
Mark Hamill makes for a worthy adversary on an irresistible What We Do In The Shadows

TV Reviews Recap
Mark Hamill makes for a worthy adversary on an irresistible What We Do In The Shadows
Photo: FX Networks

Maybe it’s a “me” thing—like Laszlo, I’m terrible with putting names to faces—but if his role on the show hadn’t been announced in advance, I would not have immediately recognized Mark Hamill on this week’s What We Do In The Shadows. Hamill co-stars as Jim the Vampire (so much funnier than Joe the Vampire, don’t ask me why) in what’s essentially a two-hander of an episode, taking Laszlo out on his first real, episode-length solo adventure as he flees an immortal debt he owes for a stay in Jim’s guest room back in 1853. And Hamill is absolutely hilarious in the role, putting the voice acting skills he utilized in the second most iconic role of his career to use along with a wig, mustache, and some contacts…okay, fine, it probably is just me being halfway face blind.

This episode starts off with a solid bit of character-based slapstick—not a comedic combination you see too often—as Guillermo, in elementary-school teacher mode, convinces the vampires to make a game out of identifying the rotting corpse sinkholes in their front lawn. (Pratfalls and morbidity in the same joke? It’s not even my birthday!) Enter Jim, whose front-yard duel with Laszlo prompts the younger (or at least younger-looking) vampire to run to a nearby motel to grab his bug-out bag—to lift a term from Doomsday Preppers—and take off. It’s a testament to his affection for the other vampires, and especially Nadja, that he didn’t run off earlier, honestly, considering how few qualms he seems to have about abandoning them to pose as “an average American Yankee Doodle Dandy” as soon as shit hits the fan.

Because why shouldn’t he? Whether through the power of hypnosis or simply good old-fashioned charisma, his new identity as Jackie Daytona is a hit. Lots of details about Laszlo’s new life were really clever: The freezer he sleeps in instead of a coffin, his close personal relationship with the Big Mouth Billy Bass that hangs on the wall at Lucky Brews, his newfound love of women’s volleyball (again, were psychic powers at play in the team’s rise to dominance?), Berry standing with his hands on his hips in the parking lot after beating up the “motor bicycle criminals,” Berry throwing a full bus pan into a dumpster. Truly, a cornucopia of hilarious shit, and I haven’t even really touched on the many, many signature Matt Berry bombastic line readings in this episode.

The one thing “On The Run” was missing was Berry taking the stage for a musical performance himself. Don’t get me wrong, the bloodless acoustic rendition of “Simply Irresistible” at the Lucky Brews talent show abruptly yanked me back to some truly intolerable evenings at suburban watering holes that I had otherwise stricken from my memory. (The complete and utter inanity of every musical cue inside of that particular drinking establishment was another sharp detail of this episode.) But Berry’s side gig is as a musician—his stuff’s on Spotify, it’s very ‘70s singer-songwriter, a bit like Tim Heidecker’s music, actually—so it would have been fun to see Jackie/Laszlo sing. Just saying.

But Hamill made up for that when Jim tracks Jackie/Laszlo down at the Lucky Brews, leading to another bit of comedic gold—the shock on Hamill’s face when Berry took the toothpick out of his mouth (with his jeans and toothpick, he’s unrecognizable). Their final confrontation was also very funny, as was Jim swearing that he will get his revenge when he finds out that our nation’s store shelves are full of Big Mouth Billy Basses just waiting to be taken under his cape. (Vampires don’t go to gas stations, I guess.) Hamill unabashedly threw himself into the role without any self-consciousness about looking silly, and for that, I salute him. We’ve still got four episodes left in the second season, and given its consistently high quality thus far, even better guest stars could still be to come. But for now—Mark Hamill, you are the undead MVP.

