Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh reportedly got into a screaming match on the set of Don’t Worry Darling

There then was a “long negotiation process” to keep Florence Pugh involved in Don't Worry Darling's promotion

Aux News Florence Pugh
Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh reportedly got into a screaming match on the set of Don’t Worry Darling
Florence Pugh, Olivia Wilde Photo: John Phillips

After long-swirling rumors about the conflict between Florence Pugh and Olivia Wilde on the set of Don’t Worry Darling, one messy anonymous source from the film’s production has come forward to confirm that the two did in fact engage in a “screaming match” during filming.

Speaking to Vulture, the source says the altercation occurred in January 2021, when filming was close to wrapping up. Fed up with Wilde’s tendency to disappear with fellow DWD star Harry Styles, the 26-year-old actor and the 38-year-old director broke into a very public “screaming match” on set.

From there, it’s reported that top studio executives such as Toby Emmerich had to intervene, refereeing in a “long negotiation process” to keep Pugh willing to minimally promote the film. In the months leading up to the film’s release, she’s done just that, with a singular, brief appearance at the Venice Film Festival earlier this month. Aside from attending the film’s world premiere, Pugh has stayed out of sight and away from recording devices.

Sometimes nothing works better for promotion than eye-catching headlines (like this one) featuring one of the most high-profile actors in Hollywood and one of the world’s biggest pop stars. However, it seems Warner Bros. would have rather had a drama-free rollout for the film, as an anonymous executive says the company is “ultimately unhappy” with Wilde’s promotion (particularly with the director’s handling of the Shia LaBeouf news).

“Olivia is either a mad genius who figured out a way to make people more aware of the movie in a way that just drives up the box office,” says one source, “or she doesn’t have any self-awareness that she is fucking up her movie.”

With Don’t Worry Darling making its nationwide theatrical debut today, the drama surrounding the film will soon enter the rearview—that is, until Miss Flo decides to put it to paper in her memoir.


  • taco-emoji-av says:

    who fucking cares

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      Well obviously you do if you took the time to comment on it! Kidding, of course! But hey, who do you think was the first person to ever say that in a comment thread, and on which site? I wonder if we could ever find out. 

    • kurtkabang-av says:

      Would anyone be discussing this if the taco and taco were both tacos? How many times have tacos applauded tacos in the past for sticking to their vision, or tacos for their process clashing to get a taco. Maybe this doesn’t apply here, but why would it matter. Maybe they clashed and still made a taco, you know like how tacos have to work with tacos they don’t like everyday and it’s fine.

    • spr0kets-av says:

      I’m guessing the genius who clicked onto this article to read enough of it to know to then click on the comment section and ask…..(**checks notes**)“who fucking cares”

  • dicktator-av says:

    How much is WB paying you to keep desperately trying to make us care about this stupid fucking drama like it’s not some transparent attempt to create viral marketing for a trash film dumped to market in one of the worst movie months of the year?

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    Holy shit, another one… that makes 21 articles about this fucking movie in the last month 1/2.

  • necrodong-av says:

    So Don’t Worry Darling is the new Synder Justice League for the AV Club, cool. I look forward to a few dozen more articles by the end of the week.

    • shadowpryde-av says:

      Seriously!  I know a CRAPTON about the drama around the movie.  I literally know nothing about the movie as far as plot, genre, rough story, characters… nothing.  At this point I’m looking forward to the day it all goes away forever.  

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Same. Nonsense like this has been the reason why I’ll ignore a project for years (or forever). Diminishing returns….

    • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

      One more article about this movie and I’m gonna Pughke. 

    • bringbacknathanrabinyoucowards-av says:

      It’s almost as if they’re being paid to write articles about it from a studio that needs to see this turd succeed financially.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Maybe I’m crazy, but I feel like just saying: “Come see two of the hottest people currently on the planet in a sexy movie that also includes Olivia Wild, the Cool White Guy Chris, Gemma Chan and for some reason, Nick Kroll” would be enough to sell some tickets in September.

  • f-garyinthegrays-av says:

    Kinja readers: stop posting about his movie, no one cares!Also Kinja readers: keep clicking and commenting on articles about the movie.

