One of Venom: Let There Be Carnage‘s big MCU cameos may have just gotten spoiled

If rumors and corporate slip-ups are to be believed, Sony's Marvel Universe could be getting a little crossover action

Film News Venom
One of Venom: Let There Be Carnage‘s big MCU cameos may have just gotten spoiled
Image: Sony Pictures

Note: There are potential spoilers ahead for Venom: Let There Be Carnage, but you knew that, or you wouldn’t have clicked on this story.

If rumors and corporate slip-ups are to be believed, there could be a pretty cool Marvel crossover cameo in the upcoming Venom: Let There Be Carnage. Comic Book Resource is reporting that Irish movie streaming site Vue posted a cast list for the movie that includes J.K. Simmons, meaning the Venom-verse could be getting a visit from Spider-Man’s J. Jonah Jameson. Also on the cast list are confirmed stars Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Naomie Harris, and Stephen Graham, as well as new addition Tom Hollander of Pride & Prejudice and Gosford Park fame. Sony, the studio releasing Venom: Let There Be Carnage, hasn’t responded to the rumor yet, but it could mean something that they’re not immediately denying it… or not. Who knows anything these days?

The bombastic J. Jonah Jameson would make a perfect addition to Venom, though, and it’s a move that makes sense, since the film’s premise—Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock, looking to restart his career as an investigative journalist, seeks to interview a serial killer played by Woody Harrelson, who subsequently becomes host to yet another symbiote—would make for some pretty juicy headlines for The Daily Bugle. Simmons first appeared as Jameson in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films, but did make a cameo in Spider-Man: Far From Home. He’s also confirmed to return for Spider-Man: No Way Home, meaning that if this cast list leak is factual, it could signify a common universe for Sony’s Marvel franchises.

Of course, we’ll have to wait a bit to find out if any of this is true. Sony pushed back the release of Venom: Let There Be Carnage just last week in the wake of soft box office numbers as COVID’s delta variant continues to rage. The movie will now hit theaters October 15. Interested and/or anxious parties can check out a trailer for the movie right here:


  • psychopirate-av says:

    We saw that Hardy was working for the Bugle, and it was the Bugle of the original Raimi movies, so a Simmons cameo wouldn’t be surprising at all.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “as well as new addition Tom Hollander of .”

    I bet that’s not a misprint and it’s not actually Tom Holland appearing in a Spider-Man-related film…

  • v-kaiser-av says:

    Or…it could mean the Venom movies are just as connected as the Raimi ones are in the MCU. Seriously, I get that people want to find any connection at all possible and then bang out some clickbait (I’m sure there will be plenty of 20 minute YouTube theory videos just from this spoiler) but this one seems like its kind of a stretch to call it a connection to anything. Does him being Jameson in the Raimi movies mean that the MCU Spider-Man is in the same universe? Does it mean Venom is in the same universe as the Raimi ones? Or does it just mean J.K. Simmons is amazing and owns the character so much we have a hard time seeing anyone else as him. Its not like they make Jameson a real character that’s integral to the story. He’s playing a walking cartoon character.

    • greyayanami-av says:

      #LetPeopleEnjoyThingsWithout fan speculation I would’ve never discovered that Get Out is a sequel to Being John Malkovich.

      • v-kaiser-av says:

        See that’s the kind of speculation that’s entertaining to read. “Obvious easter egg is really clue that X is all a shared universe” is tedious and overdone. Where’s the article speculating that Venom is going to be set in the same universe as Oz and JK Simmons will be reprising his character from the show, reanimated by a symbiote?

        • greyayanami-av says:

          I mean Richard Belzer has pretty much made a career out of showing up on various shows (11 of them!!!) as Detective Munch.

          • v-kaiser-av says:

            I feel like if you throw Det. Munch in to a show you open up so many insane possibilities for what is connected. Some directors need to just start trolling us and have Belzer in the background shot in his full Munch get up at random times.

          • greyayanami-av says:

            Technically, Munch was shown in Spiderman/Deadpool #6, so I guess Venom and X-Files and The Wire all take place in the same universe. How’s that for a connective thread?

          • putusernamehere-av says:

            X-Files does have creepy black alien goo…

          • v-kaiser-av says:

            That’s the good shit right there because it also means Law and Order is in that universe, and that is one wild rabbit hole. Munch also appeared in an American Dad episode, so that means all the Seth McFarlane shows are connected too.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            We need a new adaptation of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ with Munch just visible in the background of one of the dancing scenes.

          • harryhood42-av says:

            RIP Munch!

        • rocksome-av says:

          I pretty much agree with you here, and i hate this kind of baseless speculation, but given that in the comics there is a connection between Jameson’s son John and the symbiotes. I believe it was John, an astronaut, who brought back the venom symbiote from space, and he was taken over by the carnage symbiote for a time.

