Necrophilia and human centipedes: 9 works of pop culture we avoid on reputation alone

Aux Features Caitlin
Necrophilia and human centipedes: 9 works of pop culture we avoid on reputation alone
L to R: A Serbian Film, Martyrs, Saló Graphic: Allison Corr

This week’s question comes from The A.V. Club TV Editor, Erik Adams:

What scary pop culture will you not engage with based on reputation alone?

previous arrowAmnesia: The Dark Descent next arrow

Last summer, a friend let me borrow her Playstation VR set so I could experience the astonishing and slightly headache-inducing world of virtual reality, but I balked at trying the one game she loaned me: Resident Evil 7. When I did work myself up to trying it out, I made it as far as looking through the very first doorway before promptly taking off the visor and never returning. All of which is to say I have a hard time with video game horror, more so than film. The participatory nature of games makes everything more immediate. So I know for certain I will never play Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The game came out eight years ago and I’m no closer to giving it a try now than when it was released to an enthusiastic critical response for being so damn scary. What’s it about? I don’t know. What happens in the game that’s so terrible? Not sure, and I’ll never have an answer for you. I got spooked by the DS title Dementium and that game had pixels the size of bricks. There’s no way I’m touching anything more sophisticated. [Nick Wanserski]

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