  • blackb5-av says:

    Would anyone be discussing this if the director and star were both male? How many times have people applauded directors in the past for sticking to their vision, or actors for their process clashing to get a performance. Maybe this doesn’t apply here, but why would it matter. Maybe they clashed and still made a movie, you know like how people have to work with people they don’t like everyday and it’s fine. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      If Spielberg had a tendency to disappear from the set with Harry Styles, yeah, I bet we’d be discussing the hell out of it.

      • south-of-heaven-av says:

        The difference is that there’s a genuine chance this could torpedo Wilde’s career. Meanwhile, please enjoy David O. Russell’s new movie, starring All Of Hollywood!

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          I might take that bet. I think she’ll be just fine.

        • nilus-av says:

          While true it does seem like some of Wilde “Sophomore slump” films issues are self made. It feels far more like people know about the controversy of this film rather than the film itself.And yes if a male star had a very public break up due to an affair with an actor on set we would be talking about it. In fact it would be getting a lot more #MeToo tweets.   I’m kinda surprised no one has brought up the power dynamic between Wilde and Styles how inappropriate an affair in set is between them   

          • south-of-heaven-av says:

            She definitely inflicted several wounds on the film, and I’m certainly not saying that her behavior was in any way good, but let’s face facts, directors being shit heads to their actors and crew is a tale as old as time.

          • nilus-av says:

            Zombie Stanley Kubrick raises his hand 

          • south-of-heaven-av says:

            Zombie Alfred Hitchcock raises his hand (up a blonde actress’s skirt).

        • necgray-av says:

          She’s a conventionally attractive rich girl. There’s NO fucking chance this torpedoes her career. Come on.

      • pgoodso564-av says:

        Yeah, that was a WEIRD episode of Animaniacs.Narf.

      • hankdolworth-av says:

        Spielberg is married to Kate Capshaw, who was the female lead when he directed Temple of Doom. I cannot remember any stories about Spielberg not being on set for the filming of his movie, which is the core of the allegations surrounding Ms. Wilde.

        • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

          Not that I would have blamed him. Because I was like 2 when that movie came out. 

        • gildie-av says:

          Spielberg divorced Amy Irving for Capshaw and I’m pretty sure that was major tabloid news at the time.

          • dwigt-av says:

            Amy Irving actually married Spielberg in 1985, one year after Temple of Doom was released. They dated in the seventies, then had a breakup, which reportedly cost her the part of Marion in Raiders. Then they reunited around 1984, had a child together and married. If Spielberg had some fling with Capshaw during production of ToD (and there’s zero rumor about it), it wasn’t at a time he was dating Irving.Besides, on ToD, Spielberg and especially Lucas were still processing a bad breakup and it shows in the script when Willie is involved in the first half. There’s some unnatural energy, scene after scene, to depict Scott as a shrill, vain, money-interested woman, which makes the romance all the more confusing in the second half. If Spielberg had fallen in love with Kate Capshaw during production, you can bet that he would have toned down the characterization at some stage, because that stuff has definitely not aged well.Spielberg and Irving divorced in 1989, when Spielberg was working on The Last Crusade. It was major tabloid news, because it turned up to be one of the most expensive divorces ever. But if Capshaw was “the other woman” in the divorce, it wasn’t an affair that took place off a set.

      • robgrizzly-av says:

        Wasn’t there something about how Bryan Singer would disappear on Bohemian Rhapsody?

    • jakealbrecht1985-av says:

      If Paul Thomas Anderson was feuding with Timothee Chalamet because he kept disappearing from set to conduct an affair with Megan Thee Stallion and they got into a screaming match about it……yes…they would be discussing it. And if someone has the personal power to make that happen I would eat it up just as voraciously as I have this. 

    • dpdrkns-av says:

      The screaming is fairly ordinary; it being due to the director disappearing from set is unusual afaik.

    • spr0kets-av says:

      >>>”Would anyone be discussing this if the director and star were both male?”Even though it wasn’t a ‘screaming match’ per se, the (in)famous Christian Bale rant at McG from ‘Terminator : Salvation’ set is STILL talked about to this day.Soooo…..Yeah.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Ever since this started it has seemed as though someone wants this to be a ‘romantic’ triangle of some sorts, casting Pugh in the role of the bitter person who isn’t getting any IRL action on the set.

    • cheetah4-av says:

      Stars screaming on set often gets attention, male or female. Christian Bale and Tom Cruise come to mind.

