People are confusing this security footage of an alien for Dobby the house elf

Aux Features Dobby the house elf
People are confusing this security footage of an alien for Dobby the house elf

It’s been a good year for conspiracy theories. Not the trash kind for Facebook-poisoned MAGA boomers like QAnon or Pizzagate, but rather wholesome, fun, and true conspiracies, like Bigfoot and UFOs. The latest one to stir up the web is an eerie video from a home-security camera of a creature that does not appear to be human.

The “lady” in question here is Colorado Facebook user Vivian Gomez, who posted the original video to her account on last week with the caption, “So I woke up Sunday morning and saw this on my camera and am trying to figure out…what the heck?? First I saw the shadow walking from my front door then I saw this thing….has anyone else seen this on their cameras?? The other two cameras didn’t pick it up for some reason.”

From there, the video was reposted to Twitter, where speculation really began to take off. Though it should be clear what’s in this video, thousands of absolute rubes instead chimed in with another opinion: that the subject of the video looks a whole lot like Harry Potter’s loyal friend, Dobby the house elf.

While it’s nice to consider the possibility that Dobby is both alive and wandering around suburban Colorado, any serious thinker will tell you that Harry Potter characters are fictional, while aliens, like the one in this video, are absolutely real.

But what do the “experts” have to say? Inside Edition, seemingly with some time on their hands, spoke to forensic video analyst Conor McCourt about the veracity of the video. McCourt, for his part, confirmed that the video comes from a real security camera, which, sure, yes, thanks for that.

“What I’m seeing is a normal setup for a normal surveillance video,” said McCourt. “There’s nothing to indicate that it’s doctored.”

As to whether this video is of a house elf, which are fake, or a space alien, which, again, are real?

“My real suspicion is that it’s a child,” said McCourt.

So, there you have it. Dobby, who the Harry Potter books establish had been alive at least since Voldemort’s first reign of power, is an adult. Aliens, one must assume, are at one point children. Somebody come pick up their alien child in Colorado, please.

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  • brianjwright-av says:

    Man, FUCK Dobby, I hate that elf

  • brucewaynechrebet-av says:

    Yeah, I saw this when it blew up on Twitter. It just looks like a kid with underwear on his head? 

    • czarmkiii-av says:

      the whole chicken arms thing sells the kid angle

      • umbrielx-av says:

        Indeed. The question in my mind being whether the homeowner was involved, or simply being pranked. If the latter, I suspect more than just the kid being involved. Unless its someone close to the victim, like a family member or close friend, I think most kids’ pranks are social affairs — you want someone to laugh about it with.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      Tell us more about your experiences with children wearing their underwear on their head

    • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

      I don’t know who or what the fuck that is, but he feels like chicken tonight, chicken tonight, chicken tonight.

    • CrymeLord-av says:

      Who flat out disappears. Can’t fake that!

      • brucewaynechrebet-av says:

        0 chance of it being faked!

        (I do find the timing of the disappearance weird. It’s like, MAYBE a millisecond before the clip ends, if even? So maybe it’s just looping back to restart and isn’t actually the end, especially since the image itself is static? Not to say it couldn’t be faked, it easily can, but still, just the logistics of that disapperance at the end are weird to me.)

    • no-face-av says:


    • Tristain7-av says:

      That, and the flapping arms/exaggerated leg movements.I just don’t imagine that an inter-galactic space-faring alien would be such an inefficient biped.

      • brucewaynechrebet-av says:

        He’s just adjusting to gravity, obviously. And oxygen. He’s high, and he’s uncoordinated. 

        • Tristain7-av says:

          Fair enough, I guess he could just be drunk and looking for his ship.  Earth probably just looks like a really big and confusing parking lot!

      • puddingangerslotion-av says:

        E.T. wasn’t very physically adept or efficient in his movements.

  • czarmkiii-av says:

    Anna Merlan is the resident conspiracy expert, what’s her take on this?

  • martianlaw-av says:

    Even Mulder doesn’t want to believe this.

  • nilus-av says:

    One of my sons friends was offering me this video as “proof” of aliens.  Kids these days are idiots.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      No, they’re just kids, weirdo

      • modusoperandi0-av says:

        No, they’re just weirdos, kid.

