Mike Bloomberg's social media goons delete tweets after trying, failing to dunk on Bernie Sanders

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Mike Bloomberg's social media goons delete tweets after trying, failing to dunk on Bernie Sanders


Billionaire and Jeffrey Epstein associate Mike Bloomberg may never have heard of Fyre Festival, but he’s most certainly heard of memes. Kids like them, so if he puts his face on a fucking meatball the kids will surely back his current bid to be president. That’s how this goes, right? Well, Mayor Stop and Frisk has spared no expense in his efforts to seem relatable—he’s dumped roughly $415 million into marketing alone—and the subsequent fallout has been nothing short of indelible.

Not only has the blowback been swift against the viral accounts Bloomberg’s paying to meme him, but the “deputy field organizers” he’s paying $2,500 a month to advocate for his candidacy are getting banned from Twitter for passionlessly spamming out the campaign’s boilerplate copy. Others on his team, the L.A. Times reports, are piggybacking their official campaign texts with pleas to vote for Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren instead.

Bloomberg’s pathetic outreach strategies hit a nadir on Monday, however, when the Team Bloomberg Twitter account decided to make a few “jokes” about the controversial comments Bernie made praising Cuba’s literacy and health care programs under the authoritarian rule of Fidel Castro (something Obama did, too, by the way). Using the hashtag #BernieOnDespots, Team Bloomberg shared a slew of fictional quotes. One example: “Should we really hold Muammar al-Gaddafi’s extrajudicial killings of political opponents against him, when he also built a pretty sweet countrywide irrigation system?” Another: “Who am I to question Kim Jong-un for starving millions of his own people, when he opened a kickass waterpark with over ten slides, a lazy river and a wave machine! What a blast!”

God help us, it didn’t end there.

While only a minuscule fraction of Team Bloomberg’s nearly 80,000 followers engaged with the tweets, the replies overflowed with people begging whoever was posting to put an end to this. One joke, in particular, drew massive ire: “Vladimir Putin is willing to poison anyone who disagrees with him, but have you seen how that guy looks without a shirt!! Mmm delish!”

Not only is it deeply misleading for a presidential campaign to attribute fake quotes to an opponent without some kind of disclaimer, but the Putin tweet also struck many as homophobic.

After a few thousand users piled into the tweet’s replies, Team Bloomberg hilariously added a sober addendum to the thread:

“To be clear—all of these are satire—with the exception of the 60 Minutes clip from last night,” the account tweeted out.

Thank you, Mara Wilson, for summing it up for everyone.

The dunks continued until, in the ultimate show of weakness, Team Bloomberg deleted each and every one of the tweets.

No reason was given for the deletion. We’d like to think shame was to blame, but we’re doubtful anyone who taking Bloomberg’s cash feels any.

Bloomberg returns to the debate stage tonight. Warren will probably roast him again.

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  • murrychang-av says:
  • dinoironbodya-av says:

    Why were people afraid that Bloomberg might get the nomination anyway?

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      he still might. don’t underestimate thousands of millions of dollars.

      • malforus-av says:

        Remember Donald Trump was a Democrat until 2009, he (and many others) spent enough that regions of the country he personally victimized voted for him.  Evangelicals embraced him not because of his character but because of the money that could be made.

    • CassiusLonginus-av says:

      It’s not hard to see why…Because people are that stupid and the system is that broken.

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      He had a brief spike in national polls after astroturfing the shit out of social media and TV, but after the debate he’s been a total joke. 

    • murrychang-av says:

      They didn’t realize he was only polling so well because of the national ad campaign he was running.

      • dickcream-av says:

        Actually, that’s exactly why I’m scared of Bloomberg getting the nomination. His poll numbers have risen because of his ubiquitous ad campaign, without him actually doing any of the hard work of campaigning, and vecause he has an unlimited spigot of money to continue to throw at those ads. He is openly detested by the Very Online, but that is probably not even close to a majority of voters. There is simply no limit on his ability to reach voters with positive messages about himself. 

