Pat McAfee regrets Aaron Rodgers tying Jimmy Kimmel to Jeffrey Epstein

Half apologizing for allowing the NFL’s most outspoken conspiracy theorist to ruminate on Jeffrey Epstein, Pat McAfee understands Jimmy Kimmel's position

Aux News Pat McAfee
Pat McAfee regrets Aaron Rodgers tying Jimmy Kimmel to Jeffrey Epstein
Jimmy Kimmel, Pat McAfee Photo: Phillip Faraone

Pat McAfee gets it. Not everyone will love having their name sharing space with a plane called “The Lolita Express,” especially when they’re a talk show host on your sister network. Yesterday was a nightmare scenario for McAfee, the host of ESPN’s The Pat McAfee sports talk show. As is his wont, McAfee invited famed conspiracy theorist and Super Bowl champion Aaron Rodgers onto his show for a “freewheeling” conversation about the recently deceased financier Jeffrey Epstein, a guy everyone loves to be associated with these days. Rodgers did his part by insinuating that Jimmy Kimmel would be listed on the flight logs from Epstein’s private jet. After the clip hit the internet, Kimmel threatened to sue Rodgers.

But The Pat McAfee Show is “an uplifting one,” or so McAfee’s apology tweet insists. The Pat McAfee Show is a place where the boys can “talk shit and try to make light of everything,” including, we guess, the Jeffrey Epstein child sex trafficking saga and the dozens of women’s lives ruined by him. McAfee, who throughout the COVID-19 pandemic gave Rodgers a soapbox to promote ivermectin, insists that he doesn’t like being associated with “anything negative ever” and that he regrets besmirching the good name of, arguably, his parent company’s most important star. One can only assume that as soon as Rodgers brought up Jeffrey Epstein, McAfee believed the conversation was headed in a positive direction and decided to let the normally mild-mannered Rodgers rap for a little while.

Nevertheless, despite donning sleeves for the occasion of this very important apology, McAfee “can’t wait to hear what Aaron has to say about it,” hoping that Rodgers and Kimmel will “just be able to settle this” and learn to “chit chat” and “move along.” Yes, we all look forward to Kimmel and Rodgers continuing this very illuminating and necessary conversation.


  • dirtside-av says:

    It’s always fun, when something like the Epstein situation comes and goes, to think about the fact that there are other rich shitbags doing the same thing right now; we just haven’t learned about them yet.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Naturally the judge delayed release of The List, but this could be reeeeeally interesting, really fast.

      • brawnchicken33-av says:

        It **could** be really interesting. But you know the whyte wing has excuses when their team is on there. They’ve been lining up Trump excuses for years now-though they’ve really gotten hot the past week or two.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I don’t think Epstein focused his entertainment on either party. He wanted to be among powerful and influential people, full stop, and no political affiliation has a monopoly on bad behavior.

          • dummytextdummytext-av says:

            ‘no political party has a monopoly on bad behavior’.

            no, but there is one specifically that is noticeably much more psychotic and fascist in recent years, and that’s inarguable no matter your investment in both sides-ism.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            I’m talking specifically about this kind of bad behavior, but if you really want to start parsing it appears Clinton was a frequent flier with Epstein.

    • charliemeadows69420-av says:

      One thing to remember about the Epstein situation is Barack Obama was aware of the many children Epstein and his clients abused and Barack chose to use his power to help the rich and powerful pedophiles get away with their crimes.     Hope.   Change.  

  • handsaway-av says:

    a place where the boys can “talk shit and try to make light of everything,Which is exactly the problem.

    • mckludge-av says:

      If that’s the kind of show he wants to make, that’s fine. But it doesn’t belong on ESPN at noon.

      • charliemeadows69420-av says:

        McAfee is a dumb racist white guy. He obviously belongs on ESPN at noon. It’s a needed break from their black guys cooning and annoying women acts.

        • nimbh-av says:

          You can kill yourself anytime. We won’t miss you. 

        • kman3k-av says:

          Well, McAfee calls himself dumb all the time and yes, he is clearly white. But racist? Clearly you’ve never watch his show or listened to him talk. He’s as far as a racist as one can get. I mean, Pac-Man fucking Jones is one of his best friends for over 20 years.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Only a racist could be friends with a woman beater like Jones you fucking idiot.  

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Remember when people were all “too bad Rodgers has this NFL thing going on, he’d be great as Jeopardy host!”

    • planehugger1-av says:

      To be fair, Rodgers got through his first five minutes of his Jeopardy hosting gig without tearing his Achilles tendon, so he did have more success there than he’s had at football recently.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I’ll sheepishly admit to being one of those guys. At the time though all I knew him as was “oh, he’s a guy that plays football”, not any of his dumbass other views.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        I’m pretty sure it was before people found out he lied about being immunized against COVID… and then he just snowballed into jackassery from there.

        • drewtopia22-av says:

          He’s always been a jackass. While being hot shit QB golden boy for the majority of his life he threw a fit about how “everyone’s against me” because he fell to late in the 1st round during the draft.

          • westsiiiiide-av says:

            In retrospect, the stories that came out a few years ago about his entire family hating him should have been a warning.