    • seven-deuce-av says:


    • scottwricketts-av says:

      Bryan Singer’s last film says yes, people would be discussing this if both director and star were men and the director kept disappearing from the set. 

    • bernardg-av says:

      You already forget the amount of dramas came out from the previous Fantastic Four movie? AV Club choke full of stuff from it. 

    • dyrtin-av says:

      Christian Bale yelled at one of the most hated Cinematographers in the business and it got covered for AGES.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I’m confident that they’ll work it out in time for
    Don’t Worry Darling II: Electric Pugh-aloo

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      I think Electric Pugh-aloo will have to be the the third movie in the series. Based on the amount of coverage this movie has received here, I think…and I want you to keep an open mind here…that Don’t Worry Darling may be the stealth sequel to Dan in Real Life we have been waiting for all these years. Yeah. It all fits.

  • smithereen-av says:

    Why are you still giving this dumpster fire unearned press

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    I always imagine a screaming match as two people engaging in a friendly competition to see who can scream the loudest.  I’m guessing this wasn’t that, but I bet it would have been therapeutic.  

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    I saw the movie last night and it was absolutely spectacular, Wilde directed the hell out of it & Pugh was phenomenal (Harry Styles was also perfectly acceptable).Any grown-up who doesn’t consume all their information from social media knows that directors and actors have been getting into it for as long as cameras have been rolling. It doesn’t matter one damn bit.

  • hardscience-av says:

    “Olivia is either a mad genius who figured out a way to make people more
    aware of the movie in a way that just drives up the box office,” says
    one source, “or she doesn’t have any self-awareness that she is fucking
    up her movie.”
    Does anyone actually expect generational wealth to have self-awareness? Now lets ask Roony Mara the cost of a banana. Julia Louis-Dreyfus how much time to allot when you have to ride the bus to work in Baltimore.Armie Hammer how an Italian sub tastes sans real Italian human flesh.

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      The funny thing is Armie Hammer is seeing condo timeshares to make ends meet now, so he probably does know all that stuff.

    • gargsy-av says:

      What the fuck are you talking about?

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Julia Louis-Dreyfus how much time to allot when you have to ride the bus to work in Baltimore.There’s probably a better example out there than this. I’ve never ridden a public bus, I couldn’t tell you anything about how they work lol and I’m far from wealthy.

      • hardscience-av says:

        Why? She’s a billionaire’s kid from outside Baltimore. Are you Towson or the Dirty Burnie? If not, I’m not sure what your anecdotal experience about lack of public transportation planning in the greater Baltimore area has to do with anything.And I grew up at the best of times lower middle class and have ridden the bus in Charlotte NC, NY, and Boston extensively. So again…

        • charliebrownii-av says:

          What? Dont drink and post. 

        • 1403795iw-av says:

          I think perhaps he’s referring to the fact that cities that have viable public transportation are not as common as you might think.

          • hardscience-av says:

            I think perhaps he’s referring to the fact that cities that have viable public transportation are not as common as you might think. That is some “forest for the trees” thinking.
            Is there a billionaire heiress Julia Louis-Dreyfus in all cities, townships, and territories? No. There was one next to Baltimore, and I’ll bet she knew less about Baltimore’s public transportation than the average Baltimore citizen. Much like my original point that heiress Olivia Wilde doesn’t know shit about self awareness. Or that heiress Mara Rooney doesn’t know the cost of bananas. As bananas aren’t a fixed price, let alone the external social costs of banana farming and logistics, let’s spend days arguing how no one can know the “price” of a banana.Thanks for joining.

          • gretchenm47-av says:

            I mean, it’s one banana. How much could it cost? $10?

          • nemo1-av says:

            It will be soon. That or there will be a “shortage” and they will jack the prices up.

          • capeo-av says:

            Olivia Wilde isn’t an “heiress.” He parents were well off but her net worth from acting far exceeds theirs and she isn’t going to get some massive inheritance from her parents. JLD could rightly be called an heiress because her father is a billionaire. Rooney stands to inherit a good bit too. You’re claim that none of these women have any self awareness, particularly by using obviously satirical example from a TV show, though is just dumb. 

          • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

            Wilde’s family wealth is bigger and older than her parents’ careers. Her parents also had very wealthy families. They weren’t rags to riches. 