    • NoOnesPost-av says:

      I mean, it doesn’t seem like a stretch to at least consider it. Yeah, he was also i the Rami movies but that’s not really the same as two movies coming out within months of each other. At minimum the studios want you to think there’s some sort of connection.

      • v-kaiser-av says:

        Oh you’re definitely right that its something the studios themselves want people to engage it to basically generate free buzz, but how is it not still a stretch? If Spider-Man 3 hadn’t happened, sure it could easily be all connected, but that franchise already had an Eddie Brock and a Venom.
        Though if Sony makes it part of their movie that they want audiences to just collectively pretend Spider-Man 3 never happened and the Venom series is just a very delayed sequel to the Raimi movies I’d probably be on board with that.

        • NoOnesPost-av says:

          How is it not a stretch? Because in probably 99.99% of movies if an actor plays the same character in multiple movies, those movies are connected.
          Not to mention we know Far From Home is going to connect to the Rami movies…

          • v-kaiser-av says:

            This might be one of the most recent examples, but there have been other instances of people playing the same character in multiple movies without it meaning these movies are connected.
            Jay and Silent Bob being in Scream 3 doesn’t mean that movie is in the same universe as Clerks. The Earl McGraw character has been in multiple Tarantino movies despite dying in them, and he was in at least one of the Grindhouse movies as that character (those weren’t Tarantino movies either). Danny Trejo played Machete in a Spy Kids movie. There really are a lot more examples than you might think of people reprising characters without it meaning the new project was actually connected to the previous one. (While not technically accurate because of the “Boner” reveal, we’ve also got a situation that is kind of similar that already happened in the MCU with Wandavision’s Quicksilver)
            Simmons himself has voiced JJJ in 5 different animated shows. That didn’t make each show connected to the same universe. I think its just a very unique situation of Simmons being so iconic in that role and being a very active working actor who’s pretty much ready to do any project.
            I’d like it if Sony and Disney could play nice and that way we’d still have a Spiderverse attached to the MCU, but with how much Disney relies on the MCU brand I really don’t see them letting any movie not controlled by them allow itself to even tangentially.
            Also, do we know how the next Spider-Man movie is connected to the Raimi ones or is it just speculation from knowing about the casting? Honest question. I don’t think I’ve kept up on the news for that one very well.

          • harryhood42-av says:

            The Tarantino movies are in a shared universe, and one of the two Grindhouse movies was directed by Tarantino. Additionally, some of Rodriguez’ movies are also known to exist in the same universe (From Dusk Till Dawn). So…maybe poor example? Your other example is Jay and Silent Bob in a Scream movie. I got nothing. 

    • a-better-devil-than-you-av says:

      Womp, womp. Towards you. Not with you. 

    • disqustqchfofl7t--disqus-av says:

      Except, he also played JJJ in Spider-man: Far From Home. Unless you’re claiming that Simmons playing JJJ in Venom in the middle of him playing JJJ in two MCU Spider-man movies implies no connection whatsoever, which I would dismiss as preposterous.

    • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

      It all depends on which version they depict. It will most likely be the one that debuted in the end of Far From Home. It would be hilarious if he was the Raimi trilogy version.

    • putusernamehere-av says:

      When Spider-Man came out in 2002 I hadn’t seen JK Simmons in anything before, so I just thought they found the real J Jonah Jameson and put him in the movie. 

      • v-kaiser-av says:

        It is wild how perfect he is. No matter how good anyone else is at the role I can just tell when it isn’t Simmons and it bugs the crap out of me. One of the only real negatives I have from the 2018 Spider-Man game was they didn’t have Simmons voice JJJ for the crazy podcasts. The VA did an incredible job, but he just wasn’t Simmons.

        • fever-dog-av says:

          My only quibble, and it’s miniscule, is that I pictured JJJ with a more gravely voice what with all the cigars.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      See: Michael Keaton in Morbius trailer. I dont think these are just breadcrumbs… I think people have a genuine reason to be speculating this…. chill.

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    Let’s just put J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson in every movie, Marvel or not.

  • greyayanami-av says:

    Not having watched the first film but considering it does not include Spiderman in it how do they explain the fact that both Venom and Carnage are obviously modeled after Spiderman costumes? Is it addressed at all?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    There’s enough J.K. to go around. Seriously, he’s jacked.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    They should just make a movie from the filmed versions of Spiderman: Turn off the Dark. I mean, they did it for Hamilton and it was a big success on Disney+! (Seriously, I’ve watched the questionably legal versions on Youtube and it isn’t as bad as people make out; there are plot holes, especially in the 2.0 version that deletes most of the Arachne subplot, but the music and set design are great).

    • printthelegend-av says:

      I don’t think it’s just that it was bad. People were also getting crippled by performing in it.

