Star Wars catches strays, gets dragged by Mark Ruffalo in defense of the MCU

The She-Hulk star thinks "you’re pretty much going to get the same version of Star Wars each time"

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Star Wars catches strays, gets dragged by Mark Ruffalo in defense of the MCU
Mark Ruffalo Image: Kevin Winter

Disney’s favorite children are fighting! Perhaps the House of Mouse should have taught its kids that you don’t have to tear someone else down just to build yourself up, because MCU veteran Mark Ruffalo controversially called out Star Wars in order to make his franchise look better.

“It’s not something I worry about,” Ruffalo told Metro UK when asked if there’s too much Marvel. “I understand that these things run their course and then something else comes along. But the thing Marvel has done well is that, inside the MCU, just as they do with comic books, they let a director or an actor sort of recreate each piece to their own style, their likeness. Marvel generally lets them bring that to the material.”

Here’s where it gets adversarial: “Marvel generally lets them bring that to the material. If you watch a Star Wars, you’re pretty much going to get the same version of Star Wars each time.” Rough stuff, Ruffalo! He continues, “It might have a little bit of humor. It might have a little bit of different animation. But you’re always, really, in that same kind of world. But with Marvel you can have a whole different feeling even within the Marvel Universe.”

Does the She-Hulk star want angry Star Wars fans to chase him with pitchforks? Does he derive pleasure from starting a war amongst franchise fans? Some people really do like to see the world burn. Pledge your allegiance to Kevin Feige or Kathleen Kennedy now; the end result of the monoculture is the two fandoms facing off on the battlefield, Endgame style, while Mickey Mouse cackles maniacally from above.

Ruffalo did say one thing which may unite performers under both banners: yes, CGI acting “can be a little dehumanizing at times.” He adds, “Sometimes the technology starts to take the front seat when it should really be the performance and how we bring our humanity to that very austere environment.” Surely, there is common ground to be found here with Star Wars stars. See, Mr. Ruffalo, Disney dehumanizes us all!

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