dressed up in their camou fatigues they look like they’re cosplaying Village People band members.This theory is less absurd than it sounds. A very common internet search term in the Red State south is ‘How to tell if your husband is secretly gay’. A brain research study compared the brain response patterns of gay men and far right wingers and found their brain response to certain images matched.

      • mrbleary-av says:

        This is true actually. There’s some interesting stuff in Timothy Snyder’s book The Road to Unfreedom  about how homophobia is weaponised as a political tool in modern Russia.

      • elumerere-av says:

        It’s not too insane a theory. Reading about the Weimar Militias in Germany pre WWII , the analyzing of their letters in “Male Fantasies” paints a picture supporting your idea. They describe their wives overwhelmingly in cold terms, using family heritage as descriptors to why they love them, praising their frigid and conservative stances. Yet when describing their fellow soldiers, it gets homoerotic fast (though as a counter their descriptions of the women fighters of the socialists is full of fiery hatred and eroticism as well).

        It’s an interesting, even if sometimes a tad tedious read.

    • JackRabbitSlim323-av says:

      Look, it’s hard to reason with a man like Elon Mush, when I’m pretty sure he is on the bipolar spectrum.

    • nazismisacrime-av says:

      I think it’s cute that the article states that the red rose is symbol for people with far-left political beliefs – only in America! Social democracy is basically one step off center to the left.And musky boy doesn’t know the difference between anarcho-syndicalism and anarcho-capitalism. It’s pretty obvious that he is – at best – of the latter opinion.

    • fcz2-av says:

      and Ivanka misunderstood?I think it is safe to say that Ivanka had no fucking idea what he was talking about and she just thought it would be a hoot to reply to a tweet by Elon Musk. Critical thinking on current events is a lot to ask from a top White House official.

    • realhumanbeast-av says:

      So hear me out: Is it possible that he picked the red rose emoji simply because it’s red, and that was the first red emoji that popped up? Wouldn’t that be absolutely hilarious?

    • cliffy73-disqus-av says:

      Once can never be entirely sure of another’s semiotics. But the way I read it, esp. on Twitter (where the red rose is used primarily by self-described leftists who see the Democratic Party as the true enemy) is that he is exhorting left-of-center populations to abandon the two-party system. Which functionally, if it were to work, would deprive the Democratic Party of a lot of people who would otherwise vote for it. Whether Musk is doing this because he is politically naive or because he (a multimillionaire owner of a manufacturing company who is constantly battling regulators) wants to support Republicans but thinks it would hurt his personal brand to say so openly is left as an exercise for the reader.

      • pinkyand-av says:

        *Multi-BILLIONaire. Net worth just north of $35 billion. Musk is just another capitalist that thinks whatever is good for him, personally, must also be good for society at large.

    • pinkyand-av says:

      Musk is just another in a long line of wealthy people that have never had to examine their knee-jerk reaction beliefs in any meaningful way because things have gone right for them. Don’t expect any coherence beyond “whatever is good for Elon must be right”.Grimes probably thinks anything edgy is cool and because leftism is popular now, it’s therefore counter-culture to be conservative.

    • zaprowsdower99-av says:

      He’s not incoherent. He’s a greedy fuckwit who doesn’t care about anyone but himself, it’s just that unlike Trump, he bothers to lie about this for some reason. 

    • vinylrake1-av says:

      Musk is clearly an idiot-savant. Up until a few years ago he was better at keeping the idiot part in check. Lately? Not so much.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    There you go, Musky*. Ivanka Trump is now part of your fanbase. Is this where you hoped you’d end up?*I assume this is how he likes to be known, like his partner, Grimey.

    • wombat23-av says:

      onyx did try to warn us about everybody wanting to sound grimey.

    • Anecdatum-av says:

      He was on Trump’s advisory panel and stayed, even as others left over Trump’s xenophobic and racist policies. Catering to people like Trump and Ivanka are precisely who Musk is.

    • Blackie62-av says:

      I’ve been calling him “Musky-Musk” but however he prefers.

  • stevetellerite-av says:

    “Bwah-hahahha-hahahha-hahhaha!!!”—-Ted Kord

  • millstacular-av says:

    everything bad in their life is someone else’s faultI’m all for some good old fashioned rethuglican bashing, but this quote right here is a problem with people in general without regard to political orientation.

  • lucas-park-av says:

    All the blind dick sucking that Musk’s rabid fanbase does now makes a lot more sense.All these past 4 years have taught me is that there are even MORE terrible people in this world than my already cynical mind original assumed.