  • falcopawnch-av says:

    Given that the MCU has Tom Holland and the Venomverse has escalated things by drafting Tom Hollander, it now falls to the DCEU to assert its dominance by hiring Tom Hollandest

  • geormajesty-av says:

    “Irish movie streaming site Vue”How did you arrive at that description?

  • nilus-av says:

    I kinda like the idea that J.K. Simmons is multiversal constant throughout any Marvel property. He is always JJJ

    • v-kaiser-av says:

      He’s the new Molecule Man who shares a single consciousness across all the multiverse.

    • thenoblerobot-av says:

      Honestly, I half expect No Way Home to have Doctor Strange casually drop a line about him being a “Nexus being” like Wanda is, the same in every universe.

  • dabard3-av says:

    I just don’t consider that a spoiler. It would be a spoiler if someone from the non-Sony MCU (Say, Karen Gillian or Dave Bautista playing Nebula or Drax and lending a hand to the weird kid they met on Titan)

    After Simmons’ appearance in Far From Home, it would be weird if he wasn’t back.

  • yttruim-av says:

    Is it though? I mean Spider Man is MCU light/adjacent at best. It is still a Sony property that is being lent out as it were. Would it not be just as equal to say that it was a Sony cameo of JJJ in the MCU. 

    • nilus-av says:

      I think the Tom Holland Spider-man is very much an MCU character and his movies are MCU movies that Sony just sorta owns the rights too.   I think Venom and the other spin-offs are Sony movies with little to no MCU connections(yet at least)

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        yeah the recent spider-man movies all featured at least one other MCU character on the damn posters, they’re very connected.the first one was very much sold as ‘spider-man: now with iron man!’ and this third one sure looks like it’s ‘spider-man: now with dr strange!’

      • yttruim-av says:

        Thats the thing. On the outside it is a Sony Movie with a soft MCU core. On the inside it is an MCU movie with a thin crunchy Sony exterior. This strange thing that has to occupy both at once. 

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I wish Tom Hardy would quit screwing around with these Venom movies and move to Australia and camp out in front of George Miller’s house until he agrees to make another Mad Max

    • harryhood42-av says:

      I’m pretty sure Miller is busy making the sequel to Fury Road, Furiosa. I wouldn’t rule Tom Hardy out as a cameo, but another “Mad Max” is already happening. 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      miller’s already moved on to a hemsworth.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Honestly I just want JK Simmons to reprise his Palm Springs role just so we can hear The Brazilian by Genesis in more films.

  • nickb361-av says:

    J.K. could be a hero himself still. He was looking absolutely jacked in the Tomorrow War or whatever that movie’s called. 

  • drmedicine-av says:

    Is Tom Hollander doing a cameo as Spidermander

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “Bring me photos of Eddie Brock making out with Venom! The internet will go nuts for that.”

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    But hold on…. didn’t Michael Keaton’s Vulture appear in the stringer of the Morbius trailer….? Doesn’t that already confirm this? This isn’t new news.

  • thenoblerobot-av says:

    It’s also just possible that JK Simmons is just in this movie playing a wholly different character, maybe without so much as a sly nod to his role as JJJ in the Raimi films.
    This movie was supposed to come out nearly a year ago, and started filming only a few months after Simmons surprise cameo in Spider-Man: Far From Home was revealed, so Venom 2 would be a weird place to put the MCU’s first legit crossover with another film series continuity, well before WandaVision and Loki revealed to audiences the meta direction the MCU is going in.It’s possible Sony just can’t help itself and cast him as a third version of JJJ. If his even being in the movie is accurate, it’s eyebrow raising, but lets spend at least a few seconds investigating how movies (and these ones in particular) are made before just printing the first and most fan-ficciest theory that comes to mind.

  • hornacek37-av says:

    Obligatory comment about how in Eddie Brock’s original origin he was a reporter for the Daily Globe, not the Daily Bugle, and that he never worked with Jonah or Peter Parker (although Peter somehow instantly recognized him when Venom unmasked in front of him).

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      To be fair, reporters and journalists are generally aware of others in the same line of work.

      • nilus-av says:

        I mean they have to be or else it becomes hard to swear blood vengeance oaths against rivals you don’t even know

      • hornacek37-av says:

        Peter was a photographer, not a reporter. The idea that he would recognize a reporter for another newspaper, someone whose career ended years earlier after an embarrassing story like the fake Sin Eater interview, is kind of unbelievable.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    it’s J. Jonah Jameson? big whoop.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    didn’t someone also slip that michael keaton was in it or was that morbius?

  • hootieandrablaufish-av says:

    If Sony is connecting Morbius to the MCU via Michael Keaton’s Vulture, it seems pretty obvious they would do the same with Venom with another MCU character that first showed up in one of their own movies.

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