          • hardscience-av says:

            First line of original statement:Does anyone actually expect generational wealth to have self-awareness?
            I do hope you avoid Olivia’s family’s vintage green boots. When they gained their wealth and status, arsenic was still a main ingredient in green dye.

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      Go ask 20 random people on the street if they know the cost of a single banana and see how many right answers you give. You pay for bananas by the pound and do you think 20 random people would know how much a single banana weighs?Just stick with gallon of milk for this gotcha thing.  

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      The last major, “The stars fucking are more interesting than the movie” movie that I remember was Proof of Life with Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe. ‘It made $62m worldwide on a $65m budget. And Ryan and Crowe had far more credibility and love from the public than Wilde and Styles.

  • bikebrh-av says:

    Hate to be that guy… but “screaming match”? Could we be any more gender stereotyped? If this is George Clooney and a male director, it gets called “shouting match”, which is not going to be viewed nearly as badly.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      …McG, you got something to say to this prick?(To be clear, this is a reference, not an attack on you, hehe)

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      What if it had been Marlee Matlin and… well shit, I don’t know the names of any deaf directors. 

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      I thought Clooney just punched that fool.

    • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

      I don’t know, I think it is just regional speech. I can’t think of anyone around me calling anything a “shouting match” or describing someone as “shouting” at someone. But I hear “they were screaming at each other” or “what is with all the screaming” all the time, regardless of gender.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      Here’s a hot tip for ya: men can scream just as much as women can shout..

    • vayde-av says:

      Well someone’s got their panties in a twist. Oh wait…

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      The whole media circus reeks of sexism, something eloquently addressed by Wilde on Colbert the other night. I mean, a screaming match on the set of a Hollywood movie? What other extraordinary revelations are in store for us?

    • dsm1994-av says:

      I hate it when you’re that guy too, I have never before this moment ever heard anything about a gendered difference between screaming or shouting. 

    • tommy1000-av says:

      Nah, you love being that guy. Screaming match is just fine. 

    • ceptri-av says:

      I am completely convinced this is all PR at this point. Movie has zero going for it, so they release a bunch of this shit in the channel to try and raise some desperate interest. Sites like this easily fall for this stuff.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Honestly, be that guy. AV Club editors are increasingly trying to have their cake and eat it too. “Oh we support representation.” “Oh insert gender stereotype here.”
      We see you AV Club and you’re becoming part of the problem.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        If they actually helped solve social issues, sites like this would be out of work. Best to feed them.Also, “neutral point of view” in sites like the AVC’s mind me “We’ll call women basic, catty bitches in one sentence, then say it’s a shame that these women are being portrayed as basic, catty bitches in the next sentence.”It’s designed to get the strongest possible reaction from the broadest possible swathe of readers.

    • thetruthishere-av says:

      This isn’t Jezebel, go take that shit over there

    • truthhurts2023-av says:

      Of course there must be that one person triggered by some small, irrelevant detail. How you doin’?

    • lexw-av says:

      I mean, there’s a difference between screaming and shouting, and I’ve certainly heard men accused of the former. You’re probably right that sexism applies here and it is a mischaracterized shouting match, but I feel like both are valid terms for slightly different things. I’ve definitely been involved in both at different times in my life lol.

      • razzle-bazzle-av says:

        Screaming to me connotes a level of anger that is not present in shouting. When my kids are speaking very loudly, “stop shouting” is what I’ll say. When they are speaking very loudly while also being mad at each other, “quit screaming at each other,” is what I’ll say.

        • yllehs-av says:

          I would just say, “Stop yelling” in either situation. The word shouting sounds kind of formal and vaguely British to me.

    • dwigt-av says:

      Hey, the current AV Club editors are patting themselves on the back for the good taste of changing the original headline about “Olivia Wilde, Florence Pugh reportedly got into a cat fight”, and removing an entire paragraph about the look of delight from the male crew while the two broads were ripping clothes from each other, exactly as it did happen on the set.

    • butterflybaby-av says:

      Shut up and eat this peanut butter.

    • decgeek-av says:

      Could have called it a cat fight…

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      Well, it is a quote from the Vulture story, although the headline isn’t put in quotes. I never particularly have gendered the words “screaming” and “shouting” but I’m willing to be told I’m wrong here.I think “screeching” is probably more of an offensive word with two women arguing.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      “Screaming match” is not a gendered term. Props for twisting this into today’s latest outrage though.

