Police issue arrest warrant for Bam Margera after he allegedly threatened his family

The former Jackass star is reportedly missing after an alleged attack on his brother

Aux News Margera
Police issue arrest warrant for Bam Margera after he allegedly threatened his family
Bam Margera Photo: Kevin Winter

Former Jackass cast member Bam Margera allegedly attacked his brother and threatened to kill the rest of his family last weekend, according to an arrest warrant issued by the Pennsylvania State Police, which says he is facing one charge of assault, a charge of harassment, and four charges of what Entertainment Weekly refers to as “terroristic threats ‘with intention to terrorize another.’”

Margera’s brother, Jesse Margera, told police that early on Sunday his brother had “kicked his locked bedroom door, written a threatening note, urinated in the kitchen sink, screamed at him, and struck him in the head” before “threatening to kill everyone in the house, including their father and two other people.” After that incident and before the police arrived, Margera allegedly ran into a wooded area and—as far as anyone knows—has not been seen since. Earlier today, Margera’s mother told Fox News that the family just wants to find him and help him get treatment, noting, “we all love him so much.”

This comes as Margera has spent the last few years going through a somewhat public battle with substance abuse, which partially came to light after Margera was fired from Jackass Forever for refusing to agree to routine drug tests and counseling. Margera allegedly threatened director Jeff Tremaine, prompting the filmmaker to get a restraining order against him, and he later sued Tremaine, star Johnny Knoxville, and producer Spike Jonze for wrongfully firing him from the film. Margera dropped the suit in April of last year.

Earlier this year, Margera was arrested twice, once for allegedly kicking a woman and once for allegedly getting into a fight at a restaurant while publicly intoxicated. It’s unclear what happened with either of those cases, though.


  • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

    All of this tracks.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    Bam’s always been an asshole, but it’s still sad seeing him go down this road. I lost faith in him changing years ago, and forget about him until these types of stories start to appear. 

  • nonotheotherchris-av says:

    I hope he gets help before he hurts himself or someone else.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Whose real legal name is Brandon.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Nice pic though. Like he’s going for a kind of a boozy pirate with bedroom eyes kinda vibe?

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      He looks like a Criss Angel-style street magician, except when he holds up a card and says “Was it the ace of diamonds?” and you look at it and say “No” he clocks you on the head with a half-brick and takes your wallet and empties it and goes and buys crack. 

    • paezdishpencer-av says:

      That pic was a while back…..I have seen the newer pics of him and he has gained a significant amount of weight and now basically looks like a boozed up version of Phil, his dad.I feel sorry for the family as they seem to be struggling to help him.

  • popculturesurvivor-av says:

    If it’s illegal to pee in the kitchen sink, well, they can lock me up right now.  

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    “I’m Bam Margera, and this is called completely fucking up your life.”

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    Thought this guy was dead

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Hard getting over your friend dying. Hope he gets some help.

  • jthane-av says:

    What a shocker, dude who spent a significant portion of his life getting hit (and hitting others) in the nuts has psychological issues.

    • necgray-av says:

      I’d say the headshots may have been a clue.I *would* say that. But the NFL lawyers are standing nearby.

  • verymadmax-av says:

    Too bad he didn’t died with Ryan Dunn in that car crash.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:


  • mrfallon-av says:

    I saw him earlier in the year on Steve-O’s podcast and for anyone who knows what I’m talking about, he gave the impression of not being ready for recovery.Recovery is definitely ready for him, but he spoke and behaved like he wasn’t yet willing to stop identifying as a “party guy” or however one might phrase it.I don’t know how else to articulate it, and I’m very loathe to characterise addiction issues as being primarily about “willpower” or something, but it seemed to me that everyone’s still waiting for him to stop identifying with drug use as part of his personality.  I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s known an addict who was basically too scared to strip that part of themselves off yet.Problem is, the longer he waits…

    • joeinthebox66-av says:

      I just don’t think he wants to give that up, for multiple reasons. One being the pain of losing Ryan Dunn. He went pretty dark during that time. Also, is that his persona and lifestyle is how he earns a living. I’m not sure, unlike Steve-O, that he can craft a lifestyle that revolves around clean living and performing. I’m not saying he can’t do it, mind you. I just don’t think he wants to, sadly.

