Well, Marvel Studios has no problem denouncing anti-LGBTQ legislation at least

This comes after Disney has faced criticism for its lack of a response to Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill

Aux News marvel studios
Well, Marvel Studios has no problem denouncing anti-LGBTQ legislation at least
Marvel Studios Photo: Paras Griffin/Getty Images for Avengers: Infinity War

Disney has had a rough week, made rougher by the fact that it dove headfirst into a problem that it very easily could’ve not only avoided but come out on the right side of—it’s like, instead of avoiding a car crash, they drove into the oncoming lane to create a worse car crash. It all started when anti-LGBTQ+ politicians in Florida put together what’s referred to as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which effectively criminalizes any discussions of LGBTQ+ issues in schools. Disney, despite owning some particularly enormous real estate in Florida and despite making a big show of its LGBTQ+ support with Pride-related events at Disney World, initially declined to comment on the legislation at all until CEO Bob Chapek put out an internal memo saying that the company’s lack of a response was on purpose and that he felt like a big corporate statement on any issue like this would only do more harm than good.

That lack-of-a-statement didn’t go over super well, prompting Chapek to send a formal apology email to Disney employees in which he said that the company would stop all Florida political donations (it pretty much gives money to any politician who will ask, including many who supported the anti-LGBTQ+ legislation) and acknowledged that—with his silence—he had whiffed it pretty bad on this particular issue.

Since then, Pixar employees have accused Disney’s higher-ups of forcing them to cut “nearly every moment of overtly gay affection” in their movies and Disney employees have begun planning both live and virtual walk-outs to protest the way the company has handled all of this. The latest development is that Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Disney and one that answers directly to Disney corporate rather than Marvel corporate, has just gone ahead and released a pointed statement of its own on Twitter:

Nobody’s biting the mouse hand that feeds them in that tweet, unfortunately, but it is pretty clear that Marvel is doing something here that Disney itself hasn’t done at least. That might be worth something. But at the same time, while the movie side and the comics side of Marvel are largely separated these days (so Kevin Feige can comfortably call the shots at Marvel Studios), Marvel did also announce its plans for Pride Month in the comics today as well.

It would’ve seemed disingenuous at best if Marvel had said “Look at Billy and Hulkling! Ice Man! America Chavez! We’re celebrating them!” and then have one of its other branches ignoring the horrible treatment being given to real LGBTQ+ people.

Either way, all of this is further proof that Disney should’ve said something. It would’ve been very easy!

[via Variety]


  • ajaxjs-av says:

    Honest question: Why are Democrats so obsessed with talking about homosexual relations with kindergartners through third grade? Why are they so threatened by parents getting to veto that talk, when a kid is 9 years old?

  • bffswitm-av says:

    Can you point me to the part of the tweet in which they denounce anti-LGBTQ legislation? 

    • bustertaco-av says:

      Are you being weird or trolling cause:

    • triohead-av says:

      Guessing you must have embedded tweets blocked?
      Here’s the entirety of the tweet:

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Yeah, I can’t see it either.
      PLEASE DO NOT REPLY WITH THE TWEET. I CAN READ IT ABOVE . . . OR BELOW . . . or probably both considering how many crusaders are going to laserface-cut-n-pas’e for my “edification”.

      • Mr-John-av says:

        The part in the tweet that says “We stongly denounce any and ALL legislation that infringes on the basic human rights of the LGBTQIA+ community”?That bit there, where they denounce the legislation – where they say the words denounce and legislation?Do you need crayons? 

        • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

          Some people can’t see the embedded tweet.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Which, as I said, fuckface, I CANNOT SEE. Maybe you need some crayons to shove up your ass. It’s ok, they’re non-toxic, unlike you.

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Lol trust me, you’re the crayon muncher in this situation.