Stray Observations

  • My friend’s roommate skipped out on thousands of dollars’ worth of rent and bills when she moved to another state back in the late ‘00s. The landlord was not sympathetic, and my friend ended up having to move back home herself in the aftermath. So I can see where Jim is coming from here.
  • How much do you think Laszlo owes Jim, anyway? In 1850's money, a month’s rent on a single room was probably like $10.
  • As I mentioned in the recap, this episode was all about Laszlo and Jim. But I did want to shout out these fabulous reaction shots: Guillermo shrugging and putting his wooden stake away when Jim announces he’s there for Laszlo, and Nadja fluttering her eyelids at Laszlo’s story about his “work trip.”
  • Here’s a question to ponder: Is Laszlo telling the truth when he says he went to California to meet the devil at the crossroads, and was “misinformed” about its actual location? Nadja seems to know he’s full of shit.
  • And another: Is Colin lying when he says he was just trying to feed on the awkwardness of the moment when he tried to kiss Nadja?
  • “How you diddling, Jojo? Your wife still giving you shit about that hammock?”
  • “One human alcohol beer, please.”
  • “You’re fired!” “That doesn’t make any sense! I don’t work for you!”
  • Special props to the extra who played the guitar like a broom. You’re a champ, buddy.
  • If you enjoyed the escapades of Jackie Daytona, and you haven’t yet—please watch Toast Of London, like, right now. It is perhaps the best showcase for Berry’s talent for coming up with silly names. Here is an amuse bouche to get you excited.
  • Berry wasn’t bullshitting at the end there; there really is a garage band called Jackie Daytona based out of Texas. I listened to a couple of their songs, they’re fine. The official music video for their single “Comin’ To Get You” only has 460 views; let’s quadruple that, shall we?


  • tibbymcnibblebits-av says:

    The quality of this season is fantastic. I adore Season 1 but so far every single episode has hit it’s mark. Seems like they’ve hit their stride!

  • evanwaters-av says:

    Straight A for me (at least it would be if there were still fan votes.)I love when a comedy show just abandons its normal setup and follows a story thread as far as it can go. Just, now this is about getting the volleyball team to state. Yes. Lazlo is a coward but dammit he commits.Incidentally I was legit really happy the Bucks got to go to state. 

    • norezredux-av says:

      2 second lightsaber pose with the pool cue. Made me smile even though I was already grinning from how great an episode this was.

      • norezredux-av says:

        Just noticed he does a hand movement towards the camera like ‘get out of here with that now’ and the shot changes. MORE funny!

      • Velops-av says:

        When they snapped the pool cues, I thought they would try to stab each other with the splintered ends. I loved the self-inflicted injuries from the dueling crosses.

    • loramipsum-av says:

      Past 3 have been straight As for me.

    • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

      I was also very invested in the Bucks’ fate.  I was actually angry Lazlo accidentally torched the money.

      • boggardlurch-av says:

        We weren’t angry, but both of us watching let out an involuntary “NOOOO!” when it lit.

      • mrwaldojeffers-av says:

        It’s OK, though. He merely had to torch the bar and an historic building and kill a coworker to get the money back.

      • stephdeferie-av says:

        yeah, so did they win the state championship or what?????

      • joeinthebox66-av says:

        I have a feeling we’ll hear about them eventually. The show has been really good with callbacks and continuity and it’s only been 16 episodes.

    • pomking-av says:

      Now we see how charming Lazlo is with the ladies. No wonder Nadja married him. 

      • norezredux-av says:

        Nadja was ADORABLE when he came home. It’s nice that everyone’s not just pissy with each other all the time.
        There is nothing on tv I watch regularly any more except for this. 

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    I didn’t figure out it was Hamill until halfway through when he showed up at the bar. I was finally like, “Okay, this role is too big to not be a cameo … who is this? Is that Mark Hamill? Jesus, it is. Ha!”The pool cue “lightsaber” gag would have tipped it off too. 

  • surprise-surprise-av says:

    The musical stylings of Mr. Matthew Berry? Obligatory:

  • thingamajig-av says:

    I didn’t realize it was Hamill either until the end credits. I knew it was somebody but all I could come up with was that he looked almost but not quite like Keith Szarabajka.

