Mark Ruffalo comforts Chris Evans following dick pic debacle

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Mark Ruffalo comforts Chris Evans following dick pic debacle
Photo: Bryan Bedder

Our pandemic year got a little lively over the weekend, when Chris Evans (Captain America, looks good in sweaters) accidentally shared a video featuring a dick pic. According to Page Six, Evans was participating in a virtual game of “Heads Up” when he shared a video that included his camera roll. On said camera roll were two particularly eye-opening photos: One, a meme of Captain America captioned “Guard. That. Pussy.” The other, a photo of a dick cloaked in shadows, the way all dicks should be. Evans has yet to comment on the whoopsie-doodle, and to be honest, he probably never will—although an attempt to normalize sexual activities while calling out the misogynist double-standard of leaked/accidentally shared nudes would be nice; just saying.

In the meantime, one brave Avenger has unnecessarily taken it upon himself to address this thing that barely qualifies as a scandal, and you already know that man is Mark Ruffalo. The erstwhile Hulk took to Twitter to publicly comfort Evans, assuring his “Bro” that there’s nothing Evans could ever do that would be worse than having Donald Trump as our president. Arguable, but fair:

Leave it to a female member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to come correct on this topic:

As Dennings rightfully points out, the overall attitude toward Evans’ accidental dick pic reveal is completely different from the way people react when a famous woman’s nudes surface online (whether by accident or via assault by hacker). Maybe Evans can summon some of that Big Ally Energy to address this when he’s done cringing about accidentally sharing a dick pic (which might not even be his, according to some theorists).

Update (9/14/20): Evans has now spoken out maaaaaaybe verifying the pic is really of him. But also maybe just using the opportunity to remind everyone to vote.

We would remind everyone you should try to vote before Nov. 3 if available in your state.

Update (9/15/20): Evans addressed the incident in a Tuesday interview with TV host Tamron Hall, in which he, again, maaaaaaaaaybe verifies that the pic is of him.

“Something happened this weekend?” Evans asked with a smirk after Hall brought it up.

Addressing his “VOTE” response, he said, “That’s called turning a frown upside down, Tamron. It was an interesting weekend. Full of lessons learned. A lot of teachable moments. Things happen and it’s embarrassing. You have to roll with the punches. I will say I have some pretty fantastic fans that came to my support.”

Watch a clip of it below.

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  • abadcaseofbeingcutinhalf-av says:

    So to be a good ally Evans has to publicly talk about probably one of the most mortifying events of his life? You people are too much sometimes. 

  • ourassisinthejackpot-av says:

    Are you seriously calling out the misogynistic double standard that offers men privacy and respect in this kind of incident by literally writing an article drawing attention to the incident?

  • cran-baisins-av says:

    I get where Kat Dennings is coming from but does anyone else remember when Brett Farve was mocked for months on late-night television for doing basically the same thing that Evans did

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      Well, I think they were different unless I’m hearing the Evans story wrong in that Chris’ was accidental not realizing it was up on his Camera Roll, and Favre was harassing a Jets hostess (AEW personality Jen Decker nee Sterger) by sending her unwanted dick pics. 

    • poodlesromanov-av says:

      Didn’t Favre send unsolicited pics to a woman who really didn’t want them? Not the same.

    • this-guy-av says:

      Unless your “basically the same thing” simply means that they both involved dick pics, then no they were not basically the same thing.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Favre was mocked because his is really really tiny.

      • draculapenpal-av says:

        that is also not cool and shows how unprepared and incoherent people are in responsibly talking about sex and the body.

      • stopmeantome-av says:

        Sorry, but I don’t get the idea that we shouldn’t judge people based on their bodies and various physical quirks (something I totally agree with, a sentiment long overdue), but penis size is still somehow fair game. It’s as childish as fat jokes.

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:


    • ducktopus-av says:

      bad take, not the same thing.

    • straightoutofpangaea-av says:

      Brett Favre’s penis was not bombarded by super soldier serum or million dollar steroids.

    • hcd4-av says:

      As other people have pointed out, Favre was harassing someone with his pics—and I think she was getting more harassment of the public because people are awful.But also, yes, the body public likes body shaming whoever it doesn’t like, regardless of whether they deserve any shaming for other reasons.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    That’s not important. What is important is what is this virtual game “Heads Up” that you reference and how does a dick pic play into said game?Inquiring minds want to know. 