      • shindean-av says:

        I’m not going to take the Dunn excuse, he was partying and trying to be the center of attention for many years before that tragedy ever happened. Avoidance of accountability full well knowing the consequences is the limit to which anyone receives mercy.
        Or, short hand…the Randy Marsh is stupid and unacceptable.
        “I can’t control my alcoholism, quick, give me 10 tequila shots!”

        • joeinthebox66-av says:

          In no way was that an excuse, but more of an observation. Asshole as he was, whether Dunn was there or not, he was a playful asshole. Post-Dunn, his antics were arguably more malicious and his substance abuse was being reported on more frequently. It was beginning of the downward spiral.

          • shindean-av says:

            But that’s another mtv generated excuse by saying “he wasn’t that bad”.
            Now you’re saying that being a functional drunk wasn’t as bad as not hiding it as well?
            Naw, he showed you what kind of jerk he can be, ya’ll just wanted to believe in reality tv. 

          • joeinthebox66-av says:

            Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. I said it wasn’t an excuse, but an observation. Obviously if he was employed(by MTV, his skating sponsors, etc.) and his family wasn’t calling the cops on him, he was tolerated and excused or at least his behavior/vices weren’t alarming to them at the time. I don’t care if he’s gets thrown into jail now or has been in it for the last 20 years.

      • crankymessiah-av says:

        Oh, fuck off with the Ryan Dunn excuse. How many years ago did Ryan Dunn die? Get the fuck over it already. Using that as an excuse all these years later is pathetic. Losing a loved one isnt a license to be a despicable asshole. Everyone has lost people that they loved. They still manage to go on with their lives and not be abusive assholes afterwards, or use those losses as an excuse for genuinely terrible behavior (let alone for years upon years afterwards). Pretty much every friend I grew up with had died by the time I finished college. It did cause me to make some terrible decisions and fall into substance abuse afterwards. Then I got my shit together and stopped being a pathetic self-pitying dipshit. It’s just absolutely ridiculous to excuse anything he does because one of his friends died years ago. Especially considering that he was a genuinely awful and abusive humam being long before that happened.

      • dragonfly452-av says:

        Is his persona and lifestyle still a moneymaker?

        • spaced99-av says:

          And rehab is pretty dang expensive…

        • popculturesurvivor-av says:

          More so than mine are, I bet. 

        • joeinthebox66-av says:

          For him, what else has he got to fall back on? Jackass crew has moved on, and his other endeavors seemed more like hobbies than actual pursuits. He can’t really professionally skate anymore and what sponsor would want to back him without professionalism or a platform for him to market anything? His persona and lifestyle is all he has going for him currently…and well…

          • dragonfly452-av says:

            I think his age is also a factor of not having a professional skating sponsorship as well. 

          • joeinthebox66-av says:

            Age is a factor in competition, surely, however, he has peers his age and older that have stayed relevant in skating without competing, just being ambassadors for the sport. Had he stayed clean, he could have lived off a skating/clothing line just off his name alone.

    • the-nsx-was-only-in-development-for-4-years-av says:

      It honestly wouldn’t surprise me to hear about him OD’ing within the next 5 years, and I don’t say that in like a gleeful way – it really sucks seeing what’s happened to him. It seemed like he was kind of on a path to recovery over the last couple of years but I think any progress he made is pretty much out the window now.

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      Well, an even bigger problem is that the drugs arent the primary issue. He has always been a massive piece of shit and an abusive asshole. Blaming his selfish, entitled, abusive, narcissistic bullshit on substance abuse is a cop out. The substance abuse certainly doesnt help, but he is still a genuinely awful person even without drugs.