  • deathmaster780-av says:

    I honestly didn’t recognize Hamill until I read this. He played the role well.Those poor Volleyball girls, they may have lost their bar but at least they got to go to State.So apparently Colin Robinson has a thing for dolls? Yeah that sounds about right.

    • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

      I wonder if Colin can actually get any energy out of the doll or if he’s just that attracted to it.

      • senseitomc-av says:

        The producers and/or FX have to… just HAVE TO… market a toy version of the Nadja doll.  I’m a guy (and old guy at that) and I want to sit one of those in a high chair in the corner of my darkest room.

    • browza-av says:

      I mean, that thing is creepy, but there’s also something about it.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Based on the comments so far, looks like I’m the only one who recognized Hamill from the start (go me!). He was great. I’m glad there’s a chance he could return based on the mid-credits scene (there’s two this week btw).Also, the voice Hamill used sounded familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. Anyone know if he’s used it in any of his character voice work?

    • medacris-av says:

      He’s used a similar raspy growl as both Joker (Batman: TAS) and Mr. Selatcia (Metalocalypse).I recognized him, but I’m more a fan of his VA work (I actually got into Star Wars fairly late, but I’d been watching cartoons with his voice work for years at that point), so I knew it was him immediately…that, and he’d posted a clip ahead of time on Twitter.

      • mattk23-av says:

        The only reason I recognized Hamill was because of how similar he sounded to his Joker voice. And similarly, I knew him primarily from VA as I also didn’t watch Star Wars until the late 90’s.

    • DoctorWhen-av says:

      I admit I would not have recognized Hamill at all if it hadn’t been for Google “News” relentlessly spoiling that fact for a week ahead of time. I read no less than FIVE headlines since Monday morning trumpeting how Hamill would be guest starring.

    • thatguy0verthere-av says:

      I think it was a newer one but right at the start I heard Joker

    • drips-av says:

      I def recognized his voice shortly before he took the hood off.  Took a few lines though. 

    • perfectengine-av says:

      I would’ve recognized him regardless, but I’d heard about this cameo for at least two weeks now. Plus I’ve been a Star Wars/Mark Hamill fan virtually since birth, so there’s that, too. Mark is a clear example of a movie star who has never forgotten where he came from. He IS that nerdy weirdo with a genuine interest and affinity for all the characters he plays and the genres he dabbles in. Truly one of us in every regard.

    • user314-av says:

      It’s basically his Arnim Zola voice:

    • drew1098-av says:

      In case you’re still looking for it, it was very similar to the voice he used as Firelord Ozai in Avatar: The Last Airbender

    • un-owen-av says:

      Yeah – I had no idea it was Hamill until I read this review. And I don’t really feel that bad about it – I barely recognize him now even now when I know it is him. I actually thought it was Joe Polito, but was confused because he died a couple of years ago.

  • mfdixon-av says:

    “After all the nonsense on Staten Island, I cut loose.. to Pennsylvania.. because it sounded like Transylvania.. and we all know that sounds cool.”“How did you know that was my name? It’s printed on your card. Pretty clearly.”*The tooth pick removal* “IT WAS YOU THE WHOLE TIME.”Another brilliant episode that focuses this time on Laszlo with a wonderful assist from the great Mark Hamill. The only thing more ridiculous than the Jackie Daytona persona Laszlo comes up with is the fact that cuffed old-timey blue jeans and a toothpick somehow actually disguise him. Their back-and-forth only got better as the episode went on. Now excuse me I have to go cheer on the Bucks at state, as soon as I finish one human martini.

    • deathmaster780-av says:

      Turns out Clark Kent was over doing it this whole time, all he needed was a toothpick.

      • lazerlion-av says:

        I could’ve sworn to god that Jim was just bullshitting Lazlo the entire time.

      • sanctusfilius-av says:

        Zoeey Deschanel without bangs or glasses makes me believe that Clark Kent and Lazlo were onto something.

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      Jemaine Clement – the Asshole Himself* – directed this one too.(*as in “Khello Beast.” … “Khello Asshole.”)

