Here are the biggest games coming out in the back half of 2024

Elden Ring! Silent Hill 2! A game where Funko Pops of M3GAN and Chucky can duke it out! All these and more in our gaming preview for the second half of 2024

Games News Bloober Team
Here are the biggest games coming out in the back half of 2024
Clockwise from top: Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree (Image: Bandai Namco), The Rise Of The Golden Idol (Image: Playstack), Funko Fusion (Image: Funko), Astro Bot (Image: Sony)

Now that we’ve successfully dispensed with naming every single good game of the first half of 2024—except for Animal Well, we know we left off Animal Well, we’re still waiting for Animal Well to click for us, okay?—it’s time to look forward to the big, Elden Ring DLC-shaped future. Which is to say it’s time to engage in another regular tradition ’round these parts: A mid-year gaming preview, highlighting the biggest game releases that are (probably) still coming in the remaining months of 2024.

And, look: Are we having a really hard time not just jumping to the upcoming video game where Universal Pictures took a ridiculous mish-mash of its characters (The Thing! Xena! M3GAN! Fucking JAWS!), turned them into Funko Pops, and then let you run around punching stuff as them? Absolutely! But such is our duty, and our curse. (It’s out in September, by the way, it looks like the most beautifully stupid thing we’ve ever seen, god, can we not wait.)

previous arrowFinal Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (July 2) next arrow

Long-recovered from that rocky start oh so many years ago, Final Fantasy XIV is currently gearing up for its fifth big paid expansion, Dawntrail. The new content pack will send player to a new region dubbed “The New World,” add in two new classes—including the Pictomancer, an artist-mage who fights with paints and a brush—and include an overall graphical overhaul for the game. The plot, we assume, will have something to do with crystals—but while we can poke gentle fun at FFXIV, its ability to keep fan interest high this many years into its run speaks volumes about the ways the designers keep their players engaged with new doses of content like this.


  • murrychang-av says:

    Earth Defense Force 6: It’s like Helldivers 2 but you don’t need arcane button combos to call down mechs or air strikes. Also, it’s got 4 different classes that all play different.
    Bonus:  No microtransactions, at least there haven’t been in the main EDF games so far.  Buy game, play game, no muss no fuss.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      I’m a PC gamer, and I couldn’t give a rat’s arse about graphical upgrades on PC ports – but I wish they’d focus more on tweaking the interface to KBM, because that sort of legerdemain you mention is a right pain. I’m getting sick of menu wheels.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Yeah I played the first Helldivers and it was real fun except for the calldowns.  I’m not doing Mortal Kombat fatalities here, guys, I just want a damn mech suit. 

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          That Mortal Kombat thing is exactly why I stopped playing Doom Eternal…the fucking platforming. The game grinds to a halt because they put in jumping puzzles and, yeah, it reminded me of sitting through MK as a kid trying to do a specific fatality or friendship or babality or whatever. There’s a huge gap in a level, and you’ve got to use a combo of moves to get over it, and it’s the same feel and thought process. It’s just memorising keystrokes with precise timing. “Ok, so it’s jump, double jump, grappling hook, dash, dash, grapple, double jump, dash, grapple, dash, jump, grapple, dash.”Really killed the flow state. Doom 2016 was amazing because it’s a game you don’t have to think in, you just get in the flow and move and shoot. Eternal BFG’d all that. 

    • 3fistedhumdinger-av says:

      Plus where Helldivers is a layered deconstruction of American exceptionalism, capitalism, paid journalism, and the industrial military complex, EDF is content to simply be a loving homage to 50s B-movies, complete with giant ants and intentionally horrible voice acting.I fucking LOVE EDF.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Oh god some of the lines are great, ‘WHY DO WE GET ALL THE STOOPID MISSIONS!’ is one of our favorites. It’s seriously good, you can tell the devs just want to make a fun game and they succeeded majorly with 5.  Really looking forward to 6.

  • brhoades-av says:

    The star wars game looks good, plus you get the added fun of legions of shitheads complaining they don’t find the main character fuckable. 

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    I wonder what Nintendo has for the rest of the year. If I had to guess, we will see the WiiU Wind Waker and Twilight Princess remakes released on the Switch. 

