
Peacemaker eases tensions and ramps up the mayhem

Steve Agee's Economos goes ape in an exceptionally grisly episode of Peacemaker.

TV Reviews Peacemaker
Peacemaker eases tensions and ramps up the mayhem

John Cena and Danielle Brooks star in Peacemaker Photo: HBO Max

The morning after the first major dramatic peak in Peacemaker’s very short but chaotic history is appropriately hard to watch.

This isn’t about John Economos’ janky PowerPoint presentation towards the beginning of “Monkey Dory,” but rather that old-man concoction Christopher Smith gulps down to ease his dehydrated suffering and the look of agony that erupts on John Cena’s mug right after. (We’ll explore this libation more in Stray Observations.) Miserable under the dull gray sky where Eagly hunts a savory breakfast for his best friend (I think it was a squirrel?), Smith’s hangover is a sobering moment for Peacemaker just before it barrels towards its finale, and fertile ground for Chris’ raw détente with John to flourish into an unexpected friendship.

For the sake of fairness, Economos’ try-hard PowerPoint presentation, which finally fills Peacemaker and Vigilante in on exactly what the Butterflies are, is also really hard to look at. It’s a breezy enough scene with a strong undercurrent of foreboding (considering we know what Clemson Murn is hiding between his ears), and packed to overflowing with the mostly successful ad-lib rallies that often take place between Smith and the other members of Task Force Hacks. Here, Cena and Steve Agee riff on all the other people in the world Economos could have framed for Chris’ crimes in episode two instead of, say, Auggie Smith, Chris’ white nationalist father. (Despite all, Chris still loves his dad.)

The back-and-forth goes on for longer than it probably needed to (Cena links Joe Montana’s and Joe Mantegna’s names together, so there’s that) but it does underline how downright mean Chris has been to Economos since the very beginning of the show. Maybe Chris saw an easy mark when John went rooting through his fridge back in episode one; maybe it’s because John refuses to admit he can use a more sophisticated helping hand when he dyes his beard. John did send Auggie to the hoosegow, a reasonable excuse for Chris’ ire. But Economos is a hipster dingus and Chris is an emotionally-stunted choad—surely they would make natural allies?

John and Chris’ word-war is the most recent example of how friendships in Peacemaker aren’t enjoyed, but waged. This latest battery of insults does prod some diplomacy from Leota Adebayo, who points out how unnecessarily cruel Chris has been to Economos; that no matter how funny it may be to call him “Dye Beard,” the hundredth time was enough. “Being a bully is just part of his personality,” offers Vigilante, whose own recurring nickname from Peacemaker used to be “Thimble.” (“Yeah, I was a late bloomer,” he explains, alongside Chris’ oh-so helpful visual aid.) Insults from Chris are deliberately revealing, grossly so in some cases, but they can also be terms of endearment. It just depends on who’s on the receiving end.

Also included in the PowerPoint scene is a bit of foreshadowing concerning the team’s imminent blood-spattered mission: There is a gorilla in their midst. (It may also be foreshadowing an unfortunate entry point for a Butterfly to commandeer a human being further into the series, who can say.) Unsubtly hinted at last week, Charlie the silver-backed gorilla makes his titanic first—and final!—appearance this week in the gnarliest show of viscera and gore we’ve seen from Peacemaker yet.

Chris, fitted with a horned x-ray helmet and a right bastard of a shotgun, cuts out any gentle hand Leota might have brought to the Task Force’s front-door infiltration of the Glan Tai Bottling factory, in reality a crucial Butterfly facility. (What does Gan Tai bottle? The delicious viscous goop favored by Butterflies everywhere.) Peacemaker’s extermination of the alien horde is the first display of unrestrained havoc we’ve seen from the character since his pissing contest with Bloodsport in The Suicide Squad (accentuated magnificently by his jury-rigged “grenade tied to a Russian tank shell” apparatus), but the real shock of “Monkey Dory” is that the brutality of Chris’ massacre is matched and then wildly exceeded by none other than Economos himself.

Charlie, the Butterflies’ “guardian angel,” has a chainsaw shoved through his back by John, an act of violence which would have come from out of nowhere had we not already witnessed his glee over beating Judomaster within an inch of his life back in episode three. (Also, Vigilante’s brandishing of said chainsaw earlier on was a nice twist of expectations, and one that metatextually irks poor Adrian Chase.) That car crash/tire iron beat-down was just a primer for what John is truly capable of: Turns out his propensity for mayhem, and his unabashed love for the Finnish glam rock outfit Hanoi Rocks (“Only the greatest band of all time!” says Chris) is how our mercurial Peacemaker finally makes peace with Economos.

