Pavement reunites with crazy original drummer Gary Young for one show

Aux Features Music
Pavement reunites with crazy original drummer Gary Young for one show

If you can make it to only one show on the current tour by recently reunited indie dandies Pavement, then the June 24 performance in Stockton, California should be it. While the fact that it’s the band’s first-ever performance in its own hometown is enough to recommend it, according to the Matablog (and as reported by Pitchfork), the show will also feature a guest appearance by none other than original Pavement drummer Gary Young.  A founding member of the group, Young can be heard on its seminal debut Slanted And Enchanted, leaving shortly after the recording of the Watery, Domestic EP. According to Pavement lore, Young was notorious for getting insanely drunk at live shows, falling over behind his drum kit, running around the venue and doing headstands, handing out weird shit like cabbage heads and slices of toast to audience members, and just generally behaving like a fun, drugged-up goofball. His one-time-only appearance probably won’t be nearly as crazy as all that, but it should still be something of a spectacle.

And hey, as long as we’re talking Gary Young: “Plantman”! Good luck getting this shit out of your head within the next few days.

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