    • marcosuarez-av says:

      “Hate to be that guy” LOL you absolutely do not

    • bringbacknathanrabinyoucowards-av says:

      I have often heard of men getting into screaming matches.Have you tried living offline?

    • tomooo91-av says:

      Oh you youngsters and your culture wars. What a load of bollocks

    • rauth1334-av says:

      hey, lets call it a cat fight

    • presidentzod-av says:

      And then it escalated into Jell-o wrestling!

  • themantisrapture-av says:

    It’s horrific that two people who worked with each other didn’t get on and ended up having a falling out. It’s simply beyond comprehension and disgusting and definitely worth it for random people (who will never meet these two talented women) to care about their relationship.Oh. Hang on a minute. No it’s not.Colleagues having an argument and not getting on is something that has happened in literally every single work place across the planet every moment of the day since the dawn of man until the very second I wrote this, and is something we all live with and understand and is very normal part of life.What I’m trying to say is; I’m sat on the toilet having a massive shit and just can’t get my head around why stuff like this is news that people actually care about.*Just finished shitting. I hope most of the people following this story don’t actually care and just click and comment because they, too, are having a shit.

    • murrychang-av says:
    • jjdebenedictis-av says:

      If the boss is fucking one of your coworkers on company time, EVERYBODY in the office will talk about it. Incessantly.So, counterpoint, it shouldn’t be that hard to get your head around why people keep talking about this incessantly.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      I don’t know which places you have worked at but it isn’t normal behaviour to have screaming matches that later require mediation to bring both parties back together.Digressing, this story has been absolutely done to death. Seems like Hollywood is trying to push this as much as possible to drum up interest in an obviously trash film.

    • capeo-av says:

      So you haven’t actually read the stories? Okay then. Yeah, there’s a salacious aspect to it, but the larger story is that Wilde, a promising director, ran a wildly unprofessional set. Horribly enough that it’s going to affect her career as a director.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh had some sort of disagreement on the set of Don’t Worry Darling? This is the first I’m hearing of it.

  • brianjwright-av says:

    One “messy” anonymous source?

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Imagine if this site gave this much coverage to a good movie. Can someone compare how many articles this movie have received vs like, Everything Everywhere?

    • spr0kets-av says:

      If ‘Everything Everywhere all at once’ folks were smart, they’d have had Michelle Yeoh go missing from set for hours with Jaime Lee Curtis, and get into screaming matches with Jenny Slate and Ke Huy Quan.Their marketing would have been through the roof.And then have one of the Dans appear to spit at James Hong during the press junket and try to play it off as a nothingburger, just to make sure.
      It would have made mint at the Box office.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I’m imagining what might happen if every damn site on the internet devoted 48 hours to the need for universal health care. I can’t even count the number of horrific problems that might solve.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        You came here, to an entertainment site.  If you think it’s so trivial and stupid, no one has a gun to your head.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        You guys don’t have public healthcare?

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        Well, half of them would call it a communist conspiracy created by lizard people to implant 6G chips in your rectum and report your internet search history. So it may not be as helpful as you might want.

      • ticklemesmellmo-av says:

        People would log off in the millions and hospital waiting rooms would be full of folks who injured themselves after going outside for the first time.

    • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

      To be fair, spit-gate deserved more coverage than it got.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      To be fair, this site ran a shit-ton of articles about Everything Everywhere.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      I remember when io9 ran 20 marginally different “Suspiria” (remake) articles, which is 14 more than the number of people who actually saw it.

    • capeo-av says:

      If you search there’s 15 articles on it… back when it came out, and was in theaters. Why the fuck would think any site would be talking about now?

    • maulkeating-av says:

      Hey, deb, maybe AV Club thinks this IS a good movie and worthy of–never mind.

    • capeo-av says:

      Everything, Everywhere was ever other article on this site for a while. Why the hell would they still be talking about it now, rather than current pop culture?

    • vulcanwithamullet-av says:

      This site has become a gossip rag and its sense of humor decayed at some point over 5 years ago. It’s the media race to the bottom for clicks I’m sure

    • ticklemesmellmo-av says:

      I love all the people complaining about coverage decisions of a site that is driven—now more than ever—by click volume. It’s a reflection of its readers, including YOU GUYS who are clearly here for a reason.