          • recognitions-av says:

            If only we couldn’t see your comments

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            if only you’d pull your head out of your asshole.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Good one, Alexander Wollcott

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Not such a good one, recognitions, the worthless twat who has nothing to say and nothing better to do, which you will prove by replying…
            g’head…we’re all waiting…

          • recognitions-av says:

            You’re really resorting to the “lol you replied” tactic? Because…well, you replied.

          • pushoffyahoser-av says:

            I also have embedded tweets blocked – which means that there’s a pretty clear link there to click through and read the tweet. Why not do that before trying to complain about what it says or doesn’t say?

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            why not go fuck yourself?

          • Mr-John-av says:

            Did you say that though? It’s best we keep the crayons from you, they’re a bit too sharp for you.

  • americanerrorist-av says:

    Given this statement only came out after Dianey formally opposed the bill, I’m not sure your point is vaild.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    and yet, Trump enthusiast Ike Perlmutter remains the largest individual shareholder, and if left up to him, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Shang Chi would never have gotten the production greenlight.

    • voon-av says:

      All that tells me is he cares more about money than his (abysmal) values.

    • noreallybutwait-av says:

      I thought Perlmutter was completely removed from the film division,  Marvel Studios?

    • lemurcat-av says:

      And he unleashed Inhumans on the world, which should land him at the Hague.

    • magus-21-av says:

      Perlmutter is head of Marvel Entertainment, not Marvel Studios. Disney moved Marvel Studios out of Marvel Entertainment years ago. Likewise with Marvel Television.Marvel Entertainment is now just focused on comics, but even there, Kevin Feige is CCO. Perlmutter is now “just” the Chairman as opposed to Chairman and CEO, so I think he doesn’t have a whole lot of power day-to-day at Marvel anymore.

    • kikaleeka-av says:

      His shares can’t be just seized from him. He did, however, lose all say in the film studio’s decisions 6 years ago & then lose all say in the TV & comics divisions’ decisions 2 years ago. All he can influence now are toys & games.

  • dudebra-av says:

    Florida still sucks though…

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      yeah, I don’t think anyone’s debating that.

      • dudebraa-av says:

        The hundreds of thousands of people that move there every year might. 

      • rsn86-av says:

        No what sucks is having government telling us what we and cannot do and
        letting schools be brainwashed by agenda driving evil lgb who want
        nothing more then to ruin america- take away every parents right and try
        to tell KINDERGARTNERS who are i can assure or Not worrying about
        gender or anything close to what lgb crap are thinking. Maybe we just
        want to preserve our kids innocence, let them be kids, and stop trying
        to freaking ram your agenda down peoples throats. Seriously people stop being such perverts.

    • 1lovegir-av says:

      As certain as death and taxes.

      • rsn86-av says:

        No what sucks is having government telling us what we and cannot do and
        letting schools be brainwashed by agenda driving evil lgb who want
        nothing more then to ruin america- take away every parents right and try
        to tell KINDERGARTNERS who are i can assure or Not worrying about
        gender or anything close to what lgb crap are thinking. Maybe we just
        want to preserve our kids innocence, let them be kids, and stop trying
        to freaking ram your agenda down peoples throats. Seriously people stop being such perverts.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Bugs Bunny tried to warn us.

      • rsn86-av says:

        No what sucks is having government telling us what we and cannot do and
        letting schools be brainwashed by agenda driving evil lgb who want
        nothing more then to ruin america- take away every parents right and try
        to tell KINDERGARTNERS who are i can assure or Not worrying about
        gender or anything close to what lgb crap are thinking. Maybe we just
        want to preserve our kids innocence, let them be kids, and stop trying
        to freaking ram your agenda down peoples throats. Seriously people stop being such perverts.

      • dudebra-av says:

        Bugs was the prophet we should have listened to.

      • presidentzod-av says:

        Albuquerque is in New Mexico.

    • rsn86-av says:

      No what sucks is having government telling us what we and cannot do and
      letting schools be brainwashed by agenda driving evil lgb who want
      nothing more then to ruin america- take away every parents right and try
      to tell KINDERGARTNERS who are i can assure or Not worrying about
      gender or anything close to what lgb crap are thinking. Maybe we just
      want to preserve our kids innocence, let them be kids, and stop trying
      to freaking ram your agenda down peoples throats. Seriously people stop being such perverts.