That tracks; Chris almost exclusively bonds with people over their passion for rock music and zeal for irreverence and violence. The former brought Amber Calcaterra to his bed and the latter are but a couple of reasons why he continues to tolerate Vigilante. Leota’s patience and kindness might lead Chris to a more well-rounded maturity in time; letting her into his humble abode for a cocktail without the promise of sex or a mutual appreciation for Poison is clearly a step in the right direction. (Though whatever dark purpose Amanda Waller’s forged Peacemaker diary will ultimately serve will likely end up derailing Chris on this path, especially since Leota just stashed it in his trailer.)

Cruising away from their latest mission without a single casualty, jamming out to Hanoi Rocks’ “11th Street Kidzz,” this Task Force finally has their baptism by blood. Even Harcourt finds some joy in this moment, nodding her head in unison to the jams and snapping a photo of the team’s revels. She even starts a new group for her teammates on her phone; thus the motley crew of Peacemaker are slapped with a proper nom de guerre.

The newly-christened 11th Street Kids ride a euphoric high this week. Which in a show like Peacemaker means, like Chris’ rough hangover from before, they are definitely heading towards a debilitating crash.

Stray Observations

  • Detective Song’s warrant + Leota’s betrayal = tough stuff ahead for Christopher Smith.
  • Egg, worcestershire sauce, tabasco, salt, pepper: Ah, The Prairie Oyster. Speaking as a former bartender, it doesn’t do shit for hangovers but if you add a shot of gin and/or vodka to this concoction, it will at least get your jitters closer to normal. (This is not actual health advice, I am not a doctor, let’s not be ridiculous.)
  • Henenlotter’s Video, so-named for Basket Case director Frank Henenlotter, has a couple Troma Easter eggs in there if you squint: There’s a Terror Firmer (1999) film poster over by Murn’s office and a The Toxic Avenger, Part II (1989) poster lurking around there somewhere.
  • R.I.P. Judomaster??!
  • “Whatever happened to the good old days when you could non-stop fuck with somebody without them claiming to be a victim?”
  • I’m just figuring this out, but Vigilante’s red visor definitely has his prescription. (Ulp! Gunn confirms this.)
  • “I would rather listen to Vigilante’s quiet farts back there than jazz.” “No, I didn’t!”
  • Along with this week’s explainer on the Butterfly situation, we come across another wrinkle in Peacemaker’s mission: Any time somebody officially attempts to intercede with the Butterflies, a governmental bigwig shuts the whole thing down. Chris, who gets his news from the ceaseless stream of ass-clownery on Facebook, points out that this sounds an awful lot like the “Deep State,” scourge of conspiracy psychos like Auggie Smith and nebulous bogeyman for the InfoWars set. Harcourt admits the comparison is sound. Fiction can be a cruel mistress.
  • Charlie, the silver-backed gorilla: “Die, Human!!!” Now. *pauses* Did Charlie speak because that Butterfly was living inside his brain, or did the zoo that housed him procure Charlie from Gorilla City? I’m just saying there’s a chance, don’t dismiss this out of hand!
  • Mock Vigilante’s all-purpose mermaid emoji all you want, but all-purpose emojis are great and come in handy when you’re texting as you board a train.
  • I’m placing this unlikely Kite Man renaissance at the feet of comics writer Tom King, who gave recurring-DC-punchline Chuck Brown a second life during his 70+ issue run on Batman. Enjoy Kite Man on the Harley Quinn animated series? Tom King’s fault. The Kite Man headline here? Possibly also Tom King’s fault, who can say. But also, who can’t say?
  • Gin, vermouth, vinegar, peppercorn, maple syrup, and “some yak butter” (replaced here with normal butter): The Peacetrain. Sounds absolutely vile.
  • Where are you at with “Monkey Dory,” group? What other ways do you think Captain Locke (Christopher Heyerdahl) will impede Song’s investigation? Is Leota about to become the newest Butterfly? Have you ever gulped down a Prairie Oyster, as I have? Let’s trade hangover cures in the comments below.


