Look, maybe you'll like this screamo cover of "Old Town Road," who knows

Aux Features Our Last Night

Yes, as the headline says, this is a screamo cover of Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road.” If you click on this video, you are going to get “Old Town Road” but now it is being performed by the screamo band Our Last Night in the style they perform music, which, we again stress, is screamo. If you’re thinking that means you’ll hear the words “bullriding and boobies” delivered in a guttural scream, good work, you’ve got the general idea.

If that sounds like a good thing to you, you’re in luck, because this is definitely that. If not, maybe just move right along—how about a smart, thoughtful essay revisiting Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11?

But here’s the thing: can you say for sure that you don’t like this before you’ve tried it? For a lot of people, sushi doesn’t sound very appealing at first. Raw fish? But it turns out that sushi is actually quite good! We’re not saying that this screamo cover of “Old Town Road,” which still does the Billy Ray Cyrus part with a country twang over power-pop chords, is as good as sushi or even good at all. We’re just saying that lots of people like lots of different kinds of things. Maybe you’ll like this?

[via Billboard]


  • doctorkrane-av says:

    burn it. burn it with fire.

  • BookonBob-av says:

    Is there no one in their life to tell them no? No one to tell them it’s shit?

    • promystic-av says:

      See… There are a lot of people who like this band. They make their own stuff but do a lot of covers. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s shit. 

      • BookonBob-av says:

        I agree that everyone has different taste. BUT sometime somethings are objectively shit. This seems to qualify. There are people who like shit. They get an enjoyment and satisfaction out of shit I will never understand. That doesn’t not make it shit, it makes them people who enjoy shit.

  • ickyrickyb-av says:

    I actually prefer this version

  • paulkinsey-av says:

    Is this a real band or one created just to make YouTube “screamo” covers? Because I’m pretty sure those are the same people I saw in another video covering some other random song.

    • paulkinsey-av says:

      I should add that this is not an acceptable replacement for AV Undercover.

      • calebros-av says:

        Man, do I miss that. Those were always entertaining even if I didn’t like the band. My favorites: Sebadoh doing “Limelight” because they clearly just did not give a shit about the song, and Wye Oak doing “Running Up That Hill” because it was genuinely good. It appears these videos have been removed from the site. Didn’t fit AV Club’s new image? Who knows. 

    • letthewookienguyen-av says:

      It’s so generic. Like if you could create a bot to make screamo covers, this would be it. 

    • sirslud-av says:

      I’m also having an intense case of deja-vu. I could have sworn I spent the day making fun of a another identical looking shitty screamo band performing an ill advised cover awhile back.

    • pennsquid-av says:

      They are a real band that does a lot of covers. I don’t know why, or how much original material they do.

      • paulkinsey-av says:

        Fair enough. Now I’m curious whether they just sucker people in with covers and then do original material on tour to the displeasure of fans who know them only from YouTube.

        • al112063-av says:

          Nope. They actually do make their own music and release it. I don’t know why it’s assumed they’re a YouTube band because they’re not. They’ve actually been around for quite awhile. I’ve seen them on tour before and will again this fall when they’re headlining. Most of their set is original content. They currently have 6 full length albums plus one EP and an acoustic version of an album. 

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            I don’t know why it’s assumed they’re a YouTube bandBecause I keep seeing videos of them doing covers, I follow the genre somewhat and have never heard of them outside of YouTube, and because their sound is so generic that it sounds like they could be put together just to do YouTube covers in a screamo style. But I believe you guys that they have original material.

        • triohead-av says:

          I’m guessing that the covers make decent money for their YouTube channel (based on view numbers in the 8 figures versus the originals which top out around 250k) and the formulaic-ness of them makes it pretty easy to churn out ‘monetizable content.’

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            Oh yeah. It’s absolutely a smart move. You make some extra money  and keep your band viable financially while getting more people to listen to your original music as well. Lots of performers are following a similar strategy. I don’t knock the hustle at all.

      • al112063-av says:

        Believe it or not they actually do have more original content than covers. They’re not THAT band that disappears for 6 months to a year or longer between releases. They released a brand new album like 3 or 4 months ago. 

        • pennsquid-av says:

          I thought they did. I know about them because my son likes them, but it seems like whenever he mentions them, it’s because of a new cover. And nothing wrong with doing covers. Matt Heafy from Trivium does them what seems like all the time, and I know it was common in the early rock days for multiple groups to do a song.

