Necrophilia and human centipedes: 9 works of pop culture we avoid on reputation alone

Aux Features Caitlin
Necrophilia and human centipedes: 9 works of pop culture we avoid on reputation alone
L to R: A Serbian Film, Martyrs, Saló Graphic: Allison Corr

This week’s question comes from The A.V. Club TV Editor, Erik Adams:

What scary pop culture will you not engage with based on reputation alone?

previous arrowSlender next arrow

I will confess to being, if not a fan, than at least mildly appreciative of nearly every film mentioned by my co-workers above. (Well, not Faces Of Death, that’s just garbage.) Martyrs is fantastic. Salò is difficult but a powerful achievement. Hell, I even think —the first one, mind you, not the junky sequels—are daffily humorous. There’s not really a film I would avoid at this point. So let’s bring this list full circle and return to video games, the medium that best retains the power to scare me silly. For whatever reason, the thing that I will never, ever attempt to play is Slender, the . When it first came out roughly a decade ago, I was curious enough to check out a quick YouTube video of it (right before going to bed no less, a brilliant move on my part), and the damn thing chilled me to my core. Walking around the woods at night is scary enough without having to worry that there’s something waiting to give you the jump scare of your life. Never will I ever. I will, however, watch goofy reaction videos of other people playing it. [Alex McLevy]

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