  • h3yd-av says:

    Kite Man! Hell yeah!We have Tom King to thank for so many things, but this might be the biggest. Also, King’s Kite Man story ranks among the most tragic origins imaginable. 

    • GeoffDes-av says:

      I asked King about when we’d get Kite Man/Hell Yeah t-shirts and he said that DC was working on it, but I suspect that the drama with his being booted off Batman put a stop to that.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      Tom King reviving Kite man first as a one page joke, then a recurring character and then finally making him an actual character was masterful.

  • the-hebrewhammer-av says:

    It’s going to be so heartbreaking when that forged diary ends up being related to the death of Peacemaker’s brother. I’m guessing that it is to gaslight Chris to make him think he didn’t feel remorse for the death, or maybe even that he was happy about it. A way to tie him off as a loose end after the whole operation. He’s going to be absolutely destroyed after finally opening up. 

    • midroad-av says:

      Could be, but I’m assuming the simplest explanation is that he’s being framed as a patsy for Waller’s off-the-books operation. 

    • spexandwally-av says:

      I’m betting Leota couldn’t go through with it. Didn’t see her leave without it, so it didn’t happen.

  • hiemoth-av says:

    My favorite part of the episode was when Peacemaker pointed out how he too had been bullied in his youth by people calling him a bully and insensitive. The delivery of it was just near-perfect.Close second was Vigilante casually commenting on how the mocking didn’t bother him because he didn’t have feelings like normal people.

    • cordingly-av says:

      Cena is doing a decent job at playing a character who is sensitive to peculiar things.

      “I have a soul, not a duck”.

    • hootiehoo2-av says:

      Yeah that was so great. I love everyone in this show so much and I Laugh at loud at so many of the jokes.

    • erakfishfishfish-av says:

      I just started watching Mythic Quest, and the second episode reveals a character with a similar definition for being bullied.

    • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

      Especially Chris wanting so much to say “I never thought it was possible I’d have a group of friends” but not being able to get it out, but TRYING AGAIN. Sometimes you just can’t get it out without ugly honk-sobbing. It was real.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    I may be nuts , but a lot of Charlies sound effects and howls sounded just like a demon from the original Doom game . Which worked perfectly since he’s killed by chainsaw .

  • inspectorhammer-av says:

    Dicks out for Harambe.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    Peacmaker definitely seems a lot more sensitive than he claims. If I needed someone just for emotionless killing, id pick Vigilante.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      They proved that in episode 3, when Peacemaker couldn’t take the shot. I thought it was actually kind of sweet in a fucked up way when Vigilante took over.I think Peacemaker is very sensitive about how he’s seen by others. It bothers him that people see him as a villain, because that’s not how he sees himself. Flag was someone he respected, even if they weren’t friends, and Flag’s dying words have haunted Peacemaker since, as we’ve seen.

  • Wraithfighter-av says:

    I loved Detective Song, now that she knows exactly how much of a fucking shitbag Peacemaker’s sperm donor is, being able to more effectively snark back at him.I just hope she wasn’t really running out of white guys to call him, because I figure she could go on a diatribe as long as Peacemaker’s :D.
    But in full, I really do love how serious the show is willing to go. That hangover scene felt legit brutal, even with how little happened in it, and the simple fun of seeing the team reveling in victory on the drive back… stuff like that doesn’t hit so warmly if there’s not been any strife leading up to it. The only thing better than James Gunn’s tone management is his taste in music…

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      I feel like the hangover scene hit harder bc his real hangover is the low self esteem, self-abuse, and crying Peacemaker did the night before. Eagly and Goff-erfly were even concerned (my heart melted at that moment). I can definitely relate to that kind of hangover.
      Also, I like that you’re just calling August his “sperm donor” bc that’s all that piece of shit is. I just hope Chris isn’t forced to kill Auggie before being emotionally ready to do so.

    • neffman-av says:

      Loved the “I’m already out of white guys quip.” She is really killing it in that role.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    Is Judomaster’s death in doubt? I thought Leota blew him away. I mean, its a comic book show, they can always being him back somehow, but he looked clearly dead.

    • the-allusionist-av says:

      After Leota shot him they had Judomaster back on the couch hooked up to the IV, so I assume that he’s still alive. 

      • jgp1972-av says:

        Yes! You are right. i totally forgot about that part.

