Russell Brand reportedly left Roast Battle in 2018 after getting roasted for being a predator

Russell Brand was accused of rape by multiple women in a report published this weekend

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Russell Brand reportedly left Roast Battle in 2018 after getting roasted for being a predator
Russell Brand Photo: Jeff Spicer

Although Russell Brand vehemently denies accusations of rape from four women published by The Times and Channel 4 this past weekend, he can’t outrun the fact that his unsavory character seems to have been an open secret among insider circles for years.

Per a new report from Deadline, Brand (who did not respond to the outlet’s requests for comment) was dropped from his position as a judge on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle, his last major U.K. television job, over multiple, on-camera accusations of him being a “sexual predator.” This was back in 2018, per the outlet, who spoke to multiple anonymous sources close to the production.

The allegations, per Deadline’s reporting, came from fellow judge and comedian Katherine Ryan but never made it to the final cut of the series. Ryan previously spoke about the incident on the BBC series Louis Theroux Interviews..., saying, “I—in front of loads of people, in the format of the show—said to this person’s face that they are a predator.” While Ryan didn’t name Brand or Roast Battle at the time (she said it would be a “litigious minefield” because she had not been personally assaulted by Brand), Deadline has confirmed that the comedian was indeed her subject in light of the Times report.

Brand was “absolutely furious” at the comments and asked producers to protect him from being roasted by his fellow judges (mutual roasting, of course, being the point of the show). The show’s production company, Fulwell 73, allegedly became increasingly uncomfortable with the rumors and Brand’s reputation, and used his reluctance to participate in the show’s concept as an excuse to fire him after only one season. Brand has all but disappeared from the small screen in the years since, instead re-styling himself as an “alternative media broadcaster” and lifestyle guru.

Unfortunately, all of these accusations don’t seem to have deterred Brand’s biggest supporters. The comedian received a standing ovation at a Wembley gig Saturday night after the report was released. Elon Musk also weighed in, posting “I support Russell Brand. That man is not evil.” on X Sunday morning.


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Russell Brand, seen here really leaning into his Broseph the Vampire persona.

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    “Elon Musk also weighed in, posting “I support Russell Brand. That man is not evil.””

    Fuck, that’s the harshest roast yet.

  • trickster_qc-av says:

    Not being evil does not mean not being a rapist or an abuser! 

    • daveassist-av says:

      In right-wing/conservative circles, rape is becoming less and less evil and more “a matter of inconvenience that women should simply tolerate.”Much like forced pregnancy due to rape, as an example.

      • trickster_qc-av says:

        From what I read, some right-wing/conservative circles are almost saying that women should embrace these situations.

        I would be lying if I said that these point of views were not bringing shivers down my spine. And also making me gag. 

      • curiousorange-av says:

        Julian Assange shows that it’s a far left thing as well though. Being ‘anti-establishment’ means rape accusations are always just a conspiracy against you.

        • dilectus123-av says:

          Is Julian Assange even far left anymore though? I mean he was. But I get the feeling he has embraced the misinformation-sphere out of shared disdain for Hillary Clinton.

          His proximity to Roger Stone makes it hard to argue he’s far left.

          • curiousorange-av says:

            Supporting Russia and attacking the US was a far left thing. It’s pretty wild that it’s also pretty much a Republican mainstream opinion now as well. The far left and far right crossover is incredible. It’s giving the likes of Glenn Greenwald a nice living.

        • daveassist-av says:

          I haven’t spent much time on him, but is he really “far left” or was that mostly a front for popularity?
          Going from a different angle, Hollywood execs will try to tout “liberal” credentials, but get below a shallow surface and it’s all as repressingly conservative as far as human relations and rights as can be.

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          far left lol

        • knappsterbot-av says:

          What far left establishment smeared Assange exactly?

          • docnemenn-av says:

            I think that’s the Curious Oranj’s point: they’re not, but Assange is using his anti-establishment credentials as a kind of “they’re out to get me” shield against rape allegations.

          • knappsterbot-av says:

            Yeah I think you’re right, but has he ever really expressed far left sentiment? I always associated him with a general cyberpunk anarchism more than socialism/communism.

          • curiousorange-av says:

            Reading is hard for some I guess.

      • gargsy-av says:


        Sure, becoming.

      • fever-dog-av says:

        What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!  You should thank me, actually.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    I never really noticed it before, but Brand looks a lot like Jordan Peterson, if he’d been raised by happy-go-lucky cultists instead of sad and alcoholic cultists.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    Oh, well if ELON supports him… he’s definitely GUILTY (Seriously. NOT said in sarcasm).

  • name-to-come-later-av says:

    I wonder if the man had enough foresight to do his rightwing drift as an ‘alternative thinker’ in order to be able to say this is an attempt to cancel me when these accusations finally came to light, or if it was just a mask off slip that happens to benefit him. 