    • systemmastert-av says:

      No one’s worried about that.  They’re worried that he’ll march into a brokered convention and announce that if he doesn’t get the nom he’ll just run as an independent targeting the votes of the Democratic nominee.

      • gamerguy0890--av says:

        He can’t in all but four states, two of which are New York and Vermont. All other states have simultaneous registration for primary and general elections where the candidate has to declare their party. So he’d be registered as a democratic candidate for basically every state that’s going to matter.

      • morethanhappy-av says:

        He can’t. In some states, they have “Sore Loser” laws preventing anyone from running as an independent against someone who beat you in a primary. Most others require someone to register for state and national elections simultaneously so it can’t be changed. Only 4 states (Connecticut, Iowa, New York and Vermont) don’t have either type of law. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sore-loser_law

      • endg4mer-av says:

        Problem: previous independents were at least charismatic enough to charm a fraction of a given base. Bloomberg’s ONLY grace with voters is his money, and the population that cares enough about that to swing their votes is both a fraction of its original size and largely conservative. If Bloomberg runs independent, all he’ll do is siphon votes from Trump.

    • westerosironswanson-av says:

      Well, because like many, many candidates that the talking heads in the Democratic Party have prematurely deemed “electable” before, ya know, actually seeing whether the voters might like anything they have to say, Bloomberg does the things that these talking heads deem “important” quite well.He speaks intelligibly and soberly in front of small audiences of finance guys. He’s well-funded. He uses the buzzwords that convey that he’s one of them.Put all those together in the package of a well-dressed white* man, and you’ll usually have talking heads start talking about how “electable” this candidate is. The problem mainly is that “electable” is a highly debatable description for these people. Not only do they frequently have the raw, sensual charisma of cardboard that’s been floating in a puddle for a week, but Americans have shown again and again and again that they don’t particularly like, and are keen not to vote for, “socially-liberal, fiscally-conservative” candidates that these people usually turn out to be. We have a track record of Al Gore’s candidacy in 2000, John Kerry in 2004, and Hillary Clinton in 2008 and 2016, and that track record isn’t that great. Even Barack Obama, shoved into that mold in 2012, lost millions of votes on his 2008 totals. It really doesn’t seem to register with the talking heads that “acceptable to them” doesn’t translate into “acceptable to voters.”* Bloomberg is, of course, Jewish, but then again “white” was never a racial term, so much as an ever-shifting term to describe who we’re not going to discriminate against. And by that standard, members of the Jewish faith became whites somewhere around 1985, give or take about three years.

      • recognitions-av says:

        I get the meaning of your last paragraph, but let’s not be so quick to dismiss the specter of anti-Semitism in an era where synagogues routinely get defaced with swastikas.

        • westerosironswanson-av says:

          You know what, that’s more than a fair point. I was incorrect, and I retract my stratement. The best you can say is that Bloomberg is seen as “white” by the same talking heads that also see him as “electable.” That is not a privilege that everyone will afford him. I should have been more accurate, and I do apologize.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yeah. I mean he is white and gets a lot of the privilege that comes with it, but he’s also not immune from institutional bigotry either. It can be tricky to parse.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        I will defend Al Gore up to a point at least. I went to Sydney to see him speak in 2007 (I was working in Canberra at the time, flew up and then flew back).He was talking about the environment and free of a presidential campaign, I thought he was funny, he was witty and he was very engaging.Basically the man on stage would have run away with the 2000 election IMO and I guess what I’m saying that every one of those so-called experts who micromanaged his campaign into oblivion should have been fired into the sun before the election and he should have just been himself.Instead, the brains trust of the Democratic Party kept doing what they were doing and more often than not, just kept losing a slew of important elections. Don’t look at 2008 but 2010 for starters.https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/10/14211994/obama-democrats-downballothttps://fivethirtyeight.com/features/barack-obama-won-the-white-house-but-democrats-lost-the-country/

        • dresstokilt-av says:

          Kerry was the same way. I saw him speak the day before the 2004 convention, and he was witty, charming, engaging, and generally the kind of charismatic guy you want running. Then they replaced him with a plank of wood for the remainder of the election.

