Predator prequel Prey gets a release date and teaser trailer

Prey will be unleashed exclusively on Hulu on August 5th

Aux News Predator
Predator prequel Prey gets a release date and teaser trailer
Screenshot: 20th Century Studios

20th Century Studios announced today that its latest Predator film, Prey, will debut exclusively on Hulu in the U.S, on August 5th. The studio also unleashed a trailer that teases a different kind of Predator picture this time around.

Since his film debut in John McTiernan’s 1987 action sc-fi hybrid, the Predator has been to the jungles of South America, Los Angeles, small-town America, and has taken on everyone from Arnold Schwarzenegger, to Gary Busey, to Topher Grace, and even Riverdale’s own Archie Andrews in a 2015 comic book crossover. In an inspired bit of scripting, the latest Predator adventure finds the galaxy’s best big-game hunter coming back to earth to take on a Comanche warrior 300 years ago. Not a bad run for a concept that began as a Hollywood joke that Rocky Balboa would eventually have to take on an alien if they kept cranking out sequels.

Prey introduces Naru (Amber Midthunder), a skilled hunter and warrior herself protecting her camp from one of the most feared hunters in the galaxy. In the trailer, a Comanche warrior finds themselves quite literally in the familiar laser sights of one of the most memorable movie monsters of the ‘80s. Who is the predator and who is the prey? Audiences will find out later this summer… and hopefully in an ultra-violent fashion.

The film comes from 10 Cloverfield Lane director Dan Trachtenberg and screenwriter Patrick Aison. Producer Jhane Meyers—a member of the Comanche nation herself—is known for bringing authenticity to stories dealing with native communities in such documentaries as Defending The Fire and A Thousand Voices, and she helped bring together a cast of mostly Native and First Nation actors for the sci-fi action picture. Onboard are Dakota Beavers, Stormee Kipp, Michelle Thrush, and Julian Black Antelope.

Prey debuts August 5th on Hulu.


  • chriszededed-av says:

    I’m genuinely curious if this will have any relationship with AvP, if only allusively.

  • rottencore-av says:

    who the fuck knew this was a thing

  • nogelego-av says:

    Wait, did they just make a Horizon Zero Dawn movie without owning the IP?
    Well, played 20th centry foxOf course, the trailer for Predators promised 20 or so Predatorses and lied about it, so this film could end up taking place at a summer camp and have exactly zero predators.

    • lukin--av says:

      They actually made a “Prey” (a game where Native American fights hi-tech aliens) movie without owning the IP. Actually, I’d bet they had to pay something to somebody. I can’t believe they wouldn’t. The similarities, and a risk of a costly lawsuit are just too glaring. For gods sake, the title is exactly the same.

      • nogelego-av says:

        Wait – that’s what “Prey” is? I’ve passed that game a million times on Game Pass and had no idea. I’m gonna fuck it up right now! Thanks!

        • lukin--av says:

          The first one, from something like 15 years ago. The newer one is something entirely different.

          • nogelego-av says:

            Oh.*Zips up pants

          • maulkeating-av says:

            So, the short story is that: Bethesda are dicks. Human Head Studios made a fantastic shooter on the id Tech 4 engine called Prey. They got a sequel. Except, Bethesda tried its usual tactic of “give a studio you want to buy an impossible goal so when they fail you can scoop ‘em up for cheap”, and that’s what happened with the sequel. Well, sort of. Human Head was actually doing quite well on it, but Bethesda arbitrarily decided they were failing, and canned further funding. Human Head went tits up. About five years later, Bethesda got Arkane to make a completely unrelated game called Prey – you know, like how a lion kills cubs after it takes over the pride.

        • julian23-av says:

          Different Prey.

      • domino708-av says:

        Native American fights high-tech aliens is, as near as I can tell, the ONLY similarity between the two Preys.  Colonial Era vs modern, native lands vs reservation, one vs an entire planet of them, love interest, spirit world, banging soundtrack, all, I presume, different.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “They actually made a “Prey” (a game where Native American fights hi-tech aliens) movie without owning the IP.”

