Mel Gibson’s John Wick prequel moves from Starz to Peacock

The series about young Winston and Charon at The Continental unfortunately still features Mel Gibson

Aux News Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson’s John Wick prequel moves from Starz to Peacock
Mel Gibson Photo: Jon Kopaloff

In a premium cable-to-streaming downgrade that feels appropriate given the project’s choice in leading men, John Wick prequel series The Continental will be moving from Starz to Peacock. The news was announced in a press release that touted a “multi-year deal” for The Continental, which is being billed as a “three-part special event” that ties into the John Wick movies. The event series premieres in 2023, and Peacock President Kelly Campbell said in the press release that it will be “the streaming event of the year.”

Of course, that’s assuming that audiences can get over the fact that it stars Mel Gibson, who Nathan Fielder diplomatically noted in the last episode of The Rehearsal said “bad stuff about Jews.” Gibson is playing a new character invented for the show called Cormac, and as we suggested when the casting was announced, we can only assume it’s because literally every actor said no and the character is so crucial to the story that the creators couldn’t leave him out or replace him with a CG character like Groot. It’s 2022, there really can’t be too many reasons to put Mel Gibson in something other than A.) everyone said no or B.) you want him there.

The non-Mel Gibson cast includes Colin Woodell (playing a young version of Ian McShane’s Winston), Ayomide Adegun (as a young version of Lance Reddick’s Charon), and Peter Greene (as a young version of Uncle Charlie, the clean-up guy). Ben Robson, Hubert Point-Du Jour, Jessica Allain, Mishel Prada, and Nhung Kate will also be there, as will Mel Gibson. The Continental takes place in 1975, long before the events of the movies, so—if, say, you find the idea of watching a show with that cast particularly unappealing—it shouldn’t make too much of a direct impact on the John Wick series anyway.


  • thepowell2099-av says:

    lol wtf is Peacock.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Is the Ana De Armas one a TV Show as well or a film? Ballerina is it? Why’s there so many John Wick spinoffs all of a sudden and why are they hedging their bets on an entire Keanu Reeves Cinematic Universe without Keanu Reeves?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Is the Ana De Armas one a TV Show as well or a film?”

      It’s a film.

      “Why’s there so many John Wick spinoffs”

      There are two.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      The first movie would have been largely forgettable without Reeve playing so hard (and convincingly) against type, leveraging his natural charisma. I supposed this could be interesting but without him it’s a heavy lift.

  • pdoa-av says:

    we have the John Wick movies, starring the kindest, nicest actor you’d ever meet, and then they do the prequel with this douche? WTF?

    • jackmilesjohnson-av says:

      Have you ever met Mel? You’ve been brainwashed.

      • r0n1n76-av says:

        You mean Mel sugar t*ts, roaming pack of n* words Gibson? No, no one’s been brainwashed. When bigots show you who they are, believe them the first, second, and subsequent times.

      • mosquitocontrol-av says:

        Oh, I’m sorry, thinking a guy that is literally on record screaming antisemitic things is a douche makes one brainwashed?

      • darrylarchideld-av says:

        Uh huh. We all heard Mel Gibson on tape ranting about the Jews starting all wars, or how he hoped his ex “gets raped by a pack of n****s.” His exact words.Therefore, we’ve all been brainwashed into hating Mel Gibson by listening to him speak and accurately understanding his intent and meaning.

        • Blanksheet-av says:

          Don’t forget that at a party they both attended, he told Winona Ryder, of Jewish descent, that she was an “oven dodger.”

      • Shampyon-av says:

        Meanwhile, in the real world:Oksana Grigorieva: You were hitting a woman with a child in her hands. You! What kind of a man is that, hitting a woman when she’s holding a child in her hands? Breaking her teeth, twice, in the face. What kind of man is that?Mel Gibson: Oooh, you’re all angry now! You know what, you fucking deserved it.OG: You’re gonna answer, one day, boy, you’re gonna answer.MG: Huh? What? Are you threatening me?OG: Nothing, nothing. I’m not the one to threaten.MG: I’m threatening you? I’ll put you in a fucking rose garden, you cunt. You understand that? Because I’m capable of it. You understand that? Get a fucking restraining order. For what? What are you gonna get a restraining order for? For me being drunk and disorderly? For hitting you? For what?

      • pdoa-av says:

        I heard words come out of his mouth that no good person would ever say. You and Mel can both fuck off.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        He certainly looks totally benign in that header photo.

      • volunteerproofreader-av says:

        A good person doesn’t say the things he said, no matter how angry they are

  • penbucket2022-av says:

    I’m over the burning Gibson to the ground thing. I honestly can’t get worked up enough any more to boycott him. He’s a pretty damn good movie maker and people still listen to Miles Davis. It’s what we’re willing to overlook.