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        It’s funny that in the debate last night, Sanders was referred to point-blank as Jewish in the framing of a question about Israel, and Bloomberg was not. It’s almost like “Jewish” is a bad thing, and they don’t you want you to know that about Bloomberg.

    • yepilurk-av says:

      Because just like the GOP, the DNC loves money more than anything even remotely approaching an actual democracy.

    • dbushik-av says:

      Establishment Democrats are stupid and craven. They were never afraid Bloomberg was going to get the nom, they were terrified Sanders might, and actively were looking forward to Bloomberg.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      He did get to something like 15% just on the TV ads alone, so there was intrigue if he could perform well in the debates.Then he went on stage last week

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    I don’t want to watch another debate, but if it can take my breath away like Warren taking out the machete and hacking Mikey apart last time I might tune inETHER

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      I’m watching. I want to see some more of that sweet, sweet ass whooping coming from Liz and I want to see if that weird, makes no sense feud between Pete and Amy continues.

      • hughjass1102-av says:

        The Pete and Amy feud is so fucking awesome. Her hatred for him is so pure and clean.

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        Amy thinks she draws off people who think he’s a little pisher, but she doesn’t understand how disingenuous her attacks sound. She did the same thing to Warren a while back, Warren said something about some labor regulation and Amy was like “Are you saying I want to crush the working man’s neck beneath my bootheel? My father was a labor union!” It was histrionic. She really lost control of herself last time (which is a bit understandable as he is pretty annoying)…I think she should start being friends with everybody as her campaign is unlikely to outlast super tuesday and even if Pete doesn’t go further in this race he’ll be around in some capacity.  Oh and Pete’s campaign runner definitely told him to lean in and be extra annoying to try to cheese her off.

        • Greycat-av says:

          Look, man, I get what you are saying, I’m a Warren backer and Sanders is my second choice, but using the term “histrionic” toward a woman (a gendered insult to begin with…no one calls Bernie histrionic when he goes on one of his rants) is not a good look.I think that if you are going to be critical of K., you need to look at the dudes as well – no one calls Sanders histrionic, and no one even called Beto histrionic – even though some of his actions and the things he did would have been called histrionic if he were a woman.I don’t even care about/like Klobuchar, but man, don’t do that. 

    • mullets4ever-av says:

      i had forgotten that bloomberg endorsed scott brown in her first run for senate. she seems to have taken it somewhat badly

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        I take it kind of badly that both Bloomie and Bernie are running as Democrats.  Bernie can’t help himself, he loved superdelegates in 2016 and said “let this thing play out” after he was statistically eliminated…but now you better fall in line!

    • thejugganaught-av says:

      She went nowhere fast after attacking Bloomie. she’s wasting her time. Her target is that commie on the stage…Sanderz

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        Yeah rising to second in a YouGov poll taken after the debate is going nowhere. I actually took you out of the greys just to note what a dumb fucking thing that was to say 🙂

        • roboj-av says:

          What’s “dumb” about saying the truth? She is wasting her time. She’s not winning the nomination and is probably going to be done after super Tuesday.

          • Greycat-av says:

            Bill Clinton placed 5th Until after Super Tuesday. Who knows what will happen. Warren is currently 3rd in delegates still (and I hate delegate voting, but here we are).

        • dresstokilt-av says:

          Screenshot that shit and dismiss your troll.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Is THIS satire?

  • thatguy0verthere-av says:

    wait, his face on a fucking meatball?

  • the-other-brother-darryl-av says:

    Hey guys, shouldn’t you be featuring this incisive political commentary on Splinter?Oh yeah, that’s right. I guess it was determined this sort of thing was only palatable sandwiched between pretending to have an interest in pop culture, or food, or whatever other flimsy pretense is being used for the standard leftist rantings.

  • joeyjigglewiggle-av says:

    Can I just say…as a Democrat, as a liberal…this entire election season has been fucking depressing. I can’t believe these are the only people we could put forward at a time like this. 

