Morrissey, who usually seems so easygoing, says Miley Cyrus wants to be removed from his new album

The album, Bonfire Of Teenagers, has been stuck sitting on a shelf for nearly 2 years

Aux News Miley cyrus
Morrissey, who usually seems so easygoing, says Miley Cyrus wants to be removed from his new album
Morrissey in 2013 Photo: Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Nobel Peace Prize Concert

Bad news for Morrissey fans: Morrissey is in the news again (it’s always bad when that happens). This time, rather than saying or doing something awful (oh hey, maybe this is good news), ol’ Moz simply announced on the official Morrissey website that Miley Cyrus has requested to be removed from a track called “I Am Veronica” for the still-unreleased album Bonfire Of Teenagers. Cyrus apparently recorded backing vocals for the song years ago, but the only indication we have for why this is happening now is that the website notes that it “comes at a time when Morrissey has disassociated himself with Capitol Records [Los Angeles], who control the hidden album Bonfire Of Teenagers”—the implication being that the two events are somehow related.

As far as we can tell, Cyrus is with Columbia, so it’s not like she has some special connection to Capitol, so maybe it’s just Morrissey (or a spokesperson?) wallowing in misery a bit. Cyrus has been posting on Instagram a lot with the tagline “New Year, New Miley,” but that’s most likely about her New Year’s Eve thing on NBC and not Morrissey. In our experience, most things are not about Morrissey.

Back to this “hidden album,” though, Bonfire Of Teenagers has had a difficult time getting released even before Cyrus wanted off of it (do you think she Googled “Morrissey” and saw what he’s been up to for the last… few decades?). In 2021, Morrissey said that the album—his “best,” according to him—didn’t have a label at all, but Variety says Capitol eventually came along and had originally planned to put it out in early 2023. Morrissey recently announced that he had “voluntarily withdrawn” from any association with the label, though, so it has been pulled from release.

So what we have here is a situation where people don’t want to work with Morrissey and Morrissey doesn’t want to work with people. Is it good or bad news? A little of both, so we’ll file it under “Could Be Worse News.”


  • typingbob-av says:

    They’re both awful and deserve each other.

  • chichesteravc-av says:

    ’Twas ever thus.

  • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

    Sounds about right.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Miley Cyrus, paragon of virtue.

  • bagman818-av says:

    The luck that he’s had can make a good man turn bad.Presuming he was once a good man, and not always a fascist.

    • egomusic68-av says:

      Morrissey is a fascist? LOLTo be blunt there should be some concern about the future future and culture of many Western civilizations in europe. Islam will take over and wipe out half of Europe over the next 60 to 80 years meaning wiping out its culture and probably it’s economy and its citizens. Morrissey was pointing out the concern especially with the islamist mayor of London you probably don’t know his background and what he stands for and who he used to work for do you little millennial? You’re probably not even real just another globalist bot pushing the anti-Morrissey propaganda. More than handful of countries in Europe will be devoured by Islam. In 60 to 80 years the Islamic Jihad will move from culture Jihad to Violent Jihad that’s what they have promised. Grow up. Yes and 60 years or so every day all day long 30 to 50 islamist will surround an Infidel and stab the Infidel 20 times real quick and walk away. And all of these European countries they will be picking up dead Infidel bodies off of the sidewalk every hour until they are an extreme minority then Islam will dominate. There’s no other way to get around it it will happen. So don’t blame Morrissey for showing some concern on the direction of Western civilization in Europe. It will be devoured there will be no more European culture in 100 years. You don’t have enough brains to think that far ahead apparently. What other reason are you urinating all over yourself over Morsi about? The fact that he called Chinese animals? Are you also ignorant to the fact that they skin dogs alive there and boil them alive they are despicable animals. You got a problem with somebody saying something like that about people that skin dogs alive? Can’t wait to hear your response about condemning Morrissey for calling Chinese animals for skinny dogs alive. Good luck with that buddy. I guess you fell for the globalist propaganda phrases like diversity is our strength and we’re all in this together and we can do this. You probably have a coexist sticker on the back of your car.
      Diversity is definitely great for all countries and the growth of culture but you don’t want to get completely outnumbered by islamist that want to wipe out all other religions and culture that’s not a good idea they know how to do it very well that’s what they do is wipe out countries and cultures. When Islam says it’s a religion of peace I don’t think you realize what they mean. What they mean is once they wipe out all other religions in dominate the world then there will be peace with Islam. You didn’t know that did you. Don’t have a knee-jerk reaction thinking I’m a racist I’m a realist. There are moderate Muslims and there are islamist. And it’s not like there are 95% moderate Muslims and 5% extremists the graph doesn’t work that way the graph goes diagonally from the left with a small percentage of moderate Muslims and it goes diagonally up to extremist radical islamist. So things start getting dangerous after the real 15% are actually moderate Muslims because all the ones in the middle will definitely lean towards the radical push because they have to because they know what’s going to be good for them if they don’t. Do you even know who the Muslim Brotherhood is and what they’re responsible for and what their goals are, what their official stated goals are? Do you know the difference between the Shia Muslims and the Sunni Muslims? Why don’t you educate yourself, seriously it’s fascinating the history of radical Islam. Or do you think to yourself it’s racist to even go there? I’m not writing this directly to you it’s just my response to you for everyone to read and hopefully the little twit arthur of this column that said – do you think Miley Cyrus the little nasty corporate music prostitute Googled Morrissey?

