NBC to keep Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show through at least 2021

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NBC to keep Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show through at least 2021
Jimmy Fallon Photo: Frazer Harrison

There’s some good news for fans of playing popular music with toy instruments, that “apology notes” bit, and the timeless comedic art of “breaking” today, as NBC has extended Jimmy Fallon’s contract as the host of The Tonight Show through the end of 2021. That almost certainly means that Jimmy Fallon will be sticking around, but history has shown us that NBC telling someone they’re hosting The Tonight Show doesn’t always mean they get to keep hosting The Tonight Show. Either way, Jimmy Fallon is currently the host of The Tonight Show and he will continue to be the host of The Tonight Show until the end of next year—assuming he doesn’t get another extension or Jay Leno shows up again and decides that he would rather have the job again. Do we make a similar joke every time something happens with The Tonight Show? Yeah, probably, but repeating a joke has never stopped us before.

This comes from Deadline, which notes that this extension comes as Fallon’s Tonight Show has a new showrunner (Jamie Granet-Bederman, stepping in for Gavin Purcell, who left to pursue a development deal with Universal Television). Also, apparently NBC is pulling for a Joe Biden win tomorrow since it will most likely mean “more of the levity that Fallon provides” in comparison to the political commentary of contemporaries like Stephen Colbert, whose Late Show started trouncing Fallon in the ratings during the Trump regime. Plus there’s the fact that the media will have fewer excuses to bring up that time Fallon playfully tousled Donald Trump’s hair if Biden wins. We’ll still bring it up all the time, but it won’t be as justified. But yeah, The Tonight Show will be more fun if Biden wins, and that’s as good a reason as any to hope things work out that way. Well, maybe not a good reason, but a reason, certainly.


  • recognitions-av says:

    I don’t know how he does it, but he consistently raises the art of celebrity interviews to the level of viscerally uncomfortable. They’re almost painful to watch. Even Dick Cavett didn’t manage this degree of awkwardness.

    • happyinparaguay-av says:

      If you want to watch truly painful celebrity interviews, you should check out The Eric Andre Show.

      • recognitions-av says:

        Yeah but aren’t those painful on purpose?

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:
          • recognitions-av says:

            Well men do enjoy humiliating women

          • fatmanmcgee-av says:

            God, you’re an idiot. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Said the guy who jumped into a post about domestic violence with a “I bet the feminists will hate me for tHIS” comment and then realizing they had no idea what they were talking about

          • fatmanmcgee-av says:

            …says the guy who never misses an opportunity to be a self-righteous asshole. I can learn from my mistakes. I’m pretty sure you think you’ve never made any. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            I definitely come to arguments better prepared than with boring ad hominems and insults.

          • mattballs-av says:

            Eric Andre does this with ALL of his guests, regardless of gender. It’s sorta his whole thing. Swing and a miss on this one, bud.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Could it be that the dynamics are completely different when it’s a man humiliating a woman in the context of a misogynist society? Naaaaah.

          • mattballs-av says:

            In the context of Eric Andre’s show? No. This is literally what he does to EVERY SINGLE GUEST ON HIS SHOW. You are inventing misogyny where there is none. It’s why people make fun of you all the time.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Oh, I didn’t realize that Eric Andre’s show was a magic place where the all-pervasive misogyny that infects every aspect of society can’t penetrate for some reason.

          • mattballs-av says:

            How is treating his guest equally somehow misogynist? There’d be a problem if he treated his woman guests differently, no? Or are women never to be made fun of or criticized, because misogyny exists? Misogyny exists, and this isn’t it. See how easy that is?

          • recognitions-av says:

            The world: routinely treats men better than womenYou, with a galaxy-brained take: compensating for society’s misogyny is in face misogyny itself

          • mattballs-av says:

            But not in this case. In this case she is being treated EXACTLY as well as any male guest on the show. Giving people special treatment because of their gender, is, however, sexist. Why do you presume that she can’t stand up to Eric Andre’s still of questioning as well as any man could? Why should Eric Andre assume that? You are coming off as so “woke” that you have swerved into patronizing.