  • he-hate-cans-av says:

    Billionaires, they’re just like you and me, if you and me had so much money we could always get what we wanted, and therefore getting everything we wanted was the default setting of our life and the only criteria by which we judged the value of an outcome and the idea of not getting what we wanted was so strange and foreign that we had no hesitation to do whatever it took to avoid that outcome to the point where we lacked any moral or ethical barometer other than judging things by whether they led us to whatever we wanted, which is what always happens anyway because we surround ourselves with people who want our money so badly they’ll do whatever it takes help us to get whatever we want, whether that’s more money or power or fame or sex (legal or illegal) or elected president.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    At this point I just want a candidate who has never used social media, and vows never to do so in the future.

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    Mike and Tom need to be putting millions into a massive voter registration and re-registration (of those that were unknowingly purged) of voters. We already have a strong field. Also, the man seems completely unaware of HIS immense level of baggage. 

    • a-hippo-av says:

      He’s a rich white guy. How long do you think its been since he carried his own baggage?

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      “Also, the man seems completely unaware of HIS immense level of baggage.”It’s a really common trait in politicians in general, but in recent years has reached epidemic proportions with Republicans like Bloomberg. 

    • hughjass1102-av says:

      No he is aware. 1.) He thinks he can paper over that with money.2.) He is only there to kneecap Bernie, not win.

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      They don’t care about other people winning. These are ego projects. Bloomberg is prepared to spend a billion dollars that could easily be better spent on a list of things that would take years to enumerate.

  • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

    Is that chain of ‘Look how our campaign offices were vandalized!’ tweets still around?
    Cause that seemed…suspicious.
    Plus, highlighting the alleged message of ‘Eat the rich’ on your office in Flint, MI is a VERY special brand of ‘Didn’t read the room.’

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    Forget about verifying celebrities on Twitter…Can we find some process that keeps politicians far away from Twitter? And everyone else, while we’re at it?Oh, go ahead, tell me that you read a single tweet (note the emphasis on “single”) that makes this Twitter enterprise worth it…I dare you.Or just ignore/reply “OK boomer”…because defending your position is sooooo 2019.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    ♩ ♪ My name is Michael Bloomberg and I’m here to say,I’m appealing to the youths in an electable way! ♩ ♪ ~ Mixmaster Mike Bloomberg’s inevitable rap single

  • testerman2-av says:

    Those tweets are fire though.Like incredibly inappropriate for a presidential candidate to be posting as part of his campaign…….. But if Twitter had just had that thread naturally then we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.Also, Calling a shirtless dude delish is not homophobic. The only people who think that are people who are afraid people will think they’re homophobic.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Yes it isNot that I expect a conservative to get that

      • testerman2-av says:

        Hey you’re back! Welcome to another one of my posts. Enjoy your time here generalizing about a person on the internet you don’t know.Fun fact: That twitter account isn’t actually a person, nor it is controlled solely by one individual. For all anyone knows that tweet was sent out by a woman or a gay man in whatever marketing agency he dropped money to to run this set of bad jokes. I wouldn’t expect a liberal to understand that though.

        • recognitions-av says:

          On the other hand, I’m totally unsurprised that a conservative has a poor enough understanding of homophobia that they think it’s ok coming from a woman, for some reason (????)

          • testerman2-av says:

            You’re missing the point. Not surprising for a liberal.

          • recognitions-av says:

            And you have no actual rebuttal. Totally unsurprising for a conservative.

          • testerman2-av says:

            The point you’re missing is that the twitter account is not anyone, but an amalgamation of people, so it doesn’t matter “who” said it. Anyone calling a shirtless dude delish is not homophobic. I’m sorry you’re worried enough about people seeing your bias that you have to make shit up to press on other people.This is especially true in the world of the internet, where the man in question has been a meme for over half a decade since pictures of him shirtless riding a horse hit the internet. I thought you libs were good at the internet.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Implying that a straight man finds another man attractive as a way of denigrating him is absolutely homophobic, brain trust.