      • thankgodiliveincali-av says:

        Nope, it was Yana Gorskaya. The series editor. She edited the movie too.

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          You were correct, of course. Must have seen the “created by” credit.

          • thankgodiliveincali-av says:

            All good! Nice to credit female directors though. There aren’t enough of them.

      • NAOT4R-av says:

        I believe Jemaine directed the previous episode (Collin’s episode) not this one. 

      • sunnydandthepurplestuff-av says:

        I wonder how good the movie is

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          Same universe only focused on four roommates in New Zealand. Waititi and Clemment are bigger comic personalities than the TV show cast – but their dynamic as roommates are a little different. It’s great though, the style is identical. When you first saw the movie, all the concepts were fresh – the faux docu-style cut to ancient artwork (that after a while you wonder if it’s real or fake or both) is still cheeky & the werewolf gang encounter is a standout sequence. It was a great, funny viewing experience much the same way Shawn of the Dead was. Since the style and some concepts are the same in the show, I imagine if you went and watched the movie, you’d find it at least as funny as watching 4 episodes of the show on FX.

    • pomking-av says:

      I kept yelling at the tv “he doesn’t recognize him??!!?” I forgot they couldn’t drink, I wondered why they were tossing the human alcohol drinks over their shoulders. Was the motel local? I thought it said Tucson. It was 6:30 am, it could have said Tuscany. God I love this show. 

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      I nearly fell off the couch at the toothpick removal gag.  Hamill really sold it.

    • huja-av says:

      Now excuse me I have to go cheer on the Bucks at state, as soon as I finish one human martini.
      Made with 100% organic human.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      The easily detectable disguise that no one detects is one of my favorite gags and I’m so glad they went there. 

    • sunnydandthepurplestuff-av says:

      yep, best episode of the season thus far

  • roboj-av says:

    Mark Hamill was great as a vampire, especially with the makeup and costume as this was one of his best acting performances in a while. I hope we’ll see more of him in the future or at least in costumes for Halloween. Its amazing how they just outdo and top the past episode each time. I’m going to have serious withdrawal after the season finale.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      He was a very Castlevania Dracula looking vampire I think .

    • paulrgrimes-av says:

      His short cameo in The Kingsmen showed a gift for comic timing.

    • danstu-av says:

      I’ll be sorely disappointed if this is the last we see of Jim the Vampire. There aren’t many people out there who can go toe-to-toe with Matt Berry on scenery-chewing.

  • suckabee-av says:

    I appreciate that we don’t find out how trivial the debt is, there’s no point trying to top Fat Tony coming after Krusty for $48.

  • tuscedero-av says:

    Hmm. Many didn’t recognize Hamill? Luckily, I was tipped off by the following article, posted yesterday to an obscure location of the interwebs: https://tv.avclub.com/mark-hamill-swoops-into-what-we-do-in-the-shadows-1843405459

    • pomking-av says:

      Hamill tweeted he was going to be on, and the show has been promoting it all week. He’s a HUGE fan. 

  • richkoski-av says:

    More like No Country for Old Vampires! He even calls Jim the Vampire, Friendo!

    • pomking-av says:

      I got the same vibe. Thought it would be money. When he pulled blue jeans out I died. 

    • arcanumv-av says:

      In the future, I need to check the vents in every seedy motel room I stay in. Who knows what I’ll find! But it’ll be part of an adventure!

      • sanctusfilius-av says:

        If you find money, go through the packs carefully for trackers. Last thing you want is a guy with a bad haircut following you around.