      • jgp1972-av says:

        dont think he was shown in ep 5 at all, though

        • the-allusionist-av says:

          Or even mentioned. If they’re going to write off Judomaster, I would like a emotional farewell befitting the show, maybe with Economos and Vigilante rolling him up in a rug and pitching him into the dumpster out back.

          • jgp1972-av says:

            well hes still alive hes probably recovering on their couch, healing up, waiting to try and escape again. They should at least handcuff him or put him in a cell.

    • thenuclearhamster-av says:

       IMBD says he appears in 6 episodes. 

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      He’s sitting aloft on Peacemakers shoulders at the climax of the opening title sequence of every episode. I doubt it’s the last we’ll see of him.

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      Judomaster will likely be possessed by a butterfly to keep him alive. I would guess the one Peacemaker kept as a “pet” bc I think there’s a (somewhat telegraphed) reveal about the butterflies true purpose on Earth.
      I expect they’re here to help, brain infestation not withstanding. I mean, after The Suicide Squad, can there be any doubt that Waller is a bad person who would kill world peace to keep herself and her cronies in business?

  • GeoffDes-av says:

    I suspect the casuals are supposed to assume Charlie spoke because of the butterfly, but us geeks get to gleefully wonder if someone will lend the Grodd CGI model from Flash to Peacemaker.

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    “Turns out his propensity for mayhem, and his unabashed love for the Finnish glam rock outfit Hanoi Rocks (“Only the greatest band of all time!” says Chris)“Definitely top tenAnd it’s “11th Street Kids”. No fucking z’s.  This came out a decade before “kewl” culture.

  • 000-1-av says:

    The Butterflies are going to be Good Guys.

  • angelicafun-av says:

    That was kind of wild to see The Wall programmed simply as Mom on someone’s phone, it’s the simplest way of humanizing Amanda Waller. Only 5 episodes in and this show already became such a favorite, I am just having so much fun. The hangover cure Peacemaker was having was definitely way more gruesome than a gorilla being chain-sawed.

    • crackblind-av says:

      We were discussing that and I think Waller really is Leota’s mother. At one point I even think she called her Mom on the phone.

    • colonel9000-av says:

      I mean, in the very first episode Waller and Leota are on the phone together, and she’s very much her mother.  Did you people watch the show??

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    This show just gets better and better. I like that sometimes you catch glimpses of the actors trying not to crack when there’s a scene that almost certainly involved some ad-libs. I’d like to think Murn won’t turn Leota into a Butterfly, as otherwise surely it would have been easy for him to do by now if he really wanted to control/convert the whole team? eg. “Harcourt, in my office. Everyone else, we’re done here.”Also, the best hangover cure is hot buttery toast and a big glass of cold water. I tried hair of the dog once and good grief was that a mistake.

    • cityzun-av says:

      Divide and conquer would be super easy with such a disjointed team.
      A shot of clear liquor to dull the pain, an oj chaser for a little sugar and vitamins, and a lot of water to cleanse the kidneys. Doesn’t work for the worst hangovers but it helps stave off the smaller headaches.

    • neffman-av says:

      Best hang over cure is to drink about 44 oz of water before bed, then about the same when you wake up. 

  • likerofdoctorwhocomments-av says:

    They kinda messed up the Murn reveal by ending two different episodes with it. Last episode, he seems more robotic than usual when talking to Leota, so there’s an implication that he has just been turned into a butterfly and will lead the team into a trap. However, in this episode, he’s back to his old self, the mission goes well, so it’s clear he’s been a butterfly since before episode 1 (and the real Clemson Murn was the psychopathic killer everyone keeps mentioning). He’s an anti-butterfly butterfly. It rings hollow to have him go feral and attack Leota, and to present that like she’s in actual danger, since they’ve already diffused the mislead. I doubt he’ll hurt her once he tries to explain himself.

    • the-allusionist-av says:

      I somehow doubt that Leota is in real danger. Waller presumably knows that Murn is a butterfly and has some sort of leverage over him.

