Mark Hamill says he’s secretly been in every Star Wars movie since 2015

Mark Hamill is in almost every Star Wars movie, even the ones without Luke Skywalker

Film News Mark Hamill
Mark Hamill says he’s secretly been in every Star Wars movie since 2015
Mark Hamill Photo: Rich Fury

Everybody knows that Mark Hamill is in Star Wars, unless you only know him from the credits of Batman: The Animated Series and have just had your mind blown, but did you know that he’s also in a lot of Star Wars movies? Like, almost all of them? Okay, yeah, you probably knew that as well, but we’re not talking about Luke Skywalker. We’re talking about an untold number of droids and aliens and other puppets who shared the distinct pleasure of having Mark Hamill’s voice come out of their mouth holes.

This reveal was prompted by a tweet from venerable Star Wars nerd archive Wookieepedia, which noted last week that Hamill had provided the voice of Mandalorian bartender droid EV-9D9. Hamill responded by saying that he actually had “multiple secret voice cameos in every Star Wars movie released since 2015"—which covers all of the Disney movies, even the ones Luke Skywalker is not in. Disney and Disney-owned studios have a pattern of selecting voice actors who are a good luck charm and putting them in every movie, be it Alan Tudyk for Disney Animation or John Ratzenberger for Pixar, so it seems like Mark Hamill has become the Lucasfilm version of that (assuming he shows up in other live-action shows or in that new Indiana Jones movie).

So who are these secret characters? Wookieepedia knows about a couple of named aliens in the sequel movies, but those definitely aren’t secret, and the page says nothing about Hamill being in Solo or Rogue One. Obviously, then, somebody needs to sit down and watch all of the Disney-era Star Wars movies, even whichever one or ones they don’t like, and listen close to pick out which characters talk like Mark Hamill, or which characters make little guttural noises like Mark Hamill… then again, his Luke Skywalker voice is completely different from his Joker voice, so there’s a good chance you could hear him and not know it. Hamill offered a hint of sorts a while back, explaining that any Star Wars character played by Patrick Williams is actually him, but it seems like he’s usually just mentioned in the credits without saying who he plays. The actual only solution, then, is to just assume that every voice in Star Wars, unless it’s in the credits as someone else (and not this fake someone else), is secretly Mark Hamill.


  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Bet he wishes that Patrick Williams could’ve taken credit on ‘The Guyver’.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Makes sense, why wouldn’t you do this? He seems great to hang out with and Star Wars isn’t a worldwide phenomenon without him.

    • zythides-av says:

      Exactly.  Considering his experience doing voice over work, it’s like having a ringer hanging around to fill in wherever needed.

  • storymark-av says:

    He secretly did all of Harrison’s ADR for TFA.

  • the-muftak-av says:

    “You forgot he’s also a talented voice actor.”

    • pabloduganheim-av says:

      Hamill could probably do all the voices in an entire series, if he wanted to. You can definitely tell that he has a blast doing the Joker roles.

  • gargsy-av says:

    Did he go on to explain why anyone should give a shit?

  • lattethunder-av says:

    I knew that was him playing Clint Howard in Solo!

    • tracerbullet5-av says:
    • precognitions-av says:

      takes a lot of range, or being Clint Howard, to play Clint Howard

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      I love random Clint Howard cameos almost as much as random Mark Hamill cameos. Freakin’ Clint Howard just saying “He’s never had it so good!!” in Solo still kinda cracks me up. Also I was re-watching “Past Tense” DS9 and he pops up as random 2020s hobo. 

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    (assuming he shows up in other live-action shows or in that new Indiana Jones movie).This is something I didn’t even know I wanted but now I really want to see him make a short cameo in the film. 

    • seinnhai-av says:

      Oh man, perfect. Indy walks into the bar and tells whoever he’s with to sit at the bar while he goes finds a pilot. He goes the the back of the bar and sits down across from Mark Hamill but you don’t hear any of the dialogue (since the shot is still on who was sitting at the bar). Indy comes back.
      “Is he gonna take us.”“No.”“Why not?”“He said the last time he did something that stupid he ended up hiding on an island for 30 years.”

      • sarcastro7-av says:

        Or “he didn’t like the odds.”

      • kinjabitch69-av says:

        And the bartender is…Jackie Daytona.

