Teenage Miley Cyrus sounds like she really needed a break

In a new TikTok, the "Used To Be Young" singer shared a grueling schedule from when she was a child star

Aux News Miley cyrus
Teenage Miley Cyrus sounds like she really needed a break
Miley Cyrus Photo: Emma McIntyre

What were you doing on a typical Friday at 12 years old? This writer, at least, woke up around 7:00, went to school, spent a few hours in the afternoon either at her brother’s hockey game or playing Wii tennis with friends, and then went to bed. But this writer also wasn’t one of the most famous pre-teens in the country.

Miley Cyrus’ “Used To Be Young” TikTok series is turning into a bit of self-therapy for the former child star, as well as a revealing behind-the-scenes exposé for the rest of us. While her peers were on the playground, Cyrus was being hustled around the interview circuit working twelve-plus-hour days, according to a schedule she shared in a recent installment.


Used To Be Young (Series) – PART 12

♬ Used To Be Young – Miley Cyrus

This is what Friday, January 5th looked like for young Miley:

5:30 a.m.: Hair and makeup in my hotel
7:00 a.m.: Get picked up
7:15 a.m.: Live interview
7:45 a.m.: Live interview
8:15 a.m.: Live interview
8:45 a.m.: Live interview
9:30-11:00 a.m.: Meeting with editors
[Unspecified time]: Back to the hotel for another interview where the reporters are fifth grade students
1:00-2:30 p.m.: Lunch interview (with Billy Ray Cyrus)
2:40 p.m.: Travel to LIFE magazine photoshoot
3:00-5:00 p.m.: Interview and photoshoot for the father’s day issue
6:00 p.m.: Arrive for a different interview
6:15 p.m.: Interview

Frankly, just typing all of that out was exhausting. But that’s not all: “Then the next day starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 7:30 p.m.,” Cyrus shared. By Monday, she’d be in the blonde wig for Hannah Montana.

This is not the first time Cyrus has opened up about the impact these grueling schedules—which she said often included a 20-minute break for both nap time and lunch “because I was a child”—had on her at such a young age. “When I looked at the schedule, I felt this coat of armor come on to protect my innocent self that still lives,” Cyrus said on a 2021 episode of Hart To Heart with Kevin Hart. “It upset me, because I felt that it wasn’t really considering my best interests at heart.”

“I don’t think anyone did anything to ever intentionally abuse me as a child to work because I wanted to do it,” she clarified. “But the schedule now, if you would look at this for one of your own children, I think you would be kind of in shock.”


  • murrychang-av says:

    Damn, you could sleep till 7am? I had to catch the bus at 6:30 so I could make it to school by 7:30 because homeroom started at like 7:45.  Every single part of my day was the worst part of my day until I got home at 4ish. 
    That said, yeah Disney kid stars are most definitely overworked.

  • mavar-av says:

    I knew she needed a break when she sounded like a zipperNo it’s not vocal surgery. It happens from too much drinking.

  • drewtopia22-av says:

    I get the lack of agency part of it, but this doesn’t look all that different from the schedule for your typical k-12 student that does extra-curriculars. I guess except for the schedule being a side effect of being paid millions of dollars

  • nycpaul-av says:

    When I was 12 years-old, I was paid millions of dollars a year and had my ass kissed all day long because I played softball in our back yard.

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    In today’s edition of unnecessary complaints from an overly literal superhero-themed commenter: wouldn’t it make more sense to call Kevin Hart’s show Heart to Hart, instead of what it is now, since it’s the guest opening up to him? I’m sure it’s probably just a vanity “my-name-has-to-come-first” thing, but hey, these are the things that annoy me in the middle of the afternoon.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    Teenage Mutant Miley Cyrus- it’s a shell of a town! 

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