    • capeo-av says:

      He wasn’t particularly different last week. I’d say it’s been pretty clear that he’s been a butterfly from the start with the reveal from last week. His talk with Locke in this episode about how he’s changed mirrored his talk with John at the start of the series. I agree that these double reveal endings regarding Murn didn’t land well though, and were an odd choice. Nothing in this episode was illuminated by the prior reveal that Murn is a butterfly for the audience. Yeah, it shows that maybe butterflies don’t all have the same motivations. That would also be achieved if the audience found out Murn was a butterfly at the same time that Leota did this week. We also know Leota isn’t getting killed so I agree that Murn going all feral on her is an unnecessary fakeout as a cliffhanger.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    Im guessing one of two things is going to happen, since i know they’re not going to kill Leota: 1. Leota gets a butterfly and goes back to work like nothing happened. 2. Someone from the team conveniently remembers they need something from the office at that exact time, will show up and rescue her. Longshot guess: Judomaster escapes and helps her. Why he’d do that, I don’t know.

  • capeo-av says:

    This show really highlights what is arguably Gunn’s biggest strength as a writer-director: presenting absurdly flawed characters in ridiculous, often hyper-violent situations, and still finding a beating heart underneath it. All the while maintaining a tone that can accommodate both. That’s not particularly easy. It’s especially not easy for an actor, which speaks to Gunn’s direction.

  • loopychew-av says:

    I made a “Gorilla Sawdd” joke on Reddit and I will do it again here, dammit.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    it’s amazing that Jody Hill and now Rosemary Rodriguez seem to be able to convey James Gunn’s vision so much better than Gunn did in this oeuvre.  Gunn went for the vulgar like he was on a holiday, but the show has become much better since he left, and shown that: the show has good bones.  Which isn’t surprising, because Gunn is talented af, but he should watch what these people are doing with his stuff because it isn’t all about getting to say C*NT as many times as possible…in fact the fact it was in this episode seemed required in a not funny way.  But then…for example…vigilante isn’t funny.  Other than that one line about not having emotions.  Is it casting?  Is it writing?  The show would be better if he was funny.  

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      I am rewatching Suicide Squad and I am really impressed (eh as I always am by Gunn’s work when it’s not virulently sexist) at how (for better and worse lol of course) this universe was set up from the get-go.

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      Getting to say CENT as many times as possible is half of all great art.

    • refinedbean-av says:

      You didn’t find him funny in last ep? I think he’s slowly become funnier and funnier.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        i don’t think he’s an entirely successful character, but he’s worked more often than not.i’m a little confused by his ‘i don’t feel emotions like regular humans’ line because up until that point he’s just seemed kind of dumb and dorky, but was clearly experiencing the emotions associated with what was going on. he’s obviously a psycho but so is everyone on this show.but yeah, whenever he gets a ‘bit’ it can be grating. that chihuahua line in particular was…awful. that being said i loved the obliviousness joke when he was like ‘what was that ro sha bo for’? he evens out to me but i can see someone being turned off by his voice alone.

        • refinedbean-av says:

          I agree the “don’t feel emotions” line is a bit of stilted writing. He obviously does – hell, we’re introduced to him pumping his fist and showing visible excitement, and then shame as he tries to hide it. He thought he was alone – he wasn’t putting a performance on for anyone.

          Maybe they’ll explore it more. I dunno.

          • iggyzuniga-av says:

            I may be revealing a bit to much about myself here, but I have actually said basically that exact same thing about myself, when discussing things like put downs, and even deaths.   I’ve often told people, somewhat jokingly but not entirely, “that doesn’t bother me because I don’t have any of those…what do you call them…feelings.”   So that bit of writing worked just fine for me.

          • refinedbean-av says:

            Oh, for sure! I’ve made similar comments. But it’s a tough needle to thread on just joking about that in the show and actually trying to depict someone who could be diagnosed as sociopathic.

          • neffman-av says:

            As someone who is constantly told I am an emotionless robot, I guess I agree. I thought that shit was funny. It is obvious he feels emotions. It is just his nerd copium to say that because he is embarrassed.

        • jessiewiek-av says:

          I think the “I don’t feel emotions like regular people” is intentionally awkward. It’s how he wants to be perceived. He does clearly feel emotions (as evidenced by his insecurity with Chris making other friends), but he wants to seem like he doesn’t have emotions at all.Similar, the scene where he claims he’s not upset about his toe, but he’s obviously very upset about his toe.

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            I think it’s just that he’s a sociopath. Maybe he feels some emotions and not others? Or do sociopaths specifically feel no regular emotion? I don’t know but I know James Gunn has stated that the intention for the Vigilante character is that he’s a sociopath.

        • dirtside-av says:

          I assumed he meant he doesn’t have emotions the same way normal people do, not that he doesn’t have emotions at all. The line’s a little ambiguous.

