Pete Davidson and Kaley Cuoco Meet Cute again… and again… and again in new trailer

Alex Lehmann directs the new Peacock film about a first-date time loop

Aux News Kaley Cuoco
Pete Davidson and Kaley Cuoco Meet Cute again… and again… and again in new trailer
Kaley Cuoco and Pete Davidson in Meet Cute Image: NBCUniversal

What’s a surefire way to elevate a basic rom-com? Groundhog Day it, baby. That’s just what Kaley Cuoco and Pete Davidson do in their new Peacock original film: take a staple of the genre, the “meet cute,” and put it through its paces with a little time travel. What could go wrong? Everything, of course, in some flirty, fun, wacky ways!

In the new trailer for Meet Cute, we meet the very cute Sheila (Cuoco) right in the middle of her time loop, unbeknownst to Gary (Davidson). Sheila has already been meeting and wooing Gary for a while now, but to her credit, she’s willing to come clean about it, though Gary is understandably skeptical that his date is “from the future.” “It started as an accident, then I fell in love with you,” she tells him romantically. “And this time, I am gonna make it work.”

Meet Cute | Official Trailer | Peacock Original

The fun thing about Meet Cute is that it makes its own rules regarding the time loop. When Sheila travels through time via tanning bed (not dissimilar to Diane Keaton’s character in Mack & Rita, oddly enough), there’s apparently still another past version of herself running around—one whom Sheila is forced to violently dispatch. When Gary wonders why she didn’t kill Hitler, Sheila responds that she “did take out Smitson.” (“Who?” he asks. “Exactly,” she volleys back.)

More importantly, the trailer highlights how messed up it is when one person in the relationship has the power to go back and erase all the mistakes and hurt of the past. “This never happened with the old Gary,” Sheila frets, after admitting she “just wanted to change a couple things to make you more perfect.” Gary is not entirely thrilled to hear this from his new lady friend, even with her supposedly altruistic motive of alleviating his pain. “If you erase the pain, you erase the person,” says the sage owner of the time machine.

Meet Cute, directed by Alex Lehmann, premieres on Peacock on September 21, 2022


  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Sounds a bit like Palm Springs.But we’re in.

  • ohnoray-av says:

    always felt like it was gross in About Time how he essentially tricks her into having sex with him the first time, so I like that they are examining that dynamic. Aside from Cuoco being so likeable, the trailer felt kinda blah.

    • cordingly-av says:

      Cuoco was pretty awesome in the Flight Attendant, so if this is some sort of reverse horror movie, I’m in. 

    • lookatallthepretties-av says:

