Marvel announces premiere date and, yes, another title for Agatha series

Now called Agatha All Along, the long-awaited return of Kathryn Hahn to the MCU will occur this fall

Aux News Agatha
Marvel announces premiere date and, yes, another title for Agatha series
Kathryn Hahn as Agatha
Screenshot: Disney+

After three years of scheduling and name changes, Marvel has finally settled on a premiere date and title for Kathryn Hahn’s much-anticipated return to the MCU. It was never a “Coven Of Chaos,” a “House Of Harkness, or “Darkhold Diaries.” It was Agatha All Along—and she would’ve gotten away with it too if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids.

In a somewhat cheeky bit of advertising, Marvel hinted at the many name changes the show received over the last few years. Originally expected to bow in December last year, the show moved premiere dates and titles several times since Disney announced the series in 2021. Every time the show got an updated release, it seemed to get a new title, too. First announced as House Of Harkness in 2021, it was changed to Coven Of Chaos the following year. Marvel landed on The Darkhold Diaries in 2023 and used the overwhelming enthusiasm toward Secret Invasion to reconfigure the title. Now that the show has an official premiere date and teaser, we are confident that Marvel will change the title once more between now and September, but don’t hold us to that. In hindsight, we should’ve known the title all along.

Agatha All Along (From “WandaVision: Episode 7")

The series is a direct spin-off from her performance on WandaVision, the first MCU show of the Disney+ era. WandaVision ended up setting a difficult standard for the rest of Disney+’s Marvel offerings. While WandaVision ended up a beloved part of the expansive franchise, winning three Emmys and heaps of critical praise, its successors weren’t so lucky. Only Loki joined WandaVision as a consensus hit, while the likes of She-Hulk and Secret Invasion hinted at a fracturing fanbase.

As it stands, the first two episodes of Agatha All Along will air on September 18 on Disney+ and will run for nine episodes.


  • bashbash99-av says:

    hope it does well but feels like there is little demand for this show after all this time. i think Disney needs to realize that not every character needs to headline their own series or movie, some work better in supporting roles.  

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      WandaVision was centered around two supporting characters from the movies.

    • 3fistedhumdinger-av says:

      Yeah, this seems like a series that was setup by Multiverse of Madness not having a proper ending, which itself was setup by WandaVision not having a proper ending.I assume Agatha will finally end this storyline unless there’s plans for her to appear with (or at least in) Fantastic Four.

      • nahburn-av says:

        She should show up in the new Fantastic Four at some point as she has a shared history with them. Perhaps they’ll flash forward in a post credits stinger by the end of the new Fantastic Four movie and reveal what Agatha Harkness has been up to with them.

    • wrecksracer-av says:

      I liked Wong’s girlfriend better. When does she get a series?!?!?!?

      • nahburn-av says:

        ‘”I liked Wong’s girlfriend better. When does she get a series?!?!?!?”’You mean Madisynne? Ooh look spell check says I spelled it wrong. Wait did I… Yep it should have been Madisynn. Oh, it’s still saying I spelled it wrong but I checked that’s the actual spelling. It was such an obnoxious spelling for the name that its mostly hard to forget. We’re also supposedly getting a Vision Quest series for white vision.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      100% agreed. there was a moment to capitalize on and that was like 2 and a half years ago.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        Yeah, no matter what Feige or anyone at Marvel says about this always being part of the plan, to me this will always feel like it was created to capitalize on a popular meme moment that some foolish exec thought would genuinely last long enough to get a whole-ass TV show made.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          they could have banged out a ‘special event’ or whatever they call them in 6 months. taking almost 5 years is a total unforced error.i will say i’m excited to see whatever eric andre is doing in this.

          • nilus-av says:

            Honestly one of the most fun I had with a Marvel TV thing was that goofy black and white Werewolf by Night Halloween movie.    They could have banged out an Agatha made for streaming low budget horror movie for another Halloween and made bank

          • weedlord420-av says:

            *shoots Evan Peters in the chest 10 times, turns to camera*“Who killed Ralph Bohner?”

    • planehugger1-av says:

      Yeah. When demand for Marvel stuff was high, this strategy of not immediately giving people what they want was effective. If you were really excited for the next Black Panther movie, you didn’t get another Black Panther movie right away, and maybe that made you more inclined to see the new Marvel thing that came out, since maybe it would include some tantalizing references to the stuff you already loved.But now that passion for Marvel has tapered off a bit, Marvel’s failing to strike while the iron’s hot. Agatha Harkness is not Tony Stark. You can’t count on people still caring about her at some indefinite point in the future. And there isn’t enough other stuff coming out that people love to make people go, “Well, I should watch Agatha All Along, in case there’s a tantalizing Shang Chi reference in it!”