          • testerman2-av says:

            Brobeans you forgot to call me a conservative.I thought you libs were confident enough and progressive enough in your concepts of sexuality that a grown man could comment on another grown mans attractiveness and have it not be an issue. Sounds like you got some stuff repressed.

          • recognitions-av says:

            This, right here? This is why people hate conservatives. Because you don’t give a shit about homophobia that hurts millions of people’s lives. Because it’s a joke to you. It’s all some game like rooting for a sports team or something. The people who get hurt by the prejudices Bloomberg’s tweet is reinforcing aren’t real to you. That’s why.

          • testerman2-av says:

            Jokes are allowed to be jokes. If we stopped all jokes because of someone being offended there would be no jokes. This statement was obviously, taken entirely on its own context, a joke. Taken with a spoonful of historical jokes at Shirtless Putin’s expense it is even moreso a joke. Neither of those contexts have anything to do with homophobia. If you choose to view something out of context and take it as an attack against the community, then that is on you, not on society. Unless there is some context I’m missing where people think Biden is a homosexual, or there has been a theme of homosexual jokes at the expense of Biden from other political corners, this isn’t anything but people looking to be upset about something new. Which, ironically, is why people hate liberals.

          • recognitions-av says:

            The joke…wasn’t even about Biden…And it’s almost like you never went to elementary school and never heard one kid in third grade call another one gay as an insult. Or that you don’t know that jokes can be insulting. Your utter lack of empathy or even ability to appreciate context is breathtaking in its purposeful denseness.

          • testerman2-av says:

            So, you, who is willfully ignoring the context of the joke, is showing more ability to appreciate context?I was on xbox live in the mid to late 2000’s, I’ve heard plenty of terrible, actual homophobic stuff. This is not that in any way. It’s tough to have empathy for something you view as a blatant overreaction.I’m still curious here. You have provided absolutely no proof that this is homophobic other than to just keep repeating that it is. Please elaborate.

          • recognitions-av says:

            So in your world, a person attacking their political opponent isn’t being insulting when they imply that they’re gay? And oh, the straight conservative isn’t bothered by bigotry that doesn’t personally effect them, what a shock.

          • testerman2-av says:

            And we’re done here. You obviously aren’t even bothering to read what I’m writing. Or you are and are not comprehending it. In my words, that has been said multiple times: I see no implication of anything in this joke, thus I see no bigotry, thus it doesn’t matter if it personally effects me or not. You’ve provided nothing to change my view, other than to just continue to proclaim it is homophobic because you’ve decided it is.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I see you’re just gonna ignore my question and pretend you’ve won the argument. Fine, slink away with your tail between your legs. But don’t ever pop up here again pretending to be one of the “good conservatives”.

          • testerman2-av says:

            On the other hand, I’m totally unsurprised that a conservative has a poor enough understanding of homophobia that they think it’s ok coming from a woman, for some reason (????)Because if your problem is that a man pantomiming another man calling a third, shirtless man, delish is homophobic by your definition, then a woman doing the same would not be since only straight women and gay men are allowed to call shirtless men delish.So in your world, a person attacking their political opponent isn’t being insulting when they imply that they’re gay?Already answered, but here you go again. There is no implication that he is gay in the statement. I’ve asked for you to provide it to which you’ve deflected or ignored.Perhaps maybe you can answer any of my questions now. Or just do what your kind does and pick something in my answers to go after again without actually answering anything.If you honestly believe that anyone on the conservative end of the spectrum is inherently racist, bigoted, homophobic, jingoist, xenophobic, anti-semetic and whatever other ‘ics’ and ‘eds’ you want to toss in there, then you are legitimately part of the problem in this country and need to take some personal inventory. I would suggest you stop voting and let the adults try and fix things.