      Meet Cute | Official Trailer 0:25 that’s Bill Murray filming the Japanese whisky television advertisement in Lost In Translation “now, what if two people worse than Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson met in a Tokyo hotel?” “worse than Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson? how is that even possible?” “my fucking ex and that cunt, Cameron Diaz, for starters” “shut up, Sofia” “Dr. Mengele and Irma Grese?” “now, you’re getting it, and where would they meet?” “well, you already said, in a Tokyo hotel” “well, that’s been done hasn’t it? and hotels are kind of expensive” “how about somewhere else in Tokyo? that street where the scumbag father lived when his son went to stay with him rather than do prison time in L.A. in Tokyo Drift?” “you mean like Officer and A Gentleman with Debra Winger?” “yeah that one” “why would they meet in a fucking awful house in a alley in Tokyo?” “maybe they get booked into the same house by mistake, during the Olympics, like Jim Hutton and Samantha Eggar?” “like Jude Law and that cunt Cameron Diaz” “shut up, Sofia” “sort of a Sliding Doors thing, Tokyo and L.A.” “yeah like that, like Peter Gallagher and Sandra Bullock, only Peter Gallagher gets drunk and breaks the sliding glass door” “like a little girl who runs through a sliding glass door because it doesn’t have a sticker on it at little girl height while playing in the house alone” “like that, and cuts himself, and she wakes up to find he’s bled to death while she was sleeping, in Tokyo, and, and, Caleb Landry Jones falls off his mountain bike” “like Mary Elizabeth Winstead” “and comes home and collapses, and bleeds to death, and Saoirse Ronan wakes up to find him dead in the hallway of the house” “in L.A.” “like Ghost” “and they both have to hide the bodies, because, because, they’re both the worst people in the world” “like Weekend at Bernie’s” “or they’re both vampires” “and Jews” “like, Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate” “or Margot Robbie and, and” “fucking anyone, have ya met Margot Robbie, she’s like two Kirsten Dunsts, a hundred year old Susan Sarandon, like Elle fucking Fanning, or her fucking sister, she’s worse than that cunt Cameron Diaz” “shut up, Sofia” “this is starting to sound expensive, and sort of high concept, how about we make it a action movie?” “in L.A.?” “in L.A.” “well, the alley in Tokyo looked like the alley in L.A. where they threw the man out of the window in Collateral, where he landed on the yellow taxi, we could make it a alley in Little Tokyo in L.A.” “and the other house somewhere else in L.A.” “at night” “sounds expensive, how about we have them meet at a bar, in L.A., at night” “a hotel bar” “eh” “okay, they meet at a cheap bar, in L.A.” “at night” “at night” “what kind of a cheap bar?” “that bier keller in Den of Thieves” “Caley Cuoco can play the waitress” “the waitress?” “okay, that isn’t really believable is it” “Caley Cuoco can play the drunk” “why Caley Cuoco?” “she looks good” “at night” “shut up, Sofia” “Pete Davidson can play the creep” “or Lieutenant Caley can play the creep” “that’s believable” “shut up, Sofia” “and Pete Davidson can play the comedian” “that isn’t believable” “when you’re right, you’re right, Sofia”this is a little smug, there’s no percentage in being right, just in everyone else being wrong, for just a little while, then realising what was right, for them, you do realise, Libyans and Italians, French and Algerians, Spanish Portuguese Moroccans Western Saharans, you could be, will be, some of the richest nations on Earth, rich as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, friggin’ Ethiopia and Somalia, have you any idea how wealthy they will be in the future, that isn’t sarcasm, ocean water, solar power, mountains, water, land, power, these are the foundations of agricultural surplus, which is the foundation of wealth, savings, discretionary spending, social, technological improvement, it’s called progress, it’s only a fairy tale for little children if you make it one

  • unfromcool-av says:

    I hate the lighting in that trailer a whole lot. I miss when movies were brighter. 

  • dancalling-av says:

    I watch and enjoy every single movie about time travel and I don’t even know why.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      In the future, you will have had travelled back in time to instill a love of time travel in your younger self.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Is this about time travel or about being stuck in a repeat? Those aren’t at all the same.

      • zirconblue-av says:

        Eh, I’d say Time Loop is a sub-genre of Time Travel.

        • drkschtz-av says:

          But…. you don’t “travel” through time in Repeats.

          • photoraptor-av says:

            Traveling through time isn’t really sufficient, you really have to live there to get the feel of it.

          • triohead-av says:

            The repeater isn’t in control of the time travel, but they definitely move experience time in a nonlinear way. I guess you could argue that their physical presence doesn’t (or you’d have the past-duplicate running around) but their conscious mind does.

        • jgp-59-av says:

          Ground hog day! It’s been done…..

      • dancalling-av says:

        The article references a time machine and says she “has the power to go back and erase all the mistakes and hurt of the past” so my interpretation is she is choosing to travel back and relive the past repeatedly for some reason, as opposed to being stuck. I agree that a true Groundhog Day timeloop movie isn’t really about time travel but I’m hoping this isn’t that.

        • drkschtz-av says:

          Yeah you’re right and I’m wrong about this movie, I should have actually read it. It’s not actually a Groundhog Day template.