        • i-miss-splinter-av says:

          i’m a little confused by his ‘i don’t feel emotions like regular humans’
          line because up until that point he’s just seemed kind of dumb and
          dorky, but was clearly experiencing the emotions associated with what
          was going on.
          That’s the joke.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            i saw the joke as the 1-2 of peacemaker being a bully, but it not bothering vigilante because he ‘doesn’t experience things the same way’if you’re saying that line is just him lying about it…well, okay! i can buy that and i’ll try that consideration going forwards.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            The persona projection is the joke. Vigilante didn’t even really mean it when he said it, as shown by the shakiness of his voice as he said it. Both Peacemaker and Vigilante have a persona that they project that isn’t really who they really are.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            yeah i’ll buy that. works for me.

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          That was Vigilante’s bravado talking. He clearly really did feel those things, but he is currently buddies with Peacemaker in his mind and does not want to spoil it. 

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        His line about not wanting to endanger Peacemaker by revealing his secret identity to him floored me.

    • alphablu-av says:

      “but the show has become much better since he left”

      Gunn didn’t leave?

      • mshep-av says:

        He literally wrote this episode. He’s fully involved in this show. 

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        handed over the directing reins, apparently Brad Anderson is doing an episode also

      • the-hebrewhammer-av says:

        I’m assuming the OP meant because Gunn directed the first 3 and hasn’t directed the subsequent ones? Although that doesn’t work either because he apparently also directs this weeks and the finale. 

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      the show has become much better since he left

      Gunn didn’t leave.
      it isn’t all about getting to say C*NT as many times as possible Cunt was said exactly once in 5 episodes, but don’t let facts get in the way of your rant.
      vigilante isn’t funny.

      Beg to differ.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      James Gunn is still credited as the writer for the passed two episodes despite handing off directing duties… a director doesn’t control how much characters swear per episode. 

  • shadowstaarr-av says:

    I can’t help but feel like Hardcourt’s change in demeanor, being a little more open to the team making the WhatsApp chat, is just a sign she was infected by a Butterfly during the fight with Charlie.  I got nothing to prove it, other than it seemed like a perfect time for it to happen.  Murn similarly sounds like he was a worse person prior to the events of the series and the way his is now is because of a Butterfly.

    • dp4m-av says:

      Yeah, something was definitely up with her in the van — not sure if it was being smacked around by a talking gorilla whilst tracking down an alien invasion of sorts, but her hands seemed to be trembling as she was taking out her phone to take that picture?

    • neffman-av says:

      Naw, Murn and his homie were both through the Bfly wars of conquest on other worlds.  THEY are the bad bfly’s. The one in the jar is from the other escaping non imperialist bflys. That is my theory.

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      As someone previously pointed out, Harcourt and Murn come out like puppets in the opening credits. Once Murn was confirmed to have a butterfly, I was waiting for when she would be infected.  

    • bc222-av says:

      Yeah, there had to be a reason for Murn’s “We good?” to Hardcourt and her weird look at him. Something’s up there.

    • lisalionhearts-av says:

      Yeah my husband pointed out that the plot went out of its way to separate her from Peacemaker while he had X-ray vision activated and reunite them only after he deactivated it. Seems like they’re at least implying it…

  • imodok-av says:

    Did Charlie speak because that Butterfly was living inside his brain, or did the zoo that housed him procure Charlie from Gorilla City?
    It’s possible. Murn not only seems to have the memories of his human host, he can replicate his personality well enough to fool someone who knew him (the guy recruited to fix the Augie Smith situation. Also, Chris’s one night stand appears to have genuinely wanted to hook up, a desire that seemed to reflect the hosts nature rather than the aliens. Either the butterflies absorb that information from the hosts brain or this is a symbiotic relationship, and the butterfly and human consciousnesses coexist amicably. Given their apparently benevolent nature, this also a possibility. The reference to Charlie as a guardian angel could also be read as suggesting cooperation between alien and ape.Which brings us back to Charlie. A regular ape would not know how to use his mouth to form words ( though its probably capable of understanding language and gestures on a rudimentary level). The easiest answer is the aliens are really smart and just figured it out. But maybe Charlie always knew how to talk.