    • Shampyon-av says:

      Miles Davis has been dead for thirty years. Call me when Gibson’s been worm food for at least five rather than continuing to be the exact same evil shitcunt he’s always been, then maybe we’ll revisit his catalogue.

    • lmh325-av says:

      So maybe we should be less willing to overlook the faults of the guy who calls Jews oven dodgers and claims the Holocaust never happened in favor of expecting more than just serviceable films. Plus his movies also seem to share his racist, antisemitic nonsense so there’s also that.

      • popculturesurvivor-av says:

        I actually think it was Gibson’s dad who’s the Holocaust denier. He belongs to some sort of traditionalist Roman Catholic deal. But Gibson hasn’t really tried to put much distance between them, so there is that.

        • lmh325-av says:

          He has generally refused to put distance between himself and his father. In 2003, he said: My dad taught me my faith, and I believe what he taught me. The man never lied to me in his life.” When asked about his father’s beliefs.Mel Gibson also belongs to the same church group that rejects Vatican II. What a lot of people don’t remember is that a key piece of Vatican II was changing doctrine to indicate that Jewish people were not responsible for Jesus’s death. Mel also built a traditionalist Catholic church in California.His dad is absolutely worse in terms of what he’s said. I’m not convinced Mel doesn’t believe the same things.

          • popculturesurvivor-av says:

            I could probably get on board with all of that. 

          • dirtside-av says:

            What a lot of people don’t remember is that a key piece of Vatican II
            was changing doctrine to indicate that Jewish people were not
            responsible for Jesus’s death.That kills me every time I’m reminded of it. Like, they claim that God is behind literally everything, but somehow the Jews were to blame for Christ’s death, when ostensibly he was sent here by God (who is also himself) specifically to die!
            You know how long-running fanfic often has serious continuity problems because the author isn’t thinking very far ahead, they’re just churning stuff out to please the readers? That’s what religious texts are like.

          • lmh325-av says:

            I’m an atheist, but was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school. God is behind it in a way, but the idea is that the people could have chosen not to murder Jesus if they wanted to. But Catholic doctrine now is that the Romans were the ones who killed him since if the the historical person of Jesus existed that would be accurate and not Jewish bystanders, what it used to be. It is admittedly a thin, convoluted line, but they mean responsible on Earth and didn’t immediately see the error of their ways. They play the same game with Judas – Judas would likely be a saint like Peter if he had asked forgiveness. According to actual Catholic doctrine, Judas is not damned for betraying Jesus. He’s damned for committing suicide. If you read Catholic doctrine and the Bible like it’s Game of Thrones, it’s a wild ride.

          • dirtside-av says:

            I read enough of the Bible to convince me that I didn’t really need to read any more of it.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I’ve never seen someone who professes to be down with Jesus but with such a satanic beard.

    • nothumbedguy-av says:

      No, don’t look for the pitchfork & pointy tail! Today’s devil has assumed a more seductive form, pleasing to the eye.

  • idksomeguy-av says:

    The reaction among John Wick’s predomimantly liberal fanbase should be interesting. Funny how much they celebrate this franchise when it’s basically another version of the Punisher.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      The Punisher isn’t conservative…. Gnarly strikes again

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      That Punisher reference is interesting. I saw the first one and simply can’t see what everyone fell in love with. It looked to me like a bunch of dudes spilling a lot of blood in a lot of stylish interiors, which I suppose is fine in small doses but doesn’t really substitute for a plot. As for the guy’s dog and the point it’s trying to make, I don’t care.

    • nothumbedguy-av says:

      Liberals are trying to steal the Punisher back from Conservative Crazies, actually.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “John Wick’s predomimantly liberal fanbase should be interesting.”

      What makes you think this is a thing?

  • brianjwright-av says:

    While I’m happy to see John Wick do what Die Hard once did – be so singular and influential that everybody wants to rip it off in obvious “Die Hard in a ___”/“John Wick with a ___” ways – all this cinematic-universing makes me glad Die Hard came out when it did. Can you imagine the “oops, I shot a kid” prequel? Some spinoff with…literally any surviving character? Ugh.

  • dirtside-av says:

    If they kill Gibson in the first episode, I’ll watch it.Sorry, Gibson’s character. Yes, I meant his character. >_> <_<

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Coming this Christmas:
      Alec Baldwin IS Aaron Burr
      Mel Gibson IS Alexander Hamilton
      un film de Johnny Depp
      Duel Me Once, Shame On You!

    • djdeejay-av says:

      Nobody is as good at killing Mel Gibson’s character than Mel Gibson. 

  • probablynotthemessiah-av says:

    In a premium cable-to-streaming downgrade…The Continental will be moving from Starz to Peacock. Calling Starz “premium cable” might be overselling it just a bit.

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