          • recognitions-av says:

            What part of “compensating for society’s misogyny” did you not understandIt’s almost as if men and women are not on equal footing in society and that fact colors every interaction between them

          • mattballs-av says:

            SO what else should people have to compensate for by giving other people special treatment for no reason, whatsoever, and how did it fall on Eric fucking Andre to right the wrongs of society? Have you considered that the women who go on his show choose to do so, and are also familiar with his style, and are ok with it? Have you considered to asking everyone to treat all women like delicate wilting flowers at all times is super fucking patronizing, and borderline sexist? Should Eric Andre just roll out the red carpet and fawn over his female guests in some misguided attempt at righting societies wrongs, or, since his whole show is, and always has been, based on these types of interactions with his guests (once again, make or female), should he just stopping having women on his show? You really do come off as a troll trying to act “woke” to make actual “woke” people look stupid. Like a reverse Borat.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Why do you keep acting like compensating for society’s misogyny is sexism when it’s not

          • mattballs-av says:

            Because compensating by giving special treatment, especially when that special treatment is to protect the women folk from the scary comedian is sexist. Assuming that women don’t know who he is, or what he does, is sexist. Expecting to tone down his entire act in order for women to be compensated for…something is sexist. You are a parody of a “woke” man, aren’t you? “PLEASE PROTECT THE WEAK WOMEN FROM THE FUNNY MAN!” is sexist. If he treated his female guests differently from his male guests, you might (MIGHT!) have a point, but since he doesn’t, you are being patronizing as FUCK. And when did it become the shock comedian’s place to compensate for society’s wrongs? Compensating for sexism by, say, passing laws that say “equal pay for equal work!” and programs to help women get into STEM are good. Telling comedians to take it easy on women (none of what he said was gender based or remotely misogynist) isn’t like those things.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I bet you’re one of those guys that thinks affirmative action is “reverse discrimination”

          • mattballs-av says:

            Hey look, you made a dumb assumption about a person you don’t know, and were dead wrong! Imagine that! Not everyone who disagrees with you is a regressive MAGA bigot, some people just think you are an obnoxious concern troll who inserts shit like misogyny in places where it doesn’t exist just to have something to moan about. Eric Andre treating his female guests EXACTLY THE SAME WAY he treats his male guests isn’t fucking misogyny, it’s just treating everyone the fucking same. And I don’t see how you jumped to affirmative action here, unless Eric Andre isn’t hiring enough women or POC on his show, but the clip that was posted has fuck all to do with that, so, once again, making issues up where none exist. You know it’s 2020 when some moron is whining that treating all guests equally is some form of discrimination, regardless of their gender. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            So do you agree with affirmative action, yes or no

          • mattballs-av says:

            What part about my post was unclear? I think that levelling the playing field for people who have historically been held back is good and helpful (be it in the workplace, education, whatever). I also think that Eric Andre treating the women on his show differently from the men (as you seem to be demanding) isn’t that. Clear? When you make a baseless assumption about someone, and they tell you that your stupid assumption is wrong, maybe just accept that you said something stupid instead of trying to play GOTCHA! This is why no one likes you on here and assumes you are a troll. Because you post JUST like a right wing bigot trying to pretend to be progressive. Getting strong “As a black man, I think Trump is the best!” type vibes off of you.

          • recognitions-av says:

            So you still can’t answer the question yes or no?

          • mattballs-av says:

            I answered your dumb question. Not my problem if you have issues reading between the lines, troll.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Not sure why it’s so hard for you to say either yes or no

          • mattballs-av says:

            I don’t know why you have such trouble with simple reading comprehension, but here we are.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Maybe because I still haven’t seen a yes or no answer in any of your comments

          • mattballs-av says:

            “Just so it’s extra clear for your dumb ass, I support affirmative action, and I don’t see what the fuck that has to do with Eric Andre’s interview style”

          • recognitions-av says:

            Not seeing that in any of your comments tho

          • mattballs-av says:

            I quoted my own comment. Scroll up, you’ll see it. Right before Ugh.’s comment.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Ah. Strange that you couldn’t have just replied to one of my comments with the answer. Regardless, then the question becomes; why is it that an attempt to consider context is valid when it comes to racism but not misogyny?

          • mattballs-av says:

            Because being asked questions on a late night comedy show isn’t the same fucking thing as going to college or getting a job (and affirmative action isn’t just for race, it also applies to gender). Women and POC have historically been kept out of workplaces, schools and what not, and affirmative action corrects this.Talk show host asks silly questions and sometimes (always) makes his guests looks like fools doesn’t address any systemic issues. It’s just you weirdly demanding that he treat women differently from all his male guests because misogyny, which makes zero fucking sense.And I did answer your dumb question, minutes after you asked it. Not my problem if you missed my answer in your zeal to GOTCHA! me.