    • dudebra-av says:

      Hey “rhoda”, fuck you, go to hell and I sincerely mean that. You stuck in the 13th century Trump loving trolls that suck up my tax money, demean American culture and cheapen life for us all are a literal drain on humanity.Get over yourselves, take the vaccine get out of your xtian cults and join us real Americans in the intelligent, productive blue states, the ones that actually pay taxes, in the 21st century. If you can’t get past your hatred, move to Russia. They hate everyone there and they need more bodies.

      • sassyskeleton-av says:

        She replied to my comment and I agree with you. Wish we could block people on here.

        • dudebra-av says:

          Those people choose evil and ignorance.They sicken me.

        • iwontlosethisone-av says:

          It’s so crazy to me that even in the days when Gawker presumably had actual dev support (remember when they where building out Kinja as standalone platform they wanted to monetize? LULZ), and they instituted the grays to deal with the gnarly community content problems, they never released a block user feature, which is standard on every comparable site that I can think of (including Disqus which they eschewed in the acquisition).

  • sassyskeleton-av says:

    Considering Disney is fine with voter suppression in Georgia, this is hollow.
    As long as they make money, they will cheerfully license out Disney characters for the camps the right wants to set up for LGBTQIA+ people

    • rsn86-av says:

      so you would rather have government telling us what we and cannot do and
      letting schools be brainwashed by agenda driving evil lgb who want
      nothing more then to ruin america- take away every parents right and try
      to tell KINDERGARTNERS who are i can assure or Not worrying about
      gender or anything close to what lgb crap are thinking. Maybe we just
      want to preserve our kids innocence, let them be kids, and stop trying
      to freaking ram your agenda down peoples throats. Seriously people stop being such perverts.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Disney has had a rough week”
    What constitutes a “rough week” for Disney? They only made $69 billion dollars this week instead of $94 billion?

  • spookypants-av says:

    So you’re praising Marvel for issuing a statement yesterday, well after Disney was thoroughly embarrassed and called out? That’s not a bold stance on their part. They read the big bold writing on the wall and eventually decided to say something. Congratulations.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    I keep seeing Turning Red = Queer stuff and haven’t looked into it. I did feel the “I really, REALLY like BOYSSSS” stuff felt forced from, uh, two characters, but I just kind of assumed I was, like, very much stereotyping a bit.

    • richardalinnii-av says:

      Haven’t seen that take, and I don’t remember any gay elements in the film. However I have seen the pearl clutching over Disney daring to have an allegory about a girls first period, and Disney having the gall to make 13 year old girls swoon over a boy band. Oh, and being rebellious to an overbearing parent is the worst thing you could ever have your precious children see.

      • refinedbean-av says:

        Maybe I’m misreading the headlines/blurbs? I should actually try to find articles. I coulda sworn that I saw something say the creators wanted Turning Red to be queer-focused and Disney said no. But I’m probably wrong.

        I’m all for more queer stuff in Disney, and it’s high time they realize who butters their bread going forward, and it’s not bigots.

        • richardalinnii-av says:

          I don’t know if Disney put the kibosh on anything queer related, but they sure as shit did get backlash for portraying teen girls acting like actual teen girls.

        • rsn86-av says:

          Oh please- just because we dont want some lgb agenda pushing crap rammed down our totally not emotionally prepared kids throat does not mean we’re bigots- it means we are sick of agenda trying to take away every parents right and trying
          to tell KINDERGARTNERS who are i can assure you are Not worrying about
          gender or anything close to what lgb people crap are thinking. Maybe we just
          want to preserve our kids innocence, let them be kids, and stop trying
          to freaking ram your agenda down peoples throats. Seriously people stop being such perverts.

