MF Doom is… Hannibal Buress?! (No, not really)

Aux Features Music
MF Doom is… Hannibal Buress?! (No, not really)
Photo: Vivien Killilea

This weekend was the Adult Swim Festival, which is sort of like the Gathering Of The Juggalos for people who like to dress like Rick and Morty, and Pitchfork is reporting that Flying Lotus brought out a pretty surprising guest during his set: noted supervillain/rapper MF Doom. He’s been part of the Adult Swim family for years, and he has the sort of dedicated fan following that lends itself to, again, a place where a lot of people are dressed like Rick and Morty, both of which mean that his unexpected arrival must have been pretty exciting for the Ricks and Mortys in attendance. However, in a shocking rejection of his core gimmick, Doom then removed his mask, revealing once and for all that the rapper is none other than comedian Hannibal Buress.

The mind reels. Has Doom been Buress this whole time? Was Doom in that Spider-Man movie, and if so, is the Latverian dictator a high school teacher in the MCU? Actually, no. It was just a gag, and pretty funny one at that, especially since it’s become a hallmark of MF Doom live appearances that you don’t really know if it’s actually him behind the mask or not. At this point, anyone who thinks they’re seeing MF Doom live should just assume that they’re actually seeing an imposter, whether the imposter is Hannibal Buress or not.

(Still here? Good, because we were just kidding before. Hannibal Buress is totally MF Doom and has been the whole time.)


  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I would have assumed it was just an MF Doom-bot.

  • qvckvi-av says:

    Nobody was surprised, they knew it was a gag, they didn’t give a shit.

  • beertown-av says:

    This is more of a Splinter thing, but recently hyper-left Twitter decided Hannibal Burress was actually the scum of the Earth upon realizing he was a landlord

    • medacris-av says:

      I don’t have the whole story, but I remember it being specifically about him (supposedly) kicking people out at will, or for really petty reasons, not the landlord thing by itself.

      • goodmen-av says:

        Nah, twitter leftist seriously hate all landlord, not even ironically or with nuance, they started bitching at Hannibal first because he opposed rent control, a policy that most economist believes bring more long-term negative outcomes than solutions. Later, people found out he gave tenets of a building he bought two months of free rent so he could turn it into an Airbnb (kinda shitty but still his property), one guy wanted two extra weeks, Hannibal gave him two days.

      • hxy3000-av says:

        He bought a building, gave old tenants 2 months to leave and turned it into an AirBnB.

    • cropply-crab-av says:

      It is pretty scummy to profit off people’s basic needs, then kick them to the curb in order to make dedicated air bnbs, and then double down on it by advocating landlord lobbying groups when people call you out for it. Imo at least. 

    • mrbleary-av says:

      He argues passionately against rent control and, with no apparent irony, asked people to donate to a landlord advocacy group. Whatever about the right or wrong of the issue, this is extremely very not on-brand for him.

      • theodorexxfrostxxmca-av says:

        He has also hated on Bernie fans on Instagram. I still like Hannibal, but yeah this is kind of a wack streak from him. 

    • lordbyronbuxton-av says:

      Landlords are the scum of the earth, tho

    • 1234213423423421-av says:

      Not only is he a landlord, he kicked tenants out to convert their apartments into Airbnbs (this contributes to higher rent and a decrease in available housing) and then joked abut it on tv, and he promoted a landlord advocacy group (which helps landlords get away with rent hikes and evictions), and he spoke out against rent control, which is desperately needed if you look at the crises of poverty and homelessness in every American city. No need to feel bad for him, he massacred his own reputation.

    • the-hole-in-things-av says:

      Probably because landlords are scum of the Earth.

  • wangphat-av says:

    The real MF Doom’s face is horribly scared under the mask. Damn that Reed Richards!

  • triohead-av says:

    Is Hannibal Buress spelled in ALL CAPS?
    Case closed.

  • justsomerandoontheinternet-av says:

    The voice alone tells you it’s not Buress. I do like me some MF Doom though. He may not be Doom proper, but at least he’s not dime store Dr Doom ripoff like Underbheit.

  • tvcr3-av says:


  • yourkingmob-av says:

    MF Doom is not a landlord.

  • jredrose-av says:

    Bruh, we all know who DOOM is and it sure isn’t no Hannibal Burress. Thats insult to real DOOM fans that you even ended an article with that blatant lie. I mean, I get it. In this era of journalism truth doesn’t matter, only clicks. But has it gotten so laxed in the ethics department that you can just say any untruth and leave it like that? Not even add a (jk) at the end to tell the public you’re just joking? Oh well…it is what it is. But for those ppl out there who never heard of DOOM, when u see him in concert u can expect it to be him, don’t listen to this writer who is exaggerating based off a vlog on YouTube he watched as his source. DOOM certainly isn’t Hannibal. Thank goodness for that too!

  • bennyboy56-av says:

    Don’t you mean Hannibal Burgers?

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