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Guessing it’s basically just that – remasters and smaller games to tide people over until Switch 2 comes out.

      • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

        Nintendo really dove head first into the ports, remakes and remasters for the Switch. Its biggest selling game, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, was a ported WiiU game. 

        • akabrownbear-av says:

          It made some sense when the console first came out because the WiiU didn’t sell much at all and there were some really good games on it like MK8 that went unnoticed. But I have been kind of disappointed in the last few years outside of their really big titles like TotK. The MK8 DLC, as an example, felt kind of lazily done.

    • klyph14-av says:

      Probably a Metroid Prime 2 remake as well

    • welfarepeanutbutter-av says:

      If only. I know this makes me the problem, but I would buy a copy of Wind Waker every day for the rest of my life to maintain constant access to it. 

    • nilus-av says:

      Wind Waker would be great but I wonder if the hold off and do another remaster if it as a Switch 2 launch title. 

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    Until Dawn was one of two reasons I bought a PS4 (Bloodborne is the other), but, yeah, I’m not sure it needs a remaster. It’s been a while since I played it, but it probably looks better than subsequent Supermassive game The Quarry. I suspect this was probably due to it being a joint PS4/PS5 release; the water effects were pretty dodgy at times.I never really cared for Myst or its sequel, outside marveling at the then-novel pre-rendered images. Granted, it wasn’t the worst offender in the “solving puzzles in a obscure, people-free environment”, but I could just never connect enough with it. I didn’t really care to solve puzzles if my only rewards was another sterile vista with more puzzles.From the little I’ve played of The Witness, which feels like it copies a bit from Myst’s homework, but then staples an few sheets of extra credit for good measure. Jonathon Blow’s main complaint with Myst seems to have been its low puzzle density.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I could never get into the Myst games for similar reasons – I only played the original recently when the 3D remake came out. But one of my friends always tells me Riven is one of the best games he’s ever played with the puzzles feeling much more natural. His take was it was the best puzzle game with true environmental based puzzles he has ever played until Outer Wilds came out a few years back.So I am really excited to finally have a 3D remake of Riven.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    What, no (sigh) Metaphor: ReFantazio (October 11)? Yeah, the name is…a lot, but it’s a new franchise by the Persona team, so I’m pretty excited. Not as excited as I would’ve been for Persona 6, mind you, but I’ll take what I can get. Plus it looks like the last big (J)RPG of the year, after the absolute glut we got this winter with LaD: Infinite Wealth, Persona 3 Reload, Unicorn Overlord, and FF7 Rebirth.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I am so excited for Riven and Golden Idol.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Shadow of the Erdtree and Astro Bot gonna be had.

  • 3fistedhumdinger-av says:

    Not present on this list:2 EDF games (6 and World Brothers 2)
    Black Myth: Wukong
    Madden 25
    Gundam Breaker 4
    Space Marine 2
    Greedfall 2
    Mechwarrior 5: Clans
    Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 Remake
    Suikoden 1 & 2 HD Remaster
    Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2What’s the criteria for “biggest” upcoming releases?  I can admit my list is debatable (any list is) but come on, Madden, Black Myth, and VTMB2 should have been on yours.

  • briliantmisstake-av says:

    A Riven remake? Color me intrigued.

  • nilus-av says:

    Honestly nothing here is really jumping out at me and maybe that is a good thing. I’m still back logged from 2023 

    • wsg-av says:

      This is where I am. There are some 2024 games I will eventually play, but I have yet to do so this year. Some fun looking games, but nothing jumping out as an immediate must play.This year has been all about carving through the backlog. Frankly, I am having a great time doing it!

  • Rev2-av says:

    “ it’s getting chuds mad at it more than six months ahead of release. Ignoring the whining, though—centered on the fact that one of the protagonists of this latest Assassin’s Creed title is Yasuke, the famed African samurai of Japanese history”I’m pretty sure the “CHUDS” are the dishonest little wokensteins and angry pronouners insisting Yasuke was a samurai when he was in fact, NOT a samurai in any way, shape or form. He was no more a samurai than a slave was a farm owner back during slavery.He was the retainer of a samurai. Nothing more. There are rumors he MAY have been with his master to witness some action, though. But jeez, those darn “CHUDS” getting in the way of you posting lies. How dare them…

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