      • anicefullbodiedred-av says:

        They do some original material, but none of it (in my opinion) is as good as their cover work. For my money, they do the best cover of N’Sync’s Bye Bye Bye to date:And their Skyfall is pretty good too:

    • elchappie2-av says:

      They are a real band and have been around since 2004-2005. They do a lot of original material but have done a lot of covers too. Akin to New Found Glory who also does a lot of covers (I’m assuming for fun) They have 3 albums of covers, all from movies (and yes, Let it go from Frozen is in the latest one).. Anyways, Our Last night is a very good band.

    • al112063-av says:

      You know the funny thing is I just had this conversation not more than 48 hours ago. MYes they cover a lot of songs but they have more original content.Besides I sn’t this how most bands start out? Releasing covers and putting their own spin on something? Isn’t that part of what makes the music industry interesting? If this was Billy Ray Cyrus and he was putting out countrified covers (because I’m pretty sure he has at some point) nobody would care. Why? Because he’s the King of Honky Tonk? Who cares? Honestly some of the covers Our Last Night have done are a. better than the original (i.e 7 Rings) or b. actually made me want to listen to a song that otherwise I wouldn’t care about (see 7 Rings). If you don’t like them don’t listen to them. I’m tired of people giving bands crap because they don’t like their music. That’s ok just be respectful about it. You also can’t expect bands to cater to everyone. If they do make a cover and you don’t like it, don’t listen to it or make a stink about it. This has been going on for the last week and a half. It’s exhausting to keep reading about people who don’t even follow or listen to this band complaining about the same thing.

      • paulkinsey-av says:

        When did I talk crap about them? I just made an observation. There was no insults and no negative connotation? Though, in response to your comment below, this band is definitely screamo. Per AllMusic.com:
        Some of these early bands included Saetia and City of Caterpillar, but screamo was made drastically more popular by later bands like Thursday, the Used, Glassjaw, Thrice, Poison the Well, and MTV favorites, Story of the Year and Hawthorne Heights…It came to be that the soft/loud dynamic of having either one or two singers who alternate between passionate singing and distraught shrieking that characterizes most screamo. These vocals are often layered or appear side-by-side amid aggressive, hard-hitting guitar licks used to trigger an exhaustive, emotional catharsis. Though the music is outwardly tough and powerful, the lyrics are usually of the introspective kind found in softer emo bands. Again, I don’t know this band outside of the couple of cover videos I’ve seen them do, but, unless their original music has a very different sound, that description fits the band perfectly. And they sound quite a bit like Story of the Year and Hawthorne Heights, two of the bands mentioned above. As well as Bullet For My Valentine, which you mentioned. To your point, there’s certainly some Metalcore influence there as well. Though I certainly wouldn’t call them straight Hard Rock. 

    • al112063-av says:

      There’s a difference between screamo and metalcore. This is more metalcore than screamo but not even. Actually this isn’t even really considered metalcore but more hard rock. Ice Nine Kills is more screamo than OLN is which is a stretch because they’re considered more metalcore. Underoath, We Came As Romasns, Bullet For My Valentine, and Thrice is screamo not Our Last Night.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    “I think the Rolling Stone review just said ‘no.’”~Clark Honus

  • sycro-av says:

    That was so bad.

  • kspraydad3-av says:

    I’ve successfully not heard this song so far…this ain’t gonna change that.

  • andysynn-av says:

    There is a special place in hell dedicated to awful bands who owe their entire existence to lazily covering whatever popular, flavour of the month songs they think will get them the requisite number of “hits”.

    • elchappie2-av says:

      Luckily, Our Last Night is a talented band who has 5 albums or original material that spare them from that special place in Hell you speak of.

  • tekkactus-av says:

    Our Last Night should be tried for war crimes. This isn’t even their most egregious mangling.

  • ziggywiggy-av says:

    I’m not sure why I was expected there not to be a guy screaming, it is right there in the name, right?

  • enricopallazzokinja-av says:

    In related news, I finally listened to “Old Town Road” for the first time today. I was expecting an earworm that, even if I hated it, would get stuck in my head, thus somehow explaining how it’s become so ubiquitously popular. Instead, I forgot everything about it in 2 minutes. Other than the one line about taking my horse to the old town road and riding until I can’t no more, I couldn’t tell you one more thing about how it goes.It’s so weird to me that *this* is a huge hit. Again, if it were horrible but catchy, I could understand…but, as it is, I’m at a loss.Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 

  • v9733xa-av says:

    Please stop calling things “screamo” that are not screamo and just have a dude yelling in them.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Screamo: Still a thing?

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