    • sensesomethingevil-av says:

      Cut a hole in your photo roll.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      It’s not the head you’re thinking of.

    • backwardass-av says:

      The heads up game is a filter on instagram, its usually a thing like “what Harry Potter character are you?” or something of that sort. The filter will place a virtual bubble or card over your head and do a slot machine kind of thing before popping up with a random character for you.I’m not super clear on how the dick pic got into it though.

      • wrightstuff76-av says:

        It seems as though during the recording of the IG stories it somehow screen recorded Chris going through his photo album.
        Which seems odd as I doubt he was doing that. It’s slightly more worrying that this filter was accessing the phone’s album in a way it shouldn’t have.Granted I’m probably over thinking this, but do folks check what they’re giving access to when they use Insta, Snapchat, TikTok etc?

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Certain apps need access to things to work and you can’t necessarily do limited access. 

          • wrightstuff76-av says:

            True and I get that, it just seems odd that the app filter was screen recording his phone rather than just recording a video.

        • stryker-trailwood-av says:

          it seems that, the game was played and video saved from that app, and instead of just sharing that recorded file of the “game”, whoever posted this screen recorded their screen of that file playing and then shared that screen recording to’s very odd and seemingly unnecessary to have needed to do it that way, but nothing nefarious was shown app-wise. 

      • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

        Wow, I wonder what kind of Harry Potter character that makes Chris Evans?

      • himespau-av says:

        Does it also do a slot machine with your photo roll in a picture that is missing a face?  Seems like that might have happened.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      “Head’s Up” whoa buddy the one on your neck. 

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I had to look up what “Heads Up” was.

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    Not everything has to be “problemitized.” Can we have a moment of triviality instead of making every piece of click-bait a “teaching moment”?

    • PennypackerIII-av says:

      But the twits on twitter need something to get all bent out of shape about!

    • stopmeantome-av says:

      No. No, we cannot. We can’t just let people be sympathetic to this dude without immediately comparing it to something else for pearl-clutching purposes. It’s fucking exhausting. Also love the attitude that dude is just expected to basically shoulder the sins of how the shitty world reacts to leaked nudes, like it’s his personal responsibility. Even him telling folks to vote is somehow ‘wrong/not good enough’ and worthy of catty snark. Can we just fucking stop with the team sports already? Considering what we’re facing in this country currently? Enough.

    • lordtouchcloth-av says:

      …but what else would boring, middle-class, suburbanite white women with communications degrees have to write about for pop-culture websites if not celebrity penises (and how it really affects other white women more than the people who are actually involved)?

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:


  • backwardass-av says:

    Chris Evans doesn’t need to be comforted over his dick pic. The rest of the male population needs to be comforted over his dick pic; because of course he’d have a perfect dick. Isn’t it enough that he gets to be tall gorgeous charming and successful, he gets that too?!?!

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      It’s a dick many of us have them and most of us have seen 1 or more. Looks fine and he wasn’t doing anything shocking or embarassing with it. Better than being hacked. He’ll be fine. 

    • surfinpenquin-av says:

      That’s America’s dick.

    • re-hs-av says:

      Don’t forget he gets to be kind, politically aware, heartwarming and humble too.  I mean really man, leave some stuff for the other guys 🙂

      • hrhduchessofnaps1-av says:

        The Best Chris competition is fierce; he’s got to bring his A game at all times.

      • nilus-av says:

        I mean fuck, My wife is already thinking about him when we have sex. Now she isn’t just picturing his perfect chest or beautiful face but also his perfect dick. If he truly was a saint he would leak a picture of his ugly ugly asshole so we other men at least have one thing going. Who am I kidding, his asshole is probably perfect too. Probably tastes like actual chocolate down there. I guess we have to just resign ourselves to knowing that we are all probably at least better then Chris Pratt. 

    • jmg619-av says:

      I think the “hype” over his penis is cuz it’s Chris Evans. People have that inherent curiosity about their favorite public figure on what they would look like naked. Now if Evans had did a movie where he showed full frontal nudity, then this wouldn’t be so much an issue.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    That’s America’s dick pic.

  • franknstein-av says:

    Is it America’s dick, though?