      • nilus-av says:

        Maybe but I make it my goal to teach kids to think logically and look at the evidence. Personally I don’t think it’s a big step from believing aliens are real and walking among us, to believing the earth is flat and that climate change is a “globalist conspiracy”. Maybe I was too harsh saying he and his generation were idiots.  They just seem more easily convinced of things they see on the internet then I feel other generations were.  Maybe I am just forgetting what it was like to be 12

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      Their parents are pretty bad, too.

    • tryagainandagain33-av says:

      It was probably more accurate than the bullshit you make up and spew out on the internet

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Swing away!

    • Tristain7-av says:

      Right? When I was young, ‘proof’ was just being VERY convincing. We didn’t rely on easily refuted videos or photographs.  If you said you saw an alien, and you weren’t joking, and you seemed a little shaken… then obviously you’re telling the truth and aliens exist.

      • nilus-av says:

        This was the same kid who told me zombies are real because he saw a Youtube video of a bunch of people running away from something you couldn’t see and one of the guys yells “Zombies are real!!”

  • ofaycanyousee-av says:

    Pretty obvious who that is:SO let’s skip to the McDonald’s dance number already.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    The thing about aliens is, they’re alien.But still, what kind of thought process lands them in the suburbs of Denver?“See that big flat area in the middle of that one land mass? Let’s stop off near that medium sized population center near the mountains just on the edge of it. But not in the city, in the less populated outskirts of it.”I mean, either you land in a really big city, a world capital, or the middle of nowhere, right?

  • vinnyguzzo-av says:

    Those damn aliens dragging their flip flops when they walk.

  • squamateprimate-av says:


  • disqusdrew-av says:

    It’s been a good year for conspiracy theories. Not the trash kind for Facebook-poisoned MAGA boomers like QAnon or Pizzagate, but rather wholesome, fun, and true conspiracies, like Bigfoot and UFOs.

    In my experience, the people that share the latter are predominately sharing the former. Any time I see some “UFO orb!” thing on Twitter, the account will have some MAGA banner roughly 99% of the time.

  • skoochxc-av says:

    I read on Twitter that it’s actually viral marketing for the new Harry Potter Niantic game.

  • caffeinated-snorlax-av says:

    1. A child like others are mentioning, the spreading of legs at the end is a bit odd unless they are just goofing off.
    2. It’s someone of small stature, which would explain the end walk since bow legged is common.3. It is a cousin of the Argentina Gnome! aka a puppet. At least I think that’s what Coast to Coast AM ended up concluding he was.

  • hell-iph-i-kno-av says:

    just in case ya ever wondered what Balloon Boy’s parents are doing now …
    guess posting horseshit vids is a new hustle

  • hell-iph-i-kno-av says:

    man … babysitters can make kids to anything.  

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Next thing you know you’re meeting Thor and scaling down a building. 

    • junwello-av says:

      If that’s a child it is WAY scarier than if it’s an alien.  If it’s an alien it’s just walking around, like, OK, I’m scoping out the suburbs.  If it’s a child it’s out at night on its own, emaciated, naked (probably), peering out into the road as if contemplating a quick dash in front of an approaching car.  I think I’m coming down on the side of child ghost rather than alien or regular child.

  • jocurtis-av says:

    It’s a marionette. You can see the wires as it walks past the car.

    • punkrockoldlady-av says:

      That would certainly explain the goofy movements. Someone could be moving along the edge of the roof there.  

  • det-devil-ails-av says:

    Puny alien. Species 8472 or GTFO.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    All the small things…

  • caftansandcocktails-av says:

    I believe in aliens. I also believe that this is a marionette someone is working from the roof of this house. It’s the way the legs move–weighted clompy feet and spindly oddly moving legs says marionette to me. It’s a great prank.

  • thejewosh-av says:

    This is A) someone’s senior project, posted online to see if it can go viral (like that video of a hawk picking up a baby from a few years ago), or B) a troll’s hoax, hacked into the camera feed (since the poster said their other cameras didn’t pick it up).

  • jasonr77-av says:

    If that’s a child, then it needs to eat like yesterday.

  • Dovanator-av says:

    I honestly don’t know who’s more gullible at this point, the people jumping on this as proof of all aliens everywhere, or the people swallowing wholesale that that’s just a child with emaciated legs and the movement of a marionette because some random dude told them that’s what it was.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • yummsh-av says:

    I dunno what it is, but right before the video ends, you can see someone’s hands in the window on the left. Although I guess that could be a reflection. Hmm. My guess is that it’s some kind of marionette or puppet being operated from the roof. The balance and weight distribution when it walks is way off, which tells me that it’s not walking of its own accord.

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