Pogo's Pulp Fiction remix is a summer jam with a Samuel L. Jackson beat

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Pogo's Pulp Fiction remix is a summer jam with a Samuel L. Jackson beat

We're quite familiar with Australian producer/sound-collage artist Pogo and his many great works of awesome beats created out of existing clips. But with his newest jam, Pogo has given us a Tarantino'd jam from heaven, here to save us all from a summer of “Call Me Maybe” overload. Not that “Call Me Maybe” isn't a great song, but the parody overkill and incessant radio play is tiring and we're not even halfway to Labor Day yet. So enjoy this clip, which uses some of the greatest lines from one of cinema's most quotable films (for better or worse) and feel free to blame Pogo (or us) when you keep rapping “Say what again” to yourself over and over.

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