Machete-wielding bandit tries to rob store, gets chased off by cloud of fog

Aux Features Crime
Machete-wielding bandit tries to rob store, gets chased off by cloud of fog
Screenshot: The Fog

The only thing stopping a man with a machete is a man with a fog machine, apparently. In New Zealand, a thief burst into a convenience store armed with a machete and slammed it down at a counter, just before reaching over and trying to grab some goodies. What the robber didn’t know is the shop’s owner had a trick up their sleeve: a dang fog cannon.

The entire interaction was caught on CCTV and posted on the Northland Police Facebook page. With the push of a button, the owner essentially turned the shop into a haunted house, thus preventing the robber from seeing anything at all, including the cash register. The thick fog dispersed behind the counter and gave the 21-year-old bandit a spook, as you can see by his backwards hop and flail of confusion. He eventually ran, but he still managed to get caught by police.

Fog cannons are genius, really. They’re also the norm of security for some countries outside the United States. As the New Zealand police captioned in their uploaded video, fog cannons are a “great prevention tool,” as they cloud the vision of criminals and tag those in the vicinity with a traceable chemical. It’s the next best thing to having your own smoke monster at your disposal.

[Via Neatorama]


  • arcanumv-av says:

    Fog cannon, my foot. I’ve seen the movies they make in New Zealand. The shop owner is obviously a wizard.

    • bmglmc-av says:

      ….well, a Druid could do it at a lower level, so one might think you’d find more 3rd level Druids tha n 5th level Mages, but New Zealand is famous for how many Mages pay for their guild fees by taking shitty convenience store jobs

  • brandonii-av says:

    But where are teh gunz?

  • squirtloaf-av says:

    Yes, yes, fog. Fine. But where are the bullets? Where is the death?

    Can we get a burning fog? Perhaps poison, or a fog that makes people explode?

    • gumbercules1-av says:

      Well, we can do you fog and bullets without the death, and we can do you fog and death without the bullets, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can’t give you bullets and death without the fog. fog is compulsory. They’re all fog, you see.

    • breb-av says:

      Hydrofluoric fog?

  • wkiernan-av says:

    Dang! That’s an alert shop attendant; he hit the fog cannon the instant he saw the machete bro coming in the door!
    Now I thought I understood how fog cannons work but I was wrong, and I still can’t figure it out. How does it make a ball of fog wrap around the perp’s head and stay there, no matter where he goes or how he twists and turns? It even followed him out the door! Persistent fog vortex? Sticky fog?

  • realgenericposter-av says:

    I guess fog clouds might be kind of effective in a largely gunless land. Here, however, I assume most crooks would fire the 20+ rounds in their high-capacity handgun magazines indiscriminately into the cloud.

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    Danny Trejo had better have an alibi……

  • franknstein-av says:

    He clearly saw The Mist.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    That’s why you never bring a knife to a fog fight.

  • bennyboy56-av says:

    It would be even better if it had turned his body inside out.

  • Darigaaz-av says:

    We get it shop owner, you vape.

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