Pierce Brosnan is very sorry he walked on the wrong part of Yellowstone

Brosnan was forced to pay $1,500 in fines and mandatory donations after being convicted of trespassing today, and is very sorry

Aux News Pierce Brosnan
Pierce Brosnan is very sorry he walked on the wrong part of Yellowstone
Pierce Brosnan, who is sorry Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for US-Ireland Alliance

Pierce Brosnan was convicted of trespassing today, after pleading guilty to charges of leaving the trail in a thermal area at Yellowstone National Park back in November of 2023. Brosnan was ordered to pay a $500 fine, plus make a $1,000 donation to nonprofit Yellowstone Forever, which helps support the park. He also made a post on Instagram this afternoon, formally apologizing for the act.

And, can we just say? In an era of never-ending, self-serving Notes app apologies that seek to reframe, re-spin, and apologize to “anyone who was actually offended,” it’s so incredibly nice to read an apology like Brosnan’s, which is clearly, unreservedly contrite. He knows he wasn’t supposed to walk there! He regrets walking there! He will not walk there in future!

Like, get a load of this genuine expression of remorse:

As an environmentalist I have the utmost respect for and love of our natural world. However, I made an impulsive mistake – one that I do not take lightly – when entering a thermal area covered in snow in Yellowstone National Park to take a photograph. I did not see a “No Trespassing” sign posted that warned of danger nor did I hike in the immediate area. I deeply regret my transgression and offer my heartfelt apologies to all for trespassing in this sensitive area.

Yellowstone and all our National Parks are to be cared for and preserved for all to enjoy. #StayOnThePath

Meanwhile, if you’re feeling a disconnect from humanity today, go ahead and give yourself 10 minutes to scroll through the replies to Brosnan’s comment, which, like any number of Instagram reactions to a celebrity saying something relatively banal like this, make up a sort of Rorschach test for the human animal. There are people suggesting our world leaders could learn from Brosnan’s humility; those condemning him for lying about not seeing the trespassing sign; one that first accepts Brosnan’s apology “on behalf of America,” and then tells him he should play James Bond again. (We will carefully tiptoe past the one from the obsessive Remington Steele fan suggesting he come visit her to make up for his crime, but respectfully.) What wonders have we all received, from Pierce Brosnan having to pay a $1,500 fine because he didn’t see a sign in a national park one time and then took pictures of it, which is what ultimately got him caught? What beauties doth nature truly hold.

[via WAMU]


  • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

    he walked off the path to avoid a run-by fruiting

  • dudebra-av says:

    Going off the trail in Yellowstone could have turned Pierce in to James Bond broth.

  • volante3192-av says:

    Those hot springs at Yellowstone are absolutely no joke. Think about the bad guy who got covered in toxic waste in RoboCop, and then realize -he got off easy-
    https://www.cracked.com/article_40333_4-deaths-that-were-officially-documented-as-stupid.html #1 (Also death of a dog. Seriously, this isn’t for the remotely squeamish.)

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      It’s terrifying. I’ve been there and it looks like normal, often crystal clear water. You can even see bear or wolf tracks in them sometimes! And yet, if you touched it it would shear the flesh clean off you. There are no shortage of heartbreaking stories of people who learn this the hard way.

    • saartje-av says:

      Visitors were particularly dumb about hot springs this past year. So many videos of people walking out to them, leaning over awkwardly and then screaming and cursing when the water turns out to be extraordinarily hot. I’m honestly surprised no one fell in.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Pierce Brosnan, having locked himself inside Kevin Costner’s trailer: “I know it’s wrong, but it feels so right.”

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Now apologize for Die Another Day.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      Never, it was his finest Bond film.Wait. It was his…least, worst Bond film.No. That’s not right. It was what it was, but was that in the best way. Goldeneye is very cool, everybody loves Goldeneye, but there are two other Brosnan Bond movies I can’t tell you anything about, and I know I’ve seen them at least three times. This one has so much to remember. God bless you, Die Another Day. You bring life to a dying world.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Tomorrow Never Dies: Rupert Murdoch as the villain, a class henchgoon, and future Oscar-winner Michelle Yeoh. And Bond ditches his PPK.The World Is Not Enough: a rare female villain, the legendary Desmond Llewelyn’s retirement, and Denise Richards as…um…as a nuclear physicist.  

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Was that the one with the invisible car , and (christ!) Madonna ?

  • schmapdi-av says:

    I love the phrase “mandatory donations” – such a nice euphonism for “fine.”

    Also – I feel like if Pierce was really sorry – he could have tossed in another 20 grand or so on top of his “mandatory donation.”

    • therealhobovertiser-av says:

      Hes now on their donation mailing list for life. They’ll get their $20k one way or another

  • milligna000-av says:

    None of this seem very refreshing. Just seems like someone paying a small price for their stupid decision.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    I’m disappointed that Brosnan had so little respect for geological features. Did he learn nothing from playing Dr. Harry Dalton, noted volcano expert, in Dante’s Peak (1997)?

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    I can’t blame him. It’s hard to keep track of what’s what in “Yellowstone” with all those spinoffs.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      It shits me too, but I wanna see a 90s disaster movie where the ol’ volcano finally has enough and erupts again. 

  • nahburn-av says:

    ‘”Pierce Brosnan is very sorry he walked on the wrong part of Yellowstone”’I’m sure he is truly sorry. But I can’t help but wonder if he ever watches Resident Alien. They currently this season have a subplot about the greys trying developing a caldera underneath Yellowstone National Park* so that they can alter the Earth’s atmosphere (and apparently it’s gravitational pull). *It should be noted that in the show(Resident Alien) Harry also trespasses into a similar area in Yellowstone National Park. But it’s through a construction site.It should also be noted that according to the shows production info page they only film in Canada. 

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    Whoa this is wild. Why is an entertainment site reporting a story like this…? Because there’s also a TV show named Yellowstone thats why. I was seconds away from shouting “Pierce Brosnans joining Yellowstone” to my parents. This is so bald-face there’s no other reason this would be a headline here. Gross. 

  • doobie1-av says:

    It’s weird to see the AV Club suggesting that Brosnan successively found the magical combination of words that proves his apology is sincere and now everyone is bringing too much of their own perspective to it when it seems way more likely that we’re cool with this because the offense was relatively minor and didn’t have a clear victim.

    If he had pulled his dick out in front of his secretary, there’s no way we’d be hailing this as a great apology. And while I think that’s fair, the difference is more in the nature of the offense than in how well-worded the mea culpa is.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      If you can’t tell the difference between “I definitely did something wrong and I’m sorry” and “I’m sorry if anyone was offended”… is a genuine apology even possible in your opinion?
      This is such a weird way to die on the hill of “people shouldn’t have to apologize for being sex pests or worse.”

    • rogueindy-av says:

      I think it’s supposed to be sarcastic, but AVC isn’t deft with snark like it used to be.

  • heytherehitherehodor-av says:

    “#StayOnThePath”Thanks for the Golden Child reference!

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    Yeah, they have that rule so you don’t get boiled to death like that guy in Shogun.

  • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

    We need fines that are % of salary/wealth.I’d park wherever I wanted if it only cost me a nickel.

  • sh90706-av says:

    I love that show and cant wait for the next season. I think Pierce Brosnan would have been a good addition, sorry he walked out on it.

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