        You mean Prey made a Predator game without owning the IP?

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    I feel like we’re at least leaving room for considering the AvP franchise as canon and I respect that choice.

    • Ruhemaru-av says:

      You’d think they’d make an AvP movie based on the comics/novels/games. The formula is there for something really good and they keep going to standard bland tropes.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Having not seen that matchup, how do the Alien aliens even begin to compete with the Predators?

  • dntcre-av says:

    I have my doubts about this movie. But am still looking forward to it and the comics. The new alien comics are ok. I liked the first arc compared to the 2nd. Ill take what I can get.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    … so is this one of those films where the monsters win in the end? (I’m referring to the cowboys).  Hopefully not.

    • pairesta-av says:

      “Maybe . . .  WE were the real predators all along, buckaroo.”

    • bcfred2-av says:

      That Predator was just trying to feed its family!

    • redraidereducator-av says:

      It’ll be like the ending of Apocalypto. We’ll see our bloodied yet triumphant Native American hero standing over the dead body of a predator, only to see a wagon train or some shit off in the distance 

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    I think I would’ve liked this movie it came out instead of Predators with Adrien Brody. The concept of this movie although cool it’s a period piece is just the same concept that just doesn’t resonate as it once did. I hope the first hour and half is not a retelling of the same step by step process as if it’s the first time a Predator movie that’s been made but with a different title. I wish it luck, but I’ll still be waiting for a different concept using the Predator than what they’re going for here.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I think I would’ve liked this movie it came out instead of Predators with Adrien Brody.”

      When do you learn English?

    • bcfred2-av says:

      I also like the acknowledgement that an intelligent alien race capable of space travel and the like could have come across Earth at any point in its history.  The idea that it could only happen right now is absurd.  I know 300 years isn’t that long in the scheme, but Predators could have been watching and hunting humans for a long time.  Maybe they over-harvested the dinosaurs, African safari style.

      • capeo-av says:

        That was acknowledged starting from the first movie. Anna says her people have long had a legend about a “demon” that only appears in the hottest years and makes trophies out of humans. In Predator 2, after Harrigan kills one of the Predators, another one gives him a flintlock pistol with the date 1715 on its side. In the AvP movies it’s established that Predators have been coming to earth since at least the dawn of civilization and learned to build pyramids from them. 

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I remember the demon conversation in the first one, completely forgot about the pistol in 2 (esp since I only saw it once, other than the bonkers opening scene).

  • kevinkap-av says:

    So guys/gals with bows and arrows could defeat the same type of predator, but an entire Special Forces squadron is taken out by one?

    • cowabungaa-av says:

      Isn’t one of the key points of the first Predator how shitty, worthless and destructive that bloated military bravado is? Arnie eventually beat the damn thing in a pretty old-school fashion, nothing a Comanche can’t do.

      • jpfilmmaker-av says:

        Indeed.  Part of the Predator code, at least how it was presented in the first one, is that the Predators meet you at something approximating your skill and armament level.  The commandos used big guns, so Predator used his lasers and such.  When Arnold goes down to spears and bare hands, Predator downgrades as well.

      • seven-deuce-av says:


    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Did you watch this movie? Did you watch the end of Predator?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “So guys/gals with bows and arrows could defeat the same type of predator”

      Who says it’s the same type of predator? It’s 300 years ago for them as well as it is for Earth.Also, did you see Predator? Did you not notice that Dutch beat the Predator using primitive skills and weapons?

    • destron-combatman-av says:

      It’s almost like you didn’t understand the first movie, or what happens at the end.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Have you seen the end of Predator? You should watch it, it’s pretty cool.

  • jetboyjetgirl-av says:

    Not interested. I mean, in terms of sheer body mass, can Amber Midthunder pack on the pounds like Weathers or Jesse “The Body” Ventura?

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    The original Aliens vs Predator comics featuring Machiko I think would be interesting to adapt, not sure why that has never been done 

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