R.I.P. Logan Roy

CEO, founder, and chairman of Waystar Royco has died

Aux News Logan Roy

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  • ghboyette-av says:

    Fucking hacks.

  • cranchy-av says:

    You god damn assholes.

  • Bazzd-av says:

    Article on top: *hints at spoiler* “Don’t read this article until you watch the episode!”Article right below it: “RIP Logan Roy.”Usually I have no strong opinions about the risk of spoilers, but hoo boy, this is just disingenuous in how douchey it’s being.

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    Oh, damn! Was celebrating Easter with family last night, so was going to watch the new episode tonight. 

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    OK, now they’re legit trolling.I kinda feel sorry for anyone who’s visiting this site before watching the latest episode, but hey, I guess this’ll be a lesson well learned.

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      Yeah, I guess so. Its a bit of a paradox, though. If I knew there was a reason to avoid coming here, I wouldn’t have come here. But in order to know there was something to avoid, I’d have to know…ya know?

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        Which means the lesson is: if you’re an episode behind on any buzzy prestige TV series, don’t come here; the AV Club obviously cares more about clicks from people who are caught up than about spoilering major twists for even 24 hours.Which, hey, it’s their decision to make.

        • chris-finch-av says:

          Now, does “an episode behind” start the moment the new episode (number 3, in this case) airs, or once another (number 4) past the one you’ve missed has aired? I’d say until 4 airs you’re in “haven’t seen this week’s yet” territory 

          • jodyjm13-av says:

            To me, if there’s an episode that’s aired but that you haven’t seen, you’re an episode behind. By your definitions, swap “you haven’t seen this week’s yet” for “you’re an episode behind” in my earlier comment.

      • chris-finch-av says:

        All this site gives me is reasons to avoid it. Yet here I fuckin am…

    • chillsteroni-av says:

      It was spoiled by this site for me earlier today. Spoiler me in the article, shame on me. Spoiler me with the headline, shame on you. 

      • suisai13-av says:

        This. Its just a dick move. If I’m two days behind on any given show, I have to go through my newsfeed with my eyes crossed to blur out the thumbnail and headline. 

    • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

      OK, now they’re legit trollingI can’t think of any other explanation. Just straight up going for rage clicks—I mean, engagement.

    • adbenj-av says:

      Aggregators. Aggregators are a thing.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      They also stole the bit from Vulture:(https://www.vulture.com/article/logan-roy-succession-obituary-waystar-royco.html)So they’re hacks in addition to trolls.

    • commk-av says:

      “Hey, I bet if we make a video that’s less than two minutes long the sole purpose of which is to spoil the biggest event on TV’s buzziest show the day after it aired, we can get a whole bunch of people to click on just to tell us to go fuck ourselves!”

      Well, congratulations, you bastards, you pulled it off. It’s a trick that only works a handful of times, though.

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      Was the Los Angeles Times also trolling?

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        Eh, that looks more like just plain disregard for people who couldn’t watch the episode as it first aired, rather than the culmination of progressively more spoilery headlines.

      • rockinray-av says:

        They are just being dicks in this case.  And probably had a bunch of hate clicks too.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        Yeah, kinda. And they’ve gotten a lot of flak for publishing their “obituary” literally minutes after the episode aired.

  • tsgarp-av says:

    Can’t believe you actually put that on the first page.

  • frenchtoast24-av says:

    Fuck you AVClub

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      Fuck you AVClub!If you’re dumb enough to miss an episode of Succession this weekend, you’re a big enough schmuck to come to Big Bill Hell’s AVClub!Advertisements! Posts that spoil the plot! Slideshows! If you think you’re going to find an insightful article at the AVClub, you can kiss my ass!It’s our belief that you’re such a stupid motherfucker you’ll fall for this bullshit—guaranteed!If you find a better pop culture news site, shove it up your ugly ass! You heard us right! Shove it up your ugly ass! Bring your comments! Bring your clicks! Bring your wife! We’ll fuck her! That’s right! We’ll fuck your wife! Because at the AVClub you’re fucked six ways from Sunday!Take a hike—to the AVClub! Home of Challenge Pissing! That’s right! Challenge Pissing! How does it work? If you can piss all over your keyboard and write a worse episode recap you get no advertisements thinly disguised as news articles!Don’t wait! Don’t delay! Don’t fuck with us! Or we’ll rip your nuts off! Only at the AVClub! The only site that tells you to fuck off!Hurry up, asshole! This event ends the minute after you click on a post! And it better bring us ad revenue or you’re a dead motherfucker! Go to hell—Big Bill Hell’s AVClub! The web’s filthiest and exclusive home of the laziest sons-of-bitches owned by G/O Media—guaranteed!

