Matty Healy thinks it’s dumb to be mad on the internet

The 1975's Matty Healy thinks you're deluded or a liar if you're wasting time lamenting his problematic comments

Aux News Matty Healy
Matty Healy thinks it’s dumb to be mad on the internet
Matty Healy Photo: Mauricio Santana

The 1975’s Matty Healy is a provocateur, but if you’re provoked by him, that’s your problem. His problematic schtick has never been more discussed now that he’s romantically associated with Taylor Swift, and that is, at least to some degree, by design. “If people are going to make me this famous, I’m going to make people work for it,” he says in a new profile for The New Yorker. Just don’t get too invested, because Healy finds that notion ridiculous.

Healy was baiting fans “a little bit” with his controversial comments about Ice Spice, he tells writer Jia Tolentino. “But it doesn’t actually matter. Nobody is sitting there at night slumped at their computer, and their boyfriend comes over and goes, ‘What’s wrong, darling?’ and they go, ‘It’s just this thing with Matty Healy.’ That doesn’t happen.”

These comments were delivered before Swift and Healy went public, so perhaps he has now become much more aware of fans slumped at their computer lamenting Matty Healy’s indiscretions. Nevertheless, he thinks “you’re either deluded or you are, sorry, a liar” if that’s your reaction to his provocations. “You’re either lying that you are hurt, or you’re a bit mental for being hurt. It’s just people going, ‘Oh, there’s a bad thing over there, let me get as close to it as possible so you can see how good I am.’ And I kind of want them to do that, because they’re demonstrating something so base level,” he says.

In April, Healy announced that “the era of me being a fucking asshole is gonna come to an end.” However, he tells Tolentino that he’s “done my decade trying to be” politically correct. (That assertion might surprise long-term fans of the singer.) “I’m more interested in actually being wrong, and people seeing that, and knowing what’s right because of it.” That’s one way to frame it!


  • cash4chaos-av says:

    napoleon complex. 

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    He’s neither picked my pocket nor broken my leg, and best of all I’ve managed to avoid listening to his actual music.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Wait, this guy’s a musician person of some sort?

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      “neither picked my pocket nor broken my leg” is a famous quote by noted enslaver Thomas Jefferson (in regard to not being upset at atheists nor polytheists who do not hurt anyone else). Despite being a great quote, the fact that you are quoting an enslaver means we should be outraged at you!

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        “neither picked my pocket nor broken my leg; but has tickled my ass with a feather”

  • murrychang-av says:

    I mean, he’s not exactly wrong: Internet outrage is very popular, makes a good amount of money and cynically trades on people’s lizard brain emotions.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      – the AVClub

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Yep. Which is why we now have legions of emotionally stunted, large children throwing memes at each other in shitpost groups and thinking they’re actual “soldiers” in an actual “war.”We’re…not well, no.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      He is wrong, and I’m filming a three hour video essay for my YouTube channel explaining why. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Gee, Matty, the internet is the only reason I know you exist.

  • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

    At the time I type this there are 4 comments plus the article all proving Healy’s point.You don’t care what he says, you don’t care how it’s presented. AVclub needs hits so they’re writing about him. People in the comments need something to say something about and couldn’t care less to listen to the music or read the original article for any insight. Good job to everyone involved. 

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      and couldn’t care less to listen to the music I mean…have you heard the music?

      It’s…definitely instruments making sounds and such!

      • mifrochi-av says:

        Fun fact: A record company invented “The 1975″ so they could market unused REO Speedwagon demo to young people.

        • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

          Who’d you hear that from? I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another. 

        • bumbrownnote-av says:

          No, they don’t really sound like REO Speedwagon. Like LCD Soundsystem, they manage to sound like a lot of very obvious reference points but in a way that’s different enough to be interesting. I mean, interesting to people who like it; it’s not to my taste. 

        • seven-deuce-av says:

          Neither fun nor fact. Do better.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        You don’t like it, that’s cool. That’s your take.I like it. Lots of people do.I think they make interesting pop music while also incorporating important social statements, self-aware introspection, and some catchy songs about life and love. They experiment with their sounds in ways lots of artists don’t.Yeah, he’s a bit pretentious. he’s educated and talented and knows it and he also doesn’t have a PR team and says whatever is on his mind

        • cash4chaos-av says:

          way to stan for him. his music sucks, your taste does, too. 

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Taylor will never be into you, regardless of how hard you try to will it into existence. 

          • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

            You’re going around jabbering about someone you don’t like based on headlines you read on websites. Why don’t you look into all the positive pro-lgbtq work he does and realize maybe people are complicated.Hopefully you raise your kids with more tact and discretion than youve shown yourself to have.

          • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

            Sieg heils on stage isn’t “complicated.” Talking about how you watch racist debasement porn isn’t “complicated.” He’s a hateful asshole and he’s not your friend.

          • raiff-av says:

            lol he did the Nazi salute to make fun of Kanye West.  Isn’t all porn problematic? Are you against all pornography created by consenting adults or do you draw the line at ghetto gaggers? 

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Or, you’re the hateful asshole who passes judgement on people without context. Here’s a simple concept for you: everything is “complicated”.Taylor is not your girlfriend and never will be.

          • cash4chaos-av says:

            I judge the guy based on two things – first, him being an alleged musician, and that music sucking ass. Second, the racist garbage (also punching down) words that came out of his own edgelord mouth. I’ll raise my kids to not give people like that a second of their time. You can keep on suckling, piggy. 

        • t-lex23-av says:

          There are countless acts with more ingenuity, better and catchier songs, more interesting social statements (not that it matters, nobody’s mind has ever been changed by a song). They sound incredibly generic and a diet version of The Killers, a band I like but admittedly is a diet version of other better bands themselves. Lots of people like Andrew Tate too, it doesn’t justify anything.  

        • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

          Yeah, I appreciate what you’re saying but the 1975 fucking blows. 

        • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

          “plus he’s so dreamy.”

    • presidentzod-av says:

      Thank you, but I would be remiss if I didn’t admit that I am barely trying.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        Ehh it is what it is. It’s just the internet.We all hide behind screen names in order to say things without attribution so it doesn’t come back and bite us in the ass.Same people here judging him for how he looks or not liking his music are also slobbering down Succession and ignoring all of Brian Cox’s defense of JK Rowling.People ignore the things they don’t like about the stuff they like.

        • roboj-av says:

          You are correct and well said! Especially with everyone missing your/the point in the replies you’re getting.

        • drewcifer667-av says:

          lmao this is because Brain Cox is nearly one element of a great piece of art, and the 1975 is a terrible band led by this knob

    • gargsy-av says:

      “and couldn’t care less to listen to the music”

      Thank you for saying “couldn’t” rather than “could”.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      Thank you, it’s nice to be recognized. 

    • capeo-av says:

      I just youtubed some live 1975 songs, because I’ve never heard of this guy, or his band, and I hope to never hear his music again. 

    • capeo-av says:

      I just youtubed some live 1975 songs, because I’ve never heard of this guy, or his band, and I hope to never hear his music again. 

    • taco-emoji-av says:

      Good job to everyone involved. Thanks! Your feedback is very important to me

    • KingKangNYC-av says:

      So he’s not spoiled rich brat?

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    The 1975 was that band that sounded like a Target commercial on SNL, right?

    ETA: Tymothieeeeee Chalalalalmeuet’s older brother is right: it IS dumb to be mad on the Internet.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    Sorry…how is he problematic, or a provocateur? I’m vaguely aware of the 1975, though I know they’re a pretty huge act; the only thing I know is he pretended to pleasure himself with meat at a show……why it almost feels like the author of this piece is too busy falling over themselves engineering a piece to drive angered comments than they are in writing anything informative…

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Yeah, I read up on it, and it all reads like a bunch of hacky jokes that didn’t land. It was the same brand of “offensive” as some dipshit yelling dead baby jokes in a McDonalds.If that was the dude being “provocative,” shit, I guess his comedy is as mediocre as his music*.*There’s no way this band wasn’t grown from the same DNA vat as Adam Levine.

      • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

        He did a sieg heil on stage.

      • lisalionhearts-av says:

        “Hacky jokes that didn’t land” where he casually degraded Black women. Repeatedly. I understand that may not mean much to you but overall, accepting those kinds of “jokes” contributes to racist dehumanization of Black people in our society, and that’s a problem for me.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Alright. So what do we do here: give him what he wants (apparently “controversy”), or just reference him as a hacky piece of shit playing in a mediocre band and move on?Seriously. I’m asking.

          • lisalionhearts-av says:

            If we collectively say “hey, that’s not ok” (as is happening) then the next dirtbag will think twice before doing the same. That’s the point. I don’t care about Matty Healy, but it matters that the public says that his racist behavior is not ok, otherwise we’re normalizing it.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      a pretty huge act.Its crazy how much of a bubble modern music is , when I was a kid any big act would be at least universally known , I mean she mightn’t have liked them , but my 70 year old Grandmother would have at least known who Queen , or Madonna or ,Springsteen was.On the other hand I have barely heard of these guys (guys? gals?) never mind actually heard them.

      • drewcifer667-av says:

        Yeah lol, niche indie band that peaked like 8 years ago, not pretty huge. 

      • chris-finch-av says:

        Never underestimate the effects of aging as well; I’m a lot more out of the loop as I drift out of the industry’s target demographic.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        The 1975 is nowhere near as big as Madonna, Queen, or Bruce Springsteen were in their heydeys. If that is how you define a huge musical act, The 1975 are not a huge musical act.