  • meega-nalla-kweesta-av says:

    *if* we assume that the Red Pill wakes a person up, then taking the pill without a team of socialists ready to give you the clothes off their backs when you have nothing is a possible death sentence. Bootstrap yourself out of that, goey pod dude!

  • ianthomasmalone-av says:

    Lana is the solo director of the fourth Matrix, not Lilly. 

  • alphablu-av says:

    “Journalism” at its finest. 😀

  • poeticinsomniac-av says:

    I’m just gonna point this out again.

    70% of the US population (non-voters 44% + trump voters), and likely the world for that matter are just taking up space, perpetuating their own existence, oblivious to the fact that nothing they have done, or will do will have any meaningful impact on society. The world would be a much, much better place if those people ceased to exist.

    The elderly have had their time, those already sick are living on borrowed time, and worrying about the people who are eager to get back into the petri dish that is society are just a waste of time to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence.

    We’ve already had direct evidence during this pandemic that humanity taking a time out allowed the planet to rebound a bit in fairly short order. Since the majority of humanity is too fucking dim to grasp the collective consequences of our actions, the only hope we have is by letting these fuckwits get themselves killed. Human life is not inherently precious, but it is far to abundant. Just let the culling run it’s course, wear a mask, wash your hands and avoid the stupid, they’re easier to spot now more than ever.

    Yes, you might lose some friends and family, but think about it honestly, would it really matter? Would it be a negative impact in your life, or would it just free you from the obligation to give yourself in a fucking migraine in having to deal with them?

  • miked1954-av says:

    Is Musk seeing the same woman as Donald junior or did they just pick women who frequent the same plastic surgeon/tattoo parlor?

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    “Pointed”? Maybe if you’re in the eight grade.

  • clickbaitandswitch-av says:

    “it’s their right to be an asshole and that anything and everything bad in their life is someone else’s fault”

    That belief is NOT limited to the “right”.

  • fireaza-av says:

    while “red pill” (a reference to The Matrix) has been co-opted by people with far-right political beliefs/misogynist assholes to refer to the moment when they discovered the supposed true nature of reality—which is to say that it’s their right to be an asshole and that anything and everything bad in their life is someone else’s fault.It’s kinda funny that these people love referencing The Matrix, a movie that starred a black man, a woman and a man with a mixed-race father, that was written by two trans women. Those seem like the sorta things they’re very much not in favor of.

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      They also all love music made by people who hate everything they stand for. 🤷‍♂️ 

  • provemewrong23-av says:

    Fucking tranny scum famous for making one good movie 20 years ago. Who gives a fuck what it says?

  • elbarto56-av says:

    The problem is more with the progressists who decided the red pill should be associated with right wing extremists…it’s getting quite annoying to see things get labbeled “alt rights” by leftists one after the other…

  • fcz2-av says:

    Allegories aside, I would have not hesitated to take the blue pill.  Cypher nailed that sentiment, he was the true hero of that story.

  • pcallah1-av says:

    Right on Lilly.

  • rasan-av says:

    Anyone here an attorney in Palm Beach county? Next time he comes home to Mar-a-Lago, file a petition for involuntary commitment against him, and make a scene about it. Use prior cases, use Judge Johnson’s prior cases, to support the petition, along with whatever tweets, speeches, actions of the moment that endanger people. Put it on the judge.

  • sarcastro3-av says:

    “Ivanka Trump, who is what you’d get if Veruca Salt’s dad just bought Willy Wonka’s factory for her at the end,”

    Goddamn, I like that. 

  • grogthepissed-av says:

    Sam, I just need you to know that joke about “Taken” maybe just being the name of the wrong franchise is some beautiful shade.

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    I’ve been ready for elon to meet the guillotine for a few years now.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Its ironic that Musk is referencing the Matrix while complaining that he can’t use his workers as disposable cogs in his industrial machine. What he’s bitching about is not being allowed to restart hist factories in the middle of a lethal global pandemic. Eventually he’ll hit on the plan to breed humans as batteries to power his Teslas.

  • newstry-av says:

    What the fuck does someone who wasn’t involved in the making of this movie have to do with musk or trump?

  • colonelpharoahsanders-av says:

    Lana is directing Matrix 4 solo. Don’t get your Wachowskis confused.

  • precognitions-av says:

    “We’re not saying that’s what Musk meant, but that is more or less what people understand “red pill” to mean.”yeah because you keep saying it.stop ceding cool shit to the right. we want a cool metaphor for social consciousness too. 

  • toasterny-av says:

    “Wachowski than plugged her SoundCloud…”I think you mean “…then plugged”?

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    It’s not a legendary David Simon rant, but at the very least, it gets right to the heart of the matter.

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