Mark Ruffalo uses Twitter trend to remind us all that he's a crummy secret-keeper

Aux Features mark ruffalo
Mark Ruffalo uses Twitter trend to remind us all that he's a crummy secret-keeper
Screenshot: YouTube

Mark Ruffalo can’t keep a secret. Don’t tell him anything you don’t want the world to know. Don’t tell him your Gmail password. Don’t let him in on the surprise party. Do not allow him near any child that still believes in Santa. He is a menace. And he knows it.

Ruffalo sure knows how to harness the power of the internet. He’s taken to social media to defend a Chris from those who think he is the worst Chris, to comfort another Chris when that Chris accidentally shared a picture of his dong, and to take off his clothes just in case it might convince someone to vote. In this case, he decided to use the Twitter trend du jour to remind us all that he can’t keep a secret for shit.

That’s funny and accurate! Ol’ Loose Lips Ruffalo has a knack for letting Marvel spoilers fly, to the point that he actually had to film a vanishing scene in Avengers: Infinity War so he wouldn’t be able to accidentally give away The Snap.

And even when he’s joking about not spoiling things, he spoils things.

Seriously, this guy! What a blabbermouth.

Seriously, it’s a whole thing.

These are just a few Ruffalo-spoils-things examples, so this is actually quite accurate. Mark Ruffalo is self-aware enough to know that he’s a veritable font of spoilers; luckily for him, he’s also very good at acting, so he’ll get work anyway.

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  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    One of these days he’s going to outdo himself and leave his phone on and streaming through a whole readthrough.

    • loopychew-av says:

      I remember when that used to be called “The Rudy” before “The Rudy” became “sweat hair dye all over the place.”

    • dirtside-av says:

      Onion headline: Mark Ruffalo Accidentally Streams Entire Production of “Thor 4″

    • thesillyman-av says:

      If they ever did a Hulk + Spiderman team up movie (outside of avengers) it would be the most spoiled movie ever

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      I think they confiscate his phone now like actually. Because of that time he broadcast the beginning audio of Thor Ragnarok online from his pocket.

  • dirtside-av says:

    I don’t know if they did or not, but it would have been funny for the Russos to film a disintegration scene for every hero in the movie, just so that nobody (except them and the editor) would know for sure whether they were one of the vanished.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Give him a break. He’s gping through a roughalo time right now. 

  • vigintitres-av says:

    The ads here have been getting worse and worse but the new Echo Show Amazon and makes the site literally unreadable once it loads. I still don’t know what Ruffalo said and I’ve reloaded the page twice.I know this is a buisness and has to be financially feasible, but there is a reason TV shows don’t put ads in between every shot.

    • knopegrope-av says:

      I still don’t know what Ruffalo said and I’ve reloaded the page twice.He didn’t say anything. This whole article was just an excuse to link to SEVEN other AV Club articles that mentioned Mark Ruffalo. 

    • miken32-av says:

      The article doesn’t actually tell you what he said. There’s an embedded tweet that I’m not seeing, which I assume is what this is about. 

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Can’t wait until they get around to adapting Immortal Hulk…

    • jamiemm-av says:

      “So in the new movie, I bury a radioactive guy inside a mountain where he’ll stay alive upside-down for a thousand years.”

      “ . . . oh, I shouldn’t have said that.”

      Also, Marvel can’t get mad at him, because the preview for Thor: Ragnarok spoiled the Hulk appearance. With that example, how was he supposed to know what was cool to spoil and what wasn’t?

    • dimensionalxbleedthrough-av says:

      Directed by David Cronenberg

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      Fuck you

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    It could have been nice to see people get over “spoilers” for movies that are not exactly catgut-taut psychological thrillers

  • docprof-av says:

    I am quite online, but am an old, and have no idea what this twitter trend is supposed to be about.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      I have no idea what the story even is here. Mark Ruffalo posted a tweet? And he’s got, is that some corn or something? And apparently this has something to do with his tendency to spoil things? Make some goddamn sense, internet![Grumbles and throws a handful of breadcrumbs for the pigeons.]

  • baniels-av says:

    Sentence.Huge Ad.Sentence.Huge Ad.Sentence.Huge Ad.Sign up for our newsletter.Medium-sized ad.-30-

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