Prepare yourself for one of the longest, most unnecessarily aggressive toilet flushes of all time

Aux Features Toilets
Prepare yourself for one of the longest, most unnecessarily aggressive toilet flushes of all time
Photo: Grigorev_Vladimir

Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and remove your hats for the playing of this video of a loud public toilet flushing for an astounding 43 seconds.

“I found the most excessive toiler flush ever,” reads the title of this video from Bradley Hunn. The toilet in question appears to be a public toilet, with both manual flush and automatic sensor options. At the beginning of the video, Hunn pushes the flush button, and the toilet flushes, loud and proud, for the next 43 seconds—far longer than one might expect a reasonable toilet to flush for.

Hunn also posted his discovery to Reddit, where the video of the powerful toilet has has earned more than 1,700 upvotes and nearly 350 comments.

“Reddit has arrived. Prepare for major le upvotes! If you don’t know what reddit is, it is an amazing community of intelligent people with the newest memes and trends. Cheers,” one commenter on YouTube writes about a video of a toilet that flushes for longer than usual, a perfect post you could stare at for an hour without determining if any irony is intended.

But while there’s no question that this toilet does flush for a excessive period of time that is no doubt a massive waste of water, journalistic ethics require us to cast a skeptical eye towards Hunn’s claim that this is the “most excessive toilet flush ever.” While there does not appear to be an official Guinness-adjudicated world record for longest toilet flush, many online have made a claim to the throne.

Each of these toilet flush times is impressive in its own right, but none can match this next toilet flush, which clocks in at a truly powerful 5:58. Could this toilet be the true, undisputed champ?

While the true most wasteful toilet remains in dispute, each of these toilets has surely given its all. May they each continue to waste obnoxious amounts of water, at least until someone fixes their flushometers. In the meanwhile, here’s John Cougar Mellencamp, with “Pink Houses.”

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  • nilus-av says:

    “Broken toilet wows idiots! More at 11″The only reason this should be pointed out is to tell whoever owns it to fix it because it wasting a fuck ton of water

  • facetacoreturns-av says:

    Last time I went toilet shopping, one model claimed that it could flush an entire bucket of golf balls. If that’s a selling point, you probably need a check-up from a doctor more than you need a new toilet.

    • swabbox-av says:

      It is my god-given right as an American to eat golf balls and I will brook no argument.

    • sensesomethingevil-av says:

      Or more trips to the driving range.

    • robertmosessupposeserroneously-av says:

      Last time I went to the toilet store, I was shopping for clothes. 

    • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

      They don’t mention what happens to your pipes when you try to flush a bucket of golf balls.  Sorta like demonstrating a powerful new cooking torch by using it to burn your house down. 

    • cocainelasers-av says:

      I really hope the internet can combine the salmon cannon w this magic toilet to see exactly how far it tosses a fish. However, I’m not sanguine about the fish’s life expectancy.

    • defenderguy-av says:

      The Champion toilets are awesome BTW. I have 2 Champions that replaced awful ones that clogged if you looked at them funny. They don’t use more water, they just have some pressure and fewer choke points in their shape to clog.

      • nilus-av says:

        I’m confused by this because the way toilets work they don’t really have choke points. And they can’t really have more “pressure” since the entire force is just simple gravity pulling the water down. Unless the toilet somehow has a pump that pulls the water(which I’ve never seen and would be a bad idea since you want your toilets to flush entirely mechanically).

        • defenderguy-av says:

          They do have twists and turns, it doesn’t go down into the pipe, it goes up and over then down the sewage pipe. It can be more narrow in crappy toilets (pun intended). And the flush mechanism is different, it dumps the entire amount all at once, it sounds/feels different that a typical toilet. I don’t think we’ve had a single clog in the 2 since we got them and we’ve had them for at least 6 or 7 years now.

  • bradaboutyou-av says:
  • violetta-glass-av says:

    When this place got bought by Univision?

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Amy of these toilets in a place that needs a long, aggressive flush? Like a truck stop, Taco Bell, or Chipotle?

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Amy of These Toilets was L.M. Montgomery’s far less-well received follow up to Anne of Green Gables.

    • cocainelasers-av says:

      Do you also return to the restaurant you ate at 4+ hours ago in order to “regift” their food?  I thought I was the only one.  <3

      • arcanumv-av says:

        Some diners find that Taco Bell and Chipotle have a nearly instantaneous effect on the meal you had earlier in the day.As for truck stops and roadside rest stops? Well, that’s some damage that people have been saving for hundreds of miles.

        • cocainelasers-av says:

          Poor bastards but I agree public toilets and gas station/truck stops should have industrial-strength toilets because otherwise they are constantly clogged. 🙁

  • bogart-83-av says:


  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Hey, 43 seconds MIGHT be enough after one of my benders.

  • bluebeard-av says:

    43 seconds?  My college dorm had a toilet that flushed for over a week. We called it the toilet of everflush, and yes, we all used it.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    As someone who plugs the toilet daily, I need this.

  • geoffrobert-av says:

    That’s 43 seconds I’m not getting back. 

  • mikosquiz-av says:

    The irony status of that comment is indeed a mystery, if you have just had a major concussion and are bordering on unconscious.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    …thank God it’s a slow news day…

  • saltier-av says:

    It should be the centerpiece of an Italian courtyard.

  • RazorGP-av says:

    Most of these toilets have stuck valves or something along those lines.

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