      • mifrochi-av says:

        I’m just hoping they have her do something really wild and creative for the last episode, like fly around shooting CGI lightning.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        also, maybe they didn’t give you another black panther movie right away, but black panther had already been introduced in a previous movie (civil war) and had 2 appearances set up after it in different movies (the avengerses).like, one hand washes other. ditto your shang-chi point – the old mcu would have at least had him cameo in a post-credits sequence by now.

    • apocalypseplease-av says:

      I’m hoping it does well too, as Kathryn Hahn as Agatha was one of the more consistently interesting things about Wandavision, but yeah, the timing feels off somehow.

  • leppo-av says:

    Should’ve just left it. Zero confidence they won’t ruin it, even with her talent.

  • clamsteam-av says:

    will this be as horny as much of Kathryn Hahn’s oevre?

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Fuck you. She-Hulk was great 

  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    Sounds like a good title and it fits with the previous series: it was “Agatha All Along”.I hope this show is as big a hit as the previous and the producers are willing to take similar chances. I also hope it gives Kathryn Hahn some time in the sun. She deserves extra attention. The actress has had an impressive, remarkable and reliable career.I haven’t watched all of the MCU films and haven’t finished all of the (formerly) Netflix shows, not to mention that I haven’t started all of the Disney+ shows, but I enjoyed WandaVision and recommend watching through Hahn’s IMDB. I have been looking forward for years. Hope it will be a fun ride.

    • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

      You. I like you.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      I love Kathryn Hahn, but she has plenty of time in the sun.  She hasn’t had a day off in 20 years. 

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        yeah the reason agatha popped was because people already liked her so much. shit, agatha isn’t even her first marvel character.

        • runkevlarrun-av says:

          what was Hahn’s first Marvel character??   She was great in, say, Captain Fantastic (surprisingly, not a Marvel movie, but an amazing actual film)

  • 777byatlassound-av says:

    can’t wait. the cast is amazing, i just hope it’s worthy of their talents.I really wished there was an extra episode of Wandavision, where they spoofed Real Housewives era of television.

  • ackaackaacka-av says:

    Aside from the novelty of it being the first show, a handful of interesting ideas, and the tv show framing device, WandaVision was a mess. Love Kathryn Hahn though.

  • betterburneraccountplz-av says:

    The goofy joke title they had last week or whenever just feels like a half-assed marketing thought at this point. If they’d really leaned into the gag of the name changing, sure, that joke lands a better—go absurd, announce like a bajillion fake titles over the last two months, then drop this actual title.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    I mean, she’s a fellow reality witch with mind control powers and a fondness for genre television. Seems more like the countless title changes were lowkey guerilla marketing for the eventual premise.Especially when we’ve now firmly established the multiverse. Maybe all of these shows are real, we’re just in the timeline where they went with the (now annouced) title.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    As long as they keep that banger of a theme song.So when we last saw Agatha, Wanda put a spell on her to keep her “in-character” as nosy neighbor Agnes while releasing the rest of Westview. So does this series follow up on that, or is it set before the events of WandaVision?

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      if i had to guess she’ll be agnes as a bit of a framing device to flash back and she’ll slowly remember who she really is, agatha all along.

  • zwing-av says:

    This is off-topic, but made me think about the ending of WandaVision, and it’s even stranger in retrospect given Wanda’s role in Doctor Strange. WV bends over backwards to make sure she is NOT the villain, and Agatha is, even though the story points to Wanda being the villain. “Agatha All Along”, while catchy, wasn’t even true — Agatha was shown to just be a passerby, and it was really Wanda all along doing this to the town. But fine, the show wants her to be sympathetic.And then in Doctor Strange, she’s a mass murdering psychopath, which essentially just makes the ending of WV moot. It’s such a strange choice!

  • radarskiy-av says:

    It was Agatha All Along all along

  • dudebra-av says:

    The fans demand that Turner D. Century needs to do some good old fashioned witch hunting!This is how Kirby and Lee originally envisioned Agatha, by the way…

  • nilus-av says:

    “While WandaVision ended up a beloved part of the expansive franchise”Was it though?   Like I get that it started off strong and everyone was digging it but I feel like it fell apart in the end

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