  • jerdp01-av says:

    He is a staunch anti-royalist. So, he does have a very powerful enemy at home that would like to silence him. I would have to hear all the stories to decide if there is any merit to the accusations.

    • ohdearlittleman-av says:

      This is mind-boggling. I guarantee you that no-one with power gives enough of a fuck about Brand to frame him for anything. He’s actually less relevant to public life than ever before, thanks to his alt-right grifter reinvention.

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        If anything I expect Russell Brand will soon be hosted by Prince Andrew.

        • evanfowler-av says:

          Ah yes, the Windsors, setting progressive standards since 1901. On fire, I mean. Setting progressive standards on fire since 1901.

      • senorfartcushion-av says:

        I don’t think that is what they’re getting at. At this point in time Brand has been free of criticism until this week in September 2023. Why that long? It doesn’t discount anything they have done, but it does question “why” this report has been made. Sure people can be afraid of talking about horrible things that have happened to you, but there has been a clear crossroads between the power of the victim and the perpetrator. If Brand wasn’t up there as the new Joe Rogan (or whatever) would this have happened? Or would he have been bailed out (like he might have been) if anyone were to speak out. There are certain people who have done the same reprehensible things that are basically free of scrutiny, including the current President of The United States. It’s not a conspiracy thing, more of a political loyalty thing. If Brand was a staunch critic of Republicans and only a staunch critic of Republicans, would his villainous past be outed at all? 

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      For the love of God, tell me you are being sarcastic.

    • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

      Enjoy the compensation you’ll receive for peddling this absolute hogwash.This assumes you’re being paid. If you aren’t, that is sad beyond thought.

    • nomidiandialog-av says:

      Why would anyone care that he’s an anti royalist? Why would the Monarchy care?
      Not trying to insult or attack you. I seriously am asking. I do not see why anyone in the monargy would care that he doesnt like them or says bad things. Why would that matter? Why would they care? Why would anyone?

    • philyskidog-av says:

      Dude is a conspiracy nut job You Tuber now, he’s been digging his own grave for some time now.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “So, he does have a very powerful enemy at home that would like to silence him.”


    • buriedaliveopener-av says:


    • skiwi2-av says:

      #BlessYourHeart /s
      Attempted obfuscation noted – and dismissed!
      Now do Lauren Boobert!
      Just go away apologist…

    • nycpaul-av says:

      Let me have a toke of that.

    • t06660-av says:

      Yep, because the British Crown, which has been in place like… forever, instead of focusing on all the other 249275238750 legitimacy issues they have in modern times, will definitely focus all its energies on the real danger: Russell Brand.   

    • libsexdogg-av says:

      Never let it be said that there’s any take too bizarre for somebody to earnestly make in internet comment sections. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I would have to hear all the stories to decide if there is any merit to the accusations.”

      Well, lucky for us all in that you can go fuck yourself because your opinion means literally nothing.

    • earlydiscloser-av says:

      Bollocks. The royals have money but virtually no other power at all. There are literal millions of anti-royalists including, Johnny Marr, Phillip Pullman, me, the Proclaimers, Jeremy Corbyn, all the protesters who attended the new King’s coronation etc. Nobody silenced the Sex Pistols.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      How many accusations have there been against staunch anti-royalist Ben Elton over the decades? Or Frankie Boyle? All the others?
      No one cares what you decide has merit.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      The royal family convinced comedian Katherine Ryan to falsely implicate another comedian as a predator but not specifically name him several years ago, and then reveal it to be Brand now? Man, they really know how to play the long game.

    • bossk1-av says:

      You could jst like read all the very credible stories first before suggsting maybe the royals framed him.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:
    • suboxone-av says:

      Lyndon Larouche has weighed in.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      Oh give me a fucking break. The Royal Family has far bigger concerns than a washed-up comedian. 

    • zerosumtp-av says:

      Wow, you’ve really cracked the case of Sid and Nancy. Wonder how John Lydon still walks among us.

    • dapoot-av says:

      King Charlie framed Brand ! What is Da King hiding?

    • vancouverred-av says:

      The monarchy has enough problems of their own—they don’t have the bandwidth to be involved in Brand’s long-overdue reckoning. Come on. 

  • daveassist-av says:

    Did a certain someone hear Trump bragging about “being a star” and sexual assault to Billy Bush and decide that this was the way to go?

  • bikebrh-av says:

    I honestly never understood how he got famous. He’s always been an unfunny jackass, now he is an unfunny jackass that is always lecturing people.

    • zythides-av says:

      Agreed. He’s always come across as a burned-out hardcore drug user who never truly left the gutter he lived in for several years. Also, between the fried brain and trashy accent, I can’t understand a freakin’ word he says.

      • brobinso54-av says:

        I agree. And because of that fried egg brain of his, how does he even know what he did or didn’t do to these women? Wasn’t a big part of his act how high and fucked up he was for so long??