      • explosionsinc-av says:

        Oh, and being rebellious to an overbearing parent is the worst thing you could ever have your precious children see.Including this is huge, honestly, because Pixar has kind of gone the opposite way on more than one occasion. Like, the only thing I didn’t like about Coco was how the emotionally and physically abusive grandma…just…is fine at the end? No redemption arc, we just love her even though she treats us all like shit? Same thing happened to a lesser extent in Brave. Mom turns into a bear and then turns back and suddenly everything is fine.

        • richardalinnii-av says:

          I haven’t seen any of those, probably because my kids are just now at the age of wanting to watch movies (they actually told me Frozen was for babies). But watching this Pixar movie, the whole sexuality/allegory for menstruation/rebelling against overbearing parents kind of went over  kids’(who are 8) heads. I think it’s the people who are appalled by this movie are probably the same type of over bearing/restrictive mother that portrayed in Turning Red, and they are worried that this movie might show their kids what shitty parents they are, I guess?

        • turbotastic-av says:

          You’re not wrong. Turning Red almost feels like “Brave, but done correctly” to me. Still a story of a mother and daughter overcoming their differences while turning into magic animals, but unlike Brave, Turning Red has actual focus, coherent themes, consistently written characters, and it doesn’t just completely switch plots halfway through the movie.

          • razzle-bazzle-av says:

            I thought it was like Brave, but less interesting. Because I’d already seen Brave.

        • beeeeeeeeeeej-av says:

          Is the emotionally abusive grandma without a redemption arc not from Encanto? That was the main issue I had with the film, that Abuela Madrigal straight up gaslights Mirabel in front of the entire town and treats her like shit for not having a gift. Christ, she didn’t even get her own room and had to share the nursery with other grandchildren until they turned 8.

        • soufirianoctis-av says:

          Did you mean Encanto? If I remember correctly, the grandmother in Coco was in a wheelchair and I think had some kind of alzheimers or something , becuase I remember the end of the movie, when Miguel sings her the “Remember Me” song she smiles and it’s like a huge deal.

          Been a few years since I’ve seen the movie though, and there was definitely some, emotional abuse(though not physical abuse) in keeping Miguel(the main kid) from enjoying/playing music. Pretty sure that came from his mom though.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        The closest we got to gay content in that (otherwise excellent) movie was the scene at the party where Priya dances with the goth girl who she’s been making glances at for the entire movie, and her friends cheer her on (“get it, girl!”) before exchanging a knowing look.

        It’s as vague as it gets but these are the kind of tiny scraps queer people are used to getting from our mainstream media.

        • refinedbean-av says:

          Holy cow, completely missed that scene and its connotations.

          • captainbubb-av says:

            If you weren’t thinking of Priya (or that bit at the dance flew under the radar for you), were you thinking of Miriam because of her tomboy look and closeness with Mei? Also the mom’s disapproval of her as a bad influence. I could see that, although she could also just be a caring friend. The Priya moment was definitely the most “overt” though (with plenty of ambiguity to give Disney plausible deniability, as Turbotastic alluded to).

          • refinedbean-av says:

            I was definitely thinking of Miriam and the main character actually. Which, now that I examine it more, is pretty problematic on my part.

      • rsn86-av says:

        So you’re saying you want to have bratty kids running around screaming things at parents. Course that just sounds like every parents dream. Ive known kids like that who are not only in juvenile detention but honestly have caused their parents so much pain, frustration, hurt but yeah go ahead lets let them grow up to be little demons. Oh and dont why it’s a big deal to have some pre teen girls swoon over a boy band cause that’s MOST GIRLS DO of that age. I mean like seriously- should that be such a big freaking deal!!!

        • richardalinnii-av says:

          what in the ever loving fuck are you talking about? My sister is a child psychologist in an ER and she has never told me a child has been admitted because they watched a movie. Not once did I say I encouraged bad behavior but watching a cartoon isn’t going to turn them into the spawn of satan. LOL.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      It recently came to light that the Disney higher ups have been forcing Pixar to remove nearly all queer content in their films ( https://gizmodo.com/pixar-disney-lgbtq-dont-say-gay-bill-backlash-1848634269 )
      so who knows what the original draft of Turning Red looked like.

