Remember what it was like to enjoy things with people with some vintage Avengers: Endgame audience reactions

Aux Features avengers endgame
Remember what it was like to enjoy things with people with some vintage Avengers: Endgame audience reactions
Photo: Disney

As these past few weeks have painfully reminded so many of us, the need for positive social interactions is ingrained in pretty much every human. While millions are currently making due with digital workarounds like Skype, FaceTime, and Zoom karaoke sessions, it’s very clear those still pale in comparison to good old fashioned, in-person hangouts.

See, as someone recently pointed out on Twitter, there was once a time where people congregated (in person, no less!) to enjoy things together. Check out these cellphone videos of people in a crowded movie theater flipping their shit during the climax of Avengers: Endgame, and try not to wistfully sigh at others’ reactions to the simple, quaint entertainments of yore.

Well, would you look at that: People enjoying themselves en masse! In a public setting! Man, weren’t those the days? You can also relive the whole montage of genuine human emotion below:

Oh, how we yearn for the bygone era when all we had to worry about was a demented game show host-turned-President picking over the carcass of our national healthcare system, and not a demented game show host-turned-President picking over the carcass of our national healthcare system during a deadly pandemic.

Avengers assemble?

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  • hael-av says:

    Ah, yes, tweets from two weeks ago, repackaged as something new. Great job, A.V. Club.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    I remember life before the snap. It wasn’t so great either. 

  • blakelivesmatter-av says:

    I’ve been watching these clips a lot…hope we can have moments like these again someday.  I sort of doubt that anything will ever match the build-up/execution of Endgame though, even if we ever sit next to one another again.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Am I the only one who finds some of these overblown reactions (“WHOOOOOOO! YEAH BAY! NO WAY!”) annoying, and If anything, they ruin the movie?

    • nilus-av says:

      I like a theater reacting to a movie but sometimes only to an extent.  I want to still actually hear the movie

    • brickstarter-av says:

      I saw it in a pretty packed theater (and the sort where alcohol is served) and I’m now pretty thankful my audience wasn’t anything like the one in those tweets.

    • ronniebarzel-av says:

      I’d agree with you if it were just a normal movie during a normal time, but this was the culmination of a 10-year film series during, if not opening night, at least the first day or two. 

      • suisai13-av says:

        Reserving that last, open seat for opening night I was 100% prepared for an epic celebration, and I did. I screamed – we all celebrated. But the YouTubers’ reaction vids always seem a little forced.

    • fcz2-av says:

      Personally, depends on the movie. On opening night of a popcorn movie, I like those big crowd reactions. It is fun, communal, and I don’t feel like I missed something because of the cheers. It is like getting upset at a sporting event when your team scores and people stand up in front of you to cheer.The tweeny girl near me and her near constant, low-yet-audible “oh my god!”, on the other hand, was annoying.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        The tweeny girl near me and her near constant, low-yet-audible “oh my god!”, on the other hand, was annoying.Yeah, that is what annoys me. I can’t stand it when I’m in a movie theater and someone near me is loudly whispering everything that happens on screen. I didn’t pay to hear the guy a row behind me narrate the movie.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      About 80% of the noise is from that one guy yelling “wooohooohooo!”.  It all seems a little much.

    • icehippo73-av says:

      For a movie like this? It’s one of the last great reasons to go to the movies. 

    • bellybuttonlintconnoisseur-av says:

      Scorsese was right. These are theme park rides, not cinema.

    • hep038-av says:

      Yu are not the only one. Actually these clips remind me why I stay away from the theater. Too many people want to make the movie about them and want people to know how much they like it. 

    • perfectengine-av says:

      Do we really need to have this discussion again? Some people like it, some don’t. Just like all things.And no, you are never, ever, ever the only one. Ever.

    • millstacular-av says:

      If you’re there opening night in a sold out theater then it is fine. You know what you’re getting into, and you’re there with the people who are most passionate about it.If it is a Tuesday afternoon or the second weekend or something, though, then anyone who reacted like this would need to cool it.

    • elcubanator-av says:

      The rest of the theater is fine it’s just that one guy (presumably he’s the one recording which is why he’s so much louder than everything else.) that gets on my nerves.

  • marginalhack1-av says:

    oh god thats cringe.

  • thecapn3000-av says:

    Meh, still sucked

  • 3rdtimenowkinja-av says:

    currently making due It’s “making do”, dumbass.

  • urbanpreppie05-av says:

    My theater opening night wasn’t quite this raucous (thank goodness) but there’s something to be said about going to a late evening-opening night showing of a movie with a bunch of people who are all into it too. Sadly, I think those days are gone now.

  • dethkult-av says:

    Too bad I didn’t get this on my viewing :(There’s still cheers during portals though so I’ll take it 🙂

  • laserface1242-av says:

    As an aside, I still think Thanos would have worked better as an antagonist if they had made him less sympathetic and more like his comic counterpart where he was basically an incel.

  • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

    Yeah, let’s report on a 15 day old tweet, even though Gizmodo did it weeks ago!

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    My partner and I have been rewatching the MCU movies during quarantine. (Actually, we started a series rewatch last year, took a break, and have now had the perfect reason to resume.) The other night we watched ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’, and I distinctly remembered the audience reaction to the post-credit sequence where Hank, Hope and Janet get dusted. It was less jubilant than these, but quite intense.

    • zukka924-av says:

      Also, HIGHLY underrated movie. I feel like no one really talks about Ant Man & the Wasp because it’s right between the sluggers of IW and Endgame, but that is a really enjoyable movie! Very good tone, I love the Wasp’s theme, great palette cleanser and small stakes fun after IW, Michael Douglas/Paul Rudd play off each other well, overall very fun.

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