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      about…20 year ago when he was a full-blown drug addict mtv2 uk used to send him to clubs and interview people who were also pilled out. it was kind of funny, and he dressed a little gender bendery so he had a brand (no pun intended).it used to be so easy haha.

    • almightyajax-av says:

      So this was over 10 years ago now, but at the time it was one of the few Russell Brand bits I’d ever seen (I was not familiar with “Get Me to the Greek” which seems to have been where a lot of US people first heard of him) and I thought it was legitimately funny and well-delivered.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      I used to skip forward every time he was a guest on the Stern Show back in the early 2000s. Just absolutely unbearable with that voice alone.

    • drh3b-av says:

      I always thought he was a funny guest on talk shows, and I agreed with his politics until a few years ago when he started to “both sides” things without seemingly understanding that one side was much worse than the other.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Yeah but when “both sides” is represented by liberal capitalist vs. conservative capitalist, the respectively better side doesn’t oppose the worst side nearly as much as it could and should.

        • drh3b-av says:

          I wish I could say you’re wrong. Ultimately, I think the US will decline more slowly with Democrats in charge. I think we would be in better shape if Republicans weren’t able to stymie so many things the Democrats want to do.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      But without him, how would we know that his ex-wife, pop singer Katy Perry, had a flatulence problem?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I honestly never understood how he got famous.”

      So, you’re too fucking thick to understand that people have different taste?

    • burlravenscroft-av says:

      I don’t know how he got or maintained his fame in general (he has a charm, sure, but I never enjoyed his standup). BUT his breakout role in the US, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, was pitch-perfect casting for that character. It was Jack Sparrow.Problem is though that’s just him in real life, and Jack Sparrow can’t last for 5 movies nevermind as an entire real-world human being.

    • ntbbiggs-av says:

      I get how people could find him amusing in small doses. He was never hilarious, and his ‘clever’ routines were pretty mediocre, but the delivery wasn’t bad. I’m more curious how anyone ever bought in to him as some kind of political thinker when he had less than nothing to say. Sean Lock absolutely skewered him for that

    • antijezz-av says:

      His daddy is someone important.

  • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

    Katherine Ryan is hilarious. That is all.

    • dhaye1979-av says:

      Her god awful plastic surgery face on the other hand, is most certainly not hilarious.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      And a great Taskmaster contestant.

    • anotherpun-av says:

      She is a fucking GEM and so funny. I sent her a message on instagram a few years ago to say how much my mom and I enjoyed one of her Netflix specials together and she responded with how glad she was that we did. Class fucking act to reply to a rando from the internet when I’m sure even opening that instagram inbox must take so much courage to begin with. Basically Katherine Ryan and I are bff’s now in my mind.

  • curiousorange-av says:

    Being brought to brothels as a teenager by your father results in an abusive attitude to women? Shocking.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Being brought to brothels as a teenager by your father results in an abusive attitude to women?”

      No. It doesn’t.

  • dhaye1979-av says:

    Didnt he rape Katy Perry?Or just her career?

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    “Brand was “absolutely furious” at the comments and asked producers to protect him from being roasted by his fellow judges…”

  • nycpaul-av says:

    My close friend worked on the movie “Arthur” years ago, and told me they had planned breaks during the day so Brand could masturbate in his trailer because he said he’s a sex addict. And I’ve heard other stories over the year, too, from people I don’t know as well, so I won’t mention those.

  • turtlebot-av says:

    Jeeeeesus. I mean come on people, you really think this guy didnt do anything fucked up? He was a hard core drug addict most of his life. You do bad shit when you’re that person. Also, if you’ve seen any of his insane shit on youtube, he does this dangerous “maybe antivaxxers are also right” schtick, and talks about conspiracies and other insane shit. Dude isnt well. Never has been. And he’s been on an obvious mental decline for the last several years. 

    • shotfromguns-av says:

      > He was a hard core drug addict most of his life. You do bad shit when you’re that person.Being a drug addict uhhhh does not in fact magically make you a rapist. You can’t rape drugs out of people. There’s no drug that makes rape a great idea while high if you don’t already think like a rapist all the time. You can’t pawn rape for drug money.

  • mid-boss-av says:

    re-styling himself as an “alternative media broadcaster” and lifestyle guru.The go-to move for anyone famous who’s done some really awful shit and is starting to see some actual consequences for their actions.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I remember some old interviews where Katherine Ryan mentioned working with a sex-pest comedian she couldn’t name. I always hoped she’d get the chance to speak out more fully one day, because it seemed cleared she wanted to talk about it to warn people and not just stir things up.

  • jshrike-av says:

    Wait…I thought we all knew Russell Brand was a sexual predator or at the very least a sex pest since like 2011? 

  • mollgotha-av says:

    It’s not the unaired clip where she calls him a predator but it’s pretty clear his behaviour was an open secret in the industry

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