  • murrychang-av says:
  • mdiller64-av says:

    “Olivia is either a mad genius who figured out a way to make people more aware of the movie in a way that just drives up the box office,” says one source, “or she doesn’t have any self-awareness that she is fucking up her movie.”I’m going with option B here. The reports of unprofessional on-set shenanigans, her weird statements about the film (for instance, that it would return “female pleasure” to Hollywood when, by all reports, the movie’s single sex scene does nothing of the sort), and her entirely tone-deaf negotiations with Shia LaBeouf to get him to return to the film present Olivia Wilde as possibly the least self-aware person in Hollywood today. No one should be generating this much press when so much of it is negative.

  • blarpppp-av says:

    Why have I seen 8 fucking articles about this god damn movie in the past month.  No one cares about this stupid movie made by the old wide faced looking alien lady.

  • lmh325-av says:

    It’s becoming clear that the movie itself is a mess with the reviews being extremely bad for what it was supposed to be. There is this very gendered lens that things are getting filtered through that Florence Pugh was mad about who Olivia Wilde was banging, but knowing how incomplete and messy the film is from reviews, I suspect Florence was just angry that the director wasn’t dealing with the problems in the film.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      If Pugh was dating Zach Braff, who’s apparently friends with Jason Sudeikis, it could be she was pissed at Wilde for cheating on her boyfriend’s friend. Plus what you said. I know too much about this crap. 

    • dwigt-av says:

      It can be a major problem if Wilde chose during editing the takes that made Styles look good or competent, even when these were later takes, out of dozens, while Pugh was starting to get exhausted at this point and would have been better served by an earlier take. This can be a major bone of contention on a set, especially when actors who have very different methods share scenes.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Sure, but the sources claim that her issue was that Olivia Wilde kept disappearing from set. That she wasn’t available between takes because she was off with Harry Styles.The earlier claims was because she was upset about the affair because Zach Braff is a good friend of Jason Sudeikis’s, but it seems now that Olivia’s lack of presence on set shows in the movie.

    • capeo-av says:

      Yup, the more that comes out, it’s clear that Pugh’s issues with Wilde were Wilde just completely losing control of the production and letting it get wildly unprofessional. Pugh could’ve worked through Wilde and Styles starting a relationship on set, whatever her personal views on the matter, but with Wildes and Style would just disappearing together while shoots are supposed to be happening, you can understand Pugh’s frustration. Especially after the issues with Labeouf, which basically reset production, then the director gets a replacement actor and starts a “whirlwind romance” with them. A romance that has the director and lead actor not showing up on time, thus wasting the actors and crew’s time. Pugh is fairly young, at 26, but she’s already been in many productions from low-budget indies to fucking MCU movies, and it’s clear that this set had hit, “WTF is going on?” levels of unprofessionalism for Pugh.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Pugh also has a track record of excellent work. It’s not like she’s coming off a string of flops or generally receives mixed reviews. She’s an Oscar nominee who is seen as being well on her way to true leading lady status.I’ll forever be sad for her as she did tweet way way back about how happy she was to work with Olivia Wilde and now it’s like …well. Hopefully, Dune II is proving to be a better experience!

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      Probably all kinds of stuff at once.1) First and foremost, it’s kind of hard not to imagine the “Miss Flo” shit bleeding into how Wilde treated Pugh on set. So long as we’re doing the, “If a male director did it,” dance move, let’s imagine a male director referring to Pugh as “Miss Flo” and the grief that would be coming down on his head now. Wilde still isn’t being called out for that crap.2) We don’t know that Wilde was taking breaks to bang Styles. For all we know, her “breaks” were actually dealing with other departments or her own mental health. The point is, Pugh felt like she wasn’t being dealt with properly.3) The Braff-Sudekis connection probably factors in. It’s possible Pugh didn’t care. Or that she couldn’t really stand Sudekis and even understands why Wilde left. BUT, Braff probably talked about it at home and Pugh at least heard about it and it annoyed/bothered/distracted her. 4) Have we ever heard once how Pugh felt about Shia LeBoeuf? Because it seems like she could clear up a lot by saying, “Yeah, that guy creeped me out. I didn’t want to do scenes with him at all, let alone ones where his face was near my crotch and I appreciate Olivia handling that” OR by saying “I don’t know what the fuck Olivia was talking about. Shia is a bit odd, but we got on OK”

