Necrophilia and human centipedes: 9 works of pop culture we avoid on reputation alone

Aux Features Caitlin
Necrophilia and human centipedes: 9 works of pop culture we avoid on reputation alone
L to R: A Serbian Film, Martyrs, Saló Graphic: Allison Corr

This week’s question comes from The A.V. Club TV Editor, Erik Adams:

What scary pop culture will you not engage with based on reputation alone?

previous arrowThe Human Centipede next arrow

I’m pulling up the rear, so a lot of items on my “don’t see” list have already been checked off. But here’s one more from the gross-out pile: Get the fuck out of here with The Human Centipede. Doesn’t matter if it’s First Sequence, Full Sequence, or Final Sequence. Doesn’t matter that the titular surgical creation is constructed in such a way that you never actually see the characters defecating into each others’ mouths. Of all the torture-porn titles we’ve cited here, Tom Six’s “100% medically accurate” provocation is the one built solely to abuse its audience, which I understand it does in part by being a tedious, poorly made film. At least there’s supposed to be some larger point to Salò and Martyrs; The Human Centipede is just some asshole flashing a feature-length shit-eating grin. [Erik Adams]

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