    • triohead-av says:

      Except Donnie Darko, which can fuck right off.

    • bodybones-av says:

      This one seems like the movie where they are at that hotel or something and stuff…repeats. it was sorta a romance at a wedding. Yeah time travel has a way of sprucing up a kinda done before permise of another romance movie. I find sci fi has a way of making mundane unique again. Sorta why even if marvel movies are the same basic steps ie hero’s journey…they are fun cause their are thousands of ways to write…dude kicks dude in face within a fight…only a few set ups for boy kisses girl before people get bored…thou i will admit people dont try enough to make boy kisses girl creative…took years till spiderman decided to do it upside-down in a street…lol.

    • bc222-av says:

      Time travel romance movies are my absolute favorite micro-genre of movie and I will watch every single one ever made.

  • drips-av says:


    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Is he funny or something?

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      exactly what I came here to say. Funny guy I suppose but aren’t male rom-com leads supposed to be attractive? (am I on the verge of starting shit here? LOL)

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        We’ll see if Pete reads this and feels “dehumanized”.

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

           I sincerely hope he’s lying in bed with his next hot girlfriend and not giving a fig what some rando on AV Club thinks about his looks LOL

      • bodybones-av says:

        plenty of people find him attractive. Type in reddit is ___ overrated/ugly etc and you’ll get plenty of defenses and they will be pretty indepth on why. He’s a good one for the people who like em. He also dated tons of people im sure they think he’s cool.  Eyes of the beholder and all. Not saying he or anyone’s ugly/attractive just saying our idea of good looks is fed to us by the media and those around us and were all drinking the wrong REDACTED

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          my question was more rhetorical. I have seen the women he dates, they range from hot to super hot so he has game, I don’t question that, but I also feel like if you wrote down a description of him (unhealthily thin, heavily tattooed, usually has dark circles around his eyes and other signs of sickness, a smile that resembles one of those windup monkeys with cymbals) a lot of women would be turned off. But I am not a woman, I don’t get the appeal and never will, and I know a lot of this is inexplicable, so I am done asking rhetorical questions here LOL.

      • jgp-59-av says:

        Lame white guys with tats who listen are all the rage. They just might take directions to finding the clitoris…..

    • nilus-av says:

      Clearly she saw his magic dick 

    • yawantpancakes-av says:


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    So this is Fifty First Dates On Groundhog’s Day Thanks To A Tanning Bed Time Machine ?

  • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

    About done with time-loop movies, thanks!

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Is Quentin Tarantino concerned this will clash with his new rom-com Feet Cute?

  • everythingnow-av says:

    I’m supposed to be horrified by this…right? A movie about an obsessive stalker who fucks with your life through time travel? 

  • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

    Interesting premise. Zero interest in either lead.

  • thenuclearhamster-av says:

    “ there’s apparently still another past version of herself running around—one whom Sheila is forced to violently dispatch.”

    Er, wait what? This is a brutal sounding romantic comedy.

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    I like Cuoco, but I can’t stand Davidson. Too much overexposure with him and his personal love life. With Cuoco, she has done well for herself of making a career outside of the Big Bang Theory. Not an easy thing to do for many actors who were in a very successful show for many years. But Davidson? It’s too distracting. I would be thinking the concept for Sheila of using timeloops to have things work out with Gary would be pointless. Because that’s not Gary, that’s Pete Davidson and it’s never going to workout, because it’s Pete Davidson. It’s his whole schtick. An unintentional gimmick.

    • jgp-59-av says:

      Then you should never watch movies because you can’t suspend your belief…..

    • paulfields77-av says:

      I like him doing bits as himself on SNL, but his work in sketches suggests he doesn’t have much acting ability. Willing to give him a chance in this though, as I never saw King of Staten Island.

  • nx-1700-av says:

    So she kills her self 7 times to relive a day with him ?Who is she Slumming .Whole thing was done much better and quicker….

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