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        Acceptable alternative: “He said he had a [eyeroll and sigh] ‘bad feeling about this’.”

      • writebastard-av says:

        “He said the last time he did something that stupid he ended up killing over a million people, almost fucked his sister, chopped his dad’s hand off, and then hiding hid out on an island for 30 years.”They stare at each other.Simultaneously:“We should probably ask somebody…else…?”“I’m thinking about a train. Maybe a submarine.”

      • bakamoichigei-av says:

        My God…. I want that to be real so much.Man, sometimes the fandom just has some truly fun ideas. Like the suggestion I saw that every episode of the Lando series should open with him dictating a chapter of the ‘Calrissian Chronicles’… (Presumably this would be a cold open where he narrates a flashback to a scene from an adventure which happened between episodes, until he arrives at his destination or his recording is otherwise interrupted.)I went on to further suggest that—in keeping with Lando’s character—his narration should tend toward either exaggeration or being the outright opposite of reality, as long as it tells a better story and makes him look good.So we get moments like, he says he “skillfully negotiated the deal” to acquire his objective and instead we see that the deal devolves into a frantic shootout, with him lucking into stealing the item while escaping. 🤣

      • cinemaslap-av says:

        This gives me all the vibes of Constantine showing up in DC and Marvel comics from time to time, but only being referenced as “The brit with the trench coat who always smokes”

      • lemonsenpai-av says:

        Take your star on the way out…

      • StoneGoldx-av says:

        Because he said he’s not Bruce Boxleitner, whatever that means.

      • doubleudoubleudoubleudotpartycitydotpig-av says:

        i’m so glad internet commenters don’t write movies

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Well he can’t cameo as a Nazi, since he’s a little short for a storm trooper.

    • erakfishfishfish-av says:

      Giving Hamill an Indy cameo will be really cool the first time you watch it, and really fucking stupid every time after.

    • frenchton-av says:

      Pop quiz! What’s the name of the club in the opening sequence of Temple of Doom? (Obi Wan)

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Now I’m just going to assume everyone who isn’t otherwise credited is actually Hamill with a helmet on or something.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    so you’re saying somebody needs to do research on Hamill’s guttural grunts for comparison?  Man you fans are REALLY dedickated.

    • MerxWorx01-av says:

      Fine! I’ll upload my entire hard drive of “Mark’s Gutteral Sounds” but fair warning some of them are from Corvette Summer.

  • Rainbucket-av says:

    He voices the cantina patrons that order one perfectly normal human alcohol drink.

  • hanoumatoi-av says:

    Shout out to David Ogden Stiers, who was in a bunch of Disney movies from my youth…. and ALL their terrible spin offs and straight to videos.
    He did 4 different Lilo and Stitch movies, plus 3 video games, plus a kingdom hearts??He did Cogsworth similarly.

  • factorjosh-av says:

    that’s nothing. AD has been in every sw film since 1977 (except solo)

  • thenoblerobot-av says:

    even the ones Luke Skywalker is not in.

    Of the 6 live-action Star Wars things since 2015, only two of them don’t feature Luke Skywalker, so this isn’t as quite a big of a shock as it might seem.

  • toddisok-av says:

    John Ratzenberger? From Empire Strikes Back, John Ratzenberger? Did he ever do anything else?

    • the-muftak-av says:

      He did work at NASA for a bit in the ‘80s. Zod might remember him.

    • tjwendt-av says:

      Uh, yeah. Not sure if this is a Hamill-ish troll or not, but Ratzenberger is more famously known as Cliff Claven, mailman.This whole story seems to be one elaborate troll by Hamill.  It’s his thing.

      • toddisok-av says:

        Hi Todd. Can you believe how many people can’t recognize a goof when they read one? Or they just can’t resist the opportunity to “kick that special knowledge”.

    • armfield-av says:

      Cliff Clavin in Cheers, Hamm in Toy Story 1 – 4 I can go on

    • radarskiy-av says:

      Co-staring with Clint Eastwood!

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Me too.

  • kjordan3742-av says:

    This sounds like a Regis Philbin “David Letterman calling!” situation.

  • graymangames-av says:

    The funny thing is Mark Hamill technically doesn’t need Star Wars anymore. His voice-acting career has taken off to the point where he’s just fine on his own, thank you. When he talked about his hesitation to appear in the Sequel Trilogy, I got it. He didn’t need to, but he also knew the fans would get after him if he didn’t. 