    • drips-av says:

      I can’t find the exact quote now but it was something along the lines of “Some African tribes believe that apes CAN actually talk, but they don’t. Because they know if we knew, we would force them to work”

    • neffman-av says:

      Pretty sure Murn’s homie is a butterfly and they are discussing past galactic conquests. They are “the baddies.”

      • imodok-av says:

        Reasonable assumption, I thought that might be the case too. Imo their scene could be read both ways. I think a solid case can be made that when Murn is talking about regrets in past episodes, he’s talking as an alien and not about the history of his human host. Still its also the case that both Peacemaker and Harcourt are aware that the human Murn did some dark things in the past so when his homie notes that he’s changed, there’s a possibility he’s referring to that. But I’m not going to shocked if proven incorrect, it doesn’t contradict the thesis that the butterflies absorbing memories and behaviors from their human host.

    • weltyed-av says:

      orrr the butterfly controlling charlie had at one time lived within a human and took the knowledge to the gorilla. it is not true speech, but more noise that “sounds” like talking. basically, the butterfly doing the best it can with the meatpuppet it has. 

  • aboynamedart-av says:

    Through (ahem) experimentation I’ve found that your best chance to minimize a hangover is to take action before sleeping: A warm shower + a carne asada burrito + copious amounts of water over a couple of hours. 

  • drblank76-av says:

    My traditional hangover cure: 1 32oz bottle of Gatorade, preferable Citrus Cooler1 Aleve1 3 piece meal from Church’s Chicken, with mac & cheese and an extra biscuit.

    • dirtside-av says:

      My traditional hangover cure:Drink plenty of water alongside the alcohol in the first place, and you will never have a hangover.

    • erakfishfishfish-av says:

      My new hangover cure: I stopped drinking so much. (Also, no hangovers with weed gummies.)

    • bc222-av says:

      My hangover cure:Drink higher-quality alcohol. I wish I had learned before my early 30s that the vodka in a plastic bottle actually does make you feel worse than Grey Goose or Kettle.
      Also a lotta water, and a small handful of advil before bed.

      • somuchforsubtlety-av says:

        If you don’t care about flavor (and if you did you wouldn’t be drinking vodka) you can turn cheap vodka into higher-end vodka by running it through a Britta filter a couple of times. 

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      This might not be feasible, but try eating vegetables while drinking. It sounds dumb, but celery is basically time-release water. I’ve probably been able to sidestep a few hangovers with like edamame and extra celery with my wings.

    • drblank76-av says:

      None of those are hangover cures, but rather tips for hangover prevention. It’s my understanding that they were asking for cures once the ship has sailed.

    • logos728-av says:

      hells yeah!

    • thelionelhutz-av says:

      Gatorade and a pain reliver of some sort (I go with Tylenol, but go with your favorite) is probably the best way to actually deal with a hangover. . . Outside just drinking less.  

    • saltydog818-av says:

      My friend and I tried the prairie oyster in high school after a night of drinking gin and watching Cabaret because Sally drinks one in the movie. It actually makes sense because there is protein in the egg and salt in the Worcestershire and obvious in the salt lol.  But I prefer a fried egg and cheese sandwich. 

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    Huge laugh for some reason: the pepper mill.

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    I feel like Economos is letting his natural beard color grow out. It seemed a bit more two-toned this episode. 

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    The X-Ray vision helmet with pointy flanges makes Peacemaker look like Orion.

    Kite-Man needs to be the Big Bad seeking vengeance in season two! HELL YEAH!

    • bc222-av says:

      I thought all of his helmets made him look like Orion. No other DC characters have that kind of helmet, do they? Also the helmet with the red shirt just adds to the resemblance.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Wait how mant more episodes are there? Don’t tell me only 6! Don’t tell me that! God I love this show, I can’t believe how funny this show is, I know Gunn is great but wow and the cast is amazing. Cena is so great in his role that I feel like he has found his calling and everyone of the rest of the cast is also so great.My brother had the Vigilante mini series in the 80’s and I didn’t care for him (or in the Teen Titans Annual) but holy shit do I love this fucker in this show!

    • killa-k-av says:

      3 left

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Thanks! I had to look it up after my post to make sure it wasn’t just 6. 8 is a short season but I will take it!