      • lmh325-av says:

        Texts between Shia LaBeouf and Florence Pugh have leaked and he basically says he heard she was afraid of him and she said no she’s not. The biggest contention between them seemed to be that Flo was cleared to travel to the UK to visit her family and at the time (this being 2020), on both sides of the flight, she had mandatory no contact quarantines and he didn’t like it. When he talked about a lack of rehearsal time, that seems to be part of it. But Florence Pugh wasn’t traveling without production knowing.To point #2 – It has been established as far as anything is established that the actors and the departments couldn’t find Olivia Wilde when she was needed. I concede that doesn’t mean she was with Styles, but it does seem to suggest that she wasn’t disappearing to do work related things. If it was mental health, without transparency that is a major problem for a production.

  • jomonta2-av says:

    Do we really need even more articles about the behind-the-scenes drama for this (likely) flop of a movie?

  • winstonsmith2022-av says:

    Concert-going friends of mine have told me that Wilde often shows up at Harry Styles shows making a big “that’s my boyfriend” show of dancing in the front row, and that it’s embarrassing for all involved.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I doubt anything they quarreled about could rival what I just told the car insurance asshole agent I just ‘spoke’ to over the phone.People are people who sometimes ‘lose it’ because they’ve had enough. It doesn’t help that people in this fucked up country are passive aggressive and don’t know how to manage conflict.Click bait – nine month old and not even stinky anymore.

  • bringbacknathanrabinyoucowards-av says:

    “Sometimes nothing works better for promotion than eye-catching headlines (like this one) featuring one of the most high-profile actors in Hollywood and one of the world’s biggest pop stars.”AV Club saying the quiet part loud.  We get it.  They’re paying you.

  • commiepinkofag-av says:

    It’s always fun to watch when one rich, starved, entitled celebrity attempts to rip the surgically constructed face off another. It distracts us from the rage and jealousy we feel about being constantly taunted with a standard of living we have no chance of ever achieving.

  • jaydubs89-av says:

    Don’t think using the demeaning moniker ‘Miss Flo’ is really the best move here- referencing a pretty childish name for her in this article only allows for more to be demeaning with it. It’s akin to bullying for a gag.

  • ceptri-av says:

    I don’t think releasing these rumors are going to goose the ticket sales.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Sometimes nothing works better for promotion than eye-catching headlines (like this one)

    I wish I could believe the editors at AV Club have no ulterior motives behind constantly publishing these stories about Olivia Wilde and co, but this “we’re just relaying new information as it comes to light and letting readers make up their own minds” is kinda undermined if we’re now supposed to just accept the opinions of Warner Bros. studio executives at face value.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    Wait… so there actually *is* a film? I just assumed that this whole thing was some kind of performance art. 

  • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

    I got a House, M.D. notification for this?

  • Skydawn-av says:

    olivia is just a bitch. she seams to have problems with so many people, and shes the common denominator. 

  • lasttimearound-av says:

    The common denominator in all of these stories is Olivia Wilde. Is there any possibility that she’s potentially a bit toxic?

    • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

      I would say there is something a bit off about the way she’s constantly pouring endless praise and gratitude on Pugh. Clearly something happened, and both of them probably think the other is a massive cunt. I’d have more respect if they came out and said as much. Also I’d have more respect if this was a movie worthy of so much exhausting coverage.

  • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

    Fuck me, this is relentless

  • daveyosborne-av says:

    Great to see this site balance its pious superiority about diversity with some old-fashioned women-hating.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I love it, and I’m team Pugh

  • amalegoodbye-av says:

    A rat’s ass.

    People get into screaming and/or shouting matches literally evert second of every day. Settle down, kids. 

  • oyrish1000-av says:

    Come on, NOBODY at the studio is mad about this – how many millions in free publicity for a movie nobody was going to notice have been generated by now?

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Florence Pugh is an agent of chaos.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I’ve read so many articles about this movie and only now just realized, I have no clue what the plot of the movie even is.

  • dbrians-av says:

    Wow, I can’t wait to hear happened next!

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