Rest assured, no billionaire feelings were hurt in making the Tom Brady roast

Tom Brady wasn’t actually mad about that Bob Kraft crack and Netflix edited out those Kardashian-related boos

Aux News Roast
Rest assured, no billionaire feelings were hurt in making the Tom Brady roast
Tom Brady getting roasted
Screenshot: Netflix

Nothing says billionaires are funny, normal people that are in no way thin-skinned like editing boos out of an event designed to make celebrities look like good sports. Two days removed from Netflix’s so-called The Greatest Roast Of All Time, a.k.a. The Roast Of Tom Brady, the streamer and participants are already playing damage control. First up: former Roastmaster General Jeff Ross assured Rich Eisen on The Rich Eisen Show that Tom Brady wasn’t offended by a joke about New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft allegedly soliciting a sex worker at a Flordia massage parlor. Though many eagle-eyed viewers were quick to point out that Brady told Ross not to “say that shit again,” Ross said Brady was “just having fun.”

During his set, Ross joked that on Brady’s first day with the Patriots, Brady walked into Kraft’s office and said, “I’m the best decision your organization ever made. Would you like a massage?” The joke references a 2019 incident in which Robert Kraft was arrested in a police sting operation that showed Kraft allegedly paying employees of a Florida massage parlor for sex. The charges were dropped because police illegally installed a surveillance system to catch Kraft, making the evidence inadmissible, and the case was dismissed. After Ross hit the punchline to a chorus of laughs (even though the joke barely makes sense), Brady whispered into Ross’ ear, “Don’t say that shit again.”

Rest assured, Tom Brady was not mad, and neither was Kraft. “Robert Kraft is like a father figure to [Brady],” says Ross. Who wouldn’t want someone mocking their father’s sexual improprieties? Not Kraft, who Ross says “loved” the joke. Kraft and Ross had “a great talk afterward,” and the Patriots owner “was so happy” that he got “a shout-out and a salute” to the time he was arrested for allegedly soliciting sex at a massage parlor.

But the massaging was not over. Per The Hollywood Reporter, that chorus of boos Kim Kardashian received at the Roast has been edited out of the footage. The boos were quite distinct live and are apparent in videos of the broadcast, but the version that now lives on Netflix sees Kardashian walking the stage to a smattering of applause. Nothing wild, but respectable. Still, we don’t want a situation in the future where Kim Kardashian refuses to roast football players who are desperately trying to convince people that they have a very good sense of humor. That would be the nail in the coffin for comedy.


  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    I thought the “live” aspect was the big draw.Editing out anything embarrassing kind of kills that.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Yes but maybe they’re hoping it will make people get Netflix next time in order to see it live and unedited.  That would be a bad bet in my opinion but who knows.

  • yellowfoot-av says:
  • iggypoops-av says:

    I’d like to propose a new reality series called “Kulling the Kardashians” — it’s a combination of Squid Game and… um… like umm… ok, it’s just an excuse to kill a kontestant every week until there is just one left. And then that one too. 

  • charleslame-av says:


  • dk1979-av says:

    You just knew with how unhinged the roast got, that they would edit the shit out of it afterwards.Im surprised they haven’t cut the 1000 Tom is gay jokes yet. Even though they were some of the funniest jokes. Runner up to only every Aaron Hernandez joke, which were all killer.

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    If we had our heads on straight and our eyes open, it wouldn’t just be billionaire’s feelings getting hurt.

  • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

    It’s really funny that in an age when supposedly woke is run amok… the only joke from this roast that people find controversial is about a billionaire literally breaking the law.

  • vegtam1297-av says:

    I think these comments by Ross prove that Brady was actually upset. People originally said “No, it’s part of the bit”, which didn’t make sense in the first place. But this proves it definitely wasn’t a bit, or else that’s how Ross would have defended it.And it’s clear Ross was just giving the safe answer. What is he going to say, “Yeah, he was pissed”? No, he’s going to smooth it over. He knows he gains nothing by risking angering Brady and others more. Every word of this response said “Yeah, he was actually upset, and that reaction was genuine, but it’s OK, no big deal”.

    • budsmom-av says:

      I thought I remembered Ross talking about the roasts on a podcast once and he said the roastee and participants know what the majority of the jokes will be. I have no idea why Brady would agree to do this. He knows people hate him, what did he think was going to happen?  I just hung around for Peyton Manning, I had to FF thru most of it to get to him at the end. Kraft, Belichick and Brady are cheating assholes.  Fuck the lot of them. 

    • tonywatchestv-av says:

      I agree, and it looks better on him overall that he was upset, at least in an ‘I can make fun of my family, but you can’t make fun of my family’ sort of way. That Kraft was ‘honoured’ to be mentioned in such a way is … weird. It’s weird that they’d edit out the Kardashian boos, what with many unpopular roasters over the years, but I remember thinking that she did quite well. Better than the 45 minutes of Kevin Hart to open it up, anyway.

  • chippowell-av says:

    Ross should have stayed with his original joke “I wouldn’t fuck Tom Brady with Robert Kraft’s dick!”

  • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

    Why does every single facial expression Tom Brady makes look like he’s simultaneously struggling to solve an algebra equation and also smelling a fart?

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