  • kyle5445-av says:

    I honestly have more questions about the Captain America meme than the dick pic.

  • phizzled-av says:

    I think the missing context re: Dennings is that her comment isn’t hypothetical – she remembers people being horribly about her own less-accidental-and-more-malicious experience with the same.I feel like someone hacked her phone while I was in law school, though (shocker) a brief web search doesn’t turn up useful non-pornographic links regarding the incident immediately.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      When the big hack happened to quite a few women a lot of people shamed them for having nude pics on their phone. Evans accidentally posts his own by himself and gets tons of people defending him. I can understand her comment.

      • jebhoge-av says:

        Honestly, I think that the response to his situation is as much an aftereffect of what happened back then as anything. I guess we’ll see for sure if/when it happens to a woman next.

      • drkschtz-av says:

        The Fappening was 12 universes ago in digital time.

      • opusthepenguin-av says:

        Thanks for the context. Helpful!

      • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

        They weren’t shamed. They were called stupid for leaving nude pics on phones they should have known not only could be hacked, but that people would likely be actively trying to hack. Chris should be considered just as stupid. They’re all dumb for keeping that shit on their phone. Should we live in a world where people are hacking phones to get our photos, no. Do we live in that world, YUP. So man or woman, act accordingly and you won’t be properly called out as a fucking dumbass.

      • whatimsayingis-av says:

        It was irritating.Chris Evans didn’t leak her pics and had nothing to do with that. So why take this opportunity to make the unwanted attention he was already receiving about her and then use it to illustrate a sexist “double standard”?It just felt petty and insensitive.
        I’d forgotten about The Fappening until she dragged that old crap up.

      • santabarbarianlsx-av says:

        I’m always respectful when a woman accidentally exposes a pic of her dick.So, no, I don’t understand the double-standard here.

      • bryanska-av says:

        “a lot of people shamed them for having nude pics on their phone”Who? Who is a lot of people? Absolutely which and how many people shamed them for having nudes on their phone? I don’t think that was actually a thing. I think it’s a thing that didn’t happen on any meaningful scale. It’s this broadly assigning intentions to “people” which fucking confuses me. 2020 is the revolt of the people for sure, and we all distrust authorities now, but there’s a reason journalists attribute. How many people did this? Was it enough to draw this conclusion? When Trumpians get pissed that people are spreading fear, they’re not super wrong. They get one thing right: when one believes “people” think things, they’re inaccurate and paranoid. 

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      You mean there’s pictures of Kat Dennings’ tits out there?

  • thetruthishere-av says:

    Fuck Kat Dennings 

  • sfoopz-av says:

    Spoiler: Trump is the good guy.

  • bryanska-av says:

    Oh, are we all in a tizzy about what “people” say and do? F the field of psychology and the definition of projection. 

  • kinggojira-av says:

    I think what we shoulder asking is that is Americas dong?

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    You know 2020 has way too much going on when Captain America accidentally shared a dick pic and I haven’t seen anyone mentioning it on my Twitter feed.

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but who is still taking dick pics and even more importantly who is still storing them in their phone? (aside from Chris Evans apparently)As you can probably tell, I’ve been married since before smart phones.

    • smokehouse-almonds-av says:

      I mean, the camera is ON the phone? Am I supposed to print off a copy and leave it in my safe deposit box?

      • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

        Just seems like you’d snap>send>delete. Cuts down on incriminating photos AND cloud storage.

        • snooder87-av says:

          Eh, if you go to all the effort of staging a really nice dick pic, you’re gonna wanna keep it. I mean, the dick dont always look the same from day to day. Some days, there’s shrinkage.

      • awkwardbacon-av says:

        Wood carvings, or nothing.

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        There used to be this argument that something like “If you don’t want people to see pix of your shit, don’t take pix of your shit.” At some point it went from being “common sense” to “victim blaming”.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        I would just think it’d be “famous person 101″ to NOT store nekkid pictures on your phone/in the cloud. Flash drives exist . . .

      • smudgedblurs-av says:

        Put that shit in a password protected folder in a cloud storage app that you only use for private pics. Use two factor authentication. Share them when you want to share them and delete the local copy. It’s just as easy to attach images from Dropbox as it is your photo reel, but there aren’t dozens of apps on your phone that want permission to view your Dropbox folders. I have all sorts of nasty self portraits that no one will see because my phone’s hard drive is pristine.