          • tk-tonkey-kong-av says:

            Bro I feel so bad for you. recognitions is just hopping to different arguments whenever she hits a wall. “Its Sexist! He’s treating her bad! You don’t support affirmative action! Why could you reply sooner that you support affirmative action!”…..I don’t know where she’s trying to go with the racism piece now though lol

          • mattballs-av says:

            Just so it’s extra clear for your dumb ass, I support affirmative action, and I don’t see what the fuck that has to do with Eric Andre’s interview style (which again, is the same, regardless of the gender of his guests). Is that clear enough for you now, Reverse Borat?

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Well, you served his purpose for the early afternoon.To put a finer point on it: this circular argument thing? That’d be the entire point. I suppose there are weirder hobbies. Not many, but some.

          • mattballs-av says:

            Yeah, I realize what a massive waste of time it is, but I was bored earlier today. COVID unemployment got me looking for ways to pass the day. What’s your take on our friendly neighbourhood recognitions? Overzealous moron, or bad faith troll?

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Hobby to blow off steam, fed by actual sentiment in all likelihood.I’ve been there. At a certain point, one realizes how pointless and pride-fueled the entire activity is.Transition basically looks like this:

          • mattballs-av says:

            His arguments just look so much like a right winder doing a parody of a progressive, I don’t know what to believe anymore. And his weird habit of constantly attacking people who essentially agree with him. Either way, I’ve spent more time thinking about him and his bad arguments than I probably should, and you are 100% correct about arguing on the interet…but like I said…6 months out of work and counting.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I hope you find something!

          • mattballs-av says:

            So do I, buddy, so do I. Thanks though!

      • rasan-av says:

        Now with

    • blpppt-av says:

      Kilborn was pretty cringe worthy in interviews too. It was the thing I immediately noticed when Stewart took over.From what I saw of the Late Late Show, he didn’t really get any better.

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      This reminds me of the Dick Cavett story (I may have told this one elsewhere, and if I have, feel free to interject) where he was at a dinner party and was enjoying a conversation with three famous friends of his when one of them, Groucho Marx, if memory serves, said the most profound thing…

    • mwfuller-av says:

      Rick Moranis used to do a mean Dick Cavett back in his SCTV days.

    • wilderhair2-av says:

      Fuck off. Cavett is a wonderful interviewer.

    • fatmanmcgee-av says:

      I thought I saw Dick Cavett on an episode of TNG, but it ended up being one of Khan’s guys from TWOK. I was bummed. 

  • dinoironbodya-av says:

    If Biden wins I wonder if people are still gonna blame Fallon or SNL or South Park for Trump winning.

    • benji-ledgerman-av says:

      What?If Biden wins… people will blame [whatever] for Trump winning?Did you mean to say, “If Trump wins, I wonder…”?

    • mattballs-av says:

      Why wouldn’t they? Just because they aren’t fucking up this year like they did last election doesn’t mean that they didn’t fuck up last election.

  • bluedogcollar-av says:

    I know, when his contract is up, NBC should give Fallon every 10 – 11 PM slot five nights a week. Five hours of primetime Fallon every week. Viewers will love it. Advertisers will go crazy. Local affiliates will love what it does to their ratings as a lead in to their 11 PM news. I’m a business genius!Can someone please hire me now to run CNN? I understand that’s all it takes to get the job.

  • toronto-will-av says:

    A 1-year extension—only two months before the new year begins—does not seem like all that much of a vote of confidence. It’s relatively short-term, for an 11:35 slot late show. Doing a search, Colbert got a three-year extension to 2023, nine months before his contract would have otherwise expired.Replacing the late night host is not something NBC would do out of the blue. Obviously with Conan they had the charade where he continued running his 12:35 show for like a year+ while everyone understood he was the late night host in waiting. Fallon was also announced as Leno’s replacement a full year ahead of time.So a 1-year extension through 2021 is… if anything, greasing the skids to announce Fallon’s replacement in the new year.

    • bostonbeliever-av says:

      Plus trying to introduce a new host to audiences during a pandemic is an uphill battle. Execs prefer to wait until studio filming can be consistently safe.

    • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

      Every time I start to feel a bit bad for Jimmy Fallon because of how much everyone hates him, I think about how he’s basically the poster boy (besides Trump) for sucking at what you do and still failing upwards.