      • frenchtoast24-av says:

        Ya know, I was wondering what a company’s tagline would be if they were to *actively* drive users away from their product as part of their business model.  Now I know!

      • tvcr-av says:

        I would also like to add videos that autoplay, so that when you’re scrolling down to see everyone angry about spoiling Succession, you get sent to some Tori Spelling video before you’re done reading the comments.

      • lilnapoleon24-av says:

        I love that video, excellent reference

  • hayley23-av says:

    It’s like you guys actively want to alienate your readers. 

  • weallknowthisisnothing-av says:

    I mean every single piece of writing or podcast episode that came out in the past day basically made it clear what happened from the titles alone.. 

  • slak96u-av says:

    Click bait bullshit. In the age of streaming one would think AV would be more cognizant of people who watch a series at their own pace. 

  • logicalnoise-av says:

    Thanks now I’ll never watch the show, great job you dumb fucking bitches.

    • milligna000-av says:

      Nah. Don’t be silly. It’s quality stuff and you’ll get a lot out of it. It’s not about surprising twists.

    • mid-boss-av says:

      I mean, it’s a dick move to put this on the front page, but if having this one thing spoiled were to ruin the whole show it wouldn’t be worth watching in the first place.

    • ragsb-av says:

      Yeah I mean tbh this shouldn’t really impact your enjoyment of the show a bit

  • davmfoster-av says:

    Final nail in the coffin for this website sadly. I was still coming around, mostly out of habit, mostly for the comments. But now this shit burns me up. And I watched the episode last night so the spoiler didn’t affect me. Never I have I seen such contempt for the readers. 

    • egerz-av says:

      Same. I went out of my way to watch the episode late last night after a very busy day, because I wanted to see what would happen at Connor’s wedding. But if I had decided to get some rest and watch it tonight? I would have stumbled across clickbait bullshit like this. Not cool. And the old AV Club would go out of its way to avoid spoiling stuff like this until a good amount of time had passed.

  • optramark15-av says:

    I’ve never seen the show, I don’t plan to see the show, I don’t especially have an interest in the whole kerfuffle you’ve created here, is my point. (Congrats on all the clicks, though, rage clicks count just as much as love clicks.) But good gosh, this is just so, so stupid.

    • viktor-withak-av says:

      Yeah I don’t watch Succession but I was legit shocked to see this. Cannot imagine how mad I’d be

  • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

    FUCK YOU FOR THIS. DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL. Seriously, I’m out for a while. You guys suck. It used to be good here. But this just broke my brain. To spoil something like this, the day after the episode aired, and episode that aired on a holiday, so a lot of people are likely behind. Just fuck y’all. 

    • thesarahthe-av says:

      I’ve been coming to this site for…15 years, maybe? Maybe even longer. I’m done. This was the last straw. I guess they’re going for rage clicks. Cool. Best of luck with that. I hope it’s worth all the people that leave. 

  • docwholigan-av says:


  • bloodandchocolate-av says:

    Honestly, I’m done with this site. Shame to see how it’s evolved over the last decade.

  • asmorrell-av says:

    i don’t even watch the show, and this pisses me off. just alienating.

  • kylesee-av says:

    I am never visiting your site again. I’ve been camping all weekend and was looking forward to watching this with my partner over a nice meal after roughing it for 4 nights. Whats awful is I have been online and browsing the Internet my entire trip back. I literally just,checked Av club 10 mins out from my place and the first thing I see is RIP Logan Roy.Its all gd, ill still watch the show and have a nice night, but I will never return to your website.

  • abnz38-av says:

    FFS can you NOT put such a goddamn spoiler in the bloody TITLE. Dickheads.

  • sometimes-why-av says:

    As long as we’re shitting on the site, does anybody else think that the recent changes to the front-page layout have severely undercut what little usability it was holding on to?

  • ddreiberg-av says:

    what the fuck is wrong with you people

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    Fuck this basic bitch-ass website

  • loremipsumd-av says:

    It’s okay. With Barsanti as our moral compass and Hero Wars money in our pocketbook; top-shelf insight and witty journalism will prevail.

  • patrick-is-occasionall-on-point-av says:

    Oh my god, fuck you.Fuck you.God damn it.It’s been less than 24 fucking hours. You assholes knew EXACTLY what you were doing.Fuck you. The headline?? Fucking really?You people are a parody of a pop culture site. Fuck you.

