Netflix puffs its chest, drops star-studded trailer of 2021 film lineup

Aux Features Film
Netflix puffs its chest, drops star-studded trailer of 2021 film lineup
Screenshot: Netflix

Not one to be outdone by the IP machine that is Disney+, Netflix just eschewed an exhausting investor’s day presentation for a tidy 3-minute trailer previewing every movie it has slotted for 2021. The streamer is promising to drop a new movie every week, the majority of which are brimming with A-list stars and high-concept premises. Oscar bait, prestige drama, horror, sci-fi, and romantic comedies—even that Fear Street trilogy we never thought was going to actually happen.

Gal Gadot, Ryan Reynolds, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson kick off the clip, which advertises their upcoming movie Red Notice, and stars like Halle Berry, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Joey King, and Dave Bautista also make appearances alongside the myriad of clips.

Check it out below:

More to come…


  • bartongeorgedawes-av says:

    man that was lame Netflix. I couldn’t stomach it past one minute of the three minute runtime. probably doesn’t help that I’m hungover.

  • murrychang-av says:

    Still pissed about The OA over here:(

    • bdough76-av says:

      It was decent, but needed to be reigned in. The octopus scene was when they jumped the shark

      • murrychang-av says:

        And see I thought that’s where it REALLY started to get good.
        I also got what they were going for in the whole first season.It was not a series for everyone, that’s for sure.

        • briliantmisstake-av says:

          Agreed! Giant psychic octopus was a peak, not a valley. I was so curious to see where they would go in S3. 

          • murrychang-av says:

            Yep! That’s what I mean, it’s not for everyone. If you can’t dig the giant psychic octopus then it’s not for you. Nothing wrong with that at all, if we all liked the same things the world would be a boring ‘ol place.

      • peon21-av says:

        An octopus jumps a shark!?I need to start watching immediately.

      • agobair303-av says:

        An octopus jumped a shark?! SPOILERS!

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Getting stars for movies isn’t there problem. Being unable to make good movies is the problem.

  • cathleenburner-av says:

    You’d think if anyone could sell a line to the camera it would be a professional actor, but judging by this trailer… eek.

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      I think this kind of promo stuff is pretty tossed-off/low priority for some of these guys. Like “you want me to say what now? ok ok I got it. I have a call in a few minutes, just start filming.” 

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    I didn’t see Mank 2: Still Manking It anywhere in there, so I officially don’t care.

  • nuerosonic-av says:

    And, independent of the pandemic, you won’t be able to watch any in theaters. 

  • agobair303-av says:

    Nice to see Thunderforce throwing the cliche that superheroes need to look buff and cut to have super strength. Here’s hoping that it’s not a silly stupid comedy but something with heart.

    • Brodka-av says:

      It’s more than that. A character like Superman couldn’t get buff. He would have no way of building muscle. His body would look like someone in zero G who never has to move anything massive. His muscles would atrophy and he’d be skinny or fat depending on his diet. Not muscular. Building muscle takes resistance. How is Superman going to work his delts?

    • dammitspaz-av says:

      Umm, it’s totally going to be a silly, stupid comedy….

      • chris-finch-av says:

        a silly, stupid comedy where the joke revolves around how these superheroes aren’t buff and cut.

        • dammitspaz-av says:

          Sadly, that’s what I expect – but I’ll still watch it.It’ll be “Spy”, but with super-heroes instead of espionage.

  • nilus-av says:

    This trailer makes me wonder why I still pay for Netflix

    • this-guy-av says:

      I’ve been questioning that for months, but just keep it going. The only thing I really watched lately was the office when I wanted some background noise to cancel out the loneliness of working from home.  Now that’s gone, I spend a few minutes browsing each day hoping for something that I overlooked.

      • nilus-av says:

        My issue is that when I am bored and flipping streaming services, its still one of my go to and I end up watching a stupid fake documentary about aliens. Plus the kids love Hilda

      • pedrobanannas-av says:

        I’m the opposite. I feel like there is plenty of content to justify the monthly fee. Certainly I could live without 75% of the content but that still leaves me with plenty to choose from.  The service isn’t designed just for me after all.  What type of content would you be looking for? I’m just curious as maybe I’m missing out on some other streaming service.

        • this-guy-av says:

          My problem is that I binge too much, when I find something that I like I’ll go through a season a day.  Working from home, I like to put something on when doing mundane tasks throughout the day.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      “You know why.”- Twelve Seasons of Trailer Park Boys

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      I tried to cull some of my streaming services but the wife wouldn’t let Netflix go so all I got rid of was Amazon Prime. Netflix keeps getting more expensive and keeps having less stuff I want to watch. I think at this point Big Mouth and F is for Family are the only originals I look forward to. But my wife watches probably about 50% of her TV on Netflix, as she has a soft spot for sitcom mediocrity and crappy children’s programming. Me: “There is nothing to watch, why are we paying for this?”My wife: binges Joey from Friends generic new family sitcom

      • nilus-av says:

        I don’t count Amazon Prime as a streaming service.  We use it for so much more then streaming.  But I do need to cull some of the ones we have

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          That’s why I cut it, we had ordered maybe two things off Amazon in the last year, so we were pretty much just paying for streaming (and we had finished Fleabag and Catastrophe, pretty much the only exclusives we really wanted to see).

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    I’m personally SO excited about Melissa McCarthy’s new “comedy” role where she plays an overweight punchline that’s gross, loud and obnoxious the entire time. Then, in interviews; she’ll complain how there are no positive roles for plus size women.

  • syafiqjabar-av says:

    The most surprising thing here is the appearance of The Snyder Cut.

  • boombayadda-av says:

    come on Netflex was right there…I’ll see myself out

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    If Netflix had real creative guts they’d release all of these movies edited haphazardly together as a single 90 minute film.

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