    • monsterdook-av says:

      When I was 6 or 7 and just getting into comics I bought Vigilante #50. When I got home and read it, I was surprised to find it ended with Vigilante’s guilt over his murderous life and blowing his head off in his bathroom. After that my parents paged through the issues I bought. So for me it’s great to see Freddie Stroma just killing it in the show with Gunn’s take on Vigilante. Definitely way more entertaining that Vigilante was on Arrow.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Oh they had him on Arrow? It’s funny I love Flash and LOT and watched Supergirl but i never got into Arrow. As a kid I only read the issues my older brother had because Nightwing where in them.

        • monsterdook-av says:

          Yeah, weird a deep dive character like Vigilante has been on two shows in the past decade. In season 5 they split him into 2 characters – DA Adrian Chase was the main villain, but instead of being Vigilante he was Prometheus in order to create some misdirection. Meanwhile, Vigilante was the third Black Canary’s dead boyfriend, who was eventually killed by the Earth-2’s Black Canary known as Black Siren.
          As stupid as that sounds, it was one of the better seasons of Arrow. I watched it out of habit, and then finally gave up on Flash a couple seasons ago. This season Legends has been pretty boring. I imagine neither show has much left, especially with the CW up for sale.

          • hootiehoo2-av says:

            Yeah this season of Legends has bored me as well, I haven’t watched the last 4 because it’s been a drag (and I didn’t care for last season either).Thanks for the history on Vig on Arrow, that does sound like trip.I remember seeing the Western verison of Vigilante on Justice League Unlimted and being shocked that he was probably the original version who I never heard off.

          • monsterdook-av says:

            I was kind of impressed at how Legends kept churning out an entertaining meta superhero show while slowly jettisoning its superheroes…until everyone left was just, like, a melodramatic CW character trying to date everyone else. The whole Constantine going addict and annoying Bishop character last season got old pretty fast. This season is just trying way too hard to keep the zaniness going with less-compelling characters.

          • hootiehoo2-av says:

            Same for me Bishop is a terrible character and turning John into a addict to get rid of his character for this season is the main reason I finally just lost interest.

  • killa-k-av says:

    What a great fuckin’ show.

  • razzle-bazzle-av says:

    I thought the list of people was hilarious and went on for the right amount of time. This show is so ridiculous and funny and I’m very much enjoying it. Also, I was reminded of the movie poster for Murder Party.

  • critifur-av says:

    “Charlie, the silver-backed gorilla: “Die, Human!!!” Now. *pauses* Did Charlie speak because that Butterfly was living inside his brain, or did the zoo that housed him procure Charlie from Gorilla City? I’m just saying there’s a chance, don’t dismiss this out of hand!”Or did Charlie simply come straight from Gorilla City? Who said he came from a Zoo? Maybe the Butterfly infected him in Gorilla City, and he came to the US.

  • pocrow-av says:

    I love the Chekov’s Gorilla payoff. Sure, not a huge surprise, but still, a delight. Of course, the butterflies would use other bodies when appropriate.

    I’m not much a this-needs-to-comport-with-the-comics guy (especially since Peacemaker comics tend to be pretty shitty), but I’d love to know more about the butterflies. I’m guessing Murn is hunting down refugees on behalf of a shitty butterfly government or something, but I’m hoping this all fits in with the rest of the DC Universe somehow, given how amazing it was to have Project Starfish in the movie. (Man, they are really on the nose with these codenames.)

  • ro-dreaming-av says:

    Hangover food must be greasy — chorizo & eggs, corned beef hash & fried eggs…   sausage, ham, bacon, eggs, biscuits & gravy…  

  • erakfishfishfish-av says:

    I’ll be curious to see what more Christopher Heyerdahl can bring to the show. Hell on Wheels was pretty bad, but Heyerdahl as The Swede was a bright spot.

  • dr-darke-av says:

    Egg, worcestershire sauce, tabasco, salt, pepper: Ah, The Prairie Oyster. Speaking as a former bartender, it doesn’t do shit for hangovers The egg does (https://greatist.com/health/best-foods-hangover?c=470734637884 ), and the rest of it both contains sodium (an electrolyte you really need when hung over), as well as a way to get the egg down without it coming right back up — a common problem with eating a hearty egg and meat breakfast if you have a hangover.

  • porter121-av says:

    I wish Gunn would get a grown up to help with the humor

  • bembrob-av says:

    “The Red Lion from Voltron!”does this even need context?

  • saltier-av says:

    Charlie was a 400 pound Chekhov Gun. I knew we’d be seeing him when I heard the news report in The Choad Less Traveled.

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