          • recognitions-av says:

            This is so utterly dishonest. Nobody has said that a man can’t compliment another shirtless man. That’s not what’s happening in that tweet and you know it. And in what world is saying someone said “have you see how he looks without a shirt,” etc., not an implication that he’s gay? At this point you’re just blatantly pretending not to understand which makes you a troll and a huge asshole to boot. I love that you a) blatantly ignore the comments of many gay people who are offended by these comments and then b) use that as a pretext to get on your high horse and say how dare we judge people for being conservative. Because dismissing the validity of gay people’s feelings totally doesn’t paint you as exactly like every other conservative. Not to mention the rank hypocrisy of not caring what gay people object to people saying about themselves, but how dare anyone say anything bad about conservatives. The world would be a better place if you all disappeared off the face of the earth.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Did you mean Fyre?

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    As with everything else Bloomberg’s campaign attempts, this was an overwrought, desperate misfire in a candidacy that never should have started. Even hearing his name fills me with deep worry and anger. If I met him in person, I’d probably spit at his feet.Let’s also not diminish the implications of Bernie’s continuing sympathy for far-left regimes. If anything, it’s testament to his consummate inflexibility — when historical hindsight allows us to see Castro for the asshole he was, the same consistency that his supporters praise starts to look more like naivete.

    • hughjass1102-av says:

      “far left regimes” sound scary until you realize that his comments are pretty mild and in the case of Nicaragua if you are on the opposite side you are supporting nun murder.

      • theunnumberedone-av says:

        Fuck, you caught me. Nun murder is my favorite pastime. How could you possibly have known.

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        Only if you believed that the only two options in Nicaragua were Ortega’s Sandinistas or the Contras, and not any of the moderates who wanted a democracy rather than a dictatorship left or right. I wonder what people who were so into Ortega in the 1980s think of him now, when it is clear he holds no ideology dear, but just wants to hold onto power.

    • dickcream-av says:

      So, if you just accept the standard characterization of the U.S. regarding every leader that has ever threatened the global interests of the U.S. elite, yeah, Sanders’s comments seem pretty wild. On the other hand, looked at on balance, essentially saying authoritarianism is obviously bad, but that not every communist regime is unadulterated evil is actually a pretty fair statement, not to mention a useful perspective (how many decades of pointless Cuba policy did we endure because Castro was treated as some extraordinarily dangerous bogeyman?). Not to mention that the US government has a history, not just of muted, qualified criticism of brutal murderous regimes, but active support. Also, if this election turns into a referendum on the wisdom of offering sympathetic takes on brutal, murderous, leftist regimes that threaten the security of the United States, frankly I like the chances of the Democratic Socialist against Kim Jong Un’s pen pal and Xi Xinping’s big chocolate cake dessert buddy.

      • theunnumberedone-av says:

        The United States absolutely has a history of qualified criticism for brutal, murderous regimes. I’m disappointed that Sanders is continuing that tradition. Us lefties have a duty to avoid the hypocrisy of the right.And I doubt anyone running would call Castro’s government “unadulterated evil.” Things aren’t a binary between that and what Bernie said.

        • dickcream-av says:

          So maybe I didn’t make my point clear enough. I do not have a problem with the U.S. government offering “qualified criticism” of any particular regime. That is not the hypocrisy I am referring to. I have a problem with the active material support of brutal, murderous regimes that enables them to carry on their murderous activities, while selectively portraying certain (read: leftist regimes) as unqualifiedly evil, often to support interventions against those regimes to prop up brutal right wing regimes. Sanders was not engaged in either of those activities. What is the difference between saying the Castro regime was not unadulterated evil, and what Sanders actually said.

          • theunnumberedone-av says:

            Are you saying, then, that you draw the line at material support and nowhere before? A cursory bit of research on Sanders’ life — in his own words, anywhere — will tell you that he drew great inspiration from Castro’s regime and others. It’s not some casual point made in passing.You may have also misunderstood my initial point — I’m only accusing Sanders of naivete, not malignance.

          • dickcream-av says:

            No, I am not saying that. I am saying I don’t really have much of a problem with someone who says the Castro regime actually accomplished things that can be seen as good, which is objectively true. I think that is less naive than trying to portray it as some uniformly, unqualifiedly evil thing. It explains, partially, why the regime persisted so long without any serious internal challenge to its authority (part of the reason, of course, were the regimes severe curtailment of civil liberties and severe oppression). 