      • monsterdook-av says:

        As a Packers fan it’s been apparent how carefully Rodgers chose his words. Five years ago that seemed pragmatic after Favre talked himself out of town, but now I wonder what other dumbass shit Rodgers believes that he hasn’t revealed during his weekly douche sessions with McAfee.

      • brawnchicken33-av says:

        Yeah, for a while there he was the moderately smarter, more introspective, mellow NFL QB. He came across as kind of the anti Tom Brady. But he eventually revealed himself and here we are.

      • Abby62-av says:


  • nowaitcomeback-av says:

    Bring Jimmy Kimmel on your show and give him the same amount of time to have a “free-wheeling” conversation about how Rodgers is a has-been shithead whose brain is broken. It’s only fair.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    The SmackDown announcer?

  • jthane-av says:

    “Pat McAfee gets it.”… unless “it” is wearing shirts with sleeves, like an adult.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Does he regret it? Or did a bunch of Disney/ABC/ESPN lawyers regret it?

    • engineerthefuture-av says:

      He learned that in order to work for the mouse & make ESPN money, he’ll need write the occasional fake apology. 

    • weedlord420-av says:

      Definitely the latter. Hell, even if he did, he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would ever actually admit to any wrongdoing (or culpability in wrongdoing) unless forced to.

      • kman3k-av says:

        he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would ever actually admit to any wrongdoing (or culpability in wrongdoing) unless forced toAnd do tell about you came up with this “incredible” opinion?I’d love to hear you justify this.

      • dummytextdummytext-av says:

        ‘apologizing is for beta cuck libs’ – this football dork, probably

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Pat McAfee gets it.

    No, he doesn’t. McAfee’s as big a piece of shit as Rodgers is.
    Yesterday was a nightmare scenario for McAfee

    Shit like this is exactly why he pays Rodgers to come on his show. He’s only issuing this non-apology because Disney’s making him.
    McAfee… insists that he doesn’t like being associated with “anything negative ever”
    Then he should stop paying conspiracy theorists to appear on his show.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I’m sure all of that’s true, and like this article heavily suggests, he’s only doing it because Papa Disney is forcing him to. I’m honestly curious to know what would’ve happened if he implied that shit about a celebrity that Disney doesn’t also have a financial stake in. I mean, probably the same thing as now (since somebody threatening a lawsuit is always gonna force a response quick) but it’s a fun thought experiment.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        I’m honestly curious to know what would’ve happened if he implied that
        shit about a celebrity that Disney doesn’t also have a financial stake

        Absolutely nothing would’ve happened. In the US, all that matters is the almighty dollar.

    • mckludge-av says:

      ESPN putting his show on at noon was a terrible idea. It was just a matter of time before he or a guest went over the line.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        ESPN putting his show on at any time was a terrible idea. McAfee went over the line a long time ago.If you give a piece of shit a platform, you can be guaranteed they’ll act like a piece of shit. This isn’t new. ESPN/Disney puts McAfee on the air because they think they can make money off of him.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Plus how many actual sports journalists did ESPN fire in order to give McAfee his eight-figure contract? It was a bloodbath, and confirmed that ESPN was chasing the televised equivalent of clickbait rather than professional sports reporting.  First Take and Get Up weren’t enough??

    • nimbh-av says:

      You’re taking this article way too seriously. 

  • blpppt-av says:

    I’m actually wondering if Rodgers did this to get the Jets to kick him to the curb. I wouldn’t want to play behind that laughable o-line either—especially for what seems to be a cursed franchise.

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      I mean, their star QB is a tissue paper idiot with zero higher reasoning skills on display. Who’d want to play for a team that hires THAT kind of trash?

    • weedlord420-av says:
    • Bazzd-av says:

      What’s up with people thinking rich conservatives losing money by being asshats is part of some grand strategy to take control of their lives from the Powers That Be? Sometimes stupid people get really rich because they’re surrounded by stupid rich people and they have nothing of value to add to the conversation except the realization that no matter how rich they are, they’re still really stupid.

      • kalassynikoff-av says:

        This is what never ceases to amaze me. They all love these rich assholes who pander to them but never deliver.

  • murrychang-av says:

    That’s a really dumb Mad Lib

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    What even was the context here? Has Kimmel been accused of sexual misconduct elsewhere? Why would his name even come up in this conversation? This all sounds nuts. I mean, we are talking about Aaron Rodgers, though, so that tracks.

    • cabbagehead-av says:

      there was context and justification for the joke. 

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I feel like the only context is that Kimmel has taken a lot of shots at the right (although most late night hosts have), including at Rodgers specifically, so Rodgers has an axe to grind. So while “I bet they’re on Epstein’s list” has become a popular refrain for right-wingers when any of those HOLLYWOOD ELITES celebrities mock/trash talk them, Kimmel’s been high on Rodgers’s personal shitlist. In another universe, Rodgers would’ve just gone for Biden like all the other dumbasses.

      • dudull-av says:

        Yup. When Late Show with Stephen Colbert make fun of the list and showed up on Youtube, there’s always a comment that suspected Stephen on that list.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Ah.  Well. I’m glad to see we humans are doing so much with our big brains and high intelligence.