    • spaced99-av says:

      Recovery is definitely ready for him, but he spoke and behaved like he wasn’t yet willing to stop identifying as a “party guy” or however one might phrase it.Him and Seth Binzer, apparently.https://loudwire.com/crazy-town-fight-kicked-off-hed-pe-tour-video/

      • liffie420-av says:

        It’s funny I just saw the article about that fight.  And like wasn’t he addicted to crack at one point?

    • vw0-av says:

      He doesn’t want to take responsibility for it. It was always something else that caused him to start the drinking and drugs. Dunn dying, he went on Dr. Phil or Dr. Drew and blamed his dad for pranking him as a kid. It was the fault of Jackass, etc…

    • liffie420-av says:

      He’s not ready, hell he may never be, at the end of the day rehab only works if you WANT to get clean. If you don’t want it you will just relapse like so many other. Frankly the biggest success story of the OG Jackass crew is hands down Steve-O, while many of them I think have got sober over the years, Steve-O was certainly the worst of the bunch, just watch any of his cribs stuff, that he is still alive is utterly amazing TBH.

    • madkinghippo-av says:

      Having been in a previous relationship with an addict, this is sadly true. Recovery only works if they want it. You can force someone into it, but it won’t work. They’ll come out of any rehab / detox or whatever and have the mindset of “fuck you, I did my time. Now it’s my turn”.

      Addiction is horrible and frankly not everyone wants to get clean.  Sometimes you just have to leave them to their own mess.

    • swarlesbarkley-av says:

      I know exactly what you mean. My girlfriend is an alcoholic and she uses “but I’m an addict” as an excuse, when it’s an explanation. Until she’s ready to stop using it as an excuse and decides to find ways to deal with the explanation nothing will change. Unfortunately it’s also bringing about the end of a decade plus long relationship. 

  • murrychang-av says:

    I swear to god I thought he died last year.

  • coldsavage-av says:

    I’ve said this before on other Jackass-adjacent posts, but Bam always rubbed me the wrong way and I attributed that to the fact that he is the only Jackass person who actually seems mean-spirited. It’s unfortunate to see him just continue to circle the drain, but also not surprising. I doubt getting clean would make him a nicer person, but it seems like at this point he is a danger to those around him and this just seems like it is going to end badly for himself and others.

    • detective-gino-felino-av says:

      I couldn’t have articulated it any better. On many occasions I’d see glimpses of what appeared to be genuine cruelty in him. 

    • markagrudzinski-av says:

      The scenes of him attacking his dad were always incredibly cringey to me. You’re right, there’s a cruel streak in him. 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      also the fact that he would gleefully fuck with everyone, but the odd time anyone gave him his own medicine he would absolutely crumble.

    • shindean-av says:

      The fact that he put up such a fit about the drug tests is when I knew that it bad idea trying to side with him.
      Drug tests are a GOOD THING. Imagine picking random drugs over the millions you can get from a single picture. 

  • eatshit-and-die-av says:

    Fuck Bam Margera.  Dude’s always been trash.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    Why pee in the kitchen sink, though? If you really want to annoy someone, why not the couch, or the bed, or all over the walls? Or inside the coffee maker, like where you pour the coffee beans in, because there’s no cleaning that.  Or down the vents so whenever the heat kicks on the whole house smells like pee?I think peeing in the sink shows a modicum of care for his family, because at least a sink is easy to sterilize.  There’s some love there still.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Sounds like you’ve given this some thought.

    • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

      Mildly related: I was convinced somebody had peed in the vent in my bathroom, because everytime the air kicked on, I smelled pee. Went as far as accusing a couple of people of having done it to prank me. Then I replaced the toilet seat, and realized one of the bolts was rusted shut from people peeing on it over several decades (it’s an older house), and it was air moving past that bolt that I smelled.

  • wirthling-av says:

    :jackass intro theme music:

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Bam! You looking for this

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