      • bmglmc-av says:

        in a converted warehouse-turned-hostel in Colaba, Mumbai, i found a stack of 5th generation black and white Gulf Porn photocopies (where you could just make out the odd curve, where the eyes were, etc) and a matchbox of hard, moldy but perfectly servicable hashish.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        be careful, you could find Legionnaire’s disease…

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    That was a goddamn delight. Best episode of the season. “Jackie Daytona” is a glorious name and Berry saying it in his unique way every time was always hilarious.When Laszlo went to the vent in the motel to pick up his emergency box, I thought of No Country For Old Men. Later, he as Jackie called Jim “Friendo” so probably intentional.I liked that Laszlo spent way more on a truck he didn’t know how to drive than what the cost of the debt to Jim would have been. And that it took Jim 150 plus years to find Laszlo originally but like only a week to find him again in Pennsylvania. Was the volleyball coach’s last name a nod to the actress who played the original, cinematic Buffy the Vampire Slayer?Nadja: Do you have another toothpick that’s made of wood?Laszlo’s unexpected making drinks skills but not being able to drink them made me think of ex-alcoholic Sam Malone.

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    Jackie Daytona now at 651 views.

    • jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-av says:

      And based on their replies to comments, I don’t think they knew it was coming, and are kinda confused. Or at least were before watching (if/when they do; even if they had never before, you’d have to chase down whichever friend has Hulu and watch it ASAP after this happens).Also, over 1700 views.

      • almightyajax-av says:

        I kinda thought it was a clever bit of stealth marketing – “Sure, we’ll clear you to use the name, just mention it at the end of the hour so people know we exist that you did your due diligence.” If only 1% of FX’s national audience gets curious, by local indie rock band standards, that’s making it baby!

        • meridithmm-av says:

          As someone who works in TV Research/Clearance I ROARED when I saw the disclaimer at the end of the show. Apparently, the writers were married to the name even though the lawyers told them they couldn’t use it, which happens all the time. But shows rarely acknowledge it.

        • meridithmm-av says:

          As someone who works in TV Research/Clearance I ROARED when I saw the disclaimer at the end of the show. Apparently, the writers were married to the name even though the lawyers told them they couldn’t use it, which happens all the time. But shows rarely acknowledge it.

  • dickpunchbuddha-av says:

    They usually show Colin’s eyes glow after he gets a big feed, and they didn’t this time. I think he was trying to get some and then played it off to the camera crew.

  • cartoonivore-av says:

    “So… does that mean we’re even now?”“No, it just means we won’t kill you. But you still owe us the money!”……..“Forty eight dollars!”“Here’s fifty.”“And two’s your change, and we thank-a you!”

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    I think this was my favorite episode in a while, and that’s really saying something.I did recognize Mark Hamill about 1/2 way through – the first time he came into the bar. I’d missed all the discussion about him being on the show, it was an awesome surprise.I’m loving the ‘focus’ episodes. Lazlo, Colin Robinson, wondering who’s next? Not sure if the vampire hunter club episode counts for Guillermo, hopefully we’ll get a more in depth run with him.

  • zxcvzxcvzxcv-av says:

    How much do you think Laszlo owes Jim, anyway? In 1850’s money, a month’s rent on a single room was probably like $10. It’s absolutely categorically unequivocally one-hundred percent something like $10 that Jim is not even bothering to adjust for inflation.

    I actually really liked that the show didn’t go for the obvious punchline, but left us to infer that joke instead.

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    Between this and Rick and Morty, it’s been a fine week for toothpicks as an affectation of coolness.

  • mmmm-again-av says:

    “Jim the Vampire (so much funnier than Joe the Vampire, don’t ask me why)”But is it funnier than ‘Jim Coach?’ 

  • selfhatingoriolesfan-av says:

    “This is how we speak in Tucson, Arizonia.” Please give me more Lazlo centric episodes!

  • grant8418-av says:

    An amazing episode, as per usual. I’m honestly surprised quite a few people didn’t recognize that it was Mark Hamill playing Jim, I recognized him almost immediatly, it wasn’t a role that had a lot of costume to disguise the actor (like the Baron).

  • luckymc44-av says:

    The “Devil Went Down to…” joke had me rolling!! And I almost died laughing at the opener, when the mailman fell in the sinkhole and Guillermo wretching. And when Laszlo rammed the truck into the wall trying to drive. This ep was gold.I knew it was Hamill right away because I saw him tweet about it, but I don’t think I would have recognized him until the bar, otherwise.