    • egomusic68-av says:

      Morrissey is a fascist? LOLTo be blunt there should be some concern about the future future and culture of many Western civilizations in europe. Islam will take over and wipe out half of Europe over the next 60 to 80 years meaning wiping out its culture and probably it’s economy and its citizens. Morrissey was pointing out the concern especially with the islamist mayor of London you probably don’t know his background and what he stands for and who he used to work for do you little millennial?You’re probably not even real just another globalist bot pushing the anti-Morrissey propaganda.More than handful of countries in Europe will be devoured by Islam. In 60 to 80 years the Islamic Jihad will move from culture Jihad to Violent Jihad that’s what they have promised. Grow up. Yes and 60 years or so every day all day long 30 to 50 islamist will surround an Infidel and stab the Infidel 20 times real quick and walk away. And all of these European countries they will be picking up dead Infidel bodies off of the sidewalk every hour until they are an extreme minority then Islam will dominate. There’s no other way to get around it it will happen. So don’t blame Morrissey for showing some concern on the direction of Western civilization in Europe. It will be devoured there will be no more European culture in 100 years. You don’t have enough brains to think that far ahead apparently. What other reason are you urinating all over yourself over Morsi about? The fact that he called Chinese animals? Are you also ignorant to the fact that they skin dogs alive there and boil them alive they are despicable animals. You got a problem with somebody saying something like that about people that skin dogs alive? Can’t wait to hear your response about condemning Morrissey for calling Chinese animals for skinny dogs alive. Good luck with that buddy.I guess you fell for the globalist propaganda phrases like diversity is our strength and we’re all in this together and we can do this. You probably have a coexist sticker on the back of your car.Diversity is definitely great for all countries and the growth of culture but you don’t want to get completely outnumbered by islamist that want to wipe out all other religions and culture that’s not a good idea they know how to do it very well that’s what they do is wipe out countries and cultures. When Islam says it’s a religion of peace I don’t think you realize what they mean. What they mean is once they wipe out all other religions in dominate the world then there will be peace with Islam. You didn’t know that did you. Don’t have a knee-jerk reaction thinking I’m a racist I’m a realist. There are moderate Muslims and there are islamist. And it’s not like there are 95% moderate Muslims and 5% extremists the graph doesn’t work that way the graph goes diagonally from the left with a small percentage of moderate Muslims and it goes diagonally up to extremist radical islamist. So things start getting dangerous after the real 15% are actually moderate Muslims because all the ones in the middle will definitely lean towards the radical push because they have to because they know what’s going to be good for them if they don’t. Do you even know who the Muslim Brotherhood is and what they’re responsible for and what their goals are, what their official stated goals are? Do you know the difference between the Shia Muslims and the Sunni Muslims? Why don’t you educate yourself, seriously it’s fascinating the history of radical Islam. Or do you think to yourself it’s racist to even go there? I’m not writing this directly to you it’s just my response to you for everyone to read and hopefully the little twit arthur of this column that said – do you think Miley Cyrus the little nasty corporate music prostitute Googled Morrissey?

    • radarskiy-av says:

      The more you ignore him, the closer he gets

  • garland137-av says:

    I know nothing about Morissey, so I have no idea if the title is sarcastic or not.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Bad news for Morrissey fans: You mean besides being a Morrissey fan?

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