    • rsn86-av says:

      So now we’re bashing girls for having a healthy fascination with boy bands?? Seriously??? That’s not forced. That’s what most tween girls do. Jeez people.

    • madwriter-av says:

      I watched it and thought it was about young ladies starting puberty. Any agenda seems forced by people who think we need these laws to protect children. 

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “Either way, all of this is further proof that Disney should’ve said something. It would’ve been very easy!”They certainly should have, but I wonder if this wasn’t calculated by Disney. The “Disney” movies—the animated ones for young kids, are more likely to be a target for the bigoted parent groups for boycott, so they might have whiffed there on purpose and let Marvel say something stronger because Marvel movies are more geared toward adults (even though of course kids do watch them as well). Marvel is able to take more of a risk whereas Disney proper feels it has to cater to parents, even the bigoted ones. But obviously Disney should have said something whether it would lose them business or not, and they should have *done* something, such as cutting funding to republicans only and specifically funneling funding to politicians who won’t do shit like this.

  • 1lovegir-av says:

    I love that anyone familiar with Disney is surprised that their political positions are profit an not human welfare based.I mean were talking about the same company that largely made its mark by researching how to traumatize children in order to develop strong childhood associations. They killed a parent or made a child responsible for the death of parent in so many films because white papers they commissioned indicated that that the children exposed to these movies would be lifelong consumers of their brand.I’m not even going to go to detail the well know bigotry of the company’s founder.Can we all stop acting like Disney is anything less than a terrible entity and just agree that you can enjoy the movies without disagreeing with that.

  • djclawson-av says:

    This is ironic because I’ve never heard the word “gay” in an MCU movie. I’ve only seen fleeting glances of unimportant gay characters who could easily be edited out with no changes to the movie.

    • helogoodbye-av says:

      It would be weird if Phastos joined the rest of the Eternals without a visit to his husband and son though.Granted this is the only example I can think of right now.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      I definitely think they have a long way to go, but Eternals features a prominent gay character whose entire motivation after losing faith in humanity at large is loving his husband and son and wanting to save the world for them. Its kiss might be easy to edit out, but we focus as much on the domestic life of a same-sex couple as we do on Hawkeye’s domestic life in Age of Ultron.It was done in a movie based on a comic that even Kirby fans struggle to care about, but it’s not nothing, especially compared to the “HEY LOOK HERE’S A LADY FOR POE TO LIKE” treatment from Star Wars.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      That’s a perfect form of representation: completely normal part of the background. The other way of doing it is cringey setup moments.

  • msanxiety-av says:

    Marvel *still* has not included an actual meaningful depiction of a gay super hero that can’t be edited out for china. I’m so tired of this masturbatory worship of companies that do not have good intentions, doing the minimum required, and always after they’ve revealed their true hand.

  • biywqhkmrn-av says:

    “which effectively criminalizes any discussions of LGBTQ+ issues in schools.” As far as I know, all the penalties are civil, rather than criminal.

    What really puts the icing on the cake, though, is a spokeperson for the governor saying that it’s an anti-grooming bill, and anyone who opposes it must be okay with child molesters grooming kids. The Republican Party is just an out-and-out hate group.

  • rsn86-av says:

    So you would rather have schools brainwashed agenda driving evil lgb who want
    nothing more then to ruin america- take away every parents right and try
    to tell KINDERGARTNERS who are i can assure or Not worrying about
    gender or anything close to what lgb crap are thinking. Maybe we just
    want to preserve our kids innocence, let them be kids, and stop trying
    to freaking ram your agenda down peoples throats. Seriously people stop being such perverts.

  • ray6166-av says:

    Now respond to the “we’re gonna do the same thing” Republicans here in Georgia. Thanks.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Is that four Infinity Gauntlet’s in the header photo loool I love it.

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