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      Yeah, “We’ve renewed our contract with the host of our network’s flagship late night show, a television institution that has been running for over 60 years, for ONE FULL YEAR!” is a pretty clear way of saying something very loudly without ever saying it explicitly.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I don’t care if it’s a different network, and I don’t hate Fallon, but the fact that he has this job when Craig Ferguson has nothing really steams my Cleveland. 

    • robert-denby-av says:

      You know what I’d like to see? Craig Ferguson hosting a Graham Norton-style panel chat show. He seems like he’d be good at getting some real conversation going.Not sure if Ferguson would be down with that kind of approach, and I’m fairly confident that the suits at NBC would never go for changing the Tonight Show format.

    • peterbread-av says:

      Ferguson should be on TV somewhere doing something, but I thought he was done with the whole late night chat thing and didn’t want Letterman’s job even if they’d offered it to him.

    • typingbob-av says:

      Ferguson’s a God. Who else rips up the questions, on the way to a Peabody? These days, we have Trump and Corden …

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Somebody once called him “Buzzfeed Leno,” which I thought it was brilliant. This back when some people thought Buzzfeed was the hottest shit on the intertubes. 

  • marshalgrover-av says:

    The queue video for the Jimmy Fallon attraction at Universal Studios is one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.

  • gterry-av says:

    Whenever I think of the tonight show I often wonder if Conan ever regrets not taking that offer to stay on as host with the show moved to a 12:05 start time. I mean if he did Leno probably only would have last a few years at 11:35 then he would have been host free and clear. Because as much as I loved Late Night with Conan O’Brien I don’t think I have ever watched his TBS show (although his podcast is awesome).Then again if Conan stays at NBC we probably don’t get Late Night with Seth Myers and that would be terrible.

  • rasan-av says:

    Who gives a shit when Desus & Mero are doing it better than everyone else?

    • bostonbeliever-av says:

      The Tonight Show with Desus & Mero sounds nice to my ears.

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        I would watch that. I wanna see Tom Hanks in a Yankees hat and Tims eating a bodega sandwich in the Bronx. 

      • mattballs-av says:

        Nah, they are better off in their little Showtime bubble. I am sure Showtime gives them a LOT more creative control than regular network TV would. And Desus and Mero without swearing/sucio boy shit wouldn’t hit the same.

        • bostonbeliever-av says:

          It would be a huge shift in presentation. More interview time, fewer clip shows probably. And I agree that they’d probably have to sand down some of their humor (and they wouldn’t be able to literally drink on set lmao or at least not as conspicuously), but it would still be the most exciting, adventurous network late night show by far. And I trust them to make it work if they want it.

          • mattballs-av says:

            See, I think they’d lose that exciting adventurous edge if they were to go onto network late night. Their show is as refreshing and fun as it is because of the way it’s structured. And I don’t think they can, or would, change their comedy style to make it more NBC friendly. 

          • taumpytearrs-av says:

            Stuffing Colbert into the network late-night format made me uninterested in him after following him for more than a decade on cable (Strangers with Candy, Daily Show, Colbert Report), I can only imagine how much of their appeal Desus and Mero would lose moving from pay cable to network TV.

  • rasan-av says:

    Who gives a shit when Desus & Mero are doing it better than everyone else?

  • rasan-av says:

    Who gives a shit when Desus & Mero are doing it better than everyone else?

  • kevinkap-av says:

    Norm Macdonald deserves the slot, but Craig Ferguson should also still be in consideration for late night.Norm and Craig deserve it for being true comedians who would have great interviews. 

  • douglasd-av says:

    For the love of the gods, why?

  • mwfuller-av says:

    But I plan to vote him out of office on November 3rd.

  • w00dm4n-av says:

    if Trump doesn’t win you can say good bye to talk shows.i mean it’s all they go on and on about.

    • cartagia-av says:

      Yeah, they definitely didn’t exist for 60 years before him.

    • labbla-av says:

      It just means they’ll have more to talk about than the president we are constantly tormented with and will be better for it.

    • mattballs-av says:

      And newspapers and comedy shows, and a whole heap of other things that existed when there wasn’t an orange maniac as president. I mean, who ever heard of talk shows prior to 2016, right? Must be some sort of deep state plot.

  • fatmanmcgee-av says:

    Just popping in to say, who gives a shit when Desus & Mero are doing it better than everyone else?

  • fever-dog-av says:

    Who gives a shit when Crassus & Nero are doing it better than everyone else?

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