  • dikeithfowler-av says:

    I rewatched the Volleyball footage and don’t think there was any use of vampiric powers, which to me makes Laszlo’s enjoyment of the game even funnier.

  • jvbftw-av says:

    I too was expecting the resolution to be a really low bill because Jim didn’t adjust for inflation. Also was kid of hoping the meeting the devil in California trip was going to be a Hotel California nod. 

  • goodbyeforeverkinja123-av says:

    My wife and I are from “Ar-ee-zone-ee-uh” (she lived in Tucson through college) and when we moved via U-haul from NYC to Chicago in 2014 our midway bed and burger overnight was the Motel 6 off interstate 80 in Clarion, Pennsylvania. Suffice it to say, we felt really included in this week’s episode and had I known that Jackie Daytona was behind the bar of the Lucky Brew in Clarion I would have stopped in to talk about Tucson. This show is too beautiful to exist. Go Bucks!

    • aunteggmablowtorch-av says:

      Alas, years later, I must point out: Lucky Brew is placed in Clairton, which is a different Western PA town. Clarion is a splendid place, however, I can tell you from personal experience. 

  • pomking-av says:

    I like how they’re doing cold opens and then another scene during the credits. But no previews for next week!! 

  • caitlinsdadvp-av says:

    This was NOT an average human episode of WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS. It may be now my favorite episode of all time.

    I’m still not sure if my favorite bit was in regards to Jim’s card or the toothpick. I’m leaning toothpick, but BOY did Hamill nail the realization/slow turn as he said “How did you know that was my name?” and then Berry’s casual:

    “It’s printed on your card. Pretty clearly. Jim the Vampire.”

    “As yes! Of course..” I was dying. Matt Berry and Mark Hamill are comic gold together. Perfect.

    Left out of this review was the true honest happiness Nadja (combined with her horniness) had at Laszlo’s return, I really loved that, and how Nadja was more than happy to role play with Jackie Daytona, the toothpick makes the man!

    We also that we now know Laszlo’s last name is Cravensworth! So did Nadja take his name when they married? Are they “The Vampires Cravensworth”?

    All the small town bar cliche’s were spot on, and the fact that Laszlo got so into high school girls volleyball was awesome. Go Bucks! Hope we’ll see this carry on.

    Again, it was a fantastic episode in every way of WWDITS and I am calling it my favorite all time for now. BAT! 

  • lpydmblb-av says:

    If it makes you feel any better, I thought it was John DiMaggio. Obviously I had not seen the cast list. Not that bad of a guess; after all they’re both prominent voice actors.

  • aboynamedart6-av says:

    Is Colin lying when he says he was just trying to feed on the awkwardness of the moment when he tried to kiss Nadja?He is absolutely fucking lying.

    Also, out of all of Hamill’s choice deliveries here I think my favorite is, “Now I get it!”

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      I kept waiting for his eyes to glow, but nope. He 110% tried to kiss Nadja and then rebound with the Nadja doll. That said, how’d he know that the doll was alive? Colin Robinson’s scary, man.

    • noturtles-av says:

      I think he was telling the truth. If he was lying about that, he would have lied about the doll as well.

    • robutt-av says:

      He was telling the truth. He had a little smile when he was talking about his plan.

  • alexdub12-av says:

    CRAVENSWORTH!As much as I loved the first season, the second turns out to be even better.

  • alekkolchak-av says:

    More admiration for the writers on the two mysteries because they seem to be deliberate questions for the viewers (as opposed to oversights.) The dollar amount was never given. Was it a ridiculously small amount, or is Jim adding yearly interest at mafia loan levels? I am leaning slightly towards the former since Jim was so stunned by a billy bass toy, so he might genuinely think ten dollars is more than many wealthy vampires could afford.
    As for Colin Robinson’s move on Nadja, he seemed legit when talking about how it was actually a chance to drain energy and nothing more. That makes the doll joke work. But on the other hand, I didn’t see his eyes flash, which is how the writers usually tip the audience.
    That’s it. Thank you. *Puts a toothpick into his mouth and disappears into the world.”