  • literallywhatisaidwasyeahsure-av says:

    lol what a piece of shit website.  i don’t even watch this show, but fuck this place.  this must be some kind of Producers-esque scheme to get people to hate their site.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    Hahaha, fucking hell, way to shoot yourself in the head. This is just sad and embarrassing now.

  • galdarn-av says:

    Delete this fucking video your festering anal wounds. FUCK YOU.Less than 24 hours after the show airs?Seriously, FUCK YOU.

  • bifferson-av says:

    I hope you pay attention to your comments section, at least a little bit, because the amount of anger you are generating with this is justified and should hopefully result in actual consequences for the traffic here, which is probably the only metric that is a bottom line. I do not watch the show, and had been avoiding spoilers, but even then I had a pretty good idea what had happened, but for an entertainment journalism outlet to front-page headline a video as if it was a real person who had died is pretty pathetic and insulting. Theres plenty of reasons why people are unable to be up to date with every tv show and movie, and to disrespect all of the people who come here like that, the day after the show aired, is pretty discouraging. I have been coming here as long as this site has been around, but you guys have really disappointed me and I believe a front page apology is the only way I might continue to come here. 

  • sleepyslothz-av says:

    I will never go to this site again. Fuck you for spoiling the show, you asshats. You’re no better than 4chan grifters

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Man, fuck you if you’re a day late in watching an episode of TV, I guess.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      ‘Member when if you didn’t watch a show you had to wait until summer?
      I’m old.

    • mid-boss-av says:

      This is especially egregious, but if you’re really concerned about spoilers for a popular show you’re going to just want to avoid any kind of social media or pop culture site anyway until you have a chance to watch.

  • allisonkj-av says:

    Fuck you for this headline, you absolute hack.

  • ajpt-av says:

    You absolute cunts. All of you.. Fuck this cunting site. Bad enough you have to swallow their continuous biased judgement on anything they dain to, but this, just fucking your reader’s over who may have busy lives and can’t be up-to-date to the episode like they a.re Absolute cunts

  • ajpt-av says:

    You absolute cunts. All of you.. Fuck this cunting site. Bad enough you have to swallow their continuous biased judgement on anything they dain to, but this, just fucking your reader’s over who may have busy lives and can’t be up-to-date to the episode like they are. Absolute cunts

  • ajpt-av says:

    You absolute cunts. All of you.. Fuck this cunting site. Bad enough you have to swallow their continuous biased judgement on anything they dain to, but this, just fucking your reader’s over who may have busy lives and can’t be up-to-date to the episode like they are ate. Absolute cunts

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I’m one of the lucky ones, but this is… this is pretty low.

  • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

    Wow. I don’t even watch this show, and I’m still pissed off at this headline.

  • bignosewhoknows-av says:

    I know it’s not an airport and there’s no need to announce my departure, but I want to do it anyway. Maybe I’ll come back here if I want to find a review for a specific title, but the AV Club has been one of my bookmarked sites for like a decade now, but I don’t want it there anymore. I can’t give time, support, or energy to a site that blatantly spoils what might be THE episode of 2023 after what, a day?
    It’s bad, and also the 74-second-long video wasn’t even very funny or creative to boot.

  • elsaborasiatico-av says:

    Damn. I don’t watch the show and don’t care about spoilers in general, but this is a blatant “fuck you” to readers of this site, and it’s sad to see. I’ve kept coming here out of habit even as it’s slid into total irrelevance, and this latest bullshit just makes me realize what a waste of time this place is. The only worthwhile thing the site has had to offer for years now has been the remnants of the commenting community, and even that’s pretty much dead these days. Anyway, after two decades as an AVC reader I guess I’m finally out for good. 

  • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

    Oh you absolute bastards. I’m not one to get annoyed by spoilers, but this is a particularly shitty one. I haven’t had a chance to see the latest episode yet, but I didn’t know I had to completely ban myself from all AVClub content until I did. Jeez. Lesson learned.

  • tuggyblumpkins-av says:

    I’ve been reading this site since I think senior year in high school? I’m 39 now. This was even my homepage at one point. The quality of the content (and writing) has obviously nosedived over the last few (several) years, but I stuck around mostly out of habit and maybe nostalgia. But this – this is the biggest possible fuck you to your readers. I have to imagine this was a planned sabotage by an unhappy writer looking to put the final nail in the coffin of the AVClub’s reputation, because spoiling one of the best shows in broadcast history for clicks is absolutely beyond the fucking pale. Lesson learned, I will never visit the AVClub again.