      • treerol2-av says:

        “On the other hand, looked at on balance, essentially saying authoritarianism is obviously bad, but that not every communist regime is unadulterated evil is actually a pretty fair statement, not to mention a useful perspective”It’s almost like authoritarianism is a political system and communism is an economic system and they can and should be evaluated separately.

  • ghostiet-av says:

    My favorite part is that @kpf is doubling down on being a fucking idiot and retweeting the abuse sent his way. So much winning, you guys.

  • grogthepissed-av says:

    So…I could make $2,500/month tweeting for this guy? That sounds suspiciously like one of those stridemother posts about earning billions of dollars from the comfort of my home. 

  • nilus-av says:

    Considering he wasn’t even on the ballot of the first four primaries, I’m not sure he know how these sorta things work. 

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    There are a lot of crazy things I would do if I had billions of dollars, and running for President is nowhere the top of the list*. It seems like a massive pain in the ass and no fun at all, but I’m not an old white man so I guess I just don’t have that “I need to bend reality to my will” gene.*Top of the list is buying a shit ton of land somewhere rural, installing a village of tiny houses, and giving one (and a truck to pull it with) to all of my friends and all of the family members I don’t hate.

  • imnotdedyet-av says:

    IDC, some of those made me chuckle.

  • Spderweb-av says:

    Is he running for a Democrat seat?  Because he belongs along side the guy with the Boot for a Hat.  

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Once again, I implore you to stop loading your diapers over a “candidate” who has yet to even appear on a primary ballot.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Politicians and advertisers need to realise that absolutely no one wants to be solicited via meme. Memes are meant to be spontaneously generated cultural content that we can all have fun with for a bit before we move on. When we know that some PR team has made a calculated effort to design a meme so it can sell us something, it’s immediately off-putting.(Right now there’s a bus stop near me where both sides of the ad space have been bought by a textbook publisher. On one side they’re using the guy-walking-with-his-girlfriend-but-checking-out-another-girl meme, and on the other, I swear to God, they are using, in 2020, a rage comic where the guy is saying, “Textbooks, Y U no cheap?” Someone got paid to use one slightly and one extremely out of date meme to try and sell textbooks to, mostly, young people. That makes me very depressed.)

  • bakamoichigei-av says:

    To be fair, they all—with the exception of the Putin one—are actually kind of funny, and wouldn’t be too out of place in a late night segment poking fun at the 60 Minutes clip. And I say this as a Bernie supporter.I think the biggest problem here, is that these tweets are being made from an official account, which just raises all sorts of issues and serious questions……but I think that ship already sailed when Bloomberg’s people started “vandalizing” their own campaign offices and tweeting about it.To quote those ridiculous-ass tweets; “America deserves better.”

  • jlee562-av says:

    The dumbest part about this whole thing is the Cuban-Americans are a) mostly Republican (44% vs 19% Dem, 26% independent); b) overwhelmingly vote for GOP candidates (70% for deSantis); c) ranked a candidate’s position on Cuba as dead last (8%) on voting priorities, even coming in behind those who show up to just vote for their party’s candidate (13.7%). Source: 2018 FIU Cuba Poll https://cri.fiu.edu/research/cuba-poll/Opinion of Fidel Castro (who is still dead, by the way) is not a vital 2020 issue, and certainly less important than some Florida Dems (that support Biden) want you to believe.

  • raptureiscoming-av says:

    “Vladimir Putin is willing to poison anyone who disagrees with him, but have you seen how that guy looks without a shirt!! Mmm delish!”
    Not only is it deeply misleading for a presidential campaign to attribute fake quotes to an opponent without some kind of disclaimer, but the Putin tweet also struck many as homophobic.How the fuck is this homo-phobic? Man there’s a whole shit ton of projecting going on here.(I’m in camp Bernie fyi)

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