And Just Like That… creator Michael Patrick King on that Samantha cameo: “Something shifted everywhere”

Kim Cattrall made a brief, triumphant return on on the season two finale of And Just Like That...

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And Just Like That… creator Michael Patrick King on that Samantha cameo: “Something shifted everywhere”
Kim Cattrall Photo: Jamie McCarthy

Kim Cattrall doesn’t “want to be in a situation for even an hour where [she’s] not enjoying myself.” Whether her recent, much-anticipated cameo in the season two finale of And Just Like That was actually fun for the actor (Cattrall has publicly distanced herself from Sex And The City as well as co-star Sarah Jessica Parker) or whether the sub-two-minute appearance merely clocked in below her upper limit of boring things is unclear. Regardless, people have had a lot to say about it.

One such person was showrunner Michael Patrick King, who also weighed in on the moment in an interview with Variety. “As you know, it’s literally a cameo. I mean, it’s just a little moment,” he said of the scene, which sees Samantha calling long-distance BFF Carrie from London to bid adieu to Carrie’s old apartment. “What I always thought was that these characters are texting, and occasionally talking, so I knew it was going to be conversational,” he continued.

“I’m happy that it’s really early in the episode, because I don’t want the drumbeat that this big dramatic thing is going to happen,” he said. (The cameo has been spoiled since May.) “[T]hat was never the intention. The intention was: Look, there she is! They’re talking. It’s two steps past an emotional text. They’re talking.”

As for the bad blood between Cattrall and Parker, it sounds like the two never actually had to interact in real life. “Kim came, she did her scene and she left… Sarah Jessica did her scene earlier, much like all the other phone calls on the show, quite frankly, they don’t happen with the other actors,” said King, who seemingly didn’t want to talk about the falling out all that much either.

“Look, Kate [Arthur, the interviewer], I’m not going to say anything past the fact that it happened. So something shifted everywhere. Obviously, it happened,” he said. “It was the 25th anniversary of Sex and the City. Everybody knew it would be good for the show, and hopefully fun for the fans. And everybody just did it. And there wasn’t a lot of drama around the conversation: People just did it.”


  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    Unless they hold a Cattrall-Parker cage match and broadcast that I could not care less.

    • marty-funkhouser-av says:

      Catrall vs. Parker would be a fun Celebrity Death Match. Also RIP Celebrity Death Match. And me.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:


  • seabassy-av says:

    Professional actors do their jobs like professionals, news at 11.

  • ohnoray-av says:

    I thought it would be funny if she dumped a body out of the trunk of her limousine, and suddenly she’s a character in The Flight Attendant and we enter season 3 of that show.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I really don’t get celebrity feuds. Be professional, do the fucking job, shut the fuck up. Us normals have to work with people we hate all the time.

    • gildie-av says:

      One reason it would be good to be wealthy is you’d no longer have to do that.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Or, since it’s completely up to you, you could just not take a job you have no interest in and move on with your life.  Which is what Cattrall did. 

      • ghboyette-av says:

        Well, Laurence, not everyone has the privilege of being able to turn down a job. Fuck off.  

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Wow, lovely attitude. We’re not talking about “Everyone”, are we? We’re talking about “celebrity feuds” (your words.) So, no, in this instance, you absolutely don’t have to “be a professional” and “shut the fuck up.”Cattrall was under zero obligation to be in “And Just Like That” and made the best decision for herself.
          So, calm the fuck down and don’t be such an aggressive turd next time. 

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            I really hate normie work feuds, like be professional, when I get off my yacht and I hear that Frank threw a stapler at Norm again it ruins my microdermabrasion treatment 😛

          • anitaymoore-av says:

            Kind of ironic that someone who is calling another person aggressive seems to feel the need to aggressively use the word “fuck” twice. Hello pot…meet kettle.

        • hudsmt-av says:

          That’s exactly it, though. Some people have so much money that they can say no, and the colloquial term for it is “fuck you money.” That’s exactly what happened here. You really aren’t seeing the irony in your nasty comments.(She’s also one of the most famous actors on a new show about the fashion industry. She’s probably proud of the fact that she can land a gig like that without needing the other three.)

        • canadian-heritage-minute-av says:

          Wait, we’re talking about everyone now? I thought we were talking about celebrities. Am I confused, or are you?

      • anitaymoore-av says:

        Did she really? How moved on is one if you are publicly talking about these other cast-mates as she did in such a hateful manner? She had the ability to say, at any point, “I don’t want to discuss them.” THAT would be moving on.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    I think what is notable about the Cattrall-Parker feud is that it goes against Cattrall’s public persona, which is catty, and while people can certainly imagine Parker or anybody central to a TV show turning into a tyrant, and this may have been PR, they all sounded surprised when Cattrall went nuclear. Nixon had a thriving Broadway career before and after (not to mention a pretty pathetic run for governor, still in the show she is the Jeff Daniels as Harry of the bunch) but Cattrall and Parker were already legit stars when SatC started, so I wonder if it was a “breaking into camps” thing…but so odd that it took THAT long to surface…and that it surfaced in such a personal way instead of just saying she was going to step away…it was really messy, so that’s why people are still paying attention. FWIW, Cattrall has had a few series cancelled here and there but she has had a solid career post-SatC. I will note that she did not become part of the HBO repertory company like Parker (Divorce) and Nixon (Gilded Age).

    • anitaymoore-av says:

      Agreed, but the “feud” was quite one-sided, from Cattrall. Parker for a very long time did try not to engage in it. And, I find it ironic that everyone else on the show seemed to get along just fine…but Cattrall was the one-out. Could it possibly be, she was the issue? There’s nothing that says everyone has to get along, or everyone has to like each other, that’d be ridiculous in the real world. I don’t like all my co-workers, I don’t want to be “chummy” with everyone either. But I can be professional and courteous to everyone. It appears to me, that’s often how it was, professional and courteous…but perhaps not chummy among everyone. I truly don’t get Cattrall’s public vitriol.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        She made herself out as a victim and brought her dead brother into it somehow, it was a big fast escalation.  I was wondering at the time if it was a drug interaction or something.  Whatevah

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    That was ridiculous. It is obvious that the writers had planned for Samantha to make a surprise appearance at the final Greenwich Village apartment supper. Perhaps she agreed verbally, then retreated. In the end, they had her sit in a car in Silvercup Studios in front of a green screen, improvising some bullshit story about how she couldn’t figure out GMT time and miscalculated her return to New York. Disappointing and silly on every level. And worse: they left it in the episode! It’s clearly deleted scenes material. This fucking show. And this piece of work, Kim Cattrall, who I loved when she was literally the last actress to be owned by a major studio (Paramount: Big Trouble In Little China, Mannequin, Star Trek 6). Why couldn’t she be a professional and just deal with people she doesn’t like. Even we hate SJP now! DEAL WITH IT.

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