    • ragsb-av says:

      Took the words out of my mouth, except that I should have known to leave during the infamous “LA” blacklisting when they chased off their few remaining quality writers for no reason

  • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:

    I honestly can’t believe this piece is still up. Not a follower of Succession, but this basically just throws away the fundamental contract between a media consumer and this sorta site. Why would they not have deleted it already?

  • icehippo73-av says:

    Thank you AV Club…I now know not to come to this website unless I am completely up to date on every show. You’re gonna lose a lot of clicks from me. 

  • thelincolncut-av says:

    Already saw the episode but this is such a piece of shit move. Fuck this site.

  • rockinray-av says:

    There’s been a lot of bad crap this new version of AVClub has become, but this has gotta rank up there with the worst shit you’ve posted.  I don’t even watch Succession and I’m appalled at the lack of self-awareness and respect for your readers.  Shame on you.

  • mosquitocontrol-av says:

    Everyone here is right. You used to have a grace period, acknowledging that people are busy and may get a day or two behind, especially on a holiday weekend.You fucking morons didn’t even give them that. It’s partially on you, Peter Scobel, whomever you are, but it’s more on the fucking idiot editors here.
    Have some fucking respect for your audience. You used to be better than this. I know “everyone is doing it,” but do you want to be everyone, or do you want to be good?Dumb motherfuckers.

  • methpanther-av says:

    You suck. In the words of Logan Roy, “FUCK OFF!”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    People who don’t even watch the show are pissed off. Transcendent.

  • ajpt-av says:

    Didn’t like the first post?Let’s try this oneYou are a cunt

  • detective-gino-felino-av says:

    Mr. Scobel,

    Do you care to enlighten us on why you’d post something like this, you fucking hack? It’s obvious, but we’d like you to admit that you and this once excellent site have become reliant on cheap clickbait tactics.

    Kindly go fuck yourself.

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    As long as we’re posting completely obvious spoilers in order to generate rageclicks: management has driven this site into the ground harder than anything I’ve ever seen – save possibly Twitter – and stuff like this is why.

    One functioning brain cell would have told everyone in the “office” not to do this.  One.  Seems like a low bar, but you guys ran directly into it.

  • razzle-bazzle-av says:

    This is ridiculous, but it’s not unique to AV Club. Just out of curiosity, I googled Succession after the episode finished. The results produced multiple headlines from major websites with spoilers in the titles. That was the same night! It’s obnoxious.

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      Yep, it’s everywhere. Colbert had Brian Cox on last night and the first thing out of the actor’s mouth was about his character’s death. Then Colbert showed a screenshot of the Los Angeles Times’ fake obituary for his character. This ain’t an AV Club thing, folks.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    I remember 5-10 years ago my schedule and habits necessitated watching most shows a day late. As an avid AVClub reader I *never* worried about spoiling a show via your headlines; your writers and editors were savvy and skilled enough to write headlines that didn’t remotely spoil big twists or events. Yesterday morning (not 12 hours after the show aired) I was thanking my lucky stars I’d watched the show before perusing your site. Twelve hours is nothing. This is ignorant of those who watch tv at a slightly slower pace, and willfully antagonistic towards your readers.This isn’t even a failure to obscure a spoiler; this is fucking trolling. For the past few years I’ve tried to keep *some* compassion for the staff and writers here, understanding structural and managerial changes eroding the site’s quality are out of your control. At this point, everyone is complicit: you are not journalists or writers; you’re shitposting trolls, worse even than TMZ when you consider TMZ makes some overture towards reporting and fact checking. You all suck. Dumb assholes.

    • bewareofbob-av says:

      No mercy for the gutless cowards who stayed even through the forced LA relocation.Sam Barsanti used to be an unfortunate blight on an otherwise pretty solid lineup of writers. Unfortunately, he barely stands out nowadays amongst the current crop.

  • aeryfsdgv-av says:


  • shilliam-av says:

    I’ve consistently visited this site every day for many years. Never actually commented before, but this can be my first and last. Like many others, I’m officially done here now. If this is the cost of just visiting the site, the risk, then it’s reeeally just not worth it. Lesson learned.

    There’s a way to write about and publish what you need to cover while still respecting your readers, whether they’ve had time to watch the latest episode or not – and this ain’t it.

    Hope whoever ok’d this understands the weight of their mistake. If there’s anyone else on staff who was powerless but knew this was wrong and hates it as much as the commenters and all the other silent readers, then I feel for you too.

  • ragsb-av says:

    This was really effing stupid. I’m done with this site. You’re not AV Club. You disrespect its memory by wearing its face but you’re nothing like it was.

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