Radiohead is getting in on the weekly streaming series action

Aux Features Music
Radiohead is getting in on the weekly streaming series action
Photo: Marilla Sicilia/Archivio Marilla Sicilia/Mondadori Portfolio

Now that computers have finally become—as the members of Radiohead once prophesied—not just merely OK, but actually pretty damn near indispensable for modern living, we’re happy to see the band itself adjusting with the digital times. Specifically, Thom Yorke et al. have just announced that they’re getting in on this whole “celebrities streaming their own content on the regular” thing as a way to kill time during our collective quarantines. Per Rolling Stone, the band has announced a plan to begin releasing weekly bursts of content, each containing footage from one of their numerous shows across the decades, kicking off with a performance from just after the release of Kid A in Dublin back in 2000.

Per a statement from the band, they’ll be releasing new shows every week “Until either the restrictions resulting from current situation are eased, or we run out of shows. Which will be first? No-one knows.” The shows are being uploaded to YouTube courtesy of the Radiohead Public Library, the band’s own archive of its history, releases, songs, etc. All in all, the perfect recipe for mixing some self-alienating in with all the self-isolating we were all already doing.

The first video uploads tomorrow evening.


  • inhuvelyn--av says:

    The Beatles of the 90s/2000s. And just like The Beatles, people show up online to profess their hate for them without giving much of a concrete reason. Borrowed too much. Experimented with bloops and bleeps and timing too much. Pretentious. Whiny. Truth is, they get song composition and they’re pretty great. It’s rich to be a Radiohead fan. That said, all experience of music is very subjective and circumstantial. Lives are soundtracked very differently.  

    • sparky-polastry22-av says:

      Tool, as well IMO.  And sadly, most professing their hate probably haven’t even listened to a single song in its entirety.  

      • soveryboreddd-av says:

        A shame alot of people only know them from Creep the only one of their songs they play on the radio on a normal basis. The best band from the last 30 years.

    • shredpins-av says:

      Yeah, I’ve been saying this for years. The way that they’ve changed music time and time again puts them in a class above their peers. 

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Hey I was at that Dublin gig! , which ironically isn’t actually in Dublin at all but in a neighbouring county , Kildare. The show was great, although I remember getting back on the road afterwards taking hours . Also a guy in the parking lot sold me a ‘dont be a dick’ sticker , a coda which I’ve tried to live by ever since .ahh memories!

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