Pedro Pascal joins Community's virtual table read

Aux Features TV
Pedro Pascal joins Community's virtual table read
Photo: Chelsea Guglielmino

Last week, we learned that the cast of Community (except for Chevy Chase) would be reuniting over Zoom for a table read of season five’s “Cooperative Polygraphy”—the episode where Walton Goggins reads the will of Chase’s character, Pierce Hawthorne, who had recently died off-screen. The news was particularly exciting because Donald Glover, who hasn’t joined in on much Community fun since leaving the show shortly after this episode, would be returning along with everyone else even though he sang a song with Beyoncé in a Disney movie. It would be understandable if he decided he was too famous for this, but evidently that’s not the case. Neat!

The one question left about this table read, though, was whether or not Goggins would reprise his role as the ice-cold Mr. Stone. Community creator Dan Harmon recently revealed that Goggins “can’t make it” (maybe he’s working on his own Beyoncé collab), but he’s being replaced with someone similarly cool: Pedro Pascal, who was once best known for getting his head popped like a melon but is now best known for wearing a metal bucket on his head in The Mandalorian. Harmon mentioned that in an Instagram post, joking that Pascal is “on some Disney show where Boba Fett’s in college with Yoda’s niece.” He also explained that the table read will be pre-taped to account for Yvette Nicole Brown’s “rants about storming Area 51,” and it will be released on May 18 on Sony Pictures TV’s YouTube page.

If that’s not enough news about Community and reunions for you, here’s some more: The whole gang (except for Chevy Chase) also recently reunited on Joel McHale and Ken Jeong’s podcast, which is a nice treat if you want to see some proof that they’re all actually good friends (except for Chevy Chase, apparently). Also, “Cooperative Polygraphy” writer Alex Rubens, who worked on Rick And Morty as well as Community, will be returning to Rick And Morty on its sixth season.


  • abesimpsoncrackpot-av says:

    I got a Justified notification for this?

  • sadoctopus-av says:

    I will be your champion.

  • onetransmission-av says:

    If rumblings about the Community movie actually happening are true, hopefully everyone who can come back will come back (except for Chevy Chase), including all the secondary students and teachers too!

  • froot-loop-av says:

    Streets ahead, Man, streets ahead.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    My vote for most handsome actor working today.  God I love Pedro.

  • corvus6-av says:

    I wish Glover hadn’t left, but I get why he did.
    Love the show, but I think it was going on fumes there by the end. (All the platform/network changes and cast changes did not help)

    • moggett-av says:

      Honestly, I thought the new cast members were fantastic.  I really enjoyed Season 6 a lot.

      • corvus6-av says:

        Oh I liked em! Don’t get me wrong. But the continuity of it was rough. And losing Troy then Shirley really hurt.Chevy was always ok. But it really seems like he was such an ass behind the scenes I didn’t miss him much.

        • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

          You know, learning about what an asshole he is on set (Community and in general) did inform why I’ve disliked a large number of characters he’s played, even when I like the movie. I do think the reality of his personality bleeds through the fiction.

        • notallmenmorghulis-av says:

          Yeah, I also kind of felt like the way he was written episode-to-episode was pretty inconsistent. He kind of went from basically good and surprisingly wise, to pathetic and dickish, to irredeemably cruel without much explanation or consistency. I liked Pierce well enough in some episodes, but didn’t really miss him when he “died”. 

      • natureslayer-av says:

        Paget Brewster can do no wrong. She needs to be in every show and speak only in a Trans-Atlantic Accent:

        • theaccountanttgp-av says:

          The realy funny part about Paget Brewster is that she showed up in season 5 as some admin running the college’s web filter before re-appearing in season 6 as Frankie. Loved her both times!

        • nimitdesai-av says:

          Another Period is an amazing show I discovered randomly through the Comedy Central app. 

        • evenbaggiertrousers7-av says:

          A Frank and Sadie Doyle TV mystery movie should have been made years ago. Also, I bought a ticket to the online Thrilling Adventure Hour…. AND FORGOT I BOUGHT IT AND MISSED THE SHOW!!! What a dummy am I.

      • rowan5215-av says:

        now this is a man who knows how to appreciate season 6!

      • notallmenmorghulis-av says:

        Yeah- it didn’t exactly feel like the same show in seasons 5 and 6, but I still really enjoyed it. And Elroy and Frankie were so much better than they really had any right to be. Frankie especially blended in seamlessly and I really enjoyed her scenes with Annie.

        • moggett-av says:

          I definitely missed the cast who left, but, it kind of worked for the setting, where you’d expect people to graduate and move on to different things.  I wish we could have spent more time with Frankie and Elroy.

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      I loved Duncan, Frankie, and Elroy stepping up. Hickey I also really liked, but we were never going to get the stories we really needed from that character, sadly. Mike’s a meatier role for sure. 

    • zzyzazazz-av says:

      Last year I watched seasons four through five for the first time since they aired, and I was surprised to discover how much I liked season six. It and season five definitely have a different feel to them than the earlier seasons (and they even feel very different from each other), but they did a really good job of keeping things afloat after the gas leak year.

    • greenspandan3-av says:

      season six was great.  the writing was very sharp.  yeah, not having Shirley and Troy sucked, but the show was still putting out fantastic episodes.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      Even setting aside the fact that Season 4 was pants, Dan Harmon getting fired was a bullet the show never really recovered from. Even when he came back, the spark was gone. 

    • arrowe77-av says:

      That was the main weakness of the show. It was great – fantastic, even – at doing standalone episodes but it was pretty bad at season-long story arcs, or anything related with continuity: Chang’s usefulness was gone after season 1 but they loved Ken Jeong so he stuck around as a regular for the duration of the show, Duncan’s character should normally have been important but John Oliver couldn’t stay, Abed dated Brie Larson for one episode, never to see or mention her again, except once as a meta commentary, etc…These things don’t matter much in the moment but in the long run, they take their toll. And I can’t stop thinking that if they had taken care of Chase sooner, they could have kept Glover longer. Even if he wasn’t the direct reason he left, it must be easier to leave a show you no longer have fun doing than if you still have fun, and it must not have been very fun to be a black man when your costar is racist.

  • haodraws-av says:

    I don’t think the table read can match that Darkest Timeline podcast bonus surprise. It was really lovely seeing them all together, and they all seemed to really enjoy it, too. Which is more than you could say for other “reunion” type thing(looking at you, Parks and Rec).And hey, after seeing years of Glover(whose music I’m a huge fan of) acting standoffish and behaving like a “cool prodigy” type, it’s great to see him all smiles and laughter again.

    • notallmenmorghulis-av says:

      Same. I’m glad for all of his success but it was really nice to see him having fun. From what I’ve heard he’s also had some tough personal-life stuff going on the past few years, so I hope he’s having an easier time and getting through some of that now.

  • fluffy-uranus-av says:

    Pop Pop!!!

  • worfwworfington-av says:

    I’m happy about this, but what the fuck is Goggins doing?

    • snue-av says:

      Runnin’ round the house with a pickle in his mouth.

    • whoiswillo-av says:

      His sitcom, where he’s not only the star but also a producer, was just renewed for season 2 and might be in pre-production already.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • precognitions-av says:

    in this version, after he says “I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS”, Alison Brie does what we all wanted her to do, and crushes his skull with her bare hands

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