      • dwigt-av says:

        Kimmel had been apolitical during most of his career until there was one of the first attempts at repealing Obamacare during Trump and he did on his show a monologue about his son being born with two rare heart defects, explaining he had been lucky to be wealthy, because he could pay for the surgery that was a requisite to save his son’s life. He told that health coverage for children should be a given.His conservative audience was shocked to discover that the guy that they assumed to be one of them had a condition called empathy, and they hate him to the guts because of it. Hence the amount of bullshit rumors around him, while Stephen Colbert, who had always been vocal against right-wing politicians, is comparatively unharmed

    • systemmastert-av says:

      There’s a list that goes around right wing twitter circles that is ostensibly the “flight log” but it’s unsourced and is clearly just a big list of someone’s political enemies and left-wing types.  He’s on there, but like so is every famous liberal you’ve ever heard of.  That’s why.

    • budsmom-av says:

      Rodgers is such a dumb ass he doesn’t even realize he was handed the perfect set up to bash Democrats. Bill Clinton was on the plane, even tho he hasn’t been tied to anything sordid other than hanging out with Epstein. (This according to a reporter on NPR who has been working on getting the docs released for years).

  • wsvon1-av says:

    The only thing missing from that pic of McAfee is a the TapOut logo on the wifebeater so people know to avoid him (if they didn’t from the haircut and fake dog tags).

  • cabbagehead-av says:

    Rogers made a joke based on someone whose last name is spelled “…immel” like Jimmy Kimmel’s is. Kimmel’s a sexist talentless pig who made it by being a pig and people liking it. He sucks at everything he does, except for Celebrities Read Mean Tweets. Ivermectin is a versatile drug that is used to treat many ailments in humans but got politicized by left-wingers who needed to keep the pandemic as political as possible. 

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    “a place where the boys can “talk shit and try to make light of everything,””Nah. There are lines. One of your boys starts to obsess over pedophelia and how everyone is apparently involved and then starts actively accusing people with no backing or proof? You cut that POS loose after warning everyone around them to keep an eye on their kids.Dog takes a shit in the kitchen and you clean it up, life goes on.Dog shits in the kitchen weekly and you only bother to clean it up when someone looks at you and says “OH GOD WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?”, you cut Rodgers loose and tell him to go climb back up whatever Trumpy wormhole he fell out of.

  • mosquitocontrol-av says:

    McAfee’s entire thing is that he pays Rodgers to come onto his show and makes headlines without ever pushing back.McAfee has no guts. He’s a turd. And I know a guy that played with him in college that is adamant he likes his girls very, very young.

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    recently deceased financier Jeffrey EpsteinI checked to see when in 2019 this article came out and was confused that it said “3 hours ago.”

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    This McAfee guy is the source of a very annoying conflict when I visit my parents in the afternoon. My dad will want to have his show on as loud background noise and then my mom will complain that she has to listen to a braying jackass for hours in a row and then my dad will say, “You don’t get it. That’s his schtick.” as though it’s better that he’s only pretending to be a cool ranch pile of shit. 

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Trump and Bill Clinton fucked kids.   Obama, Biden, Hillary and the rest don’t even care enough to get justice for the victims.   They helped Epstein’s clients get away with it all so those rich pedophiles could shower them with bribes and power.   

  • daveassist-av says:

    I’m seeing one of our more trollish posters use a racial slur that starts with C. I understand that it’s used by Black people to describe other Black people that seem to be against their own race.But when a White person takes that term into their own mouth, it’s hard to see it as anything but a slur.

  • bootska-av says:

    I, for one, hope beyond all hope that Kimmel sues Rodgers, McAffee, ESPN, and his bosses at ABC & Disney.

  • brawnchicken33-av says:

    Oh, I despise McAfee. I don’t watch much ESPN or listen to sports talk radio at this point in my life, but I change the channel whenever he comes on. He just grates on me. 

  • clamsteam-av says:

    What a turd.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Imagine showing up for work only for one of your coworkers to start telling everyone at the office you’re a pedophile….and then all that your boss does is make them apologize.If I pulled that shit at my work I’d have been fired immediately.

  • westsiiiiide-av says:

    As is his wont, McAfee invited famed conspiracy theorist and Super Bowl champion Aaron Rodgers…To clarify these aren’t invites, McAfee pays Rodgers (in the millions!) to appear on the show. As a journalistic entity I don’t even know how/why ESPN allows this**, but that’s the scenario.**I presume it means he has a contract of some kind with them as a correspondent or employee? If so covering his football career should probably be out of bounds, and probably also means they can fire or suspend him? The whole thing is extremely messy.

    • kman3k-av says:

      This post is hilarious. Clearly, by your own admittance, you have no idea the power structure or the like. Also, they are invites and yes, he pays the people that made his show what it is. Shocking, I know.Also, As a journalistic entity, when Bob Ley left ESPN, that was the end of “journalism” at ESPN.Lastly, what does the E is ESPN stand for? Here’s a hint, not journalism. It’s not called JSPN after all.

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