  • toddisok-av says:

    If 95% of the population beat off in the shadows, and 5% of Mark Hamills sing, what do they sing in the shadows?

    • crackblind-av says:

      Did you hear the (possibly apocryphal) story about the time Sam Donaldson shouted this joke to Ronald Reagan on a press line?

  • bnsilver-av says:

    I think Colin Robinson was telling the truth about feeding off the awkward kiss rejection with Nadja, since he then immediately copped to the fact that he was actually trying to kiss the ghost doll

    • senseitomc-av says:

      I believe Colin was being honest about the “move” on Nadja because of a couple of things. First, he was genuinely rooting for his friend, Lazlo, during the opening moments of the duel (“Give him hell, Lazlo!”) so I doubt he’d purposely make a move on his woman and, second, he kept mentioning to Nadja about how often they’d be seeing each other in the house, which hints that he’ll continue to feed off her awkwardness after this failed smooch.

  • moswald74-av says:

    There’s only 4 episodes left? That makes me so sad!!I also would not have recognized Mark Hamill if I didn’t know ahead of time who he was. I hope we see him again.

    • senseitomc-av says:

      These first 6 episodes have certainly made ‘shelter in place’ a lot easier to endure. Once the season ends it’s really going to feel like an endless summer.  I wish the season went longer but I’d rather give up quantity as long as the quality remains as stellar as it has been.

      • moswald74-av says:

        Yeah, I agree with that.  I’ve been keeping them all in my DVR to help me get through the summer.

  • cropply-crab-av says:

    I must have been watching Berry on TV for close to 20 years now and his delivery never gets old. He’s such a delight, this ep had me in stitches. 

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    Mark Hamill was as good as I thought he would be. I love seeing him cut loose in silly shit like this. He’s got one of the best voices in the biz and knows how wield a cape. And I want that Coach track-suit that he was wearing at the end. It was rad.

  • bigt90-av says:

    Brilliant episode, one of the best of the whole series by far! I absolutely lost my shit when ol Jackie rammed his truck into the building, that thing cost a fortune!

    • admnaismith-av says:

      I know, right?   I like watching John Oliver spend HBOs money on rat-themed porn (and forgiving medical debt).  But as wasteful as that truck stunt was, I laughed hard.

      • bigt90-av says:

        When he got in I was wondering if he even knew how to drive it, we certainly saw he got a truck, but I figured he still just “bat”ed everywhere. Hilarious, Matt Berry’s delivery is spot fucking on, joke after joke. 

  • notjames316-av says:

    I had no idea it was Mark Hamill until his first scene at the bar. I kept thinking it might have been Ian McShane except the voice was all wrong. But the recognition that it was Hamill at that point filled me with TMJ (Too Much Joy, not the other thing).

  • briticanme-av says:

    “That’s right, scare him with your circles!” 

  • gilgurth-av says:

    I’d say Colin was telling the truth because he then humanized himself by saying how hurt he was the Nadja doll shot him down. Also what is going on with the Nadja doll?

  • squatlobster-av says:

    That *was the motel room from No Country For Old Men, right? 

  • TombSv-av says:

    I really wants a “behind the scenes” of this episode.

  • lazerlion-av says:

    Real fucking creep move there, Colin!

  • karen0222-av says:

    So corny, so campy, so much fun.

  • sid9-0-av says:

    “Nonsense, this is how everyone speaks in Tucson, Arizonia.”

  • hardscience-av says:

    Bug out bag is a little older than the last TV show you watched.Jesus Christ. Know some actual culture and history if you are going to… Fuck it. AV Club is just pop culture FOX News at this point.

  • charlesbaxter-av says:

    Might anyone know the title/artist of the song used for the credits? … something about “traveling man.”. I’ve looked all over. Thanks. Also, my fave line, “hit the bricks or I’ll put my foot on your ass” as said to the charity bikers. Bahahah

  • sovtherngothic-av says:

    I was really REALLY hoping we’d get a Matt Berry song in this episode! Loved it anyway. He really is a gem.This season is even better than the last, I didn’t think that was possible. 🙂

  • liamgallagher-av says:

    The official music video for their single “Comin’ To Get You” only has 460 views; let’s quadruple that, shall we?