    • justcanthavenicethings-av says:

      You never know when some producer contacts him for a “head shot”HEYOOOOOOOOO!

    • brainlock-2-av says:

      I just googled it. The app he was using was apparently asking for access to his photo album and his (above shoulders) head shot was older than his (below waist) “head” shot?Hell, I didn’t even know which photo to look at, and thought it was a close up of another before I realized one article censored it and I was supposed to be looking at what I thought was something else, entirely. #_#Beyond that, only his ex Jenny, his parents/brother, or whoever else he dated needs to weigh in to care.

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Do you watch Matlock on your phone?

  • Kiamat-av says:

    When are we going to stop sexualizing men’s penises?

  • timbales-av says:

    Dennings comment is a valid point. Maybe we can let Evans handle this however he needs to right now before pinning him with the responsibility of addressing our culture’s sexism – an issue that both men and women perpetuate on a daily basis. 

  • sicksadworld-av says:

    He has to “protect his small privacy”. All he has is the ability to be provide an admittedly weak fantasy to an audience. Once we see that tiny reality, I’m pretty sure those of you that like him for the reasons that allowed him to go from that godawful Fantastic 4 to a mediocre Cap’n America and no one batted much of an eye wouldn’t exist anymore, because he’s not exactly a certified thespian, amirite?
    This man has tiny features. Small eyes, with a small space separating them. Small nose. Small ears. Small hands. Short fingers and toes.
    It’s in Mama Nature’s beautiful design, baby. Aside from people with some kind of dwarfism, these things are indicative of tiny di¢ks.
    It’s not just feet you need to look at, but the details of ‘em (especially the parts that grow off of them, like fingers/toes and ears/noses, as di¢ks are biologically more associated with those accoutrements than a whole hand or foot). The base of the palm at the wrist to the tip of the middle finger is pretty mathematically accurate, too. Nature – it’s so beautiful like that! Lol!
    Source: I have personally blown many a men that house tiny features arranged like C Evans, and none of them were even standard size. They literally rested on the fact their little features were arranged so handsomely.
    Also, I am a man with a bigger, slightly wider Italian nose and hands/feet with long fingers/toes, and I am comfortably packing above standard.I mean, be proud of what you got and the body is beautiful ‘n all that, but these men are TOO DAMNED proud with no damned receipts, writing checks on these women they ain’t got no business doing it to.

  • kinjasintheoutfield-av says:

    I thought Mark Ruffalo was gonna take away attention from the situation but sharing a pic of his spread cheeks. Rude.

  • PennypackerIII-av says:

    I’m still just baffled Chris Evans is even a thing.

  • amazingmeow-av says:
  • vladimir32413-av says:

    For those of us old enough to remember the 1960’s cartoons:When Captain America shows his mighty dick
    All those who chose to oppose his dick run quick
    When he’s led to an orgy and a screw is due
    Then the red, the white and the blue will cum through
    When Captain America shows his mighty dick!

  • benevolus-av says:

    I am shocked he didn’t bring out Skippy as defense.

  • neonhalo-av says:

    “dick cloaked in shadows, the way all dicks should be,” speaking of sexist double standards right?

  • opusthepenguin-av says:

    Seems an apt time to post this oldie…

  • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

    How are nudes even a topic for discussion in an era where any type of sexual content is just a few seconds away online? On a side note, maybe people should be a little smarter about what they take pics of and where they store them. It’s one thing to say my wallet shouldn’t be stolen, it’s another to keep leaving it on the park bench every day hoping nobody sees it. 

  • douglasd-av says:

    Can I just come out now and support my theory that Thor would have been so much better if they’d just cast Kat Dennings as Jane Foster to begin with? She’s got way more personality than Natalie Portman, and at least twice the chemistry with Chris Hemsworth.(Portman’s got all the personality of unflavored gelatin.)

    • omegaunlimited2-av says:

      I’m annoyed that Dennings was never in the same scene as Hopkins. The contrast between the two actors and the two characters would have been amazing.

    • striderzessei-av says:

      Gods, no. Dennings was the worst part of anything she’s ever been a part of.