        • mikolesquiz-av says:

          Nobody is, that’s the point. Nobody’s going to be as big as Michael Jackson ever again, probably. When was the last time any musical act loomed as large as, I don’t know, Lionel Richie in the zeitgeist?

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            Taylor Swift is in the conversation. 200m+ records sold, highest-streamed artist on Spotify, and close to $1B in live music sales (all per Wikipedia). Anytime she tours you see articles about people spending insane amounts of money to see her. And she’s still in her early-30s so you’d assume she has a lot of career left.Beyonce is older but is as successful as Swift as well.

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  • presidentzod-av says:

    “I’m more interested in actually being wrong, and people seeing that, and knowing what’s right because of it.”So, using deconstruction to prove the theory of being an asshole?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Going by the picture, maybe he needs a hug. Or a drink.

  • pocrow-av says:

    This is a lot of words to say “asshole gonna asshole.”

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    I think there should be a rule where you’re not allowed to reference a year in your music unless you were alive during said year. Bryan Adams was alive in the Summer of 69 – all good. Four Seasons’ December 1963? Check. This guy clearly wasn’t around in 1975 – he’s named after those kids shoes with the wheels built into them for crying out loud!Maybe there can be an exception if your referencing a REAL long time ago… that way Nile can keep writing death metal songs about ancient Egypt.

    • cash4chaos-av says:

      this band’s name was the first hint that they’re a bunch of dipshits. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Well I think your band name should accurately numerically reflect the number of maniacs in your band.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      how would you enforce said rule

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Imagine giving a shit?

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Summer of 69, I dont know if its true but I’d heard that was an allegory for becoming a young partying adult , and getting up to young partying adult stuff , hence its not so much about the end of the 70s , but is referencing something else ..

    • frycookonvenus-av says:

      To be fair, Bryan Adams was signing about the time before his girlfriend felt ready for intercourse and the first three months of their relationship when it was restricted to mutual oral sex.

    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      Congrats to Billy Corgan for qualifying

  • spiraleye-av says:

    …and he’s right. Anyone hung up on stuff like this is an actual child, a stunted adult baby, or is otherwise mentally unwell. 

    • mississippideepdish-av says:

      And here you are…

      • spiraleye-av says:

        Insightful comment

        • mississippideepdish-av says:

          Thanks. Yours wasn’t. 

          • spiraleye-av says:

            When I called out adult piss-babies for being upset about random BS that celebrities say, I didn’t expect one to show up so defensively. Mad at Matty? Or Taylor? Both? 

          • mississippideepdish-av says:

            You said “anyone hung up on stuff like this”. Your need to “call out adult pissbabies” means you care about this. Just pointing out you’re a hypocrite. Don’t get pissy. 

          • spiraleye-av says:

            So in your mind, telling piss-babies to stop being  piss-babies makes me a piss-baby? Ok! You never answered why you volunteered to defend the piss-babies, btw. Is it Matty or Taylor who has you most upset at the moment?

          • mississippideepdish-av says:

            I’m just going by your words. Your need to tell pissbabies that they’re pissbabies means you’re invested. And the only music I listen to is Minute By Minute by The Doobie Brothers on a constant loop.

          • fuckyou113245352-av says:
          • spiraleye-av says:

            I digress, didn’t know you were a man of culture. 

          • fuckyou113245352-av says:
          • fuckyou113245352-av says:
      • fuckyou113245352-av says:
  • billyjennks-av says:

    Its very funny that nothing Healy has done is anywhere close to defending your people trafficking parents and yet it’s him not Tolentino people are frothing over.

  • chrisschini-av says:

    I think the upshot of his entire existence is that some of us losers out here might actually have a chance with Taylor Swift. Because, I mean, this guy isn’t that interesting or clever, so at least some of us have that advantage…

  • stingraycharles-av says:

    At least he admits he’s an asshole and manchild, I guess. Or whatever nonsense he’s trying to say and do here.

  • spiraleye-av says:

    Anyone remember when Jia Tolentino was on staff over at Jezebel, and she wrote an article about how to successfully smuggle drugs on commercial airlines? Anyway, that article is now attributed to “Anonymous Woman”.Good times.

  • capeo-av says:

    I don’t know who Matty Healy is. 

  • dr-boots-list-av says:

    I like the 1975’s music, as do (I am told) many people under the age of 30 (i.e. not the current demographic of this commentariat). I don’t know that much about the singer, but he seems to be “problematic” in as much as he’s an asshole and an on-again/off-again drug addict. Which doesn’t really feel like a novel combination for a popular musician.

  • taco-emoji-av says:


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