    36 hours later and it has 2821 views

  • slander-av says:

    I listened to a couple of their songs, they’re fine.

    That song fuckin’ slaps.

  • wiscoproud-av says:

    I did not expect Lazlo to bail out to run a bar, that was a great arc. Since the debt was from the 1850s, i was expecting the big reveal to be that it was $5 or something. 

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    Another terrific episode. Mark Hamill was hilarious. Who here thinks the Nadja doll is going to play a major role in the finale?

  • joeinthebox66-av says:

    Jackie Daytona reminded me how much Berry can shine if he’s let loose for a few minutes.

  • joeinthebox66-av says:

    “When the Nadja doll rejected me…that stung.”

  • huja-av says:

    Matt Berry just slays every time his Lazlo character takes center stage.  

  • wmcgee-av says:

    I think you mean “played the broom like a guitar,” not “played a guitar like a broom.”

  • bmglmc-av says:

    I am enjoying the bemused banter coming from whomever is representing the band Jackie Daytona on Youtube. “I think ‘Laszlo Sent Me Here’ is gonna be our next album name.”

  • mythicfox-av says:

    Mark Hamill was basically perfect as Jim the Vampire, and the character as conceived and written is basically a perfect foil for Laszlo. After the first time Jim the Vampire comes into the bar looking for Laszlo and meets Jackie Daytona, I experienced this building comedy-dread of “Wait, is he just toying with him or does the disguise actually work?” that was just delightful. But the moment when Laszlo takes out the toothpick and Jim suddenly recognizes him is pure gold, punctuated perfectly by Mark Hamill’s expression. I love this show in general, but I honestly think this episode made me laugh more than anything else has these past couple of months.But before I just go into a trance and gush about this episode for another few paragraphs (in particular, I could go on about Laszlo’s attempts at various accents), let’s get to…This Week’s LARP Moment: So after several episodes of me having to wing it on these, this one finally gives me something… The duel of honor between Laszlo and Jim the Vampire. As I’ve mentioned in previous TWLMs, vampire LARPers will find basically any excuse to kill each others’ characters, often as part of (as I often put it) a leg-humping show of dominance. So duels happen, and some games/settings have a system for this, or an in-character organization will have rules on how these duels are conducted. But often (as is the case in Sabbat games), the in-character and out-of-character rules are written with the intent that these duels are always to the death so the players take them seriously. But the players don’t want to risk losing their characters (or have to deal with someone else being pissed in real life because their character died), so they bend over backwards searching for loopholes, trying to find some way to justify having a non-lethal version of the duel. Or a duel that doesn’t involve combat (even though it’s supposed to always be a trial by combat), because not everybody’s character is good at combat and so one guy wants to make it a chess match or a riddle contest or some missing-the-point bullshit. I don’t think I’ve ever had anybody just run before, but that’s usually because 1) it’s a show of weakness most of your more troglodytic LARPers will avoid at all costs, and 2) any of the in-character groups that do duels to the death make it clear that if you run, your life is forfeit anyways (which means playing the character again after that is really tricky anyhow).

  • cardboardjane-av says:

    Just had to note that when the volleyball coach says “Mai wife!” while showing off her impression skills, Matt Berry goes, “yes, Henry the Eighth!” I had to rewind it a few times to catch what he was saying, but I’m so glad I did.

  • citizen-snips-av says:

    I would watch a spin off of WWDITS called, The Adventures of Jackie Daytona.

  • itsandyryan-av says:

    “Is Colin lying when he says he was just trying to feed on the awkwardness of the moment when he tried to kiss Nadja?”No, I think he’s telling the truth, because he then admits he genuinely WAS trying to kiss the doll Nadja.

  • the4thkaramazov-av says:

    I’m watching a couple years later, and before reading everything here I had to scroll down and say A fucking minus? If any episode of TV deserves an A, it’s this one. 

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