    • andysynn-av says:

      Well, it’s certainly an… interesting hypothesis… especially since Darcy was the most irritating, one-note character in that entire franchise.But, who knows what Dennings would have done with a better/bigger role?That being said, Portman is by far the better actress and hopefully she’ll be more engaged with the character/material this time around (it’s not like she had all that much to do as Jane, especially in the second one, anyway).Back on topic – Dennings is very much in the right here (regardless of what you think of her as an actress), especially since famous women are routinely targeted for nude photos and then blamed for them. That’s not to take anything away from Evans (the support shown him has been heartening to see) but it definitely shows the double standard in full effect.

    • sarcastro3-av says:

      I’ve never been a fan of Natalie Portman for some reason, partially because I do usually find her wooden.  I really don’t think that’s her personality, which sometimes does emerge (for instance, her hysterical Lonely Island video).  

    • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

      I have been saying that for years! Glad to hear I’m not alone.

  • precognitions-av says:

    …with his mouth?

  • squirtloaf-av says:


  • dbradshaw314-av says:

    This is all just viral marketing for the upcoming Marvel/DC crossover in which Cap will fight The Joker…”Avengers: Endwang”

  • patrick-is-occasionall-on-point-av says:

    The rest of the Avengers should post dick pics in solidarity.

  • joe2345-av says:

    Let’s just all get it over with and whip it out

  • VtDkDude-av says:

    I feel like the Avengers need to do what Tyler Posey did after the hacking of his cast mates. So, assemble dudes. Scar-Jo, you can sit this one out you’ve been through enough.

  • outrageousking-av says:

    How the fuck do you get to be 40 but haven’t learned to not keep nudes in your camera roll? Rookie mistake bro…

  • nilus-av says:

    And Chris Evans,  who is actually Captain America in real life, responded in the best way possible.  This country doesn’t deserve him

  • dabard3-av says:

    Have to admit, I learned… now… that Kat Dennings was part of that whole deal. She didn’t rage against it like Jennifer Lawrence or laugh it off like Kaley Cuoco or Kate Upton. So clearly, the best approach is to just ignore.

    But to answer her question, I do not question the sexual morality of men and women who have nudes on their phones. I question the intelligence of people who do that, given what we know about hacking, but not their morals.

  • galvatronguy-av says:

    Is a multi-day series of updates to this newswire, and a bunch of tweets directly about it part of the public respect for Chris Evans’ privacy, or is it part of the problem?

    • abadcaseofbeingcutinhalf-av says:

      It’s just like the Amy Winehouse thing. The AVClub obsessed over it and then after the inevitable happened they scolded us with a bunch of finger wagging for being such voyeurs. I know that also routinely post on other nude leaks. The phony morality of this site is too much sometimes. 

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Nobody is outraged when private nudes of famous women are posted online?? Every single person is okay with that? I didn’t realize.

  • bbirch-av says:

    It seems rather fitting that Captain America is using his leaked dick pic to promote voting in America.  After all, isn’t that why the Founding Fathers designed the Erectoral College?

  • precognitions-av says:

    Kat Dennings is right. Someone get in there and harass the shit out of him.

    • precognitions-av says:

      you can frame it as moralistic all you want, she saw a colleague experience something awful and her main thought was anger he didn’t have it worse

      • abadcaseofbeingcutinhalf-av says:

        Colleague? They weren’t even in the same movie. 

      • triohead-av says:

        Is that how you are you reading this?
        The public respect for Chris Evans’ privacy/feelings is wonderful. Wouldn’t it be nice if it extended to women when this kind of thing happens?Because that reads pretty clearly as: lack of harassment “is wonderful” and it would be nice if lack of harassment was the norm. Absolutely nothing about making it worse for him. You do know that niceness and decency aren’t finite resources, right If the general public wants to be respectful of the next woman that has a nude pic leaked that they don’t need to be an asshole to Chris Evans to make sure they have set aside adequate stocks of decency and respect in advance.

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    I can’t even find it, but if the search results for Chris Evans nude are any indication, it’s far from the most erotic photo he’s ever shared with the world.

  • stickmontana-av says:

    And I thought his acting was stiff and wooden.What I love most about this is the reactions. When a woman gets hacked and her nudes posted it’s always “what a dumb slut, she shouldn’t take nudes if she doesn’t want them passed around the internet,” but with this it’s all “oh, lulz, Chris Evans is the hero we needed in 2020!”

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