    • laurenceq-av says:

      I also remember him saying, albeit somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that once Harrison agreed, he basically had to do it, too.

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Amusingly enough, his voiceover career started almost concurrently with his Star Wars career: in Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards, he played the Sean the Elf/Fairy/whatever (different websites give different categorizations, and it’s been a long time since I’ve watched the film).

      • dammitspaz-av says:

        Consider yourself lucky.  While that movie was hailed as revolutionary at the time, it does not hold up well.  Not as bad as the musical Hobbit movie that came out around the same time … but that is one of the worst movies of all time, so the bar was low.

    • thenonymous-av says:

      The funny thing is Mark Hamill technically doesn’t need Star Wars anymore.I mean…aside from the fact that Star Wars isn’t exactly something anyone  “needs” considering how infrequently they come out, Mark Hamill literally went 32 years in between Star Wars movies so I’m pretty sure literally nobody was ever really working under the assumption that he needed it either lol.

    • kevinkap-av says:

      Eh he’s also the guy who has been recorded to take half finished cigarettes out of ashtrays. 

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Didn’t Hamill reveal a bunch of this stuff on Twitter way back?  I definitely remember him mentioning Mandalorian and, I’m pretty sure, Rogue One, as well. 

  • thefanciestcat-av says:

    Mark Hamill has become my favorite thing about Star Wars.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    Disney and Disney-owned studios have a pattern of selecting voice actors who are a good luck charm and putting them in every movie, be it Alan Tudyk for Disney Animation or John Ratzenberger for PixarRatzenberger’s string has been broken, actually, as he hasn’t had a role in either Soul or Luca (though a background character in Soul was modeled after him). Enrico Casarosa, the director of Luca, has said he’s trying to start a new tradition of having Peter Sohn voice a character in every Pixar film, which I would be totally happy with.

  • TheSadClown-av says:

    Everybody knows that Mark Hamill is in Star Wars, unless you only know him from the credits of Batman: The Animated Series…Or from his actual greatest role:

  • sajirou-av says:

    Seeing a random picture of Mark Hamill had he fearing for his safety, ever since the rash of my favorite actors dying in recent years whenever I see someones picture in an article before even reading what it says I fear for their lives.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • Blaine-av says:

    I have definitely been watching one of the Disney-made Star Wars movies and thought an alien voice sounded like Hamill, but looked it up to find the voice want credited to him. I wish I could remember, or that I had tweeted at him after noticing it.Hamill is like the number one person to listen out for in voice only roles across the board. He’s a prolific voice actor. Like, if it weren’t for Star Wars, he’d still be one of the most famous and celebrated voice actors around, and nerds like me who care about that stuff would still recognize him instantly and geek out at the chance to meet him. Heck, I’m not even a very big Star Wars fan, at least as compared with most of my friends, but Mark Hamill is nonetheless one of my most admired public figures.But anyway, lost my point for a second. His voice acting credits extend way outside of just Star Wars and Batman. Still, as I recall it, when I thought I heard his voice behind an unnamed Star Wars alien, but couldn’t confirm, I just figured I must be wrong because it would be kind of weird for him to do that in a movie that had no Luke appearance. I don’t know why I thought that, though. It’s not like the voice actors are always on set with the live action cast. It’s actually probably easier to pull off when he’s not playing Luke, since the studio set and the sound studio aren’t necessarily going to be anywhere near each other. In some cases, not even the same continent, I imagine.

  • strossusmenor-av says:

    Wait wait, Mark Hamill from the Guyver? That guy does voice work huh? Shoulda kept the moustache, might have had steadier screen work!

  • Balmut-av says:

    Mark Hamill actually voiced Han Solo in a few scenes because Ford was unavailable for ADR.

  • richmondb-av says:

    how about as Adrian Ripburger in that Lucas Arts classic Full throttle.

  • tedthedeadshed-av says:

    His voice acting has taken off? You do realise hes been doing voice acting for the past 40 years right? Its not just suddenly taken off now lol

  • shayneo666-av says:

    So Hamill is basically the Stan Lee(RIP) of Star Wars. Gotta have a cameo or it just don’t feel right. (also, man, it feels weird not seeing that wonderful old man popping up in Marvel films anymore, alas time is a murderer)

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